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living standard

[shēng huó shuǐ píng]
Economic terminology
Living standard refers to the income level or Consumption level Related to material and spiritual life objective condition Or changes in the environment.
The standard of living usually depends on people's clothing, food, housing, transportation and healthy education Culture entertainment social contact And other objective indicators reflecting people's living conditions or environment. It mainly revolves around "needs, scarcity, work, production, income, consumption" and other levels, and these concepts are considered quantifiable. One of the main indicators for measuring and comparing living standards is that of a country or region Engel coefficient The so-called Engel coefficient is Food consumption % of household expenditure Total expenditure Or the proportion of total income.
the United Nations FAO has proposed a method to judge life with Engel coefficient Development stage The general standard of; 50% - 60% for food and clothing; 40% - 50% are well-off; Less than 40% is rich. The standard of living is different from Quality of life The standard of living refers to those who can control, improve and maintain their quality of life material resources And non personal resources, while quality of life is Social needs A sense of satisfaction. The latter can be used Subjective index The former can only be evaluated by objective indicators. [1]
Chinese name
living standard
Foreign name
Living standard
Key points
Category 12
Food, clothing, housing, transportation and healthy education Culture , entertainment, social networking, etc

Key points of terminology

The determination of living standard includes three points: ① taking group as the standard, such as family; ② Take the actual consumption status as the standard, that is, directly measure the occupied Social products And labor service; ③ Take the average consumption amount as the standard. Living standard and cost of living living standards Different. The cost of living refers to the monetary expenditure for maintaining a specific standard of living, while the standard of living refers to the expected living conditions.


The living standard includes a series of contents to meet the material and spiritual life needs of residents Indicator system To determine. 1953 the United Nations First draft on living standards Indicator system And International Comparison method In 1959, the report of the United Nations on Measuring and Measuring Real Living Standards in the International Context further systematized the method of measuring living standards.
In 1978, the United Nations further revised the Social and Demographic System (SSDS) file album and proposed 12 categories of indicators for measuring living standards: ① birth rate mortality And others demography Characteristics; ② medical and health work Conditions; ③ Food consumption; ④ Living conditions; ⑤ Education and culture; ⑥ working conditions and rate of employment ;⑦ Income and expenditure of residents; ⑧ Cost of living and Consumer price ;⑨ Means of transport ;⑩ Arrangement of rest;? Social security;? Human freedom. In each category, a number of local indicators are specified. The measurement of living standards also mainly uses one Single indicator , such as per capita national income index, real income Level indicators, actual consumption level indicators, Life expectancy Indicators, Engel coefficient (See School of Social Statistics ), per capita calorie or protein Intake index, etc.

Indicator interpretation

Refers to urban residents engaged in Social labor And obtain labor remuneration or Operating income Population. The employed population includes employment introduced by the labor department through national overall planning and guidance, employment organized voluntarily and self employment State ownership Collective ownership Sino foreign joint venture Sino foreign cooperation Foreign funded enterprises, institutions and private enterprises in China Individual labor The population with permanent or temporary jobs. Employed and retained retired personnel Also included in the employment population. This indicator can reflect the employment situation of urban residents. It is a calculation Employment Burden coefficient Important information.
Urban residents family Total income
Refers to the actual situation of all the surveyed urban households Cash income , including regular or fixed income and one-time income. Excluding turnover income, such as withdrawal bank deposit , friends and relatives borrowed money , withdrawal of loans and other various Provisional receipts
Refers to the payment made by the surveyed urban households individual income tax After that, the remaining actual income.
It refers to the total expenditure of the surveyed urban households on daily life, including the expenditure on purchasing goods and the non commodity expenditure on cultural life and services. Excluding fines, losses and taxes paid (such as individual income tax , license tax Property tax Etc.), excluding Individual workers Production and operation Various expenses incurred in the process.
It refers to the total expenditure of the surveyed urban residents' households on purchasing goods, including from shops, factories catering Expenses for canteen and market of work units and direct purchase of various commodities from farmers. There are nine categories: food: clothing, daily necessities, cultural and entertainment goods, books, newspapers and magazines, medicine and medical supplies, housing and building materials, fuel, and other commodities. Whether for personal use or as gifts to relatives and friends, they are included.
Refers to the countryside Permanent residents In the total household income, deduct those engaged in production and those not engaged in Production and operation Expenses The remaining amount after paying taxes and handing over the amount of the contracted collective tasks can be directly used for productive Non productive construction investment The part of income from living consumption and savings. It is a reflection Peasant family Comprehensive main indicators of the actual income level.
Peasant family net income , including both productive and unproductive Business income, including the income from sending back and national finance Non operating income such as relief and various subsidies; Both Monetary income , including Self produced and self used Of Income in kind But it does not include credit cooperative And borrowing from relatives and friends.
Refers to the countryside Permanent residents Among family members Labor capacity And often take part in actual labor. It is one of the basic factor indicators of production, and it is to develop production and increase farmers Family income The important source of. According to regulations, rural men aged 18 to 50 and women aged 18 to 45 are the whole labor force; Male 16 to 17, 51 to 60, female 16 to 17, 46 to 55 Semi labor Peasant family whole Semi labor , including the entire half of the male and female labor force who are within the above specified working age and have the ability to work beyond the working age and often participate in actual labor; It also includes the labor force belonging to workers among the permanent residents of farmers' families. But not included in the working age Incapacity People.
Refers to the total expenditure of rural permanent residents' families for daily life during the year. It is used to reflect and study Peasant family An important indicator of the level of actual living consumption. Family life of farmers Consumption expenditure It includes two major parts: the expenditure on consumer goods such as food, clothing, housing, cooking and consumption, and the expenditure on culture and living services.
Rural residents Household goods sex life consumption expenditure
It refers to the rural permanent residents who use it Monetary income , buy food, clothing, household furniture and utensils in the market Daily sundries , fuel, durable consumer goods, and cultural, educational and health supplies. Including state-owned stores, collective stores and country fair trade Market and others Circulation channel All consumer goods purchased. Peasant family Commodity living consumption expenditure is an important part of the household living consumption expenditure of farmers, which is used to reflect and analyze the family life of farmers Consumption level The degree of commercialization of economic development An important indicator of the trend is also to study and predict the demand of farmers' families for consumer goods in the market, and formulate commodities Supply plan Important basis for.
National urban and rural areas Savings deposit balance
National urban and rural areas Savings deposit , including Urban residents Savings deposits and farmers' personal savings deposits. Excluding cash in hand and Industrial and mining enterprises Group deposits of troops, organizations, etc. Savings deposit balance Refers to urban and rural residents' deposits in banks and rural areas credit cooperative Time points of savings (the balance of the amount deposited minus the amount withdrawn), such as the amount at the end of a month, quarter or year.