Vitamin H

Water-soluble vitamin
zero Useful+1
synonym Biotin (Biotin) generally refers to vitamin H
Biotin, also known as vitamin H and coenzyme R, is a water-soluble vitamin, also belongs to vitamin B family, B7. It is synthetic vitamin C It is essential for normal metabolism of fat and protein. It is a necessary nutrient to maintain the natural growth and development of human body and normal human function.
Biotin is one of the B vitamins, also known as vitamin H Vitamin B7 Coenzyme R, etc. It was in the 1930s that yeast growth factor and Rhizobium It is a growth and respiratory promoting factor found in the liver that can prevent and treat hair loss and skin damage induced by feeding raw egg protein in rats. Biotin is Water-soluble vitamin Group B members. In liver, kidney, yeast Milk It contains a large amount of Fixed carbon dioxide Important factors. It is easy to combine with a protein in chicken protein. Eating a large amount of raw protein can hinder the absorption of biotin Biotin deficiency , such as hair loss, weight loss dermatitis Etc. Biotin plays an important role in fat synthesis, glycogenesis and other biochemical reaction pathways.
Biotin is the savior of bald people. It can not only prevent hair loss and visible light on the head, but also prevent common teenagers in modern people Hoary hair It also plays an important role in maintaining skin health. As for the effect of stabilizing the nervous system, it has not been confirmed, but it is really helpful for depression and insomnia.
Biotin is a coenzyme of a variety of carboxylase, which plays the role of CO in carboxylase reaction two The role of the carrier.
Chinese name
Vitamin H [3]
Foreign name
Vitamin H
D-Biotin [3]
Vitamin H (D-Biotin)
Biotin [3]
Vitamin B7 [3] open
Biotin [3] Coenzyme R D-biotin [3] D - (+) - Biotin [3] VH
Food source
58-85-5 [3]
200-399-3 [3]
Molecular formula
C ten H sixteen N two O three S [3]
molecular weight
two hundred and forty-four point three zero three two
melting point
Specific rotation
89 º (c=1,0.1N NaOH)
Refractive index
90.5°(C=2,0.1mol/L NaOH)

Character and stability

It is a colorless long needle like crystal with a parallel ring combined with urea and thiophene, and has a valeric acid side chain; Very slightly soluble in water (22mg/100ml water, 25 ℃) and ethanol (80mg/100ml, 25 ℃), more easily soluble in hot water and dilute lye, insoluble in other common organic solvents. It will decompose in case of strong alkali or oxidant.
It can be stable for several days in medium strength acid and neutral solution, but poor in alkaline solution. It is quite stable under normal temperature, but high temperature and oxidant can make it lose its activity.
Oral biotin is rapidly absorbed from the stomach and intestines. 80% of biotin in the blood exists in free form and is distributed in various tissues of the body. It is more in the liver and kidney. After medication, most biotin is discharged from the urine in its original form, and only a small part is metabolized as biotin Sulfur oxide And Shuangjiangbiotin [1]

Performance and use

Molecular formula of vitamin H
1. Enhance the immune response and resistance of the body.
Vitamin H
Biotin can enhance the immune response and infection resistance of the body, stabilize the lysosomal membrane of normal tissues, maintain the humoral and cellular immunity of the body and affect a series of cell factor Secretion of. Large dose can promote thymus hyperplasia, just like the combination of immune enhancer, it can enhance immunity. [1]
2. Maintain normal growth and development.
Biotin deficiency The reproductive function declines, bone growth is poor, and the growth and development of embryos and children are blocked.
For treatment Arteriosclerosis , stroke, lipid metabolism disorder, hypertension, coronary heart disease and blood circulation disorders.
Vitamin H
When used in cosmetics, it can improve the circulation speed of blood in the skin blood vessels, and is easy to mix with the oil in the formula within the concentration range of 0.1%~1.0%. It can be used in skin care cream, sports medicine, foot pain relieving cream, shaving lotion and shampoo.
Vitamin H
In 1936, two German scientists Kogl and Tonnis cooked duck eggs Huangzhong A kind of crystal material, which is necessary for yeast growth, is separated and extracted, and is called "biotin". Biotin widely exists in all kinds of creatures in the nature, and is an indispensable element for human and animals to maintain health, hence its name. Because of its wide distribution in food, almost every kind of food contains a small amount of biotin, and the daily demand of human body is very small, so people generally do not lack this vitamin. [1]


Vitamin H
Physiological function: biotin combines with enzyme to participate in the body carbon dioxide The process of immobilization and carboxylation of pyruvic acid Carboxylation Oxaloacetic acid Acetyl CoA Carboxylation Malonyl CoA It is related to the main biochemical reactions in sugar and fat metabolism. It is also a growth factor of some microorganisms. A very small amount (0.005 microgram) can make the tested bacteria grow. For example, the growth of Streptospora requires very little biotin. The human body needs about 100~300 micrograms per day. There is an anti biotin protein in raw egg white that can combine with biotin, and the combined biotin cannot be absorbed by the digestive tract; It causes biotin deficiency in animals, and at this time, there is loss of appetite Glossitis Dandruff dermatitis , depilation, etc. However, no case of human biotin deficiency has been seen, which may be due to the fact that besides food sources, intestinal bacteria can also synthesize biotin.
Efficacy: Vitamin H is a key regulatory element for the heterogenesis of glycogen, the comprehensive effect of fatty acids and the metabolism of some amino acids, and can promote the synthesis of some proteins by helping to generate energy; At the same time, it can help cells grow, produce fatty acids, metabolize carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and help Vitamin B group Utilization of; Promote the health of sweat glands, nervous tissues, bone marrow and male gonads; Maintain the normal operation and growth of skin and hair, and reduce eczema and dermatitis symptoms; Prevent white hair and hair loss, and help to treat baldness; Relieve muscle pain; It is really helpful for depression and insomnia; Also involved Vitamin B12 Folic acid and pantothenic acid metabolism; Promote urea synthesis and excretion; Improve the immune function of human body. [1]

physiological function

The human body needs about 100~300 micrograms per day. There is an anti biotin protein (avidin) in raw egg white that can combine with biotin, and the combined biotin cannot be absorbed by the digestive tract; It causes the lack of biotin in animal body, and at this time, there are anorexia, glossitis, dandruff dermatitis, alopecia, etc. However, no case of human biotin deficiency has been seen, which may be due to the fact that besides food sources, intestinal bacteria can also synthesize biotin. Biotin is a coenzyme of various enzymes in the human body, participating in the fatty acids and carbohydrate Metabolism; Promote protein synthesis; It also participates in the metabolism of vitamin B12, folic acid and pantothenic acid; Promote urea synthesis and excretion.
① Help the normal synthesis and metabolism of fat, liver sugar and amino acids in the human body;
② Promote the normal operation and growth of sweat glands, nerve tissues, bone marrow, male gonads, skin and hair, and reduce eczema and dermatitis symptoms;
③ Prevent white hair and hair loss, and help to treat baldness;
④ Relieve muscle pain;
⑤ Promote urea synthesis and excretion, purine synthesis and oleic acid biosynthesis.
⑥ It is used to treat arteriosclerosis, stroke, lipid metabolism disorder, hypertension, coronary heart disease and blood circulation disorders.
If biotin is combined with vitamin A Vitamin B2 Vitamin B6 , Niacin( Vitamin B3 )They can be used together and complement each other for better effect. Replenishment cycle: Vitamin H only stays in the body for 3-6 hours, so it must be supplemented every day. [1]

Main applications

Biotin, known as vitamin H, enables the body to convert food into its own energy. Biotin is beneficial to the health and regeneration of cells. diabetes Patients can improve the regulation of blood sugar through biotin. Biotin is also needed for the health of hair and nails. [2]

Health use

diabetes. Supplement biotin, biotin improves insulin And the use of blood sugar to help improve the regulation of blood sugar.
Hair and nails. Biotin supplements can repair weak and cracked toenails and fingernails, and improve hair health. Biotin can also repair gray hair that is prematurely caused by low levels of biotin.
Genetic problems; some baby Biotin cannot be used well and needs to be supplemented.
Skin problems; Some skin diseases, such as milk scab, can be improved by adding biotin.
muscle Malnutrition Biotin can be used to treat some muscle related diseases as part of the treatment course.
Nutritional health; Biotin can help people who lose weight carry out more effective metabolism.
Infectious Diseases; Biotin can be used to treat intestinal candida, an infection of yeast.
According to research, the combination of folic acid and biotin can effectively prevent teratogenesis. At the beginning of 2008, the Ministry of Health and Welfare of Japan has officially announced that biotin and folic acid are compulsory nutrients for Japanese pregnant women. It is certain that the decision of the Ministry of Health and Welfare will greatly promote the sales of biotin in Japan, and at the same time, it will further promote the global consumption of biotin.
American researchers also found that biotin can promote the decomposition of fats and carbohydrates, so that they can be quickly converted into energy needed for human activities; If the amount of biotin in the body is insufficient, fat will accumulate in the body and cause obesity This new discovery has laid a solid foundation for the application of biotin in health care products such as weight loss and slimming, and opened up a broader market for biotin. [2]

Cosmetic use

At the same time, Japanese scholars also reported that biotin has excellent cosmetic effect, which can keep skin white and nails smooth. This discovery also opens up a new pharmaceutical use for biotin products. The beauty cosmetics industry is one of the major international industries. The total sales of beauty cosmetics in the international market is far higher than the sales of drugs. The new application of biotin in skin, nail (nail) and hair care will inevitably lead to the increase of sales of pharmaceutical grade biotin.
As a drug, it is used to treat arteriosclerosis, stroke, lipid metabolism disorders, hypertension, coronary heart disease and blood circulation disorders.
When used in cosmetics, it can improve the speed of blood circulation in the skin blood vessels. In the concentration range of 0.1%~1.0%, it is easy to mix the oil phase in the formula. In skin care cream, sports liquid, foot pain relieving cream, shaving liquid liquid shampoo Can be used in.

Scientific research purpose

Biotin can be used as a marker of nucleic acid probe. It can combine with the C at UTP or dUTP 5 'position of nucleic acid molecule, and can combine with avidin to be detected. In the process of detection, biotin is only used for fixed connection, not for signal detection. [2]

Absence of symptoms

The etiology of biotin deficiency is mainly divided into congenital factors and acquired factors.
congenital factor The decline of protein activity, which plays a key role in biotin homeostasis, leads to biotin deficiency, including the following aspects.
(1) Biotinidase deficiency: Biotinidase plays an important role in the process of intestinal absorption, plasma transport of biotin and regulation of histone biotinization. Biotinidase deficiency leads to a decline in the ability of intestinal uptake of biotin, and a decrease in the cleavage of biotin bound to protein in the body, leading to obstacles in the absorption and utilization of biotin, Biotin in patients decreased significantly.
(2) Holocarboxylase Synthetase Deficiency: Holocarboxylase synthetase can mediate the binding of biotin with carboxylase and histone, and the biotin in patients is normal, but the demand for biotin is significantly increased, resulting in relative deficiency. The lack of biotinase or carboxylase synthase will lead to the decline of various carboxylase activities. The analysis of typical children's urine organic acid shows a large number of abnormal metabolites such as propionic acid, pyruvate, lactic acid, β - methyl crotonoylglycine, crotonoylglycine, β - hydroxyisovalerate, alanine, etc.
(3) Sodium dependent multivitamin transporter and monocarboxylate transporter-1 can mediate biotin to the intestine, liver and liver. Transport of peripheral tissues and renal reabsorption.
Acquired factor include
(1) Some chronic gastrointestinal diseases (such as short bowel syndrome, parenteral nutrition) lead to biotin absorption disorder.
(2) Some improper eating and living habits, such as raw egg white, smoking, alcohol intake, improper food processing methods, etc.
(3) Overuse of antibiotics and preservatives leads to the decline of the ability of intestinal bacteria to synthesize biotin.
(4) Drug vitamin interaction: such as taking antiepileptic drugs valproic acid, phenytoin, primicone, sedatives, etc. for a long time.
(5) Pregnancy leads to an increase in biotin metabolism. The children in this group have decreased biotin in their bodies, normal blood biotinase activity, no typical decline of multiple carboxylase activities in urine organic acid analysis, and do not support the lack of biotinase and (or) total carboxylase synthetase.
Biotin deficiency is mainly caused by skin, mucosa and nervous system damage.
Long term biotin deficiency may cause damage to hair, nails and skin, such as eczema, alopecia, dry skin, peeling, angular stomatitis, oral ulcer, glossitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, perineum inflammation and psoriasis; In serious cases, it may cause anorexia, limb weakness, paralysis, ataxia, convulsions, depression, demyelinating diseases, optic atrophy, vision and hearing loss and other neuropsychiatric damage; It can also cause the decline of cellular immunity and humoral immunity, and patients are often complicated with candida and bacterial infections; It can also lead to fetal malformations.
Biotin supplementation is often effective for children with this disease.
In conclusion, the clinical manifestations of biotin deficiency are diverse. Skin and (or) hair abnormalities are important clues and characteristics for the diagnosis of this disease, and the effect of biotin treatment is significant. It can coexist with other diseases and should be recognized for early diagnosis and treatment. [4]
Signs of biotin deficiency: including dermatitis, eczema, Atrophic glossitis , hypersensitivity, muscle pain, fatigue, anorexia and Mild anemia Hair loss.
1. The lack of biotin makes people's dandruff increase, easy to lose hair, and juvenile white hair.
2. Lack of biotin can cause dull skin, cyanosis and dermatitis.
3. Lack of biotin easily leads to depression, insomnia, easy to doze and other neurological symptoms.
4. Lack of biotin will make people easily tired, lazy and weak, and muscle pain. [2]


The toxicity of biotin seems to be very low, and large doses of biotin are used for treatment Seborrheic dermatitis No abnormal protein metabolism or genetic error and other metabolic abnormalities were found. Animal experiments also show that biotin is rarely toxic. [2]

Food source

Vitamin H Strawberry source
In milk, beef liver, egg yolk, animal kidney, strawberry, grapefruit Grape Other fruits, lean meat, brown rice, beer and wheat all contain biotin. stay Vitamin B complex Vitamin H and multivitamin preparations usually contain vitamin H.
Delicacies rich in this vitamin: mustard double crispy, crab broccoli, mustard spinach, fish flavored kidney flower, braised eel, plain fried three silk, egg yolk pumpkin, mango orange apple juice Stewed Mutton with Carrots , Songhua mussel porridge Stewed Beef with Radish Silver Qi Mingmu Soup, Chicken Liver and Carrot Congee, Beef and Vegetables
Vegetable soup, mango grapefruit juice, mango orange apple juice, papaya ginger juice, aloe lemon juice, sweet orange lemon juice, apricot kiwi fruit juice. [2]

Little knowledge

Recommended daily intake: adults are recommended to take 25-300 μ g per day. Biotin works better with vitamins (vitamin food) A, B2, B6 and niacin.
Replenishment cycle: Vitamin B7 only stays in the human body for 3-6 hours, so it must be supplemented every day.
People in need: people who eat raw eggs and drink alcohol need to supplement biotin; People taking antibiotics or sulfonamides should take at least 25 μ g per day; The men with sparse hair (male food) take biotin to prevent hair loss; During pregnancy, biotin will be lost obviously, and it should be supplemented reasonably under the guidance of doctors.
Biotin (vitamin H) deficiency: biotin (vitamin H) biotin (vitamin H) deficiency is mainly manifested by skin symptoms, which can be seen as thinning hair, loss of luster, dry skin, scaly dermatitis Red rash In severe cases, the rash may extend to the eyes, nose and mouth. In addition, with Anorexia , nausea, vomiting, atrophy of lingual papilla, graying of mucous membrane, numbness, depression, fatigue, myalgia Hypercholesterolemia And abnormal EEG. Most of these symptoms occur 10 weeks after biotin (vitamin H) deficiency. Seborrheic dermatitis may occur in infants less than 6 months old.
Overexpression of biotin (vitamin H): the toxicity of biotin (vitamin H) is very low, and no toxic reaction report of biotin (vitamin H) has been seen. [2]
Dietary reference intakes (DRI) suggest that the daily required intake of biotin is 30 μ g. The normal blood biotin concentration is 133~329 pmol/L. If the dosage of biotin is too large, long-term use of some cases may induce acne, facial stiffness, muscle weakness, etc. [5]

Knowledge expansion

Folic Acid function: it can produce red blood cells and white blood cells, and enhance immune ability. Deficiency: red and swollen tongue, anemia indigestion , fatigue, hair whitening, memory decline. Main food sources: vegetables, meat, yeast, etc.
Vitamin C( ascorbic acid )Function: fight against free radicals and help prevent cancer; Lower cholesterol, strengthen body immunity and prevent scurvy. Deficiency: Gingival bleeding , tooth loss; The capillaries are fragile and the wound heals slowly, Subcutaneous hemorrhage Etc. Main food sources: fruits (especially oranges), green vegetables, tomatoes, potatoes, etc.
vitamin D Functions: Assist in calcium ion transportation, help children's teeth and bone development; Supplement calcium needed by adult bones to prevent osteoporosis Deficiency: children's rickets and anorexia; Diarrhea, etc. Main food sources: cod liver oil, dairy products, eggs.
Vitamin E (tocopherol) function: antioxidant Help prevent cancer; Fertility related. Deficiency: red blood cell damage, nerve damage, nutritional muscular atrophy, infertility, Irregular menstruation , uterine function decline, etc. Main food sources: vegetable oil, dark green vegetables, milk, eggs, liver, wheat, and nuts. [2]