Aihui Treaty

[ài huī tiáo yuē]
The unequal treaty signed between the Russian Empire and the Qing government
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Aihui Treaty, also known as《 Peace Treaty of Aihui City Russian Empire East Siberia governor Nikolai Nikolayevich Muraviyov and Qing Dynasty Heilongjiang General Yishan On May 28, 1858 (April 16, Xianfeng 8) Aihui (Today Heilongjiang Province Heihe City Aihui District )Signed an unequal treaty, which made China lose Heilongjiang To the north Stanovoy Range About 600000 square kilometers to the south Wusuli River Easterly Chinese territory It is under the joint management of China and Russia; Heilongjiang Wusuli River Only Chinese and Russian ships are allowed to sail; at that time Qing government Refusal to ratify the treaty. China and Russia were signed in 1860《 Beijing Treaty 》Only then did the Qing government approve it. [1]
Chinese name
Aihui Treaty
Foreign name
Treatment of Aigun (English); Айгунскийдоговор (Russian)
ài huī tiáo yuē
Signatory country
Russian Empire Qing Dynasty
Signing time
May 28, 1858
contracting place
Aihui, China (now Aihui District, Heihe City)
Plunder Northeast China
Cede more than 600000 square kilometers of territory
Representatives of both parties
Qing Dynasty: Yishan, Russian Empire: Muraviyov

Signing Background

Encroach China's Heilongjiang region and seize the access to the pacific ocean The sea port of Sino Russian Nibuchu Treaty After the signing of the agreement, the Russian government of the Czars of all dynasties has always been plotting. Opium War Later, Russia set up the "Special Committee on Heilongjiang" to intensify its aggression against Heilongjiang. From 1849 to 1853, Russian naval officer Neversky led the armed men to invade the lower reaches of the Heilongjiang River and establish an aggressive stronghold. Later, in Eastern Siberia Under the command of Governor Muraviyov, a large number of Russian invaders invaded Heilongjiang and occupied the north bank of the middle and upper reaches and the two banks of the lower reaches. [2-3]
Aihui New Town Site
On December 29, 1857, Anglo French Allied Forces Capture Guangzhou The Russian government was informed of this situation and held a meeting of the "Special Committee" on January 5, 1858 to plot. The meeting adopted Muraviyov's proposal to continue to "migrate" to Heilongjiang, backed by force, and Qing government Opinions of the diplomatic negotiations held. After the meeting, the Russian government informed the Qing government that Muraviyov had been instructed to negotiate the Sino Russian border issue. If the Qing government wanted to settle the "Heilongjiang issue", it could consult with him. At this point, The Second Opium War The situation was extremely unfavorable to the Qing government. Muraviev then took the opportunity to lead the Russian Cossack army to the Chinese city of Aihui. On May 20, the British and French allied forces captured Dagu Tianjin is in emergency and Beijing is shocked. On the 22nd, Muraviyov gunboat Escort down to Aihui City Inner Mongolia, and Heilongjiang General of the Qing Dynasty Yishan Meeting and negotiation. Muraviyov said that he came here to "help China defend Britain", and also to "defend their own territory". "For the interests of both sides, the Qing Dynasty and Russia must delimit along the Heilongjiang River and the Ussuri River.". Yi Shan pointed out that the border between the two countries has been based on《 Treaty of Nerchinsk 》"We have agreed to abide by it, and we will never change it for hundreds of years. If we follow your advice today, we will never yield to it.". The negotiation was very heated. Before the meeting ended, Muraviyov handed the "draft treaty" drawn up by the Russian side to Yishan for a reply the next day.
The essence of this draft is to tear up the Sino Russian Nibuchu Treaty and forcibly occupy the areas north of Heilongjiang and east of Wusuli River. In the second negotiation, representatives of the Qing government Ai Shen Tai Categorically rejected the unreasonable request made by the Russian side, and returned the "draft treaty" to the Russian representative Petrovsky. The negotiations were fruitless due to the Russian side's vexatiousness. Muraviyov was impatient. He went out again in person, put forward the final text of the treaty by means of an ultimatum, forced Yishan to sign it, and threatened to say: "You can't negotiate with the Chinese in a peaceful way!" The Russian warship fired guns that night. Under the unreasonable threat of Russian force, Yishan finally succumbed and was forced to sign the Aihui City Peace Treaty with Muraviyov on the 28th, also known as the Aihui Treaty. The Sino Russian Aihui Treaty is the largest unequal treaty that Russia forced China to sign in Chinese history.
Tongrong Mountain, the deputy capital of the late Qing Dynasty, and Wu Dacheng set up the Chinese Russian border monument (in the Northeast Martyrs Memorial Museum)

primary coverage

Aihui Treaty has 3 articles, mainly including:
1. North of Heilongjiang Stanovoy Range More than 600000 square kilometers (about 4 in size) to the south Henan Province )China's territory was ceded to Russia, and the Jingqili River (today's Russia) on the opposite bank of Aihui Jieya River )A small area in the southeast of the upstream (later called Sixty four villages in Jiangdong )Keep the Qing Dynasty Permanent residency and Jurisdiction
2. The Chinese territory east of the Ussuri River is under the joint management of China and Russia (later annexed by Russia);
3. Originally belonging to inland rivers of China Heilongjiang and Wusuli River Zhunqing and Russian ships sailed.
 Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty
Russia forced China to sign the Aihui Treaty

Original treaty


Chinese Translation 1

Royal Family of Heilongjiang General, Former Minister of the Qing Dynasty Yishan With the hope that the two countries will always get along well with each other, that the people of their respective families will benefit each other, and that they will guard against foreign countries, the General Mulifeiyuefei of East Sibir, Russia, and the two countries agree:
1、 Heilongjiang, Songhua River Left bank from Erguna River To the estuary of Songhua River, Russia belongs to it. The right bank from Shunjiang River to Wusuli River belongs to the Qing Dynasty. All places from Wusuli to the sea adjacent to the border between the two countries are under the same control of the Qing Dynasty and Russia. The Heilong, Songhua and Wusuli rivers are only allowed to travel between the Qing Dynasty and Russia, and ships from other countries are not allowed to go. Manchurians on the left bank of Heilongjiang, from Jingqili River to Holmorejin Village, are still ordered to live as usual, under the jurisdiction of officials of the Qing Dynasty, and are not allowed to be disturbed by Russians.
1、 People belonging to the two countries are always on good terms. People living in Wusuli, Heilongjiang and Songhua Rivers allow them to trade with each other, and businessmen on both sides of the strait instruct officials to look after each other.
Yi Shan, the royal family of the Heilongjiang general in the Great Qing Dynasty, agreed with the Duke of Binatormuli Feiyue in Russia, and they will always comply with the agreement.
This version is from Volume 25 of "Preparation for the First and Last Yiwu · Xianfeng Dynasty" [4]
Aihui Treaty

Chinese Translation II

May 28, 1858, April 16, Xianfeng 8, May 16, 1858, Russian calendar, Aihui.
On April 16, the eighth year of Xianfeng, General Yi Shan of Heilongjiang Province, together with General Yue Fu of Russia's East Zebil, negotiated three peace treaties in Aihui City:
1、 Heilongjiang and the left bank of Songhua River, from Erguna River to the Haikou of Songhua River, are the places where Russia belongs; The right bank flows along the river to Wusuli River, as the place where the Qing Dynasty belongs; From the Wusuli River to the sea, this place is like the place connecting the border between the two countries, which is the place under the joint management of the two countries. From Heilongjiang, Songhua River and Wusuli River, only Chinese and Russian ships were allowed to travel, and foreign ships were not allowed to travel in this river. On the left bank of Heilongjiang, from the south of Jingqili River to Kholmolejin Village, the native Manchus are allowed to live in their villages forever as usual. They are still under the management of Manchu ministers and officials. The Russians are friendly and inviolable.
1、 People belonging to the two countries make peace with each other. People belonging to the two countries live in Wusuli, Heilongjiang and Songhua Rivers and make them trade together. Officials and other people on both sides of the strait look after each other's trade.
1、 Russia Jienelalegubir Natalmulafu Yuefu, China guards the General Yishan in Heilongjiang and other places, and will always follow the rules agreed upon, such as Do Not Replace; The Russian Gennar Gubil Natal Mulafu Yuefu wrote Russian characters and Manchu characters, and personally painted and signed them. He handed them over to the Chinese general Yishan, the imperial family, and the Chinese general Yishan wrote Manchu characters and Mongolian characters, and personally painted and signed them. He handed them over to the Russian Gennar Gubil Natal Mulafu Yuefu, and wrote according to this text, telling people at the border of the two countries, etc.
(Ben and appointment Xianfeng Treaty, Volume 2, pages 13 – 14. For the Russian and French versions, see Russian External: Russian Chinese Treaties Collection, pages 83 – 84; See the same book, pages 113 – 121, for both Manchu and Mongolian texts; This peace treaty, also known as the Peace Treaty of Aihui City, was signed in Manchu, Mongolian and Russian versions, but not in Chinese; The Chinese version is a translation. Russia ratified it on July 20, 1858. Date of exchange of approval not found [1] [5]

Signing follow-up

According to the order given to Yishan by the Qing authorities in advance, Yishan has no right to sign a treaty with Russia. Therefore, the Qing government did not ratify the Aihui Treaty and punished Yi Shan and others afterwards. But it was established in 1860《 Sino Russian Beijing Treaty 》At that time, the Aihui Treaty was recognized.
After the signing of the Aihui Treaty, Russia Blagoveshchensk It was renamed "Baoxi City" (i.e Blagoveshinsk )To celebrate the successful signing of the treaty. czar alexander ii Special awards are awarded to Muraviyov for his "meritorious" contract of aggression, and Muraviyov is awarded Earl of Amur (i.e. Heilongjiang) Ski.
Loss of sea access

Treaty impact

The Aihui Treaty caused great damage to China's territory and sovereignty, and Russia From it, we can gain huge territorial interests, navigation rights of Heilongjiang and Wusuli rivers, and access to the pacific ocean Of estuary just as Engels It is said that Russia "seized a territory equal to the area of France and Germany and a river as long as the Danube from China" without firing a shot. (Russian Success in the Far East, excerpted from《 Complete Works of Marx and Engels 》Volume 12, page 662)
Russia cedes Muraviyov to China Heilongjiang The regional mode of action can be summarized as an aggressive formula: "It must be supported by actual occupation of the region Russia Diplomatic requirements ". Later, Russia passed the《 Sino Russian Beijing Treaty 》1864《 Sino Russian Exploration Division Northwest Boundary Treaty 》And other unequal treaties invaded China Wusuli River This is true of large areas in the eastern region and the outer northwest region. The signing of the Aihui Treaty further plundered Russia Chinese territory Set a criminal precedent.
The Evaluation of the British Kousong
The Anti secession Struggle of Border People of All Nationalities in Northeast China
The "Luocha": the frontier people of all ethnic groups in the northeast of the Qing Dynasty fought against Russian aggression
In the 1850s, decadent Qing government Has become a lamb to be slaughtered, and at this time Czar Russia His ambition of invading China was growing, and he made territorial claims to the Qing government, forcing the Qing government to sign a series of notorious unequal treaties, such as the Sino Russian Aihui Treaty, the Sino Russian Beijing Treaty, and so on. Bringing a large area of Northeast China into its territory and implementing colonial rule in these areas, the people of Northeast China's frontier swore incompatibility and resolutely resisted
Sketch map of Russia's occupation of Northeast China
An oath is incompatible
There is an old folk song in northern China: there are three treasures in Guandong, Ginseng Mink skin Euphrates
Others said: "There are four treasures in Guandong. Sorghum, soybeans, rice and wheat grow well.".
Northeast China has been rich in products and various kinds since ancient times. It has been called a treasure land in all dynasties. The so-called "fish in the water, rare treasures in the forest, rare birds in the sky, and sacred animals in the mountains" is a true portrayal of the Longxing Treasure Land where thousands of wild animals and plants multiply.
since Qing soldiers enter the pass Later, the Qing government was different from the administrative system, management mode and land occupation form in the Central Plains General Sheng Jing General Ningguta and Heilongjiang General This is actually Northeast China It was set up as a "secondary capital special zone" to provide this rare land resources for Qing Dynasty nobles to enjoy.
Tsar Russia was originally a European country, thousands of miles away from China. Since the late 16th century, it has crossed Eurasian boundary , gradually Siberia The expansion along the belt will extend the border line to the northern edge of China and seize the opportunity to occupy Chinese territory.
In the early Qing Dynasty, the government was still able to contain the invasion of Russia. During the reign of Kangxi《 Treaty of Nerchinsk 》It has maintained the peace of the Sino Russian border for a hundred years.
After a hundred years of seclusion, the former empire has gradually declined, and the distance from the world powers has gradually receded.
By the 1850s, the decadent Qing government had no way to fight back against the aggression of the big powers, and China gradually became a market divided by the big powers and a colony coveted and constantly contested by the imperialists. Among them, the most heinous is Russia. Since the Opium War, the Qing government has been forced to sign a series of notorious unequal treaties, such as the Sino Russian Aihui Treaty, the Sino Russian Beijing Treaty, etc., occupying a large area of northeast China, and carrying out the "Yellow Russia" colonial rule plan Yangtze River To the north, it was assigned to Russia. At that time, Henan, Hebei, Northeast, Northwest, Qinghai, Tibet, Shaanxi, Hebei, Shandong, Sichuan, and even the Yangtze River Yellow River Both will be annexed by Russia, and then China will be completely annexed by Russia, and Russia will become the number one enemy of the Chinese nation at that time. The whole Chinese people are extremely indignant, and the people in the northeast frontier swear incompatibility and resolutely resist it.
Oroqen people hit the "investigation team"
Russia's bandit acts of rape, pillage, murder and arson in Chinese territory aroused the people of all ethnic groups in the Northeast to fight against it. They spontaneously organized anti Russian groups to share the same hatred for the enemy and actively fight against this group of "Luocha Ghost Soldiers".
In the northeast frontier of China Oroqen Feyaka Hezhen Such ethnic minorities have lived here all their lives, relying on the mountain and the water, and have always lived a peaceful and peaceful life.
They are all natural hunters who are good at riding and shooting and are brave. Especially living in the upper reaches of Heilongjiang and Mongolia Of Oroqen nationality People, who live in the forest for generations, hunt for a living, and are skilled in riding and shooting, are known as "the nation on horseback".
Russian guns broke their peace.
One day in the thirtieth year of Daoguang era (1850), Muraviyov, the governor of eastern Siberia of Russia, led his carefully organized "investigation team" to sneak into China from Kukdobokalen for secret surveying and mapping. Unexpectedly, as soon as they set foot on Chinese territory, they were discovered and attacked by the local Oroqen people. Members of the expedition, Lieutenant Waganov and two Cossacks They were killed, and the rest fled in panic.
When the news spread that the members of the Russian "expedition" were killed, the Russian government felt humiliated and hit, and decided not to give up, so it planned to retaliate against the Chinese Qing government.
They pretended that three deserters from the country had crossed into China and asked the Qing government to return them. Under the threat of Russia, the fatuous and incompetent Qing government, knowing it was a trick, still "brought the warriors of Oroqen to justice" and "confessed" to Russia. Some were executed, some were sent to the army, and some were flogged. The Oroqen people wrote a patriotic legend of fighting Russia and protecting Xinjiang with their blood and life.
The Oroqen people are called "the nation on horseback".
Feyaka riots
While the people of Oroqen rose up and annihilated the "investigation team" headed by Valnov, the Feyaka people also launched a heroic struggle against the invasion of the Russian invasion army.
The Feyaka worship nature, animals and their patron saint of travelers Tsarist Russia The invasion of aggression broke their peaceful life of working at sunrise and resting at sunset. These simple and kind-hearted people began to defend their homes.
In the first year of Xianfeng (the end of 1851), he lived in Woyidetun on the left bank of the lower reaches of Heilongjiang Feyaka People and Manchu People, unable to withstand oppression, agreed to hold an uprising in the summer of the next year to drive the Russian invaders out of the country. Unexpectedly, the plan was exposed and the Russian army chief Neversky Send troops to suppress.
The Russian army came to the village and shouted, ordering the villagers to hand over the leader of the riot. The villagers refused to hand over their men and surrounded the Russian regiment. Seeing that the villagers were trying to resist, the Russian army forcibly took away several leaders who were trying to besiege the Russian army and escorted them to Peter Winter Camp. Then they sent a large team of people to drive the residents of the three nearby villages there, beat the leaders in the face of the villagers, and punished them as coolies to carry wood for them, as an example. Although the riot was nipped in the bud, it also posed a great threat to the aggressors.
Brave Hezhen
Hezhe nationality It is the only ethnic group in northern China that makes a living by fishing, mainly living in Songhua River The downstream is composed of Heilongjiang River and Wusuli River“ Sanjiang plain ”And Wanda Mountain One Belt. Famous《 Chanty of wusuli 》It is Hezhe folk song.
Three rivers and fertile fields are crisscrossed by mountains and rivers. There are famous specialties here—— Viperfish toadfish Three flowers and five silks Mink skin Muskrat ... It has been a rich natural fishing ground and hunting place since ancient times. People often describe the prosperity here by "beating roe deer with a stick and ladling fish, and flying pheasants into the rice pot". This rich place was also a piece of fat in the eyes of the tsarist, who had invaded many times in more than ten years.
When the Russian invaders invaded, the Hezhe people refused to lead the way and supply food for them; Monitor the actions of the Russian invaders, and report to the local Qing government and the Qing army at any time; Cooperate with the Qing army to guard Jiangka. What Hezhen people did was to contribute to the fight against the Russian aggressors.
In June of the thirtieth year of Daoguang (1850), a small group of Russian troops invaded the village of Telin at the mouth of Heilongjiang, and were surrounded by more than 200 Manchu and Hezhe residents. The villagers warned the Russian invaders that no foreigner had the right to set foot on this land without the permission of the Qing government, so they drove them out.
On May 4 of the fourth year of Xianfeng (May 30, 1854), Muraviyov led more than 1000 "expeditionary troops", carrying a large number of guns and ammunition, and rode more than 70 ships to break into Heilongjiang Basin When they arrived at the mouth of the Songhua River, the spring rain was drizzling. Because they were not familiar with the road and did not know the direction, the robbers could not move forward. At this time, Hezhen fisherman Ursana and others were forking fish on the river bank, and Muraviyov immediately sent someone to forcibly pull them onto the boat and request to lead the way. Ursana and others sternly rejected the Russian request. As a result, they were detained by the Russian army for several days before being released.
Ussuri Kalun and Heihekou Kalun are the gateways to the Ussuri River and Songhua River from Heilongjiang, and also the only way to and from Heilongjiang.
In the summer of the fourth year of Xianfeng (1854), the three surnamed Xie led Funiyanga to borrow a birch skin boat from Hezhen, and under the guidance of Hezhen, led troops to the lower reaches of Heilongjiang to scout the movement of the Russian army. After investigation, they found that the Russian army was coming to two Karen. In case of emergency, they immediately reported to the local government for decision. However, the Qing government put forward the order of "Don't provoke provocations", so the garrison of the Qing army did not dare to act rashly and was powerless to invade the Russian ships. Karen, as a border post, is nothing.
In August and September of the seventh year of Xianfeng (October 1857), a Russian army invaded the Songhua River. When they approached Karen at the Black River Estuary, the Qing Army was trying to stop them and sent people to report at a high speed General Jilin Jingchun Russian ships ignored the blocking of the Qing army and continued to run amok on China's inland waterways.
After receiving the flight report, Jing Chun immediately orders the Deputy Dutong, the third surname, to send troops to "sail the boat to meet the resistance".
When the local Hezhen people got the news, they also drove boats to stop the Russian ships.
The birch skin boat of Hezhen people is light and flexible, with fast speed. The Hezhen people, together with the officers and soldiers, chased for more than 60 miles, and soon arrived in front of the Russian ship. Then the Hezhen people will Birch bark boat Line up on the river to form a water blockade line to block the progress of Russian ships.
The officers and men of the Qing army took the advantage of the situation to pull down the sails of the Russian army and issued a serious warning, asking them to leave China immediately. Seeing the bad situation, the Russian army rushed out of the Songhua River.
At that time, there was an interesting phenomenon: the Russian invasion army was not afraid of the Qing army, but was afraid of the Hezhen people. On the one hand, Hezhen people are fierce, and on the other hand, the fighting power of the Manchu army in Northeast China is really low. Muraviyov once wrote: "Most people carry a pole painted black on the tip as a spear, but only a few people have it Musket Most of them carried bows and quivers on their backs... "So the general of Jilin took advantage of this feature to dress the Qing army as hunters of the Hezhe nationality and perform patrols to frighten the Russians.
Zalasi endured humiliation
At the beginning of the 10th year of Xianfeng (1860) Hezhe nationality Kasanda ”For Zalasi, it was a period of humiliation and darkness. At that time, when the Russian attacked, he led the crowd to resist, but it was useless. His wife and concubine were teased by the Russian army, his house was torched, and even he was kidnapped by the Russian army.
The Russian army knew that Zalasi was the local leader, so it tried to make him work for the Russian army. Zalasi decided to take a long view and obey conditionally. He made a condition that he could serve as a Russian official, but he must manage Russian affairs. The Russian army agreed to his request.
From the beginning of taking office, Zalasi began to use his power to widely collect Russian military intelligence. He also learned from Russian soldiers: Russia Cossacks The conflicts between the soldiers and immigrants and the governor of East Siberia, Muraviyov, are very acute, czar Our policy of aggression against China is quite unpopular.
This intelligence was obtained directly from the Russian people since the large-scale invasion of Russia, and important information about their true reflection of the Russian government's policy of aggression against China. It is still preserved in Xianfeng Dynasty as precious historical materials《 The whole process of preparing for the barbarians 》Medium.
Later, Zarasi worked hard to lead more than 260 of his subordinates to move in and return to the motherland. This not only shows the Hezhen people's love for their motherland, but more importantly, their return has also injected new blood into the local anti Russian forces.
"Shafu", "Lead" Anti Russia
At the same time that the people along the Heilongjiang coast fought hard against Russia, Wusuli River and Songhua River The patriotic masses in the valley also began to organize to fight against the aggression of the Tsarist Russia. Among them, the most typical is the anti Russian force composed of Jilin's "Shafu" and "Lantou".
The Wusuli area is rich in gold, ginseng, pearls and other precious goods. The residents there have made a living by digging ginseng, catching mink, fishing, pearl mining and gold panning for generations. Russia's occupation of the area to the east of the Ussuri River has destroyed the livelihood of "goufu" and "shoutou", making them unable to make a living. Therefore, they hate Russia even more and have the strongest fighting spirit. The Jilin authorities took this seriously and decided to make full use of this force to stop the invasion of the Tsarist Russian forces.
In fact, before that, the "shafu" and "lead" people had spontaneously organized some small-scale teams, but they had to carry out secret anti Russian activities underground for fear that the government would know.
As early as when Russia invaded the Ussuri region on a large scale, Xu Delin, the "planer", said to the General of Jilin that the Russians were wantonly invading China's territory by surveying and mapping the terrain and setting up benchmarks, but also wanted to deprive them of their life. Therefore, they shared the same hatred for the enemy, willingly contributed to the government and asked to participate in the anti Russian struggle.
When learning that Jilin authorities decided to send“ waist tag ”When they were given a legal identity and allowed to set up camp openly to fight Russia, the "goufu" and "lead" people seemed excited. Xu Delin, Zhang Dengying, Zhang Tingxuan, Song Xiangchun, Mou Jiatai and others who "lead" have responded to the call of the authorities to recruit campers and assemble teams. Soon they organized a powerful combat group of 84 battalions.
Their so-called "battalion" is not different from the military establishment of the Qing army, but is divided according to different occupations, such as:
"Caishen Camp", "Dingdui Camp", "Vegetable Camp", "Wooden Camp" and "Bangchui Camp". There are hundreds of people in the battalion and several people in the battalion. Each camp has one or more "deacons" and a number of helpers (campers). Some of the camp names are self styled, while others are named after the "camp head".
When there is no war, the battalions can engage in production activities such as gathering and catching; In case of war, each battalion should "signal with the sound of a gun or follow with a letter" and "gather regularly" to be ready to attack the invaders at any time.
In order to protect the ginseng in the mountain and resist the Russian invaders. Under the leadership of "planer" Xu Delin and "lead" Zhang Dengying, more than 150 camps have been set up successively. The number of troops in each battalion varies from tens to hundreds, and the total number of troops is no less than 10000.
However, the growth of this team caused panic of Jilin authorities, so they suppressed and controlled it, making it unable to play its due role in resisting Russia.
The Largest Anti Russian Struggle of Northeast Frontier People
The Russian invaders' invasion and forced occupation of the Heilongjiang and Wusuli River basins aroused the strong indignation of the local people of all ethnic groups. Residents in Heilongjiang and the middle and lower reaches of the Songhua River have also organized militia groups. According to statistics, more than 3900 people from Jiangzuo and Jiangyou, Heilongjiang, participated in the group exercises. Garrison Aihui The patriotic officers and soldiers of the nearby Qing army also joined the ranks of the people in the struggle against Russia. They warned the Russian army in the notice that it must "leave the place", or it will die under the "sword" of the Chinese army and people, indicating the strong desire of the Chinese army and people to recover their land.
The Qingdao gold miners' uprising in 1868 was the largest anti Russian struggle in this period. Qingdao is an island located in the southeast of Vladivostok, famous for its rich placer gold. After the Russian colonialists occupied this area, they ordered to expel the Chinese gold miners who settled here and plunder the precious resources here. In 1867, the Russian invaders forcibly boarded the island and plundered the gold mines; In May 1868, warships loaded with Russian soldiers landed in Qingdao again, trying to drive away Chinese workers here. However, the Chinese gold miners had already set up an ambush. Once the Russian army landed on the island, hundreds of gold miners rushed over, killing and injuring more than half of the Russian army. From Vladivostok The siege was lifted only when warships were dispatched. After this battle, the anti Russian struggle of gold miners began to develop to the whole area east of the Ussuri River.
After the insurrectionary army moved to Suzhou, the planer of Suzhou immediately responded. The insurrectionary army attacked the Russian army everywhere in Qingdao, Suzhou, Huangdao, Shimiaozi and other places. The insurrectionary team grew to 3000 people, and the anti Russian war flames burned all over the land of South Wusuli. They persisted in the struggle for more than a month, which greatly shocked the Russian colonial rule in the area east of the Ussuri River. Many Russians later talked about the anti Russian uprising with a shudder. The Russians who have moved here are more worried and feel "the difficulty of settling down and starting a business in a foreign land".
The Northeast border people's struggle against Russia is an important part of the modern Chinese nation's struggle against foreign aggression. Russia's eastward invasion And destroyed the common homeland of all ethnic groups in the Northeast. In order to survive, the people of all ethnic groups carried out an indomitable struggle against Russia, which demonstrated the patriotism of the people of all ethnic groups in the Northeast.
In order to fight against the Russian invasion, the military and the people need to work together. Only with the full cooperation can we win. It is difficult for one party to make great achievements alone. The people of all ethnic minorities and the civil anti Russian groups could have played a greater role, but the corrupt Qing government was weak and insidious, limiting and blocking the anti Russian movement of the Qing army and people, which led to the failure of the patriotic army and people's anti Russian efforts.