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Production field

Terms in the field of economics
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Production field is also called“ Material production field ”It is the sum of all departments and types of work in people's activities to create material wealth. [1]
Chinese name
Production field
Production of material means and material production services
The former mainly
Industry construction business Agriculture and forestry
Disciplines involved
The former mainly includes industry construction business , agriculture, forestry, water conservancy, etc., the latter mainly includes transportation, posts and telecommunications, as well as commerce and public utilities as a continuous part of production catering , material technology supply and sales, household goods manufacturing and repair, etc.
Work in the production field can create national income The expansion of production is to increase public wealth And the basic way to improve the people's material living standards. With productivity and Social division of labor With the development of, new production capacity has been constantly differentiated in the production field.
The expansion of the production field is the basic way to increase the national income and improve the people's material living standards. Township enterprises are comprehensive in China's rural areas economic organization There are both production departments and circulation departments. Among them, planting, breeding Township industry , Township construction business Township transportation( freight transport )Industry is the field of production. Repair, processing catering , on Labor process It is also a process of creating material wealth and belongs to the production field. With productivity and Social division of labor In the field of production, new production sectors have been constantly differentiated, expanding the field of production. stay commodity economy In China, only the production field produces value. Yes national economy and reproduction An area that plays a decisive role in. In township enterprises, expanding the production field requires opening up production channels, which is also the fundamental way for farmers to become rich.