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Production site

Place where certain production tasks are completed
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The production site is the place where products are produced, manufactured or production services are provided, that is, the place where workers use labor means to act on the labor objects and complete certain production tasks. It includes not only the workplaces of basic production workshops on the production line, but also the workplaces of auxiliary production departments, such as warehouses, laboratories and boiler rooms. In China, industrial enterprises are small in scale and are used to referring to the production site as workshop , workshop or production line.
Chinese name
Production site
The process is not smooth
Each production line generally contains multiple processes
Mixing of defective products
It refers to the missed inspection during the incoming inspection
It is possible to inspect the isolated semi-finished products

Field problems

Operation process is not smooth
Each production line generally contains multiple processes. Therefore, the most common problem on the production site is that the operation process is not smooth. The most direct impact of the unsmooth operation process is that the average working hours required for the company to produce products are increased, which correspondingly reduces the working efficiency of the production site, and even leads to the product not being delivered on time. When the operation process is not smooth, the most common method is to add the same production line. In this way, it is bound to waste a lot of working hours and increase the enterprise's investment in production equipment, which seriously affects the company's product production costs and efficiency.
Mixing of defective products
If the production site is not in order, defective products will often be mixed in. The so-called mixing of defective products means that some defective raw materials are mixed into the production line due to missing inspection during incoming inspection; Or it has been inspected in the process of incoming inspection and isolated in the warehouse, but it is carelessly taken out in the process of picking and mixed into the production process; It is even possible to inspect the isolated semi-finished products and carelessly mix them into the next process.
The mixing of defective products will inevitably lead to repeated rework. Repeated rework often occurs in the process of operation, which correspondingly makes the quality of products continuously decline. Finally, unqualified products will directly lead to customers' complaints and requests for return. More seriously, customers are no longer willing to cooperate with enterprises in the future. The quality of products will directly affect the reputation of production enterprises and the trust of customers, and will eventually seriously damage the lofty corporate image of enterprises in the hearts of customers.
equipment failure
Equipment failure is also a common problem in the production line. In production, the normal use of production equipment is often ensured through regular maintenance of production equipment and timely repair after problems occur. The service life of production equipment is generally long, but the equipment may suddenly break down in the production process, causing the enterprise to be unable to produce urgently needed products in time.
In addition, different working dies may be mixed together at the production site, so it is difficult to remedy the nonconforming products produced due to the wrong use of working dies.
Fund backlog
As a manager of an enterprise, he is most concerned about the flow of funds. The semi-finished products or finished products in the production process are overstocked in the warehouse, and these inventories can be converted into overstocked funds, which is extremely unfavorable to the cost management of enterprises and the effective flow of funds.
The quantity of semi-finished products overstocked on the production line is usually difficult to count, and can only be judged by feeling whether it is more or less than last month. Production management personnel often mistakenly believe that more semi-finished products are due to more orders. However, the actual situation is not necessarily the case. Managers need to deeply understand the real reason for the backlog of semi-finished products, otherwise, major quality accidents are likely to occur.
Increase in manpower
In many enterprises, the increase of manpower does not lead to the corresponding increase of production capacity. For Chinese enterprises, the market is booming at a favorable time. The most important thing for enterprises in this situation is not to reduce costs, but to try their best to seize more market share. Therefore, the enterprise will try its best to support the sales department and increase production lines to complete orders as soon as possible on the premise of obtaining orders. When the production capacity and manpower are insufficient, the enterprise will increase relevant personnel. However, the problem is often that although the number of personnel has increased, the production capacity has not increased significantly.
Safety accident
There may also be some major safety accidents on the production site. The impact of safety accidents is great, and the occurrence of safety accidents will directly affect the morale of employees. In particular, processing enterprises and enterprises with relatively high risk of production and operation environment should seriously achieve safe production according to the characteristics of safe production.
As long as the production activities of any enterprise are still in progress, it is inevitable that there are unsafe factors, and there are often safety accident prevention problems. It is no exaggeration to say that this management work has an extremely important "life" status in the production arena. Therefore, the enterprise must carefully eliminate and guard against any potential safety hazards at any time.


The main methods and tools of production site management include on-site OJT, on-site 5S management, on-site visual management, on-site improvement and on-site problem solving.

Key points of management

1、 Plan management
2、 Sometimes there is a gap in completing all work as planned in daily production, but daily work schedule management is an effective solution.
3、 Management by Objectives
4、 Production line inventory management [1]