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Financial awareness

Individual's ability to comprehensively understand, evaluate and grasp the economic situation
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Financial awareness refers to a person's ability to comprehensively understand, evaluate and grasp the economic situation. Cultivating financial awareness significance Consciousness guides people's behavior, and financial awareness determines a person's future economic destiny. conduct financial transactions There are many hot spots for investment, which can be summarized in twelve aspects.
Chinese name
Financial awareness
speculate in gold
Closed end fund
listed company

speculate in gold

since Bank of China Since the launch of the "golden treasure" business in Shanghai specifically for individual investors, gold speculation has always been a hot spot in the personal finance market, attracting the attention and favor of investors. Especially in the past two years, the international gold price has continued to rise. It can be predicted that with the gradual opening of the domestic gold investment field, the growth potential of gold demand in the future is huge.
Especially after 2004, the pricing method of domestic gold jewelry will gradually change from price fee integration to price fee separation, and the 5% consumption tax on gold jewelry is expected to be abolished, which will greatly promote the increase of gold investment, and the gold speculation business will also become a highlight in the field of personal finance, truly entering the golden age of investment and financing. A new type of gold investment is also welcomed by the majority of small and medium-sized investors Fixed investment of gold


First batch since 1997 Closed end fund Since its successful issuance, the fund has always been highly praised by domestic individual investors. In 2012, the fund has significantly exceeded deposits, becoming the top priority among many focuses of investment and wealth management. According to relevant data, in 2013 Domestic funds The net worth has reached nearly 200 billion yuan, accounting for A-share More than 10% of the stock circulation level. Many investors are still very optimistic about the advantages and characteristics of the fund, such as stable returns and low risks, and hope to obtain ideal returns through the investment of the fund.
Seven tips for fund financing:
First, correctly understand the risks of the fund, and purchase for yourself Risk tolerance Fund type.
Second, you should not be greedy when choosing funds. There are many investors Purchase Fund It is a wrong choice to choose funds with lower prices.
Third, new funds are not necessarily the best. In the mature foreign fund market, newly issued funds must have their own characteristics, otherwise it is difficult to attract investors' attention. However, many investors in China only buy new development funds, thinking that only new development funds are issued at the face value of 1 yuan, which is the cheapest.
Fourth, the fund with more dividend times is not necessarily the best fund.
Fifth, don't just focus on open-end funds, but also pay attention Closed end fund
Sixth, prudently purchase split funds.
Seventh, investing in funds should be long-term. Purchase Fund That is to admit that if experts want to excel in financial management, they should not speculate about funds like stocks, or even redeem after earning a difference. We should trust fund managers' judgment on the market


Buying stocks means buying listed companies and buying the growth of China's economy. domestic stock market The situation of capital supply and demand is relatively optimistic, which is important for capital driven China Stock Market Undoubtedly, it was a shot in the arm. Plus China Securities Regulatory Commission More strict requirements are put forward for the performance calculation and financing amount of listed companies, and the regulation of the stock market is strengthened, which will bring profit opportunities to investors. However, the biggest characteristic of the stock market is uncertainty. Opportunities and risks coexist. Therefore, investors should continue to be cautious and make investments at the right time.


Generally refers to Futures contract Means that futures exchange Uniformly formulated and stipulated at a specific time in the future
A certain amount is delivered between places Subject matter Standardized contract of. This object is also called Underlying assets , corresponding to the futures contract goods in stock , can be a commodity, such as copper or crude oil, or a financial instruments If the buyer of a futures contract holds the contract to maturity, he is obliged to buy the subject matter corresponding to the futures contract; The seller of a futures contract is obliged to sell the subject matter corresponding to the futures contract (some futures contracts are not carried out when they expire physical settlement It is the settlement difference. For example: Stock index futures Maturity is the final settlement of futures contracts in hand according to a certain average of the spot index. Of course, the traders of futures contracts can also choose to reverse trade before the expiration of the contract to offset this obligation.

national debt

In 2005 national debt The year of market innovation has not only increased the variety of treasury bonds, but also enabled investors to have more choices. New attempts and reforms have also been made to the issuance of national debt, further improving the marketization level of national debt issuance, so as to minimize the interference of non marketization factors. In addition secondary market It will also become the focus of development in 2014. It can be seen from this that this series of innovations in treasury bonds will surely bring investors more investment options and greater profit margins.


these years, savings As a traditional way of financing, it has long been rooted in people's ideas. Most residents still regard savings as the first choice for financial management. On the one hand, the inflow of foreign capital into China is still strong Money supply Increase; On the other hand, in order to properly control price index and Inflation rate With the increase of interest rate, the floating range of interest rate is further expanded. The rise of interest rate will certainly stimulate the increase of savings.


bond The popularity of the market is unexpected. All indications indicate that in 2005 bonds issued by an enterprise The issuance is still possible to speed up Convertible bonds Floating rate bond , Bank Subordinated bond Etc. will probably become a good investment product for people. Plus CBRC take Subordinated term debt Included Subsidiary capital In order to supplement the capital structure of commercial banks and make banks ready to issue bonds, it will play a role in boosting the popularity of the bond market again.


Trust financing It is a kind of property management system, whose core content is "entrusted by others to manage money on behalf of others". Specifically, the trustor entrusts its property rights to the trustee based on its trust in the trustee, trustee The act of managing or disposing in the name of the trustor for the benefit of the beneficiary or for a specific purpose at the trustor's will.
2010 Trust market The issuance scale is 3 trillion yuan, with an annual growth rate of more than 30%. Trust products Is created by Trust institutions The issued products are sold through banks, securities companies and professional independent wealth management companies. Trust financial products The income of can be fixed or floating. The mainstream products in the market are still dominated by fixed rate of return, with annual returns of 9-13%, high returns and good stability Trust financial products The biggest selling point of. Trust plan The products are generally infrastructure trust plans with excellent qualifications and stable income, and most of them have third parties Bank guarantee In terms of security, it is slightly higher than pure trust investment projects. At the same time, in the process of investment, the bank will constantly monitor and track the trend of loans, so as to avoid to the greatest extent Trust project Investment risk.
In 2009, the CBRC issued the Notice on Matters Related to Strengthening the Active Management Ability of Trust Companies (Discussion Draft), which clearly stated that the purpose of this document was to "guide trust company Based on trust and financing on behalf of others, vigorously develop active management trusts, improve the core competitiveness of trust companies, and realize Connotative form And promote the sustainable development of the trust industry. " But the document is mainly to guide trust companies to get rid of the "pipeline" style Passive management And focus on improving the trust company's Bank trust cooperation Securities investment business and assignment of Asset business On the independent management ability of issuing trust loans.
In 2010《 Management Measures for Net Capital of Trust Companies 》Introduction; In 2011, the Notice on Matters Related to the Net Capital Calculation Standards of Trust Companies was issued. The Management Measures for Net Capital of Trust Companies is over trust company Rely on the mode of unlimited expansion of scale. In a sense, this policy ended the "pipeline business" of trust companies, forcing trust companies to embark on the road of independent management, which is also the beginning of the road of wealth management for trust companies. In terms of understanding of wealth management, many trust companies put the first step on the construction of channels. As a result, a large number of "trust companies are wealth management centers" have been established.
The foundation of wealth management is to understand customers. In this sense, whether it's because wealth effect It is also the constraint and guidance of policies. Trust companies build their own marketing teams by establishing wealth centers, get rid of channel dependence, and understand and master customers' needs through direct contact with customers, which is a necessary step for them to embark on wealth management. However, it must be clear that, in essence, wealth management business is customer centered, which is different from general financial management Financial planning To meet the financial needs of customers; In general Wealth management business It is product oriented and aims to better sell its own financial products Therefore, the purpose of establishing a sales team is not only to make trust company Get rid of channel dependence, grasp customers directly, and more importantly, make trust companies understand customers through their own direct sales, so as to tailor products more suitable for customers' needs. It can be seen that if the trust company's direct sales team is established wealth effect The direct sales team of trust companies is simply transformed into a product selling team“ Third party financing Institutions will narrow the way for trust companies to transform into wealth management, turning wealth management into simple selling products. Strictly speaking, wealth management without investment ability is illusory, which can be improved through independent management trust company Its investment ability is an important step towards wealth management. Therefore, relying on their own direct sales team to research, develop, and even guide customer demand, and transform this demand into products, is the real way of wealth management.
Importantly, many trust company executives have realized this. Trust companies develop exclusive channels to directly master a batch of High net worth customers , is only the first step to realize its wealth management purpose, and then needs to integrate various resources to provide customers with real wealth management services. The development idea of Shanghai Trust from 2010 to 2014 is clearly positioned to focus on wealth and assets Management, efforts to improve the ability of proactive management, and personnel allocation, system upgrade, operation process and Seed fund Cultivate and other reform measures to ensure the improvement of Shanghai Trust's active management ability. Ping An Trust It will establish a multi-dimensional development platform of products, channels and systems. In 2013, Foreign Trade Trust established its own wealth management center. Fan Hua, the assistant general manager of the company, clearly stated that trust company Selling collective funds through various channels Trust products Different, Foreign Trade Trust hopes to transform into High net worth people Provide wealth management services.
In fact, almost all financial institutions are conducting in the name of wealth management Wealth management business The reason for this description is that the difference between wealth management business and wealth management lies in the focus on products or customers. Under the background of separated management, no financial institution can be completely customer-centric; Only trust companies with mixed business nature are qualified to design products to meet the all-round needs of customers, which is the biggest advantage for trust companies to enter the wealth management market.
2013 Trust products Analysis and financing strategy: since the stock market crash in 2007, trust products have been favored by high-end customers for their high income, short term and excellent security. According to the data released by the China Trust Industry Association, as of the end of the first quarter of 2013, Trust assets The scale reached 8730223 million yuan, far exceeding the scale of public funds and the insurance industry. However, many customers do not know about trust, and there are many conceptual misunderstandings.
The concept of trust: in short, it is entrusted by others to manage money on behalf of others. A trust is created by trust company Formal issuance financial products Trust companies are regulated by CBRC Formal financial institutions , together with banks, insurance and securities, are the four major financial pillars in China, and are strictly distinguished from private lending.
The form of trust: mostly 1-2 years, starting at 1 million yuan, with 9% - 11% of income. According to different products, interest is paid quarterly or semi annually.
Security of trust: Trust products From design to release responsible investigation , CBRC filing and other improved processes; The trust product itself has multiple risk controls such as mortgage and pledge, guarantee guarantee and warning line setting to ensure the safety of funds. All trust funds are directly entered into the bank opened by the trust company Capital supervision account To ensure that funds are not used improperly. New since 2001 Trust law Since its implementation, all Fixed income trust products No default, with the best security.
Common mistakes: it is safer to buy from specific institutions, trust subscription, contract and trust company Sign, and the fund will be directly transferred into the raising account (corporate account) of the trust company, without risk difference due to different purchase channels. Customer investment should pay more attention to product quality itself, including time limit, income, risk control, etc., as well as after-sales services provided by institutions to customers.

foreign exchange

Foreign exchange has just entered the Chinese mainland market, so the market prospect is very broad, so we take the global daily payment
In terms of volume, it is about 3600 billion dollars per day. There are profit opportunities for foreign exchange to fall or rise, while for stocks, only when they rise can they make money. When investing capital, foreign exchange only needs 0.33% of capital investment, while stock is 100% of capital investment, which increases the risk. Controllable ability. Foreign exchange is traded by people all over the world, so it is not controlled by large institutions or countries. Even a country with great economic strength can't enter the GDP of a year foreign exchange market Foreign exchange is only affected by the timely news and policies of a country, while stocks are often controlled by companies and other institutions or shareholders. More free trading, Foreign exchange transaction time It is available for trading 24 hours a day from Monday to Friday. However, the trading time of stocks is about 7 hours every day from Monday to Friday, and there is little freedom to buy or sell stocks on the same day. A good way of investment is more rational, more free, more profitable and more controllable than saving money in the bank, buying stocks and doing business.
The continuous decline of the US dollar exchange rate has made more and more people Individual foreign exchange trading The exchange market was once extremely hot because of the high income. Various kinds of foreign exchange financing products have also been launched, such as the foreign exchange market access of commercial banks Bank of China and agricultural bank Of Foreign Exchange Treasure , CCB Speedlink For investors to choose. In 2014, the Chinese government will continue to adhere to the principle of RMB stability, take measures such as pegging RMB to foreign exchange and increasing foreign exchange autonomy of enterprises to promote the healthy development of the foreign exchange market. Therefore, according to the analysis of relevant experts, there will be more space and opportunities for investment in the foreign exchange market in 2014. Foreign exchange investment Can be accessed via Automatic foreign exchange transaction , high income, easy and stable.


With other tepid insurance market In contrast, once the income insurance was launched, it was highly sought after. There are many types of income insurance. It not only has the most basic insurance protection function, but also can bring investors a lot of income, which can be described as a win-win situation between security and investment. Therefore, the purchase of income insurance is expected to become a new investment and financing hot spot for individuals.

Banking products

Bank financial products It is also an important item. The bank financial agent is responsible for financing, and the bank financial products are also carried out by people
A major direction of daily investment. Compared with stocks and funds, bank financial products have high threshold and mobility Slightly poor characteristics. Select financial products We should take into account our own investment preferences and financial needs, and also properly consider the impact of the external factor of the market on the "trend" of financial products.


The word "jewelry" is certainly familiar to us. Since ancient times, the word "jewelry" has often appeared in people's life vocabulary. At present, with the improvement of people's living standards and aesthetic ability, jewelry is rapidly entering the homes of millions of ordinary people. Nowadays, jewelry with internationally recognized certification also has strong investment and wealth management value. Take diamonds as an example, which are generally worth more than 15 points and have the value of maintaining and increasing value.


P2P online lending platform In Britain and America, etc developed country The development has been relatively perfect, and this new financial management model has gradually been put in place Network era Accepted by the public. On the one hand, the lender realized Income from assets On the other hand, borrowers can use this convenient and fast way to meet their capital needs.
Successful abroad P2P online lending platform Prosper: Founded in 2006, it has more than 980000 members and more than 200 million loan transactions. It is the largest P2P lending platform in the world.
The domestic P2P platform is in the initial stage of development, but there is no clear legislation Microcredit Mainly by“ China Microfinance Alliance ”Preside over the work. The legal basis that can be referred to is mainly "the first case or the present result of the national Internet loan dispute, Ali Xiaodai wins". With the development of the network and the progress of the society, the formality and legitimacy of such financial services will be gradually strengthened. Under effective supervision, the advantages of network technology will be brought into play to realize Inclusive finance The ideal of.
With China's Financial regulation Gradually liberalize. With China's huge population base, growing financing demand, and backward traditional banking services Online lending New financial business is expected to be popularized in China, with explosive growth and considerable development.
So far, many models have been derived from the concept of P2P, which can be summarized into the following four categories:
Guarantee transaction mode of guarantee institution
Such platforms, as intermediaries, do not absorb deposits or lend, but only provide financial information services, which are double guaranteed by cooperative small loan companies and guarantee institutions. Typical examples Advantageous network The transaction mode of such platforms is mostly "one to many", that is, a loan demand is invested by multiple investors. The advantage of this model is that it can ensure the capital security of investors Zhong An Trust In case of bad debts, the guarantee institution will timely transfer the principal and interest to the investor's account the second day after the repayment is delayed. Among them, also launched the debt resale transaction. If investors need money urgently, they can withdraw the funds from their accounts at any time by reselling the debt. Because of its safety and convenience, Benevolent Net has quickly won the favor of users.
Credit contract transfer mode under P2P platform
It can be called "many to many" mode. Both the borrowing demand and investment are split, and even the responsible person of CreditEase Downing As the largest creditor, they lend the funds to the borrower, and then obtain the creditor's rights to divide them Assignment of creditor's rights Form will transfer of creditor's right to Other investments People, access to loan funds. Due to its special lending mode, CreditEase has also developed a "two-way free combat" risk control. Through personal loans, CreditEase can obtain a one-year debt. CreditEase will split this debt in terms of amount and duration at the same time. In this way, CreditEase will use the cross matching of funds and duration to constantly attract funds while issuing loans to obtain debt, At the same time, it constantly mismatches the amount and duration, and constantly splits and transfers. The characteristics of CreditEase model are strong reproducibility and rapid development. Its framework system can be seen as the left docking assets and the right docking claims. The balance coefficient of CreditEase is that the amount of external loans must be greater than or equal to the transferred claims. If the amount of loans is actually less than the transferred claims, it is equal to the transfer of non-existent claims. According to the Notice on Further Cracking Down on Illegal Fund Raising and Other Activities, it belongs to Illegal fund-raising Category.
Internet service platform launched by large financial groups
Compared with other platforms with only a few million registered capital, Lufax The registered capital of 400 million yuan is particularly striking. This kind of platform has the background of a large group, and is distributed from the traditional financial industry to the Internet. Therefore, in terms of business model, it has a stronger financial color and is more "professional". Taking risk control as an example, Lufax's P2P business still adopts offline borrower review, cooperates with the guarantee company under Ping An Group to provide business guarantee, and also digs professional teams from overseas to do it risk management Although offline audit and full guarantee are the most reliable means, not all online lending platforms can afford the cost, and cannot be promoted as industry standard configuration. It is worth mentioning that Lujin adopts the "one-to-one" model. There is only one investor for one loan, and investors need to operate and invest on the Internet by themselves. The investment period is 1-3 years, so when it was first launched, it was complained that it could not be bought every day, and the liquidity was not high. However, due to the clear creditor's rights of the one-to-one model, Lujin Institute launched the Assignment of creditor's rights The service alleviates the problems of insufficient supply and poor liquidity.
Comprehensive transaction mode based on transaction parameters and combined with O2O
for example Ali small loan Join e-commerce Credit Audit the system and integrate the loan information. The P2P microfinance business created by this small loan model relies on its Customer resources , e-commerce transaction data and product structure are dominant, and its two offline Small loan company Serve its platform customers. The opportunity of offline business is combined with the Internet, making the Internet the front desk of offline transactions.