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User preferences

Economic and philosophical terms
User preference is defined as a rational and tendentious choice made by users when considering goods and services. It is the comprehensive result of user cognition, psychological feelings and rational economic trade-offs. The concept of "preference" in daily life is widely used consciously and unconsciously. People often use their preferences to assist in daily decisions, or only use preferences to express preferences and tendentious opinions, without involving actual choices. In more cases, we need to face and deal with more complex preference analysis situations, such as conditional preference, that is, users need to meet certain conditions and preconditions when making preference choices and intentional judgments.
Chinese name
User preferences
Foreign name
User preferences
Rational and tendentious choices made by users when considering goods and services
Economics, philosophy

User preference concept


domain of philosophy

From a philosophical perspective, the earliest description of preference theory can be traced back to ancient Greek Of Aristotle He defined preference as the tendency of the subject when comparing the relationship between two phenomena or states. The complete theory of preference logic system is developed by S Hallden and G H. Wright was founded and developed in the 1950s and 1960s. The preference studied in the field of philosophy is basically based on the full rationality of the cognitive subject, and the research on preference has always been the focus of the field of philosophical research.


Preference is the value theory of modern microeconomics and Consumer Behavior Theory A basic concept in, where preference is expressed as the order of consumption choices that represent propensity. Obviously, preference is both subjective and relative. There are obvious individual differences in preferences, which also show group characteristics. Preference is actually a kind of emotion and tendency hidden in people's hearts. It is not intuitive, and the perceptual factors that cause preference are more than rational factors. However, the classic consumer behavior theory in economics requires that consumers are purely rational, and their preference choices are also rational. Generally, preferences determine the behaviors and choices of individual users under certain circumstances and conditions.

Research on user preferences

The definition and understanding of rationality is a key to the study of user preferences. Different disciplines have different definitions and interpretations of rationality. psychologist Rationality is defined as "the process of cognition" and "the process of rational analysis and judgment", while irrationality is defined as a choice made by emotion and perceptual mechanism; In logic, reason is defined as "the specific thinking and decision-making process of reasoning"; psychiatry Rationality is defined as "the way of thinking when the nervous system and mental state are normal". And in economics The cognition of rationality in Chinese generally includes two levels:
1. Preference has inherent consistency and orderliness;
2. The decision-making process follows the maximization of personal interests;
But many economists have different understandings of rationality. Some think they prefer Internal consistency The combination with the maximization of personal interests is not inevitable and necessary; Some people think that the internal consistency and order of preference itself reflects and includes the maximization of personal interests; Others believe that reason can only be regarded as a specific method of thought that is worth discussing separately when logical elements are emphasized. At the same time, no matter what outstanding achievements and performances of perception, imagination, trial and error, such cognitive and subjective activities are excluded from reason. The inherent consistency and orderliness of preferences actually put forward high requirements for users, which specifically means that users can make a comparison of the pros and cons or tendencies of any two consumption choices (combinations), which in fact potentially requires users to have unlimited cognitive ability and unlimited judgment ability in the consumption field. However, there are so many different fields of consumption that it is difficult for users to meet such high requirements. Therefore, some people think that rationality should be based on "complete information", which is too idealistic. [1]

User preference application

The research based on user preference is not only extensive and in-depth in psychology, behavior and economics, but also in the application of economic activities. Database marketing and precision marketing not only filter and screen users' basic data, but also mine users' behavior data, analyze users' characteristics, and recommend matching products to users according to their characteristics. Business recommendation based on user preferences has been applied for many years in the telecommunications industry and the financial industry. Due to the huge amount of user communication service data, the research on user preferences is in the forefront. Generally, through the use and ordering data of users' long-distance calls, local calls, roaming, SMS, MMS, RBT, mobile phone news and other services, telecom behaviors analyze user preferences, and establish a prediction model accordingly to recommend possible suitable products to users.
The research and application of user preferences in the Internet industry are also deepening. There are three ways for Internet enterprises to capture user behavior: the first is to obtain user behavior and preferences through the COOKIS information on the user's Internet, and there are many such companies; The second is that there is a special client software plug-in to record users' online access behavior, such as parsing the URL accessed by users and word segmentation matching, such as WEBTRENDS; The third is to answer questions directly on the Internet, so that users can understand user behavior by answering questions, and collect user behavior through some fixed actions of users in the network, such as scoring and recommendation, to study user preferences. Such companies are like personalized recommendation website Naomi.