
[lǐ lùn]
Chinese words
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Theory, Chinese words, pronounced l ǐ l ù n. [1] A concept or principle derived from practice in a certain activity field (such as medicine or music), an ideal or hypothetical series of facts, principles or environments, and an evaluation, opinion, formulation or formula (for the nature, function, cause or origin of a certain phenomenon or phenomena) derived from the speculation, deduction, abstraction or synthesis of facts;
Chinese name
Foreign name
lǐ lùn
Phonetic transcription
ㄌㄧˇ ㄌㄨㄣˋ


Concepts or principles derived from practice in a certain activity field (such as medicine or music);
An ideal or hypothetical set of facts, principles, or circumstances;
The evaluation, opinion, formulation or formula derived from the speculation, deduction, abstraction or synthesis of facts (the nature, function, cause or origin of a certain phenomenon or phenomena);
Be reasonable, considerate, reasonable handle



foreign country

"The original meaning of the word" theory "in Greek is to participate in some kind of sacrificial celebration of worshiping gods as a member of a delegation or group." "Theory is to really participate in an event and truly attend the presence.". [2 ]

our country

Chapter 8 of the second part of Liu Qing's "History of Entrepreneurship": "He put the short pipe pot into his coat pocket, got up and went to Toad Beach to talk to the leader of Zhenshan."
"Northern History, Vol. 44, Biography of Cui Liang": "Guangshao is knowledgeable and eloquent, especially good at theory."
Tang Zhenggu's poem, "So I learned from Weng Yinyan's villa after the chaos, and I felt that I had a track record."
"Awakening Sayings - Volume 34 - One Wen Makes Strange Grievances": "If you shout it out first, you will be prepared by him. It's better to go to court and argue with him."
"The Status Quo of Strange Witnesses in Twenty Years - Fifth Time": "I am secretly angry; I just can't argue with him."
Ming Dynasty Tang Xianzu's "The Fifth and Third Journey of the Purple Hairpin": "Now the Lu Mansion is busy and has no time to discuss this matter."
The Third Episode of the Heroes: "The day after day of that week I also played idly in the tent, and Taizu was not very theoretical."
Yuan · Zeng Rui's "Record of Staying Shoes - The Third Fold": "Since you are a woman, how can you not obey the instructions of your boudoir when you were born? The embroidered shoes are in Guo Hua's arms. What's the theory? Come from the facts." [1]