production factors

A Basic Category in Economics
zero Useful+1
production factors , is one of economics Basic category Including human elements, material elements and their combination factors. Factors of production refer to carrying out social activities Production and operation activities All kinds of social resources Is to maintain the operation of the national economy and market subject Production and operation Necessary in the process Basic factors Factors of production include land the labor capital technology data Five [1] , with the development of technology and system of intellectual property Technology is also put into production as a relatively independent factor. These production factors are exchanged in the market to form various Price of production factors And its system.
Chinese name
production factors
Foreign name
Factors of production
conduct material production
Human essential factor Elements of things and their combination factors

brief introduction

Connotation of production factors
Production factors refer to all factors and environmental conditions necessary for material production. Generally speaking, factors of production at least include human factors, material factors and their combination factors, worker and Means of production The reason is that Material production The most basic elements of production are because no matter what the social form of production is, they are always indispensable to production. The former is the personal condition of production, and the latter is the material condition of production. However, when workers and means of production are separated, they are only factors of production in terms of possibility. If they want to become real production factors, they must be combined.
The combination of workers and means of production is carried out by human beings Social labor The necessary conditions for production, without their combination, there would be no society productive labor stay Production process Medium, employed by workers Labor materials To work so that Object of labor Expected changes occur. At the end of the production process, labor and the object of labor are combined, the labor is materialized, and the object is processed, forming a product suitable for people's needs. If the whole process is examined from the perspective of results, the means of labor and the objects of labor are represented as means of production, and labor itself is represented as productive labor.
because Production conditions And the difference of its combination mode, which makes the society divided into different economic structure and Development stage In the historical process of social and economic development, the connotation of production factors has become increasingly rich, and new production factors such as, modern science , technology, management, information and resources enter the production process and play their respective important roles in modern mass production. Factor of production Structure There will also be changes, and the more developed the productivity, the greater the role of these factors.
Factors of production include labor, capital, land and Entrepreneurship Four categories, but for a long time we only emphasized that labor Value creation And wealth production, while the role of other production factors and their impact on national income However, the division of labor force is either ignored or not paid enough attention, so it has always emphasized labor participation income distribution Problems. and Distribution by production factors That is, while continuing to highlight the role of labor, we should pay enough attention to production factors such as capital, technology and management, so that they can be returned reasonably and legally. The role and return of two elements should be emphasized:
everything human capital Capital includes physical capital And human capital. The practice of economic development in various countries shows that human capital is playing an increasingly important role national income growth rate The contribution of human resources is rising significantly, and human quality, knowledge and talent are becoming increasingly decisive for economic development. Therefore, how to make human capital get enough return for economic sustained development And the distribution of national income has become very important.
The second is land and resource property. Their role in wealth production has long been recognized, but there has always been a vague understanding of the necessity of their participation in income distribution, which is reflected in the fact that China's land and natural resources are used for free or at low prices in many cases. In China, land and natural resources are owned by the state or the collective. Their free or low-cost use means that their earnings are occupied by a few people. This is also our country income disparity An important reason for the sharp expansion. Therefore, how to participate in the distribution of land and resource elements is to improve Income distribution system Should be carefully considered.

Distribution relationship

Production factors and income distribution
This principle of economists should be followed when studying the impact of factor distribution on income distribution:“ Consumer goods Any kind of distribution of is just the result of the distribution of production conditions themselves. "
Taking China's urban-rural income distribution as an example, the urban-rural income gap is directly related to the distribution of production factors.
China's urban and rural structure, from a regional perspective, urban population than rural population Less, but controlled Ownership by the whole people resources; The rural population is larger than the urban population, and only part of it is controlled Land ownership (Most of the income is taken away by the city due to the land sale). This distribution pattern of production factors will inevitably lead to the expansion of the urban-rural income gap. First of all, there are many factors of production controlled by cities with good quality, and there are many opportunities for residents to combine with factors of production. The number and quality of factors of production occupied and used will be large, so their income will naturally be high; Secondly, urban residents enjoy the benefits of urbanization and the public goods However, after paying a huge price, farmers are not rewarded and cannot enjoy the same treatment as urban residents, which will inevitably lead to living standard Widening gap; Finally, the biggest gap between urban and rural areas is Knowledge level The difference between the two is that farmers are relatively poor in cultural knowledge, which is a fatal injury to farmers. It deprives farmers of employment and access to high-income opportunities. The lack of factors of production in rural areas makes farmers lose The right to development The fundamental reason for the widening income gap between urban and rural areas is that we cannot become rich and increase income. The formation of this problem cannot be blamed on the priority of efficiency, nor can it be solved by fair distribution. It can only be started from the distribution of production factors. In the use of production factors, farmers should receive the same treatment as urban residents, which is conducive to social equity
The possession and distribution of factors of production are not arbitrary, and are ultimately determined by the level of productivity. The fair possession of factors of production is not redistribution, but breaking the artificial division Members of society Everyone is equal before the use of social factors of production market economy In China, everyone stands on the same starting line and has equal rights to use social factors of production. However, this kind of fair opportunity is only a prerequisite, and it also requires fairness in operating rules, that is, everyone uses the same rules. This rule mainly refers to the government's Policy formulation And execution.
Knowledge centered production factors
In policy formulation, if we treat them differently, we cannot treat them equally, which will inevitably affect the income of some people. For example, in determining the price of industrial and agricultural products Scissors difference There is a huge price difference between the primary market and the secondary market on the land requisitioned by farmers. The wages and benefits paid to migrant workers are lower than those of urban equivalent workers public goods , such as education, health, subsidies, relief, social security, etc., there are significant differences between rural and urban areas, farmers are faced with difficulties and unfair treatment in urban employment, and the government Financial transfer payment More emphasis on cities, etc., all of which will affect the income of farmers. stay Policy implementation If the supervision is not strict, even there is a difference between close and distant, such as tax evasion, some people will become rich. In dealing with this kind of problem, even if we change "efficiency first, giving consideration to fairness" to "fairness first, giving consideration to efficiency", we cannot solve it. We must implement the same rule in policy.
stay market economy Under these conditions, the principle of distribution is based on production factors, so the distribution of production factors determines income distribution. As pointed out by economists, "Since the factors of production are distributed in this way, it is natural to produce Consumer goods The current allocation of. " So, we need to solve Income distribution gap We can only change the distribution of production factors without discrimination in policy, so that everyone can stand on the same starting line, use the same rules, and have equal opportunities and fair competition.

Element contribution

People's understanding of things is always changing, and the overall trend is to move forward and to a higher level.
The old view was that, socialist should distribution according to work communism should On demand distribution (Distribution according to work means distribution according to labor contribution, and distribution according to demand means distribution according to needs). Later Practical proof Simply implementing distribution according to work will not work. If communism cannot be achieved, then distribution according to demand cannot be achieved. So there is a saying that on the basis of distribution according to work, distribution should be carried out according to the contribution of various production factors, which is a supplement to distribution according to work. Element contribution From this comes.
To explore the contribution of factors, we need to clarify two issues, one is which factors are considered as production factors, and the other is how to calculate the contribution of these production factors.


Common production factors include labor, capital, land, technology and data. Labor can also be subdivided into working hours Intellectual wisdom, such as intellectual property rights and management knowledge, is intellectual wisdom; Capital can also be subdivided into capital, equipment capital, and network capital.

Labor contribution

The contribution of labor is usually measured and reflected in terms of wages. Intellectual property rights and management knowledge are often regarded as an extension of capital Equity ratio , dividend ratio and voting ratio. At this time, the role of intellectual property rights and management knowledge can be combined with capital, equipment capital, network capital Main power house , land, etc.
Some elements themselves can create value, and some elements themselves are values. The participation of various production factors in distribution according to their contributions is based on two considerations. One is the economic embodiment of the factor ownership relationship. Whoever holds the factors and who is the factor owner can participate in distribution; Second market economy Internal requirements for resource allocation and market economy Optimized allocation of resources , give Element contribution Allocation is conducive to guiding the allocation of resources to optimal areas.
Press Labor factors Distribution can guide workers to earn more for more work in excellent fields. When the wages of planting sweet potatoes and cucumbers are higher than those of planting rice and wheat, excellent workers and workers who want higher wages will naturally flow into the field of planting sweet potatoes and cucumbers. When the wages in the northwest and central plains are higher Consumption level At a lower level, excellent workers from the southeast coast will also migrate to the northwest and central plains.
For example, when speculate in real estate Return ratio of Stock speculation When the return is higher, the funds for stock speculation will flow to Real estate market So as to push up the house price. When the stock market and housing market cannot pursue material gain The funds for stock and real estate speculation will naturally flow to Real economy , flow to commodity market , driving up prices Price of industrial products as well as futures prices

Resource allocation

For resource allocation, Representativeness There are mainly two views of, Production factors participate in distribution according to contribution , that is Socially necessary labor On the basis of the value created, it is distributed according to the contribution made by various factors of production in the formation of value. As labor, capital, land and other production factors play their respective roles in the formation of value socialist The wages, interest and land rent of are only the remuneration given to the owners of production factors such as labor, capital and land based on their contributions; The other is that the production factors participate in distribution according to their contributions, which means that the production of wealth is based on the production factors use value The contribution distribution in, rather than their contribution in creating value.
The focus of the differences between the two views is whether the factors of production have made contributions in the formation of wealth or value, so the factors of production are distributed according to their contributions in the formation of wealth or in the formation of value. We should grasp the meaning of labor, capital, technology, management and other production factors participating in distribution according to their contributions. Factors of production include subject and object Two aspects. Human labor is the main factor of production, and the processing objects needed for production, such as land for farming, cotton and Cotton yarn , as well as the tools and means needed for processing, belong to the object aspect. As far as labor is also a factor of production, in fact, distribution according to work should also be included in Assign by Element Within the scope of.
But in Marx Envisaged socialist society Li, Means of production Practising society Public ownership The objective factors needed for production and reproduction are deducted by society in advance, and only the remaining Personal consumer goods Only then can the society distribute according to each person's labor contribution. In traditional Socialist planned economy The means of production are under public ownership, Social production Resources are uniformly distributed by the state Consumer goods The distribution shall be based on work. Connect with reality: The report of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly put forward the principle of "establishing the principle of labor, capital, technology, management and other production factors participating in distribution according to their contributions".

Distribution basis

First, we should distinguish two problems: First, we should not Value creation Confused with value distribution Distribution by production factors Is not based on Factor axiology Distribution according to production factors in Marx's Labor axiology No evidence found in, it seems that western economics Of“ Trinity formula ”The basis can be found in. However, the distribution is determined by the contribution of production factors, and its quantity cannot be determined. John Bates Clark basis Marginal productivity Decreasing law, using Marginal product There are a series of unsolvable problems in measuring the remuneration of production factors by income. The basis of distribution according to production factors can only be the economic realization form of the ownership of the owners of production factors.
The efficiency and fairness problems caused by the final distribution need to rely on the people and Political leaders To solve. Is it better to be fair or efficient, or change it regularly or irregularly, and keep it dynamic equilibrium , which is full of wisdom.

Market concept

market economy It requires the commercialization of factors of production and the realization of flow and allocation in the market through market transactions in the form of commodities, thus forming various Factor market
Entry of production factors Market allocation resources , will naturally form Capital element Price, land Factor price and Labor factors Price. Land, labor, capital and other production factors Price formation And change have dual nature.
On the one hand, since the factors of production have been commercialized, their price formation and changes have General merchandise The nature and Prescriptive The price formation and change process Common goods The process of price formation and change has something in common; On the other hand, although production factors are commodities, they are special commodities after all, and their price formation and change must have their own characteristics.

Land market


Land connotation

Production factor market land
As a category of production factors, land is a variety of natural resources The general term of arable land And construction land, including forests, minerals, water, sky, etc. Land is any economic activity Must be relied on and utilized economic resources , compared with other economic resources Natural characteristics Mainly its location Immobility and persistence And the difference of abundance and location. Compared with other economic resources and production factors, land is the most difficult to increase Scarcity It is more significant than other production factors. Especially with the increase of population, the expansion of economic activities and the development of depth, the scarcity of land has an objective trend of obvious strengthening.
How to protect and make good use of existing various land resource The development of new land resources has always been an important issue in economic activities. For China, with a large population and a serious shortage of available land resources per capita, the protection, utilization and development of land resources are more important, and the commercialization and marketization of land resources is to improve land Resource allocation And an important way to use efficiency.

Market composition

stay private ownership market economy Land is a private factor of production, Land market In fact, there are two levels: one is Land transaction Market, taking the final ownership of land as the transaction object, forms accordingly land price Second, land Rental market , taking the land use right as the transaction object, the land rent will be formed accordingly. In China, land State ownership and Collective ownership Two systems. Urban land and Non agricultural land State ownership, Agricultural land Implement collective ownership. On this basis, two separate land markets will be formed in the reform, namely, urban land market and rural land market.

Urban land

Urban land market, including Transfer of land use right Market( Primary market )And Transfer of land use right Market( secondary market )And other secondary markets. The transfer market of urban land use right is a market monopolized by the state's real estate agencies. Rural collectively owned land must be expropriated by the state as state-owned land before it can enter the city Land transfer Market. Urban land primary market It refers to the market where the state remises the use right of state-owned urban land, including the land originally owned by the collective that is expropriated by the state with compensation.

Transfer method

land use right There are two kinds of transfer methods: "zero rent system" and "batch rent system". The "zero rent system" charges different levels of land according to different grades year by year Land use fee The "leasehold system" refers to the transfer of land use rights for a limited period of time. The land price is collected once and a small amount of use fee is collected every year. In the secondary land market, the transfer of land use right includes lease mortgage And other specific forms.

land price

stay Land transfer And in the process of transfer Land use fee It is composed of two parts, one is invested in land and formed Land productivity Of fixed capital I.e Land capital The other part is the rent paid for the use of land. The capitalization of land rent is shown as land price As a natural factor of production, land cannot create value by itself, but shares production surplus or Profit income The value source of land rent income is“ surplus labor Products.
Land price is not land natural force The monetary expression of factor value is land owner Request land rent The commercialization and marketization of income rights and the purchase and sale prices of market transactions are in essence the monetary manifestations of the capitalization of land rent income. Although the land price is not only determined by the amount of land rent and Interest rate Level, and subject to land supply and demand Geographic location ecological environment , psychological preference and other related factors, but these are not the source of value creation. Land price is an "unreasonable form" with no value but price.

the labor


Labor value

Production factor market labor force
Labor is the most important economic resource and factor of production market economy It must be configured and priced through the market. "Labor is the entity and internal measure of value, but it has no value itself". Salary is not Labor factors The monetary expression of value, but Labor price Performance. stay capitalism Under these conditions, labor becomes a commodity and has value. value of labor power Depends on the necessary Means of subsistence Value, through labor Commodity market Employment of Labor relations And realize the combination of workers and capital.
Wage, in its phenomenal form, is the remuneration of labor, and in essence is the monetary expression of the value of the means of subsistence necessary for workers to reproduce labor. Under socialist conditions, labor enters the market as a factor of production through the contract between supply and demand in the market Contractual relationship To realize the relationship between workers and the public Means of production The combination of. In socialism Public economy Medium, implementation Principle of distribution according to work The essence of wages is that workers are distributed according to their work Personal consumer goods Monetary representation of value.

Causes of unemployment

The relationship between supply and demand plays a very important role in the formation and change of labor prices. In the modern economy, whether capitalist economy still socialist economy There are different degrees of unemployment with different natures. Unemployment means that workers and means of production are in phase separation According to the different reasons for its formation, it can be divided into four states. First, Frictional unemployment This is because in the process of normal labor mobility, workers are in the period of looking for work. The reason is that not suited to , insufficient information Labor mobility Poor, etc. Second, structural unemployment This is economic structure When changes occur, the workers in the declining sector cannot be employed because they are not suitable for the work in the expanding sector or their jobs are too far away from the workers. Third, Seasonal unemployment This is because Production process Temporary unemployment caused by great changes. Fourth, unemployment with insufficient demand. This is because Economic growth rate Relatively low, so that employment growth can not catch up Working population Of Growth rate Unemployment caused by. Under the condition of market economy, unemployment is difficult to avoid completely, but its degree can be reduced through efforts.

financial market



Factor Market - Finance
Finance Monetary capital The integration of Banking system Currency circulation and Credit activities The general name of. financial market It refers to the place, institution and supply and demand transaction relationship where the supplier and demander of monetary capital conduct monetary capital financing and transaction. By buying and selling various Credit instruments The financial market can realize the collection, distribution, conversion and other activities of monetary capital Social idle funds Transformation to production and business capital, increase capital and Socio economic resources Configuration and utilization efficiency.
Composition of financial market:
The financial market is mainly composed of participants financial instruments And organization mode.


Financial market participants mainly include the government central bank , commercial banks and non banking financial institutions, enterprises and individual residents.
a. In the financial market, the government mainly acts as the demander of funds and the manager of the financial market.
b. The central bank is the bank of the bank and the commercial bank Last Lender And financial markets Fund supplier , through throughput in the financial market securities Direct regulation Money supply , influence and guide the operation of the financial market monetary policy The maker and executor of.
c. Commercial banks and non bank financial institutions act as Financial intermediaries , is the most important participant in the financial market, and the capital supply and demand sides agency realization Financing Therefore, they are actually financial Commodity trading Center of.
d. Enterprises are both suppliers and demanders of funds in the financial market. Idle funds formed in the operation of enterprises are important in the financial market Source of funds , and the demand of enterprises for funds constitutes Fund demand The main part of.
e. Residents are mainly capital suppliers in the financial market, and also provide some capital needs.

financial instruments

Financial instruments, also known as credit instruments, are carried out in the financial market financial transactions It is a tool to prove the relationship between the creditor and the debtor Written evidence , is a kind of legal effect Financial contract. There are many kinds of financial instruments, which are generally divided into two categories. First, creditor's rights debt obligation , such as bills, bonds, etc; The second is ownership certificate, such as stock.


The organization mode of financial market refers to the mode adopted by financial exchanges, which mainly includes three types. One is the way of conducting transactions in a fixed place, organized, systematic and centralized, such as exchange transaction mode The second is that the buyer and the seller negotiate on the counter of financial institutions Decentralized transaction Methods, such as over-the-counter trading; Third, over-the-counter trading, which is neither a fixed place nor direct contact , but mainly by means of telecommunications to complete transactions.
Classification of financial markets:
(1) According to Financing mode The financial market can be divided into Direct financing Market and Indirect financing There are two types of markets.
In the financial market, direct financing is mainly to raise medium and long-term capital, while indirect financing is mainly to collect short-term working capital.
(2) According to Financing period The financial market can be divided into money market and capital market Two types.
finance market price
In the process of capital financing, the transfer of capital has a price Market operation This cost is represented by capital Factor price Capital element There are two kinds of prices. One is lending Capital price , represented by interest Interest is not the performance of capital value, but the unreasonable capitalization income Price form Interest is Borrowing capital The manifestation of the owner lending the right to use capital to share production surplus or profits is essentially a kind of capitalized income. Its value source is part of the labor creation of workers surplus value One is fictitious capital Price, such as stocks, bonds, etc Price of marketable securities The stock itself has no value, "just represents the right to obtain income", which is essentially the monetary expression of dividend capitalization income, and is a more illusory and unreasonable price form than the loan capital price.

technology market


Technical commodity

Production factor market technology
Technology is passed by human beings on the basis of practice summarize experience scientific research The knowledge and skills created and invented by means of experiment can directly improve production or life.
Technology generally exists in the form of knowledge. In production, technology is creative and Uniqueness It is sustainable in use and consumption, and can be improved in use and consumption. Technology has use value It is also the result of human labor. If it is put into the market for exchange, it will naturally appear as a commodity.


technological achievements To become a commodity, you must have progressiveness , maturity Applicability and Economy Such conditions: the advancement of technology means that the new technology must be superior to the original technology; The maturity of technology means that the new technology must be stable and reliable; The applicability of technology means that the new technology can meet the production and market needs of users and adapt to the production of users technical conditions With the environment, it can be digested and mastered by users; The economy of technology refers to the technological Transfer price Be reasonable Application cost And input can be borne by users. Technical commodity And Common goods The difference is that the transaction of technical goods has continuity and Repeatability


The circulation of technical goods is shown as Technology trade There are many specific forms, the most typical of which is Technology transfer Technology transfer will have certain technical level and practical value Scientific and technological achievements include Patent technology and Know how Activities transferred from one party to the other. The main forms of technology transfer are License trade
License trade refers to a kind of technology trade conducted by both parties in the form of signing a license agreement Technology trading Specifically, there are three forms: first, Exclusive License Trade. It requires that the licensee has the exclusive right to use the purchased technology in the determined region, and the licensor and any third party cannot use the transferred technology to manufacture and sell products in the region. Second, exclusive license trade. It is characterized by that in the determined region, the licensee exclusively uses the purchased technology to manufacture and sell products, and no third party may use the transferred technology to manufacture and sell products in the region. However, the licensor itself still reserves the right to use the transferred technology to manufacture and sell products in the region. Third, general license trade. It is characterized by that the Licensor is allowed to use the purchased technology to manufacture and sell products in the specified area, while the Licensor still reserves the right to re transfer the same technology to a third party in the area.


The price of technology commodity refers to the price obtained from technology transferee after technology transfer Technology use fee The particularity of the formation of technology commodity price lies in: first, the formation of technology commodity value Our labor is advanced Complex labor , is multiplied simple labour Secondly, the labor that forms the value of technological commodities should not only include applied technology The labor consumed by research should include the labor consumed by basic research directly related to it. Thirdly, the labor that forms the value of technological goods is through Technology application Post saving Labor volume , that is, the new economic performance To show. In specific Price formation And changes, relation between supply and demand , cost of technical goods Potential economic benefits life cycle , transfer times, development and promotion risks, practicability and implementation conditions, and price Payment method and Technology circulation Methods, etc., have different degrees of practical impact.

information market

Information is people's understanding and knowledge of external things to eliminate uncertain knowledge. It is a result of human cognition. (There is no universally accepted definition of the concept of "information". information theory founder Shannon stay Mathematical Theory of Communication In the book, "information is used to eliminate uncertainty"; Wiener In its Cybernetics According to the book, information is "the same as External world Name of the content to be exchanged ") economic information It's human right Social production , exchange, distribution and consumption Regularity Some of them have special use value Should become the object of market transactions as a commodity.

use value

Factor Market - Information
stay market economy The information put into market transaction is commercial value Or economic information of economic function. This kind of economic information has practical economic application value, and can provide economic information Activity subject Bring practical economic interest , improve its economic activity And this is Information products Value in use. In terms of the production of information products, information products, especially those with economic functions, are generally produced by human labor Labor achievements Part of.
As an essential productive labor, the labor engaged in information collection, processing and creation also needs to be compensated in some way, which requires commercializing information products and realizing labor compensation and corresponding benefits through market transactions. As information products become commodities, it is inevitable that Information commodity The market that is the trading partner is information market

Market composition

The information market is mainly information consultation The market is the industry that carries out the production, circulation and service of information products Information consulting industry , it is IT industry An important part of. In a modern economy where science and technology play an increasingly important role in production, Information industry Has gradually become the social and economic prime mover industry , and called“ The fourth industry ”。

commodity price

Information commercialization , not only can Information production It can also promote the production and circulation of information, optimize the allocation of information resources, and improve the economic performance In information trading, the price of information goods, on the one hand, depends on the production of information goods Processing cost and Social labor On the other hand, it has a great relationship with the economic benefits of information goods. Information commodity price rather than Direct costs There is a big deviation, on the one hand, because the labor consumed by information production is a very special kind of high-level Complex labor , Unit Labor consumption Will form a larger social value On the other hand, it is mainly because of its large potential economic benefits market demand



Definition I

The so-called factors of production refer to carrying out social activities Production and operation activities All kinds of social resources It includes labor, land, capital, technology, information and other contents, and these contents are also changing with the development of the times. Distribution by production factors It refers to the return of remuneration to the input subject by the society according to the proportion and contribution of various production factors invested in the production of a certain product.

Definition II

China Renmin University Press western economics Gao Hongye Editor in Chief (Fourth Edition)
stay western economics The factors of production are generally divided into labor, land, capital and Entrepreneurship For these four types, labor refers to the sum of human physical strength and intelligence in the production process. Land not only refers to land in general sense, but also includes all natural resources above and below the ground, such as rivers, lakes and forests Marine mineral resources wait. Capital can be expressed in physical form and monetary form, and physical form is also called Investment products or Capital goods , such as factory buildings, machines, Power fuel , raw materials, etc; The monetary form of capital is usually called Monetary capital Entrepreneurial talent usually refers to the formation and Operation management The talent of the enterprise.

Element Content

The factors of production include labor, capital and land, but for a long time we only emphasized that labor Value creation And wealth production, while the role of other production factors and their impact on national income However, the division of labor force is either ignored or not paid enough attention, so it has always emphasized labor participation income distribution Problems. We discuss Distribution by production factors That is, while continuing to highlight the role of labor, we should pay enough attention to production factors such as capital, technology and management, so that they can be returned reasonably and legally. The role and return of the two elements should be emphasized.
everything human capital Capital includes physical capital And human capital. The practice of economic development in various countries shows that human capital plays an increasingly important role, and education has a significant impact on national income growth rate The contribution of human resources is rising significantly, and human quality, knowledge and talent are becoming increasingly decisive for economic development. Therefore, how to make human capital get enough return for economic sustained development And the distribution of national income has become very important.
Second, land and resource property Their role in wealth production has long been recognized, but there has always been a vague understanding of the necessity of their participation in income distribution, which is reflected in China's land and natural resources In many cases, it is used for free or at a low price. In China, land and natural resources are owned by the state or the collective. Their free or low-cost use means that their earnings are occupied by a few people. This is also our country income disparity An important reason for the sharp expansion. Therefore, how about land and resource elements Participation in distribution It is an issue that should be seriously considered when improving the income distribution system.

Element demand

The demand of enterprises for production factors is caused or derived from the demand of consumers for consumer goods.
The demand for production factors has the following characteristics:
1. The demand for production factors is“ Derived demand ”。
2. The demand for production factors is not the demand for production factors themselves, but the demand for the use of production factors.
3. The demand for production factors comes from producers - enterprises.
4. The purpose of the enterprise's demand for production factors is to produce products, hoping to get benefits from intermediate grounding.
2、 Factors determining demand for production factors
The demand of producers for a factor of production depends on the following factors:
1. Factors of production Marginal productivity Marginal productivity refers to the quantity of products that can be produced by a certain unit of production factors.
2. Produced product price The height of.
3. The price of production factors.
4. The demand for production factors is also affected by Technical factors Impact.
5. Short term and long-term demand for production factors are different, time factor It will also have an impact on factor demand, because short-term and long-term factors demand elasticity Different.
3、 Demand of single enterprise for production factors: perfect competition
(1) Demand of single factor input enterprises for production factors
1. Marginal productivity of production factors
There are two representations. One is expressed in the form of physical objects, which is reflected in the input of production factors Marginal production The other is to use Form of value Indicates that Marginal product value
Marginal product value of production factors (VMP)=price of products produced by production factors (P) * marginal output of production factors (MP), namely:
VMP=P*MP (1)
2. Under the condition of perfect competition, the marginal product value determines the demand of enterprises for factor inputs. The value of factor marginal product (VMP) is equal to the price of factor (w), namely:
VMP=w (2)
In fact, people can also Profit function The method of derivation is used to find out the optimal input of elements. The profit function of the enterprise is:
π = p zero q wL FC  (3)
FC is the enterprise's fixed cost Calculate the factor input L according to the above profit function First derivative And make it equal to 0 to get:
p zero MPL = w  (4)
4、 Demand for production factors and requirement Changes in
1. The change of element demand means that the element demand does not change with the price of the element itself, but with the change of factors other than the price of the element itself. It makes the whole element demand curve Moves up and down.
2. The change of element demand refers to the change of element demand caused by the change of the price of the element itself under other conditions, that is, the movement of points on the same element demand curve.