
Physical terms
zero Useful+1
Boson (English: boson )Yes Follow Bose Einstein statistics spin A particle whose quantum number is an integer. Boson non-compliance Pauli exclusion principle , multiple identical bosons can be in the same quantum state at the same time, which can occur at low temperatures Bose Einstein condensation The opposite of bosons is fermions, which follow Fermi Dirac statistics, Spin quantum number It is a half integer (1/2, 3/2,...). The basic structure of matter is fermion, and the basic interaction between matter is transmitted by boson.
Chinese name
Foreign name
Non observance of Pauli exclusion principle
Mass, power and spin
Gauge bosons, Higgs particles, deuterons, etc
Bose einstein condensation at low temperature
Scope of application
quantum mechanics


According to the structure, it can be divided into basic particles and composite particles.
The basic bosons include gluons, photons, Z, gravitons that transfer basic interactions and Higgs particles that provide mass for other basic particles.
Composite bosons are composed of even number of fermions, such as mesons, deuterons, helium-4, etc. According to the spin and parity quantum numbers, it can be divided into scalar, pseudoscalar, vector and axial vector particles.
Gluon - Strong interaction There are 8 kinds of medium particles with zero mass, neutral electricity and 1 spin quantum number.
photon - Electromagnetic interaction There is only one kind of medium particle with zero mass, neutral electricity and 1 spin quantum number.
Z boson- Weak interaction Medium particles, Spin quantum number Is 1. There is one Z boson, which is not charged and has a mass of about 91.2GeV. W There are two bosons, each with a positive and negative electron charge, with a mass of about 80.4GeV
Graviton -Transmission in quantum gravity theory Gravitational interaction There is only one medium particle with zero mass, neutral electricity and two spin quantum numbers, which has not yet been found.
Higgs boson (Higgs boson) - also known as“ God particle ”, the elementary particle whose spin quantum number is 0, which causes the spontaneous breaking of gauge symmetry and provides mass for other elementary particles in the GSW electroweak unified theory, has a mass of about 125GeV July 2012 European Nuclear Center CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experimental findings.
meson -By a positive quark And an antiquark hadron , the common ones are π、ρ、K Etc.
Deuteron, helium-4, etc nucleon Constituent Nucleus because proton and neutron They are all fermions, so the atomic nucleus with an even number of nucleons has a spin of integer Bosons of.
phonon - see also Solid State Physics


In 1924, Indian physicist Satyandra Nate Bose Satyendra Nath Bose )Electromagnetic radiation is described as a photon gas. Considering the indiscernibility and probability interpretation of identical particles, the statistical law of photon gas based on quantum mechanics is established, and Planck's blackbody radiation formula is obtained. Bose's paper was rejected at the time of submission and later turned to Einstein for help. Einstein realized the importance of Bose's work. He translated the article into German and published it in Germany Zeitschrift für Physik Magazine. Later Einstein also did research in this field, developed and popularized the work of Bose, so people called this statistical method Bose Einstein statistics
In 1945, a famous physicist Paul Dirac Paul Dirac )In memory Bose The pioneering contribution in quantum statistics will follow Bose Einstein statistics The regular particles are named bosons.

scientific research

In 2023, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Harvard University Center for Ultracold Atoms observed boson enhanced light scattering in ultracold gas for the first time, or opened up new possibilities for the research of boson systems. [1]