zero Useful+1

captured prisoners

[shēng kǒu]
Chinese words
Sheng Kou, a Chinese word, means "captive"; Means slaves; Livestock. [1]
Chinese name
captured prisoners
shēng kǒu
Phonetic transcription
ㄕㄥ ㄎㄡˇ
The Book of the Han Dynasty, The Western Regions, Shanshan



(1) . Refers to prisoners. [1]
(2) . Refers to slaves. [1]
(3) . Livestock. [1]


The Book of the Han Dynasty, The Western Regions, Shanshan Mountain: "The Han army was just appointed as a general to garrison the Yumen Pass. It was the second division's rear distance, and it was able to capture a living mouth, know the shape and smell it."
Tang · Li Ao's On the List of Things: "Forty seven people, such as Xia Hou Cheng, who are born in Ziqing, should be killed."
"The Book of the Later Han Dynasty, Biography of Dongyi, Japanese": "Wang Shuai Sheng and other officials of the Japanese state have offered their lives to one hundred and sixty people, and they would like to see you."
The Biography of Fang Mo in the Northern History: "Before and after, they gave their slaves and maidservants free of charge, and after the martial arts, they gave them mouths, and many tsingy noodles were paid for the word" room "."
Jin Yuan Haowen's "Tomb List of the Grand Master Kang, the Grand Master of Agriculture": "The eldest father hides his achievements and tries to share his wealth with his younger brother Kun. He has no questions about his residence in the field, and stops taking more than ten students from Nanzhong, just for the people."
In the poem "South of the City" written by Zhang Zhu in the Yuan Dynasty, "all the people should drive Ding Nan to make a living, and the ghost concubines and horses should be their homes."
In Records of the Three Kingdoms, Wei Zhi, Wang Chang's Biography, "My friend is good, and I hope my son will follow him." Pei Songzhi cited the Biography of Ren Gu Bie: "(Ren Gu) also bought a living with people, and hired eight horses each."
"Ancient and Modern Novels · Mumian Nunnery: Zheng Huchen Pays a Grievance": "(Jia She) Yang Wang Xiaosi takes another life in the village and carries the woman all the way to Lin'an."
Qing · Li Yu's "Yuyuyutou Weixing": "I can't walk any more. I'll hire two strangers and ride there."
"Wei Lue" was quoted in "Records of the Three Kingdoms · Wei Zhi · Biography of Jia Kui", which said: "Ten people and 100 silk pieces were given to him."
The History of the Song Dynasty · Gaozong Ji: "In [the third year of Shaoxing], it is forbidden to sell students into the barbarian cave." And the Guangzong Ji: "In [the fourth year of Shaoxing], it is forbidden to sell students from the two rivers around Yongzhou." [2]