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Tanaka Jade

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Anhui Warlords in the Republic of China
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Tian Zhongyu (1869-1935), named Yunshan, was born in Linyu, Zhili (today's Hebei Province Qinhuangdao City Shanhaiguan District) Xiaogaolian Village. Graduated from the artillery department of Beiyang Military Academy of Shanguan Customs in the Republic of China Anhui warlord
After graduation Beiyang Army The first leader of the first town artillery team, the chief of Yanzhou Town. clear Guangxu reign period Twenty three years (1907) Xu Shichang Go to the Northeast and serve as the three provinces in the Northeast Dulian Commune General Counsellor. After the founding of the Republic of China, acting as the Minister of Civil Affairs of Shandong. Since 1913, he has successively served as the general of Caozhou Town and Yanzhou provincial garrison commander , division commander of the Fifth Army Division. In 1915, he served as the vice minister of the army and supported Yuan Shikai's Restoration The following year chahar Dutong. In 1919, he served as the commander and governor of Shandong.
In 1923, the Dragon Boat Festival“ Lincheng carjacking case ”, Tanaka Yu was forced to take the blame and resign. Later, he lived in Tianjin and Dalian.
He died in Dalian in 1935. [1-2]
Chinese name
Tanaka Jade
Tian Yunshan
date of birth
October 1869 [2]
Date of death
November 1935 [2]
University one is graduated from
Beiyang Military Academy
one's native heath
Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province
Anhui system

Character's Life


Enlistment and study

Tanaka Yu joined our private school when she was seven years old. In 1878, she dropped out of school because of her father's illness. Slightly longer, in partnership with others Shanhaiguan Nanhai opens small restaurants.
In 1884, the Qing Dynasty military force trained and commanded by Li Hongzhang general Ye Zhichao Commanding the regular military training, garrisoning in Shanhaiguan, Nanhai, and setting up a camp Military Academy , recruit new students. Tian was admitted to the exam and abandoned the business to join the army. He and the important generals of the Beiyang system Wang Yongbin Lu Yongxiang Bao Guiqing Etc. Next year, transfer in Tianjin Beiyang Military Academy He studied hard in artillery and got excellent results.

The rout of North Korea

In 1887, after graduating from the Military Academy, Tanaka Yu continued to serve under the commander Ye Zhichao. In 1894, at the request of the King of Korea, the Qing government sent Nie Shicheng He and Ye Zhichao led the army into Korea Yashan Regional repression Donghak Peasant Revolution Tian Zhongyu, Bao Guiqing and others went to Korea with Ye. In late July of the same year, Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895 When it broke out, Tian followed Ye Zhichao to fight against Japan in Yashan. Ye Weidi fled at the moment and detoured to Pyongyang. In September, when the Japanese army invaded Pyongyang, Ye fled across the Yalu River in disorder, abandoning all his food, weapons and military funds. Ye was dismissed and sent to prison, and Tian and others were also dismissed never to be employed again Punishment.

Re enable

In December 1895, high Qing official I was ordered to Tianjin small railway station Choreography Western-style army at the end of Qing dynasty , Tanaka Yufu was appointed New Army He was the leader of the right wing fast artillery battalion and soon became the battalion officer of the new army right wing artillery battalion.
In early 1899, Ronglu The left, right, front, rear and middle armies of the military guards who formed the imperial division of Gongwei, Tian Chong was the headquarters of Yuan Shikai Armed Guard Right Army Artillery commander.
At the beginning of 1902, Yuan compiled and practiced in Baoding with the old headquarters of the station as the backbone Beiyang Standing Army Tian is the first bid of the first town artillery team of the Beiyang Standing Army command , supplementary Participating generals
In 1904, Cen Chunxuan Compile and train the new army in Guangdong, featuring Tanaka Yuwei commander of a brigade
In 1907, Tian Sui was newly appointed Governor of the three northeastern provinces Xu Shichang Exit the customs and serve as the Military Training Division of the Supervision Department Dulian Commune General Counsellor, also served as the first supervisor of the newly established Three Provinces Martial Arts Hall. In 1910, Cheng Dequan He served as the governor of Jiangsu and transferred Tanaka Yu to be the commander of the 23rd Mixed Association of Jiangsu New Army.

Support Yuan Shikai

On October 10, 1911, wuchang uprising Successful, all provinces in China became independent one after another. Tian hated the revolution, opposed independence, and served the Qing government, but was unable to do so. So he abandoned his post in the winter and moved north. Yuan Shikai appointed Tian as Yanzhou, Shandong provincial garrison commander
In the first year of the Republic of China, Tian Zhongyu once acted as the chief civil affairs officer of Shandong. In the meantime, I was ordered to buy new guns in Japan. After returning to China, no one could use the guns he bought. Tian tried the guns himself and all succeeded. From then on, he became famous and was known as the "Sage of the North Sea Guns".
In July 1913, Tian Zhongyu concurrently served as the general of Caozhou Town. Less than a month later Shi Congbin Ren Yanzhou garrison envoy. In April 1915, Tian went to Beijing to take over the post of Under Secretary of the Army. When Yuan Shikai was plotting to become emperor, he actively supported him and was awarded the title of First Class Baron by Yuan Shikai.
In June 1916, Yuan died in the anti imperialist struggle of the people of the whole country, and the Northern Warlords split into three factions, namely Zhi, Wan and Feng. Tian took over Zhang Huaizhi Served as the governor of Chahar Special Administrative Region Anhui system

Shandong Governor

In April 1917, Tian Zhongyu attended Duan Qirui Convene the governor corps. In July, Zhang Xun's restoration failed, Ji Du Meng Enyuan Suspected of restoration and removed by Beijing government, Tian is proposed to be appointed as successor; but Zhang Zuolin Don't allow others to touch Jilin, and regard Tanaka Yu as an obstacle to dominate the three eastern provinces. Jilin has also witnessed frequent demonstrations to detain Meng Enyuan and prevent Tian from taking office. Under such circumstances, Tian met Duan Qirui from Zhangjiakou to Beijing on October 10, indicating that he was unwilling to get involved in the chaos in Jilin, and he was allowed to return to Chahar Dutong.
In November 1919, it was supported by the Zhifeng and Fengfeng factions, Jin Yunpeng Officially formed a cabinet and concurrently served as the army chief, Tian Zhongyu was recommended to take over as the governor of Shandong. On New Year's Day in 1920, Tian was decorated by the Beijing government. In July of the same year, the Zhiwan War broke out, and Tanaka Yu ostensibly braked, mobilized the army, expressed full support for the Anhui Clique, took the lead at both ends, and watched the failure of the Anhui Clique. After the war, Tian Paihu hired Sanhe Zheng Shiqi Stop at Yucheng maleonn , you are not allowed to return to Jinan. Later, the Beijing government dismissed Ma Liang, the army was dismissed, and the governor Dioptre He was also impeached and removed from office by the provincial council, thus lifting the threat of "Anfu Department" to Tian.
After the direct control of the Beijing regime, warlord head of the Zhili military faction He also wanted to win Shandong, and had already drawn up the candidates for the governor and the governor. Later, due to changes, he had to stay in office as Tanzhongyu, and Tian fell to the direct line. In August 1920, Jin Yunpeng formed a cabinet again to protect Tian Zhongyu in many ways, which led Tian Neng to expel the governor Qi Yaoshan , monopolizing the military and political power of Shandong.


In September 1921, when the third provincial council was elected in Shandong Province, Tian Zhongyu manipulated the parliamentary election and divided the members, even sent the military and police to encircle the parliament, kidnap the members, arrest the voters, and designate the electoral personnel list, which triggered a storm of strikes by voters in Qingdao, Yanzhou and other places. Tian Youyan sealed the news and sealed the newspaper office. Tanaka Yu's perversion aroused public indignation from all walks of life in Shandong. But because Cao Kun With the support of others, Tanaka Yu was still in Shandong. Since then, Tian's perversion has increased. He not only planted trusted people everywhere, but also sold his official positions and titles openly. At that time, newspapers in Beijing and Shanghai had repeatedly disclosed Tian's bad deeds.
Under Tanaka Yu's rule, the Shandong authorities left the bandits at their mercy and withheld the guerrilla funds they had already budgeted. Therefore, all the military brigades did nothing to suppress the bandits. The people in Shandong were suffering from banditry and had to unite to protect themselves. Tian took the opportunity to sell the old guns returned by the army to the villagers at a high price, and gained hundreds of thousands of yuan, all of which made him fat.

Dismissal due to Lincheng carjacking

On May 6, 1923, the bandit leader Sun Meiyao hijacked hundreds of Chinese and foreign passengers between Lincheng (today's Xuecheng) and Shagou stations at the junction of Jiangsu and Shandong, threatening the government to offer security and rewards.
As foreigners were among the tourists, the Beijing government ordered that the Shandong governor Tian Zhongyu and the provincial governor Xiong Bingqi At the same time, the full responsibility for dealing with the incident was assigned to Tian, who went to Zaozhuang to negotiate with the bandit leader. First, he reached an agreement on communication between the robbed and their families, and then he reached an agreement on release.
When all the Chinese and foreign tourists were released, the foreign diplomatic missions in China sent two ultimatums to China to blackmail the Beijing government, including a provision to punish Tanaka Yu. On October 5, 1923, the diplomatic mission threatened the Beijing government again to punish Tian. Cao Kun was forced to dismiss Tian Zhongyu as the military commander on October 15, 1923, and only granted the false title of General Yiwei. Tian then lived in seclusion in Dalian.

Dwell in Dalian

Tanaka Jade lived in Dalian since she was a hermit and seldom appeared in public. She also traveled between Tianjin and Dalian. As early as he started his career in politics, he invested in the establishment of industries, and later jointly established industrial and commercial enterprises and financial institutions with other important people of the Beiyang Department.
After leaving the political arena, Tian Geng personally intervened in his industry. He also purchased a large amount of real estate in Shanhaiguan, built a "filial piety temple for aunt's day" for his widowed grandmother and mother, and donated eight schools in Shanhaiguan, such as Hebei Tianshi Private Middle School, Tianshi Private Middle School Women's Department, Tianshi Preparatory School, and private Tianshi Junior Primary School.

The character died

In November 1935, Tanaka Yu died of illness in Dalian. [2]

Anecdotes of characters


Lincheng carjacking case

At 5 p.m. on May 5, 1923, a special express train Pukou Drive to Beijing. This was the only all steel train in the Far East at that time. It was painted blue, so it was called the blue steel train. It was purchased from the United States just a few months ago. There are more than 350 passengers on the train, who are divided into three classes of carriages. The first-class and second-class cars are full of westerners Qi Xieyuan Jin Yunpeng Representatives of provincial supervisors and governors who wish birthday.
At 2:00 on May 6, the train arrived at the junction of Sulu and Shandong Weishan Lake The speed was slowed down in Lincheng and Shagou. Because some screws on the railway track were lifted, three carriages of the mail car and second-class car derailed, and the driver suddenly braked. At this time, the Green Forest Army ambushed on both sides of the railway Sun Meiyao Led by the leader, they swarmed and captured more than 100 Chinese and foreign tourists. Among them, there are 39 foreign tourists, 17 of whom are Americans, the rest are British, French, Italian, Mexican, and one Romanian. Some of them were traveling around the world, while others were doing business in China. After being captured, they traveled eastward into the mountains. At the first 15 minutes, they were in a hurry. Later, they stayed in the mountains for the first night, and were taken to Baodu Gushan Deep in the mountains. This is what shocked China and foreign countries Lincheng carjacking case
The Lincheng carjacking case caused a sensation at home and abroad. On the 7th, envoys from Britain, the United States, France, Italy, Belgium and Japan held a meeting at the Portuguese Embassy and proposed to the Beiyang Government:
1. Complete rescue of the abducted foreigners within a time limit;
2. Aliens who died should receive preferential pension;
3. Punish the local civil and military officials who caused the accident;
4. To ensure the safety of life and property of foreigners in China.
Consuls from all countries rushed to Zaozhuang to discuss rescue methods. Deputy Military Affairs Office of Shandong Zheng Shiqi The negotiator Feng Guoxun was ordered to move to Zaozhuang so as to contact nearby. Shandong Governor Tian Zhongyu and Jiangsu Governor Qi Xieyuan Agree to send Xuzhou garrison envoy Chen Diaoyuan , negotiator Wen Shizhen Go to help. warlord head of the Zhili military faction Representatives were also sent. The Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce and the national provincial associations in Shanghai organized an ambulance team and rushed to Shandong with a large number of clothes, ornaments and materials. Teng and Feng County Magistrates and local gentlemen and organizations also sent representatives to contact. All aspects focused on the communication and negotiation between Zaozhuang and the mountain area. The continuous release of captive tourists in the mountain area has brought conditions for Sun Bu. Zaozhuang also sent representatives to the mountain to negotiate the release of the hostages as soon as possible.
After several mediations, the two sides decided that Zheng Shiqi and Sun Meiyao would negotiate directly in a village in each other's buffer zone. According to the agreement between the two parties, Sun Meiyao's Department was designated by the Shandong Provincial Governor to be concentrated at the Dongguo Erji waiting point of Zaozhuang Station. Sun Bu formed a brigade, which was named "Shandong New First Brigade". Sun Meiyao was the brigade commander, Xie Hongtu was the chief of staff, Sun Guizhi was the quartermaster, Guo Qicai and Sun Meisong were the first and second regiment leaders, and other leaders were battalion leaders. All personnel shall be determined by Sun Bu and appointed by the title proposed by Tanaka Yuzhao.
Although the Lincheng carjacking case ended with the release of all foreigners and the reorganization of Sun Meiyao's Ministry, the imperialist powers did not stop there. They took the opportunity to blackmail the Beijing government, asking the Beijing government to punish the local officials involved in the Lincheng carjacking case, as a prerequisite for congratulating Cao Kun on bribing the president to take office. In order to gain the support and recognition of imperialism, Cao Kun succumbed to imperialism. On October 13, the Beijing government sent a note to the foreign missions regarding the punishment of Shandong Governor Tian Zhongyu. On the same day, the Presidential Palace issued an invitation to the Minister on the 15th to apologize. In order to take care of Tanaka Yu's face, the Beijing government, in the form of approving Tanaka Yu's resignation, removed Tanaka from the post of supervisor of Shandong, dismissed the post of supervisor of Shandong, changed the position of supervisor to supervisor, and sent Zheng Shiqi to take the post. [3]

Establish a middle school

Tian Zhongyu began to invest heavily in his hometown Shanhaiguan in 1919 to prepare for the establishment of "Tian's Private Middle School in Hebei Province". In the autumn of 1921, the school was completed and opened, and Tian Zhongyu served as the school director. The school covers an area of 45000 square meters and a building area of 3500 square meters. It is located at the northwest corner of the Shanhaiguan city wall. The name of the school is the then president twice president of the republican government at Peking Handwriting.
The school has a large scale. The school buildings are grey brick and grey tile buildings and ridge tile buildings. In addition to offices, classrooms and dormitories for teachers and students living on campus, there is also a physical instrument room, three chemical laboratories (containing biological specimens), three ladder classrooms, one library, three reading rooms, and 5000 books. In order to solve the school running expenses, Tian Zhongyu successively purchased more than 14500 mu of school land, received 125 mu of barren mountain afforestation, and used the annual land rent income as the school running expenses. [4]

Former residence of characters

Tianjin Zone of Peace Yingkou Road No. 42 is a Roman three storey brick and wood structure building. It was once the residence of Tian Zhongyu, the governor of Shandong Province, and was built in 1922.
The residence covers an area of 1554.5 square meters, with a total construction area of 1756.16 square meters. In front of the building, there are four two storey Ionic columns, which are magnificent and eye-catching. The large platform in front of the building is equipped with a car runway, and four columns support the roof of the car runway. The upper part is the storage room on the third floor. The machine brick wall body of the building is built with stone to lower alkali. There are three balconies on the second floor, under which there are flower sculptures with clear and soft lines. There is also a platform on the side of the third floor.
The building has 18 rooms in total, including 5 rooms on the first floor, which are the living room, dining room, dance hall, lounge, toilet, etc; There are 6 rooms on the second floor, mostly bedroom, study and living room; There are 7 rooms on the third floor, most of which are living rooms and storage rooms. The roof of the building is a steeple with four slopes and a basement. The interior decoration is very exquisite, including fireplace, dado, double glass with screen, herringbone hardwood floor, and ornate roof decoration.
After Tanaka Yu died in 1935, his children and grandchildren lived in his residence. After liberation, on June 25, 1954, Tianjin Municipal Real Estate Administration purchased the oil purchase and supply station of Tianjin First Commercial Bureau from Sun Tian Jianguo, the leader of Tianzhong Yuzhi, on behalf of Tianjin First Commercial Bureau, and became the business building of the station. In 1968, the station connected the bungalow in the north behind the main building with a total of 7 two-story buildings, covering an area of 187.68 square meters. In 1978, the east bungalow in the hospital was covered, with an area of 75.6 square meters; The west bungalow is expanded to nine three storey buildings with an area of 240 square meters.
Tianzhong Jade Mansion is a well preserved small western-style building in Tianjin. In the mid-1990s, CCTV“ A variety show ”The program is to show that Tianjin is the World Modern Architecture Museum, and the exterior of the building was photographed. [5]