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Langhuan Town

Langhuan Town, Xichang City, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province
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On December 13, 2019, Sichuan Provincial People's Government Reply on Approving Liangshan Prefecture to Adjust the Administrative Division of Some Towns and Towns in Six Counties (Cities) including Xichang City (CFMCZ [2019] No. 18): Cancel Langhuan Township and Minsheng Township, establish Langhuan Town Langhuan Township Heyuan Minsheng Township The administrative region is the administrative region of Langhuan Town, where the People's Government of Langhuan Town is located at No.1 Lilang Road. [1]
Chinese name
Langhuan Town
Administrative Region Category
Xichang City, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province
Government residence
No. 1, Lilang Road, Langhuan Town

Organizational evolution

In 2019, Langhuan Township and Minsheng Township were abolished and Langhuan Town was established. [1]

administrative division

Langhuan Town governs 8 village committees: Langhuan Village, Taoyuan Village, Hongxing Village, Xiaogou Village, Ganya Village, Xiwa Village, Matang Village and Mapeng Village. The People's Government of Langhuan Town is located in Group 6, Langhuan Village. [2-3]
Langhuan Town People's Government