Coral Sea Battle

The naval battle between US and Japanese aircraft carrier formations in the Coral Sea
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The Battle of the Coral Sea (from May 4, 1942 to May 8, 1942) was Pacific War China May 1942, the United States and Japan Aircraft carrier Form in Coral Sea Ongoing Naval battle The Coral Sea Naval Battle is a battle in the history of aircraft carrier formation at a distance first with Carrier borne machine To engage in war is also Japanese Navy First setback in the Pacific Ocean. Japanese Navy Due to the loss of aircraft and pilot Unable to be supplemented immediately, forced to stop Port Moresby Of attack
Coral Sea Battle
Time of occurrence
May 4, 1942 - May 8, 1942
Coral Sea
America and Japan
Japan's tactical victory and the Allies' strategic victory
1074 Japanese soldiers
543 US troops
Principal Commander
Chester Nimitz Frank Fletcher Shigeyoshi Inoue Takeo Takagi Five vines keep knowledge

War background


background of times

At the beginning of 1942, the Japanese army Combined fleet Still immersed in the victory. The tasks of the first phase have been overfulfilled, but the tasks of the second phase have not been finalized. In Japan's view, although the United States has great economic potential, it still needs a process to turn into a wartime state. It is estimated that the United States could only organize a counter offensive in the summer of 1943, and Japan has full time to further advance the front and expand the defense circle. control Australia The plan is a reflection of this strategy: Japan's land and navy agree that Australia will be the largest stronghold for Britain and the United States to counter attack, but because most of Japan's army is deeply trapped in China, it is simply unable to send troops to land in Australia, and the feasible option will be to cut off its relationship with Pearl Harbor Contact.

Japanese background

In early February 1942, Japanese troops occupied Bismarck Islands Rabaul base of New Guinea Laicheng, Salamoah. Follow up as planned Tulagi and New Guinea Eastern Port Moresby Implement login. But because American aircraft carrier The plan was postponed. Until the end of April, the 5th Air Force( Shokaku and Zuikaku )The 5th cruising fleet( Myoko And Yuhei) from the indian ocean Return, return to Trucker. The plan to attack Tulagi and Port Moresby began immediately.

American Background

Japanese warplanes over the Coral Sea (oil painting)
On April 30, 1942, the 5th Air Battalion, the 5th Ocean Patrol Fleet and six destroyers set out from Truk to the south as mobile forces and crossed between Hawaii and the New Guinea Islands, waiting for an opportunity to destroy the Allied surface ships. The landing protection formation consists of Xiangfeng light aircraft carrier, 8 cruisers and 6 destroyers. As the first action to capture Morbiz Port, the advance landing troops from Rabaul on April 28, under the cover of Xiangfeng carrier aircraft, occupied the island of Tulagi without resistance on May 3. Then, on May 4, the main force of the landing force took 14 troop carriers from Rabaul and sailed to Port Morebiz under the cover of 6 destroyers and 1 cruiser. complete Tulagi The Xiangfeng and the cover ship under landing cover sailed westward to prepare to join the landing force, while the 5th aviation team of the mobile force entered the Coral Sea. But in fact, the US 17th and 8th special task force fleets that came to attack had entered before the Japanese mobile formation Coral Sea So there was the famous coral sea battle in the history of sea battles.

warlike conditions

The Coral Sea Battle in May 1942 was the first time in the history of war that the aircraft carrier formation engaged in the form of carrier based aircraft at a long distance. Both warships did not meet, and almost Pacific War In the fairest battle in China, both sides met suddenly, which basically reflects the combat effectiveness of both sides. Both sides lost one aircraft carrier and one destroyer However, the United States lost the large aircraft carrier Lexington, while Japan only lost the light aircraft carrier Xiangfeng. In terms of aircraft, Japan lost 77 aircraft, and the United States lost 66, which made Japan gain a small tactical victory, but failed to achieve the intended goal.

Force deployment


Japanese troops

Commander in Chief: Shigeyoshi Inoue vice admiral of the navy
Headquarters Located in Truk
The first fleet served as a direct cover force, and was composed of light aircraft carriers "Xiangfeng" aircraft carrier , 4 heavy cruisers "Qingya", "Jiagu", "Yili", "Guying", and Destroyer "Lian" It is composed of, under the command of Rear Admiral Goto Yougong. Its purpose is to carry the South China Sea Detachment of the Army from Rabaul on April 28, first to support the landing operation of Tulagi, then to move westward to support the landing operation of Moresby; The second fleet is a mobile force, consisting of two large aircraft carriers of the 5th aircraft carrier fleet Zuikaku Shokaku It is composed of two heavy cruisers "Miaogao" and "Yuhei" of the 5th Battalion, and six destroyers "Youming", "Nightfall", "Bailu", "Shiyu", "Dawn" and "Tide". from Takeo Takagi Under the command of the lieutenant general, the aviation operations of the aircraft carrier are under the command of Rear Admiral Haraichi. Its purpose is to: on April 30 and May 1, respectively Trucker Island Departure, support Port Moresby Landing operations.
In addition, there are more than 90 "1" land attack aircraft stationed in Rabaul.

US military

Commander in Chief: Frank Jack Fletcher Rear Admiral Frank Jack Fletcher
The 17th special agent formation. Its force deployment is:
The assault group is composed of five cruisers (Minneapolis uss new orleans , Astonia, Chester Portland )And five destroyers( Phelps No Dewey No., Farragut No Al Temperature, Mona root), consisting of Kincaid Rear Admiral.
The support group is composed of three cruisers (Australia Chicago No Hobart No.) and 2 ships destroyer Perkins No., Volcker) under the command of Rear Admiral Grace.
The aircraft carrier special task force consists of two aircraft carriers( Lexington Captain Frederick Sherman, Captain York City Captain Eliot Bookmaster) and four destroyers( Morris No., Anderson, Haman Russell No.), prepared by Aubrey Rear Admiral Fitch commands.
Commando and support teams Cruiser And destroyers Aircraft carrier Form a circular warning screen.

War process


The United States enters the Coral Sea

At the beginning of 1942, the Pacific Ocean was a gloomy scene for the Allies. On January 20, 1942, the Japanese I124 submarine Darwin Port It was sunk during the mine laying, and then the US army used the diving workboat to retrieve the codebook from the I124. In the following months, with the accumulation of intelligence, especially after the air attack on Tokyo, the Japanese Empire made an excessive response and almost sent out the combined fleet. The intelligence office at Pearl Harbor began to gradually decode the Japanese code and gradually draw the attack spearhead of the combined fleet with scattered intelligence. This one secret It was the most important basis for the US Navy to deal with the joint fleet at the beginning of the Pacific War.
Coral Sea Battle
The United States has known that the Japanese army is about to attack Port Moresby At the same time, its advance team will occupy Tulagi first and basically master the Japanese troops. Nimitz has determined to prevent the Japanese troops from landing at Port Moresby, which is not an easy decision to make, because it is not easy for the Allies to muster the necessary forces to deal with the enemy. Saratoga was killed submarine Injured, repaired on the west coast, Enterprise number On the way back from the attack on Tokyo, the 8th Task Force is available Lexington And the 17th Special Task Force Yorktown , 8 more Cruiser And 13 destroyers. Under the unified command of Fletcher, the two fleets entered on May 1 Coral Sea
The first battle began on May 3. When General Fletcher received the news that the Japanese army was landing in Tulagi, he York City Still Bart More than a hundred miles west of Cape Kapu. "This is the news that we have been waiting for a month," he wrote. He immediately stopped refueling and ordered to sail northward at a speed of 26 knots Solomon Islands central section. At dawn on May 4, the aircraft carrier Yorktown arrived Guadalcanal About 100 miles southwest of the sea, fighter planes were sent to attack the Japanese transport fleet on the sea near Tulagi, destroying the Japanese army Water plane Fletcher happily reported the good news of the victory to Pearl Harbor, and then the US fleet also headed for West Morebish Harbor. Nimitz later told the so-called Battle of Tulagi Re evaluated: "Compared with the ammunition consumed and the results achieved, this battle must be disappointing." Another mistake of this attack was to expose the strength of the US military. Before the Coral Sea Campaign, the US had the intelligence advantage. After the attack on Tulagi, the intelligence of both sides was leveled.
On May 6 Miyun Under the cover of Fletcher and Admiral Grace's heavy cruiser and Lexington Meet and refuel together. The latest intelligence of Pearl Harbor indicates that the invasion with two aircraft carriers providing air cover Port Moresby Our troops will pass through the next day Roy West Yad Islands. Fletcher then headed west Coral Sea Fletcher did not know that he had been found by a Japanese seaplane searching everywhere that afternoon. I learned that two ships US aircraft carrier After the news that the Japanese fleet was going to intercept the invasion of Port Moresby, there was almost panic in the headquarters of the Shanghai General in Rabaul Well. The headquarters urgently ordered the transport ship to stop. Led by Major General Takagi Shokaku and Zuikaku The main mobile force was in the Guadalcanal Refueling south, when he was ready to narrow the distance to launch an air attack, the fleet encountered thick clouds. So he decided to continue to refuel and chase after dawn.

Japanese Army Obtains Information

Coral Sea Battle
At about 4:00 on May 7, as the US fleet's position was basically known, the Japanese mobile formation sent 12 carrier based aircraft into six groups to search for the enemy within 250 nautical miles between 180 degrees and 270 degrees. At 5:45, the Japanese aircraft searching southward reported that "the enemy aircraft carrier Cruiser One for each ". From 6:00 to 6:15, they took off successively from the Ruihe Zero fighter 9 racks bomber 17, 11 torpedo machines, from Shokaku There were 9 takeoff zero fighters, 19 bombers and 13 torpedo planes. A total of 78 Japanese aircrafts flew to the target they found. But when we reached the target, we found that it was not the US aircraft carrier formation, but the Neosho that broke up with Fletcher's team on the afternoon of the 6th Oil tanker And Sims destroyer The two ships must be like an aircraft carrier and a cruiser. The Japanese commando aircraft group flew over the team and found that it was not an aircraft carrier. They searched the sea for two hours and found no other targets. Among them, the torpedo aircraft did not attack, and began to return at 9:15, while 36 dive bombers reluctantly attacked the initially discovered target between 9:26 and 40. This is the feeling of killing chickens with a knife. The Sims was hit by three 250kg bombs, two of which exploded in the cabin and sank in less than 60 seconds. The Neochau was hit by seven bombs and sank after several days at sea with fire. At that time, Fletcher's main American aircraft carrier was driving westward after breaking up with the oil tanker in order to intercept the Japanese landing fleet, but the American fleet also made the same mistake: no mobile forces were found. Two hours after dawn, a patrol plane on the Lexington sent a report that "two aircraft carriers and four heavy cruisers have been found". Fletcher thought that this was the Japanese aircraft carrier force, so he decided to attack with all his strength. The Lexington sent 28 dive bombers, 12 torpedo planes and 10 fighter planes, and the Yorktown sent 25 dive bombers, 10 torpedo planes and 8 fighter planes. A total of 93 carrier based aircraft flew to the target successively. After flying to the target, I found two Light cruiser And two gunboats, which were the cover troops for Japanese landing, were exaggerated as an assault force due to wrong passwords. However, the US military finally found the target worthy of attack in the exaggerated fleet: the Xiangfeng aircraft carrier. After half an hour of attacks by 93 American fighter planes and bombers, Xiangfeng has been hit by 13 bombs and 7 torpedo Igawa orders to abandon the ship. A few minutes later, Xiangfeng When it sank, only a cloud of black smoke and an oil stain spread in the Coral Sea, marking the loss of the first large ship of the Imperial Japanese Navy here.
On the morning of May 7, the attack fleets of the United States and Japan were just at the edge of each other's attack range, but the two sides failed to find each other due to technical reasons, and each missed the opportunity of preemptive attack. The mistakes made by the US military are more dangerous, because the carrier aircraft it attacks deviates from its main threat by more than 90 degrees, but the US military has also achieved greater results - knocking down an aircraft carrier; The mistake made by the combined fleet was regrettable, because they at least knew the approximate location of their main target. When the Fifth Air Force wanted to correct its mistakes, it faced a problem of time: it took off at 14pm and could not return until 18pm (2 hours after sunset), which was not an easy decision in 1942, but Gen. Gen. Yuan Zhongyi of the Fifth Air Force still sent 12 bomber At 14:15 with 15 torpedo planes, the separating ship flew to the expected target. At dusk, these planes actually flew over the US fleet, but they did not find the target due to the weather. They did not find the US fleet until they returned, but these planes had dropped their bombs and were intercepted by the US Wildcat fighter. In the twilight, several disoriented Japanese pilots mistakenly tried to land on the Yorktown. However, due to the wrong identification signal, the antiaircraft gunners found out and shot down one of them into the sea, and several others fled into the night in a hurry. This makes Fletcher He also realized that the Japanese naval aircraft carrier was nearby, and the duel between the aircraft carriers that decided the outcome of the naval battle must be carried out the next day.

Japanese aircraft carrier burned

The officers and men of the aircraft carrier Lexington gathered on the deck before abandoning the ship
In the last hour before the attack on May 8, four aircraft carriers within 200 nautical miles of the Coral Sea completed the same preparations. The only difference may be that chocolate was sent to American pilots, while Japanese pilots were sent Rice pudding The reconnaissance planes set off before sunrise. Destiny doomed planes will find each other's targets almost at the same time. At 8:15, the reconnaissance aircraft flying in the northernmost part of the US military sent a report that the enemy's aircraft carrier task force was travelling southward at a speed of 25 nautical miles per hour on the sea about 175 miles northeast of the Lexington. Only a few minutes later, the radio station of the American aircraft carrier received a report from the Japanese, which clearly showed that they had also been found. Then the Yorktown and Lexington took off 15 fighters and 46 bomber A total of 82 aircraft, together with 21 torpedo planes, rushed to the Japanese fleet. An hour and a quarter later, the US commandos found that Shokaku and Zuikaku Heading southeast, two ships Aircraft carrier Eight miles apart, they were each escorted by two heavy cruisers and destroyers. While the Americans were taking advantage of the precious few minutes to organize attacks in the cumulus, Xianghe took the opportunity to send out more fighters, and Ruihe hid in the sea near the rainstorm. The American pilots who launched their first attack against the aircraft carrier of the closely defended enemy fleet were confused when facing the real strong enemy. Torpedoes and dive bombers were scattered by Zeros and lacked cooperation. Torpedoes shot into the sea, far away from the target, and bombing was blind. Only two bombs hit the Xianghe, Shokaku flight deck The fire broke out due to oil leakage. More than ten minutes later, the aircraft on the Lexington arrived, but it was difficult to find the enemy ship under the thick clouds. Further frustrate the attack. Only fifteen bombers managed to find a target, but they were only protected by six wildcat fighters, which could easily be dispersed by zero fighters. The torpedo attack failed again, and the bombers only dropped one bomb. (However, the report of the American pilot was not like this. Captain Taylor said optimistically after the first attack: "There was a sea of fire from the waterline to the flight deck on the port side, about 50 to 100 feet from the bow and stern... About 15 minutes after the attack, when he finally saw the aircraft carrier, the fire was very fierce. It is believed that it was very seriously damaged and finally sank. ”)

Blow up US aircraft carrier

When the remaining 43 US military aircraft returned, they found that Japanese opponents could launch more effective attacks. Because of the radar, the commander of the Lexington fighter could know the arrival of the enemy aircraft when they were still in the air more than 70 miles to the northeast, and took off the fighter to intercept. However, 69 carrier based aircraft of the 5th Air Combat Team have been divided into three attack teams before being intercepted. The Japanese torpedo fleet first flew to the USS York. As the ship flexibly evaded, the Japanese aircraft attack did not work. However, as a result of the two aircraft carriers in the ring alert sequence evading on their own, the distance between the two ships was rapidly widened, and the alert ships were divided into two, thus weakening the air defense and giving Japanese aircraft a gap. Japanese aircraft pair York City Eight torpedoes were fired from the port side, all of which were avoided by the ship. Then the bombing fleet began to dive and drop bombs on the Yorktown. An 800 pound bomb hit the flight deck near the bridge of the ship, but the battle continued. When the Japanese torpedo fleet attacked the Lexington, it successfully used the pinch attack tactics to launch the torpedo from the two sides of the ship's bow, at a height of 15-70 meters, and at a distance of 1000-1500 meters. As Lexington has large tonnage, large circle radius and inflexible turning, 2 of the 13 torpedoes projected by Japanese aircraft hit the port side of the ship, making it Boiler cabin There are three places with water ingress.
The burning aircraft carrier Lexington was sinking after being hit.
Lexington is desperately evading torpedo At that time, the Japanese bomber team began to attack it again, and two more bombs hit the target. This engagement It lasted only 13 minutes. When the Japanese flew away, they happily reported that they had avenged the failure of the Xiangfeng the previous day and sank a "large aircraft carrier" and a "medium-sized aircraft carrier" unequivocally.
actually, Lexington Although the ship was hit by torpedoes and bombs, resulting in a 7 degree heel, after adjusting the fuel, the ship recovered its balance and continued to accept the returning aircraft to land. At the same time, refuel the fighter to strengthen air control. However, due to the fuel leakage, an explosion suddenly occurred in the ship Lexington and caused a fire. The fire spread rapidly and was beyond control. At about 15pm, the captain ordered all the sailors to leave the ship. At about 17:00, the destroyer Phelps was ordered to launch five torpedoes against it, and the Lexington sank at 17:56. The 36 aircraft that had landed on the ship also sank into the sea. Although there are still 27 bombers, torpedoes and 12 fighter planes on the York City of the 17th US special task force, it is already late at night, Fletcher He had no intention of fighting again, so he led his team to withdraw from the battlefield. the second day, Zuikaku When the pilots of wreckage Has.

Campaign outcome



Date: May 4, 1942 - May 8, 1942
Location: Australia New Guinea and Solomon Islands Between Coral Sea
Results: Japan won tactical victory and the Allied forces won strategic victory. The two sides were almost tied.


allied forces: Chester Nimitz Frank Fletcher
Japanese army: Shigeyoshi Inoue Takeo Takagi Five vines keep knowledge


Allied forces: 2 heavy aircraft carriers Lexington York City 3 Cruiser
Japanese: 2 heavy aircraft carriers Zuikaku Shokaku 1 light aircraft carrier Xiangfeng 4 cruisers.

Battle damage

Allied forces: heavy aircraft carrier Lexington 1 set destroyer 1 oil tanker sank with loss of 66 [1] 543 people were killed and the aircraft carrier "York City" was severely damaged.
Japanese: light aircraft carrier Xiangfeng 1 destroyer sank, loss 77 [1] 1074 people were killed by plane. The aircraft carrier "Xianghe" was severely damaged.

War review

Tragic Coral Sea Battle Relics
"Congratulations on your glorious achievements in the last two days". Although Nimitz sent such a message to Fletcher, there was a gloomy atmosphere in the headquarters of Pearl Harbor. Because the Lexington sank, it is difficult to judge how much the Japanese United Navy was hit. But from a strategic point of view, the Coral Sea has a great impact on the United States, the Pacific War World Naval Warfare History is of profound significance.
First, as the prelude to the war, although not many warships participated in the war, the scale of the engagement was not very large, and the intensity was not very high. But the Coral Sea battle is the first Aircraft carrier Duel between. As we all know, in the past modern naval battles, the warships of both sides were close to each other, and then used naval guns to solve the problem. In the Coral Sea battle, the warships of both sides did not fire guns or torpedoes, and did not enter the other's line of sight. Instead, they used their carrier borne aircraft to win from hundreds of miles away. This kind of engagement is the first in the history of world naval warfare, but it is not accidental, but the inevitable result of the development of aviation technology and weapons. This sea war pointed out the direction for the Pacific War. In this case, whoever can quickly and profoundly understand this new feature and correspondingly improve his combat effectiveness will be likely to gain more initiative in the war. From the perspective of subsequent development, it is obvious that Combined fleet It was too late to find out.
Second, from the perspective of tactical gains and losses, the US side was sunk a large aircraft carrier Lexington , one oil tanker, one destroyer 65 aircraft, 543 dead, another aircraft carrier York City injured; Japan lost one ship light carrier 69 aircraft, 1074 people were killed and another aircraft carrier was injured. From a numerical point of view, the Japanese navy has obviously won the tactical victory in the Coral Sea battle. However, looking further, if the consequences of the Coral Sea Battle on the weekend of the first week of May 1942 were linked to subsequent events, the United States would undoubtedly have won a decisive victory. Rear Admiral Fletcher's troops successfully defeated Japan's southward control Coral Sea And Australia's strategic plan for sea lanes. since Pearl Harbor Incident For the first time since then, the myth of the invincibility of the Japanese navy has suffered a heavy psychological blow, which is an event that has brought about a major change in the balance of strategic forces.
Some military experts believe that the Coral Sea Naval Battle is the first time that the US military has confronted the Japanese army in a direct way by land, sea and air, making it basically understand the operational characteristics and strategic intentions of the Japanese navy and air force. This is the later stage Midway Campaign It played a key role in comprehensively reversing the situation of the Pacific War. At the same time, the victory of the campaign thwarted Japan's attempt to completely blockade Australia, and strategically curbed the Japanese offensive momentum.

War Impact

Nimitz Declare that this is "a decisive and far-reaching victory". He could not know how profound the significance was in the following month. In fact, to be more specific, Shokaku Damaged Zuikaku The two aircraft carriers of the Fifth Air Combat Team were supposed to participate in the Midway Island Plan, but they could not be realized. From the arithmetic point of view Pacific War The direct impact of the process is that two aircraft carriers cannot participate in the exchange for the sinking of one aircraft carrier Midway Campaign Otherwise, the proportion of American and Japanese aircraft carriers on Midway Island will be 4 to 6, rather than 3 to 4. From the Midway War one month later, this difference is absolutely very important.
The Coral Sea Battle is the first battle between aircraft carriers in the history of naval warfare, and it is almost the fairest battle in the Pacific War, which basically reflects the combat effectiveness of both sides. It can be said to be Pacific epic The most appropriate introduction. If the United Fleet is the first or second aviation team to participate in the Coral Sea battle, then the Yorktown is likely not to return to Pearl Harbor, so the United States will have a lot of pressure after the Midway Battle; If the US military did not attack Tokyo smartly, then the US could have four aircraft carriers to participate in the Coral Sea. Although there is no guarantee of complete victory, the loss will not lead to the loss of an aircraft carrier, so there will be more hope of victory in Midway Island.
Although it is just right, like every battle, the war in the Coral Sea is still cold and cruel. Here is an example:
stay Lexington When our sailors were engaged in an impossible battle with the terrible scene deep under the flight deck, the Yorktown was also shot, the cipher room had been smashed by a bomb, the radar was useless, and the dive bomber attack team leader Ault When the Lieutenant Colonel and his radio operator returned from the attack on the Xianghe, their plane was damaged and they found themselves in the most dangerous situation for pilots - lost in the vast sea, and the oil level pointer shook above zero. Olt can radio to the Yorktown--
Yorktown: The nearest land is 200 miles away.
Olt: We'll never get there.
Yorktown: It's up to you. I wish you every success.
Olt: Please pass it on to the Lexington. We dropped a thousand pound bomb on a warship. We both reported two or three times. The enemy fighters are coming. I flew north instead. Please tell me if you listened to me.
Yorktown: Yes. It's up to you. I will convey what you said. I wish you every success.
Olt: OK, goodbye. Our one thousand pound bomb hit a warship!
This is the last time people have heard Bill Olt The voice of the Lieutenant Colonel.

historical significance

For the first time in history, there was a confrontation between aircraft carriers, [2] It was the first naval battle between the fleets of both sides outside the line of sight, and also the first naval battle in which the warships of both sides did not fire at the enemy warships.
The US Navy deeply felt that aircraft carrier formation warfare would be the main mode of future naval warfare, so it began to vigorously implement it in the subsequent actual combat, and finally won the victory in the Pacific battlefield.

The role of war

This is a game Never in history In the naval battle of, the fleets of both sides fought outside the sight distance of both sides. from tactics Seen from the above, the Battle of the Coral Sea can be said to be a little better than the Japanese. Although the number of Japanese aircraft and casualties was more than that of the United States, they exchanged the victory of sinking the "Neochau", "Sims" and the 33000 ton large aircraft carrier "Lexington" for a small price of losing the 12000 ton "Xiangfeng" and sinking several small ships outside Tulagi Island. However, from strategy Seen from the above, the United States has won the victory. For the first time since the beginning of the war, the expansion of Japanese forces has been curbed and attacked Port Moresby Our battle plan had to be postponed. More importantly, the wounded aircraft carrier "Xianghe" needs to be repaired, and the badly damaged "Xiangfeng" needs to be rebuilt, which greatly weakens Japan's strength in the upcoming Midway Island Naval Battle.
Although from a numerical point of view, the losses of the United States are relatively large, the United States has successfully thwarted the Japanese army's attempt to continue to move south. Therefore, the biggest winner of this naval battle is still the United States. The myth of the invincibility of the Japanese navy was hit hard for the first time.
The Coral Sea Battle is Pacific Battlefield Occurrence of the last war reverse , entry strategy Sign of stalemate stage Nimitz planned to keep Fletcher's fleet in the Coral Sea because Halsey We are rushing to the Coral Sea. We can incorporate the "York City" and its frigates into the 6th task force to find new fighters. However, he finally gave up the idea. His strategic vision has been focused on the upcoming Central Pacific Encounter. Therefore, he ordered that the Yorktown must be repaired as soon as possible in order to enter a new decisive battle with a more complete lineup. At the same time, Nimitz ordered the submarine forces to launch an attack on the injured Japanese aircraft carrier returning to the sea, and sent a message to the Puget Strait Naval Shipyard urging them to speed up the repair of the Saratoga in case of urgent need.
On May 10, the Japanese army took a military demonstration to save face lost in the coral sea battle. They sent an army to occupy it Ocean Island And Nauru Island. Nimitz took his cue and sent a telegram Halsey Go to the sea area within 500 nautical miles of the East Solomon Islands. Let the "Hornet" and "Enterprise" and the 16th special task force fleet set out to confuse each other and make the Japanese believe that all aircraft carriers of the Pacific fleet have arrived in the South Pacific, thus holding back the Japanese forces in the north attack. This move worked. After the Japanese attack troops found the American aircraft carrier, they hurriedly withdrew from the occupied islands and deployed troops in the South Pacific. At this point, the smoke and cloud about the coral sea battle completely dissipated, and Japan and the United States began to brew new offensives in the superficial calm.