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Theoretical work

Systematic theoretical understanding of social and natural phenomena
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Theoretical work is the activity of systematic theoretical understanding of social and natural phenomena. Including theoretical research, theoretical propaganda, and theoretical education. Our Party's theoretical work is guided by Marxism Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. The research object of theoretical work is the theoretical issues raised in the socialist revolution and construction, the views of modern bourgeois academic schools and the theoretical system of Marxism. [1]
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Theoretical work
It is an activity of systematic theoretical understanding of social and natural phenomena
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Theoretical research, theoretical publicity and theoretical education
It is to explore the laws of socialist modernization, educate cadres and the masses, and guide practice with scientific theories
The purpose is to explore Socialist Modernization Drive We should educate cadres and the masses and guide practice with scientific theories. The departments engaged in theoretical work include the social science research department, the scientific research and teaching departments of colleges and universities, the theoretical work departments engaged in practical work, and the theoretical editing room of the news and publicity institutions. Without revolutionary theory, there would be no revolutionary movement. Practice without the guidance of scientific theory is blind practice. [1]