
[shēng chǎn néng lì]
Technical parameters reflecting the processing capacity of enterprises
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Production capacity is a technical parameter that reflects the processing capacity of an enterprise, and it can also reflect the production scale of an enterprise. In short, the production capacity reflects the enterprise Production possibility An important indicator of.
Production capacity refers to Planning period All enterprises involved in production fixed assets , in the established organization technical conditions The maximum that can be produced [1] The quantity of products, or the quantity of raw materials that can be processed.
Chinese name
Reflect the processing capacity owned by the enterprise
Reflect the enterprise Production possibility The importance of index
One technical parameter


Production capacity is a technical parameter that reflects the processing capacity of an enterprise, and it can also reflect the production scale of an enterprise. The reason why every enterprise director cares about the production capacity is that he needs to know whether the production capacity of the enterprise can meet the market demand at any time. When demand is strong, he needs to consider how to increase production capacity to meet the growth of demand; When demand is insufficient, he needs to consider how to reduce the scale, avoid overcapacity and minimize losses.
(1) Production technological development Changed production capacity
The development and change of production technology has led to the change of production capacity. Enterprises need to adjust their production capacity according to the development of production technology and the change of demand.
(2) Different products of the same equipment productivity Difference of
For processing and assembling enterprises, when the same equipment processes different products technological requirements Different will make the production capacity different with different products.
(3) Learning effect Change production capacity
In service enterprises and industrial enterprises mainly engaged in manual labor productivity It is related to the experience and learning of workers. With the increase of workers' proficiency, Unit product The time consumption of will decrease and the production capacity will increase. [1]


There are many different production capacities in actual application Expression , including: Designed production capacity Check the production capacity and Planned production capacity Etc.
Designed production capacity
It refers to the capital construction assignment and Technical documents The production capacity specified in Design documents Prescriptive Product plan Technical process And equipment, calculated maximum Annual output After the enterprise is put into production, it is often necessary to get familiar with and master Production technology In order to achieve the designed production capacity, we need to improve the design process and even some unreasonable places. The design production capacity is not insurmountable. When the operators are familiar with it Production process After mastering the internal laws, we can make Actual production capacity Greatly exceeding the designed production capacity.
Check the production capacity
It refers to the reexamination of the approved production capacity according to the existing production organization conditions, technical level and other factors of the enterprise when the enterprise has no design production capacity data or the design production capacity data is low in reliability. It is a research enterprise Production operation Problems and future development strategy The basis is provided.
Planned production capacity
Also known as practical capability, it is an enterprise Planning period The production capacity that can be realized according to the existing production organization conditions, technical level and other factors. Production plan
Planning capability includes two parts. The first is the existing production capacity of the enterprise, and check the capacity; The second is the newly formed ability of the enterprise in this year. The latter can be the ability formed in the current year by the previous infrastructure or technological transformation projects, or it can be the ability of enterprises through Management means And increased capacity.
The size of the planned capacity basically determines the current production scale of the enterprise, and the planned production volume should match the planned capacity. Enterprises should consider when preparing plans market demand Quantity, capacity and demand are unlikely to be completely consistent Uncertainty Within a certain range, short-term adjustment can be made to the production capacity to meet the market demand.
For old enterprises, the product direction may change, or product mix Redesign may also be due to the improvement of process methods and other reasons Design capability The actual situation can no longer be reflected at all. At this time, the enterprise's capacity needs to be re approved. This result is called the checking capacity. The verification capability is the actual capability of an enterprise, which can guide various plans of the enterprise Planning work Of Basic parameters

Operation method



To calculate the production capacity, it is necessary to first determine the Unit of measurement Different types of Enterprise production capacity The calculation method is different. In contrast, the calculation of production capacity of machinery manufacturing enterprises is slightly more complicated, mainly because of this kind of Enterprise products There are many processing links, a large number of equipment involved in processing, and the equipment capacity is not continuously changing, but developing in a stepped manner, so the processing capacity of each link is inconsistent. The calculation usually starts from the bottom and proceeds from the bottom up. First, the capacity of a single equipment is calculated, and then the production capacity of the team (production line), workshop, and factory is calculated step by step. The calculation of production capacity mainly includes the following three types: assembly line Production type Calculation of production capacity of enterprises, calculation of production capacity of batch processing enterprises and service trade Calculation of production capacity of.


When calculating the production capacity, it is necessary to know the situation of each independent production line, the production level of each independent factory and the whole The production allocation status of the production system can generally be carried out through the following steps:
(1) Use forecast Technical forecast Sales of products of each independent production line;
(2) Calculate the number of equipment and labor required to meet the demand;
(3) Reasonably allocate the available equipment and labor quantity.
Enterprises often have to consider a production capacity margin as a balance between the design production capacity and Actual production capacity Buffer for. Production capacity margin refers to the production that exceeds the expected demand Surplus capacity For example, the estimated demand of a product is 10 million, while the designed production capacity is 12 million. In this way, the margin of production capacity is 20%, that is, the enterprise is based on 80% Utilization rate of production capacity Produce the product. On the contrary, if the design production capacity of an enterprise is lower than the production capacity that should be achieved to meet the product demand, it means that the production capacity margin of the enterprise is negative For example, if an enterprise's annual product demand is 12 million, but its production capacity is only 10 million, then the enterprise's production capacity margin is - 20%.

Unit of measurement

because Enterprise type Of Universality , products and Production process Very different, working Production capacity plan Previously, the unit of measurement of the production capacity of the enterprise must be determined. Common production capacity measurement units are as follows:
The unit of measurement is the output
It is very clear that the production capacity of manufacturing enterprises with modulated and synthetic production types is expressed in terms of output. For example, steel plants and cement plants all use product tonnage as their production capacity, while household appliance manufacturers use product number as their production capacity. The greater the output of such enterprises, the greater their capacity. If the manufacturer produces a variety of products, it should choose the professional direction of the representative enterprise Man hour quota The product with the largest product is taken as Representative products Other products can be converted to representative products. Conversion factor Ki can be obtained from the following formula: ki=ti/t0 (see the entry diagram)
Ki -- represents the Conversion factor
Ti -- represents the Time quota
T0 represents the time quota of the product.
The unit of measurement is the processing capacity of raw materials
Some enterprises use a single raw material to produce multiple products. At this time, it is reasonable to take the annual quantity of raw materials processed by the factory as the unit of measurement of production capacity, such as Refinery Its production capacity is the tonnage of crude oil processed in one year. The production characteristics of such enterprises are often decomposition type, using one main raw material to decompose and manufacture multiple products.
The unit of measurement of production capacity is the input quantity
If some enterprises measure their production capacity by output, it will make people feel uncertain and difficult to grasp. Such as power plant, Annual power generation Billions of kilowatt hours of electricity, huge Astronomical figures It's not easy to compare and judge. It's better to use Installed capacity It is more convenient to measure. This situation is more common in the service industry. For example, airlines use the number of seats as the measurement unit, rather than the number of seats transported passenger flow Is the unit of measurement; Hospitals rely on the number of beds rather than the number of patients diagnosed and treated; Retail Stores with Business area , or the number of standard counters, but not the number of customers receiving services; The telephone office is expressed in terms of the capacity of the exchange, rather than the number of calls connected. The production capacity of such enterprises has a remarkable feature that capacity cannot be stored, and the service industry often belongs to this type.

influence factor


Economic planning

When completing the design of a new plant or redesigning or expanding the existing production system, it is necessary to make correct decisions on production capacity. It is not enough to focus on the annual sales volume of various products, because the sales situation may reflect Seasonality Fluctuation of. Whether we determine the production capacity according to the peak value of sales volume or its average level? If it is planned to determine according to the sales curve, it will minimize the risk of inventory backlog. In this case, the number of labor force in the factory should be variable, except fastigium In addition, part of the factory's production capacity is idle. If we set the production capacity at the medium level, the number of labor force will tend to be stable, and the utilization of plant equipment will tend to be reasonable. However, in order to cope with the peak sales, we should pay attention to the accumulation of inventory. Which way can make Inventory cost , factory investment and labor turnover Comprehensive cost To the minimum? Here, the key issue is to economic analysis This can be summed up as a planning problem, that is, the production capacity is planned according to each operating period, so as to minimize the above comprehensive costs. The investment cost in the comprehensive costs can be used as a Nonlinear function To approximate it.

Sales Forecast

This produces Sales Forecast Problems. We have developed a Production capacity plan Or should we make a plan that is suitable for the predicted sales level in 1 year, 5 years or 10 years? Can we afford to produce more than we need economically? It is worth mentioning that the consumption of a certain amount of subsequent production capacity is not equal to the current consumption. Moreover, in general, at any production capacity level, some equipment is actually idle. Therefore, it is not necessary to purchase equipment with idle capacity when changing production capacity. The production capacity planning is used to determine the production capacity required for future production. When making the production capacity planning, even if the expected market demand in the future is taken into account. It only needs to purchase the required equipment, and at the same time, appropriate space is reserved for the equipment to be purchased in the future in the building and plane layout planning, so that when the original production capacity is expanded, it is not necessary to carry out again Plant layout Now, just put the new machine into the original system.

Space cost

It can be seen that the problem can actually be attributed to reserving additional space to meet the expected demand in the future. Considering the subsequent expansion space Unit cost It should be larger (because the original wall needs to be broken and new doors need to be opened), so this way of reserving space in advance is reasonable. More importantly, in addition to the cost of the added space itself, the post expansion method also needs to consider the cost of plane rearrangement. If the increased space is not organically combined with the existing system, the payment of materials will be required transportation cost This one additional costs To sum up, the additional cost of expanding new space must be compared with Reserved space And the cost of maintaining it until it is needed.

Outsourcing production

Let's talk about it coordination with foreign countries or with other units The impact of production and multi shift working system on production capacity. Another aspect of the production capacity problem is how to meet the required production capacity. The ratio of investment to production capacity varies with the outsourcing production scale and Equipment utilization (is implemented Single shift system , two shift system or three-shift system )Different. When it is necessary to invest funds for purchasing new equipment, it is very important to carry out economic analysis to determine whether the parts are self-made or purchased. Therefore, it is necessary to make a decision on self-made and purchased parts first when determining the future production capacity.
It is not a simple problem to determine the appropriate number of shifts for an enterprise. For example, we use two shifts instead Single shift system , does not make Investment cost Reduce by half, because, as we pointed out earlier, additional Investment amount Not related to production capacity Increase It is absolutely proportional, and usually involves many other costs. For the second shift, there is usually a 10%~15% salary increase multiple shifts In addition, supervision and management costs often need to be increased. There is no unique answer to the question of shift formulation, because different industrial sector The cost share of plant, equipment and labor is different, so economic analysis should be carried out according to specific conditions. Generally speaking, for industrial sectors with large per capita investment in plant and equipment, such as steel, chemistry, petroleum processing, etc., it is more economical to adopt multi shift system; However, for the sectors with medium or low per capita investment, the wage increase caused by multi shift system exceeds the investment saved, so it is not cost-effective from an economic perspective.



business accounting

Finally, let's look at the accounting of production capacity. What is the meaning of production capacity? When it comes to production capacity Steel industry In, people think of the tons of steel produced every day, every week or every month, while in the automobile manufacturing industry, people think of the number of cars produced within a certain period of time. But what is the situation for a machining factory that undertakes different processing businesses? Because its products are very different, it is practically meaningless to use the quantity of finished products to express the production capacity. In this case, it is necessary to use universality To calculate production capacity. Generally, the average production capacity Measures It can be taken as the Utilization hours The reason why it is a good measure is that we can easily convert the material production capacity into the number of machines needed, which will be carried out in the future Plane layout Time is indispensable. All other representations can be converted to this quantity during capacity accounting. Considering the factory's production efficiency and Scrap rate Will affect the equipment Utilization There should be room for actual planning of this amount.
production efficiency
The production efficiency of the factory shows that due to scheduling delay mechanical failure and Preventive maintenance Due to other reasons, part of the available hours of the equipment is actually unusable. The production efficiency of the factory varies from factory to factory, generally from 0.50 to 0.95. Thus, if the production capacity of 100 motors per week is converted into the required Milling machine The working hours are 550 (determined by the operation Flow card Time study If the production efficiency of the factory is assumed to be 0.80, then the equivalent milling machine working hours we need are 550/0.80=688, that is, we estimate that about 138 working hours are unusable.
Scrap rate
The scrap rate factor indicates that any actual Production process A certain amount of waste products will inevitably be produced. Still taking the motor production mentioned above as an example, the so-called 100 motors per week obviously refers to qualified motors without defects. However, in fact, part of the working hours of the equipment will be spent on the production of a number of waste products. This factor must be taken into account. Assuming that the scrap rate is 3%, then 688 available working hours must be increased to 688/0.97=709 hours. So, if we expect Two shift system Each milling machine can work for 75 hours per week, so we need 709/75=9.45 milling machines. Since the machine tool needs to be purchased as a whole, we should provide 9 or 10 milling machines. If we finally decide to use 10 milling machines, it is expected that there will be some idle production capacity; If we reduce the number of milling machines to 9 to barely maintain, it is inevitable that Bottleneck phenomenon We can solve this problem by working overtime. In this way, the production capacity of 100 motors is equivalent to the workload of 9 or 10 milling machines.


When an enterprise cannot adapt to the changes in the market and is in trouble due to poor operation, it needs to shrink its capacity. The loss shall be reduced as much as possible in the process of shrinkage, and new development shall be achieved in the process of shrinkage. Here are some ways to shrink capacity:
1. Gradually withdraw from industries with no prospects
After thorough market analysis, if it is confirmed that the industry in which the enterprise is engaged is going to decline, the enterprise needs to consider how to exit the industry. Because the market recession is Forecast analysis As a result, it is not realistic, and enterprises just feel the signs of recession. Therefore, enterprises should first stop investing in this industry, and then withdraw funds and personnel in stages. The reason for taking the strategy of gradual withdrawal is that there is still a market. In addition, Enterprise funds It is not easy to transfer. Enterprises cannot easily give up the profitable market, which can reduce losses as much as possible.
2. Sell some loss making departments
For some large enterprises, if some subsidiaries or branches Operation Very bad, it consumes a lot of resources of the enterprise, which makes the company bear a heavy burden, and there is no hope to turn around losses. At this time, it is better to sell the loss making department. This method is commonly used by Western enterprises to deal with loss making subsidiaries. The decision to sell assets should have a positive attitude. The sale is contraction, but the contraction is to unload the burden, strive for initiative, and create conditions for development.
3. Change of production
If the industry is dying, but the equipment of the enterprise is relatively advanced, and the quality of the staff is also very good, we can consider turning to related industries. As it is a related industry with similar processing technology, most of the equipment can continue to be used, and the experience of employees can be given full play. For example, Clothing factory You can turn to bedding and room decorations, food manufacturer We can turn to the production of animal food and so on.

Capacity expansion

In the production process, enterprises may sometimes need to expand production capacity. When expanding its production capacity, enterprises should consider many aspects, the most important of which is to maintain production system Balance, control the frequency of expanding production capacity and effectively use external production capacity.
1. Maintain the balance of the production system
In a factory with fully balanced production, the output of the first stage of production just fully meets the input requirements of the second stage of production, and the output of the second stage of production just fully meets the input requirements of the third stage of production, and so on. However, it is almost impossible and undesirable to achieve such a "perfect" design in actual production, because first, the optimal production level is different at each production stage, and second, product demand will change, and some problems in the production process will also lead to production imbalance, unless the production is completely in the automatic production line Because an automated production line is like a highly technologized society It is a whole.
There are many ways to solve the problem of unbalanced production system. For example, first, increase the bottleneck production capacity. Some measures can be taken Interim measures , such as overtime work Rental equipment , via Subcontract Purchase from other manufacturers Finished products Etc; 2、 On Production bottleneck Leave some before Buffer stock To ensure the continuous operation of bottleneck links without shutdown; 3、 If the production of a department depends on the production of the previous department, the previous department's Production equipment Can be produced sufficiently to supply the production needs of the next department.
2. Frequency of expanding production capacity
When expanding production capacity, two types of cost problems should be considered: costs caused by too frequent upgrading of production capacity and costs caused by too slow upgrading of production capacity. First, too frequent upgrading of production capacity will bring many Direct costs Such as dismantling and replacing old equipment, training workers, using new equipment, etc. In addition, new equipment must be purchased when upgrading, and the purchase cost of new equipment is often Much greater than Dispose of recycled old equipment Amount of funds Finally, during equipment replacement, the idleness of production sites or service sites will also cause opportunity cost
On the contrary, if the upgrading of production capacity is too slow, there will be a large cost. Due to the long interval between production capacity upgrades, a large amount of money is required to invest in each upgrade to greatly expand production capacity. However, if the production capacity that is not needed at present is idle, then the investment in these idle production capacity will be taken as Administrative expenses When included in the cost, this results in the occupation of funds and waste of investment.
3. External production capacity
In some cases, a more economical and effective way can also be used, that is, instead of expanding the production capacity of the enterprise, the existing external production capacity can be used to increase output. Two common methods are: signing subcontract or sharing production capacity. Another new way to share production capacity is to use Consortium Time sharing flexible factory, etc.

Moderating factor

There are many factors that can be adjusted and controlled by enterprises. From the perspective of planning, these factors can be divided into long-term, medium-term and short-term according to the length of time to acquire capacity.  
1. Long term factors
Those who have obtained production capacity for more than one year can be classified as long-term factors. They include: construction of new plants, expansion of old plants, purchase and installation of large complete sets of equipment, technical transformation, etc. These measures can fundamentally change the status of the production system and greatly improve the production capacity, but at the same time, a large amount of capital investment is required. Applying these factors is a strategic decision.
2. Medium term factors
The factors that affect the production capacity within half a year to one year are medium-term factors. If new Process equipment . Add something that can be bought at any time General equipment , or small-scale transformation or innovation of equipment; Increase the number of workers and entrust some production tasks to other factories, including the use of inventory to adjust production. These factors are based on the existing Production facilities The local expansion based on. They belong to middle management Decision of. It is generally considered in the formulation and implementation of the annual production plan.
3. Short term factors
It is a short-term factor that can affect the production capacity within half a year or even in the current month. There are many such factors, such as:
(1) Overtime;
(2) Temporary increase of workers and shift;
(3) Take measures to reduce the scrap rate;
(4) Improve the quality of raw materials;
(5) Improvement Equipment maintenance system This reduces equipment Failure time , improve Equipment utilization And improve production capacity;
(6) Apply appropriate salary Reward system , inspiring workers Labor enthusiasm Improve production in a short time;
(7) Select the batch reasonably. Different batch selection will affect equipment Adjustment time Changes. Reasonable batch selection can reduce unnecessary equipment adjustment time and improve equipment utilization, that is, improve the production capacity of equipment;
Productive Short term adjustment The factor is the improvement of the utilization of existing production facilities, which belongs to the decision-making of the operation level.
To sum up, the production capacity involves a series of important decisions, which will determine the total investment and Operating costs To sum up, these decisions include: the size of production scale related to sales levels in different periods; Decide which shift system is the most economical; It is economical to decide how much surplus production capacity the factory reserves. In a certain period, the financial situation of enterprises often limits the acquisition of the optimal production capacity. A company with limited funds must always Available funds To make the right choice: Advertising promotion , or for product development or equipment update.