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The ovaries or testes of insects
Genital finger production germ cell (sperm, egg) and secretion Sex hormone organ. In humans, male testis And female ovary The general name of. After puberty, the testes produce sperm and the ovaries ovulate every month; They also secrete sex hormones, which not only promote the normal development of reproductive organs, but also promote the emergence of secondary sexual characteristics in the body, such as male growth beard, muscular development, tall physique, prominent laryngeal knot, low tone, etc; The female pelvis is broad, the breast is enlarged, the fat is plump, and the tone is higher. Female sex hormones are closely related to the menstrual cycle and reproductive physiology. In addition, male prostate and bulbar urethra, and female Vestibular gland They are accessory glands of the reproductive system.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Entomological ovary Or spermary
Entomology (first level discipline)

1、 Overview:

One of the endocrine glands of the human body. Male is testicle, female is ovary. testis Both of them have the gonadal function of producing germ cells and the endocrine function of synthesizing and releasing sex hormones. In fact, the endocrine function is mainly played by the leydig cells of the testis and the follicle cells, endometrial cells and luteal cells in the ovary. Testicles secrete testosterone based male hormones, ovaries secrete estradiol based estrogen and progesterone based progesterone, and a small amount of testosterone. These sex hormones are Steroid hormone Its main function is to stimulate the development of accessory sexual organs and the emergence of secondary sexual characteristics, and maintain normal libido and reproductive capacity. The regulation of gonadal activity is mainly the receptive stimulus from the environment central nervous system It acts on the adenohypophysis through the hypothalamus and regulates the secretion of gonadotropin in the adenohypophysis; At the same time, the concentration of blood sex hormone can also act on the pituitary gland feedback, affecting Gonadotropin Secretion of. The gonadotropin secreted by the pituitary gland plays a "completely different" role when it reaches the gonads of both sexes. In the testis, it can promote the proliferation of convoluted tubules and sperm maturation, and promote Leydig cells of testis The development and secretion of androgen; In the ovary, it can promote the growth and development of follicles and mature ovulation, stimulate the follicle cells to secrete estrogen, promote luteinization and stimulate the secretion of progesterone. In addition, thyroid adrenal cortex There are also complex correlations with gonads.

2、 Testis

The male gonad is located in the scrotum, one on the left and one on the right. The shape of the testis is oblate, and the posterior edge is connected with the epididymis. There is a layer of dense connective tissue membrane on the surface, which is called testicular tunica albuginea. The tunica albuginea thickens at the posterior edge of the testis and extends into the testicular parenchyma, dividing the testicular parenchyma into many lobules, each of which is composed of convoluted seminiferous tubules. The convoluted seminiferous tubules converge at the posterior upper part of the testis to form the testis net, from which the testicular output tubules come out, penetrate the posterior edge of the testis, and enter the head of the epididymis. The tunica albuginea of the testis is covered by the tunica vaginalis propria of the testis, which is also divided into two layers: viscera and wall. Between the two layers is the tunica vaginalis, which contains a small amount of serous fluid. There are two functions: one is to produce sperm, and there are 300 million to 600 million sperm in the ejaculated semen each time; The second is male hormone secretion. Therefore, testes belong to both the reproductive system and the endocrine system

3、 Ovary

One of the female or female mammalian reproductive organs. The human ovary is a pair of flat oval gonads. Its function is to produce eggs and secrete estrogen. It is located in the recess between the internal and external iliac vessels of the pelvic wall. Its upper end is close to Fimbria oviduct There are ovarian suspensory ligaments formed by peritoneal folds; The lower end is connected to the uterine horn by the proper ligaments of the fallopian tube; Nest mesangium attached to the front edge. The size of ovary increases with age, reaches the maximum at sexual maturity, and gradually shrinks after menopause. The surface of the ovary is uneven due to its regular ovulation after collapse. It is called together with the fallopian tube Adnexa uteri