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The burden of life

A drama directed by Heinzuke from the Five Institutes
"The Burden of Life" is a feature film directed by the five Hirosuke institutes, with Tatsuo Saito, Manko Yoshikawa and others participating in the performance. It was released in Japan in 1935.
The Burden of Life tells the story of an elderly couple who, while paying for their daughter's wedding, also wants to explain the story of their young son feeling left out.
Chinese name
The burden of life
Foreign name
Jinsei no onimotsu
Production company
Pine and Bamboo Pictures [Japan]
Production area
Issuing company
Pine and Bamboo Pictures [Japan]
See Chao Akira Fushimi
Release time
Dialogue language
black and white



Saito Daxiong Ornament Shozo Fukushima
Dubbing -
Mitsuko Yoshikawa Ornament Tamako Fukushima
Dubbing -
Masao Hayama Ornament Hirokazu Fukushima
Dubbing -
Country: Japan
Released in 1935
Dialogue language: Japanese
Mix: Mono
Shooting format: 35 mm
Printing format: 35 mm
Cinematography: Joji Ohara
Film Editing: Shigushi Minoru Shibuya
Assistant Director:
Hiderô Arai ....assistant director
Iseo Hirukawa ....assistant director
Shigeru Nakamoto ....assistant director
Shigushi Minoru Shibuya ....assistant director
Production company: Pine and Bamboo Pictures [Japan]
Issuer: Pine and Bamboo Pictures [Japan] (1935)


Heinosuke Gosho Heinosuke Gosho Life
Born in Tokyo, he is the son of a dry vegetable wholesaler. In his early years, when he was studying at Qingying Industrial and Commercial College, he loved movies. Later, because of the good words of his father's friend, his son, Shimadzu Baojiro, he entered the company's Pine Bamboo Broadleaf Typha Photography Institute in 1923. Learn from Shimadzu Baojiro. In 1925, he began to make films independently. The first film "Spring in South Island" was released in the same year. The original work and screenwriter of the film were completed by five institutes of Hirosuke. In 1928, the film "The Bride in the Country" aroused controversy and mixed praise. In 1931, he tried to shoot the sound film "Wife and Wife", which was praised as the first real sound film in Japan. the Second World War During this period, the five institutes of Pingzhisuo were in poor health and dissatisfied with the war, so they did not make films. In 1947, he won two film awards from the Film Ten Day News and the Daily Film with What Just Happened. The tragedy of war destroying youth and love is permeated with the theme of loving peace and humanity. The film is permeated with intoxicating romanticism. In order to commend his contribution to the Japanese film industry, the Japanese government awarded him the fourth class Rising Sun Small Ribbon in 1947. In 1953, the works of five institutes of Ping Zhisuke won international awards for the first time, and The Place with Many Chimneys won the International Peace Prize at the West Berlin International Film Festival that year.