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Council, for consult seek The organization set up for comments or discussion of issues has been election Or appointment advisory body Or has certain rights organization [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
administrative committee
Having certain rights organization
Way of establishment
Elections or appointments
Resolution, approval, supervision, etc

brief introduction

[administrative committee;board of directors; council ]
Meetings held for consultation, soliciting opinions or discussing issues;
An organization that has been elected or appointed to form or consult a body or has certain rights, such as United Nations Security Council (short for security council )。

organization structure



1. National government departments, local governments and relevant departments, academic research institutions.
2. Chinese enterprises and domestic enterprises Famous enterprises And excellent enterprises in various industries.
3. All industry associations and chambers of commerce.

Leadership composition

The Council has honorary president, president, chairman, executive director, secretary-general, deputy secretary-general, chairman unit, deputy chairman unit, executive director unit and director unit.
The daily office of the Council is the Secretariat.

Qualification of director unit

Anyone who recognizes the Articles of Association, can perform the director's obligations, assume the director's responsibilities, and meets one of the following conditions:
1. Country related Policy research Authoritative institutions, local governments and large enterprises at the central and provincial (municipal) levels.
2. Influential Industry Association And the Chamber of Commerce.
3. Institutions of higher learning, academic research and Management Consulting Service agencies.
4. Development oriented enterprises enjoying good reputation in the industry.

rights and duties

Rights and obligations of members of the council of associations
Members of the Council of the Association enjoy the following rights:
(1) The right to make suggestions and criticism on the work of the Association Council;
(2) The right to elect and be elected as activists and outstanding officers in the work of associations;
(3) The right to make suggestions on the work of all associations in the school;
(4) The right to withdraw from the Council of Associations.
Members of the Council of Associations shall fulfill the following obligations:
(1) The obligation to publicize the purpose of the Council and maintain the image of the Association Federation;
(2) Abide by the Articles of Association of the Association, obey the arrangement of the Association, and complete the work entrusted by the Council of the Association;
(3) Conscientiously maintain the arrangements of various associations of the Institute and fulfill the obligations of the work entrusted by the Association;
(4) Actively participate in the activities and training plan And strengthen the obligation of understanding and communication with various associations.

Functions and powers

economic and social council The functions and powers of
To discuss global or interdisciplinary international economy and social problem , and to develop a policy for member state And the whole the United Nations Systematic policy suggestions, providing a central forum;
Undertake or initiate research and reports on international economic, social, cultural, educational, health and other related matters, and make relevant suggestions;
promote On human rights And respect and observance of fundamental freedoms;
To convene international conferences and draft conventions to be submitted to the General Assembly on matters within its competence;
Negotiate agreements with specialized agencies to determine their relationship with the United Nations;
Coordinating the activities of the specialized agencies through consultations and recommendations to them, as well as through recommendations to the General Assembly and the Member States of the United Nations;
With the permission of the General Assembly Member States of the United Nations Service, and serve the specialized agencies at their request;
Related to matters dealt with by the Economic and Social Council Non governmental organizations consultations.
The Economic and Social Council is composed of 54 members, elected by the General Assembly for a three-year term.

Functions of the Council

(1) Implement the resolutions of the Association Committee;
(2) Responsible for the establishment, change, cancellation, registration and filing of student associations;
(3) Formulation year Work plan
(4) Organize the annual joint recruitment of all college associations;
(5) Review and approve the application of the association for activities;
(6) For associations financial management And supervision;
(7) Select excellent associations of the school;
(8) Selection of club activities activist
(9) For associations that violate relevant regulations Supervision and inspection And processing.