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Liulichang West Street

Subdistrict within Xuanwu District, Beijing
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Liulichang West Street is located in the northeast of Xuanwu District. It starts from Nanxinhua Street in the east and ends at Nannanliu Lane in the west.
Chinese name
Liulichang West Street
yuan dynasty
geographical position
Northeast of Xuanwu District

Historical evolution

In order to build the Dadu Palace in the Yuan Dynasty, a kiln for firing glazed bricks and tiles was built here until the early Qing Dynasty. There is a ditch in the center of the Liulichang, and there is a bridge on the ditch. The east of the bridge leads to the east gate of the factory. The west of the bridge leads to the west gate of the Liulichang, which is called the west gate of the Liulichang. In the Republic of China, South Xinhua Street was opened by filling ditches. East Liulichang was on the east of the street, and West Liulichang was on the west of the street. It was renamed in 1965.
Manuscript of Jingshifang Alley 》: Liulichang "Qiaoxi Street is wide, and only antiques, calligraphy and painting, decoration, and engraved steles are outside the bookstore. There are only seven booksellers on Qiaoxi. Wuliu lives in the north of the road, and there are many old books. Most of them are collected by Qiya, a scholar of Wu Dynasty in Sichuan Province." "Liulichang mineral bookstores have been built since Yong Dynasty and made progress". Since the "Sikuquanshu" was built during the Qianlong period, it is even more lively here. There are more bookstores on the East Street and less bookstores on the West Street, while there are more calligraphy and painting businesses. Especially Rongbaozhai is famous. Its predecessor, Songzhuzhai, was founded in the eleventh year of Kangxi (1672). In the 20th year of Guangxu (1894), Rongbaozhai was opened. It "takes honor as its treasure" and attaches great importance to the quality of goods. Its woodblock watermark is famous all over the world. In addition to Rongbaozhai, there are many other halls. Such as Chonggu Zhai, which was built for Chen Duxiu's father with ten thousand taels of silver. After 1979, Liulichang was restored and constructed, instead of the old one.

Honors won

In 2022, it will be included in the protection list of traditional geographical names in the functional core area of the capital (the first batch of streets and alleys). [1]