
Geological terminology
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Crater means "plate" in Greek. "Crater" usually refers to the pit with bowl shaped pit structure. The surface of the moon is covered with large and small circular pits, called“ Lunar crater ”, most of the craters are surrounded by Lunar surface Crater. There are more craters on the back of the moon.
There is a sunken pit in the middle of the crater, surrounded by towering and upright rocks, and the height of the crater is generally between 7 and 8 kilometers. The size of craters varies greatly, and the diameter of small craters is less than 10 kilometers, and some are only the size of a football field; The diameter of the large crater is more than 100 kilometers. The largest crater is Bailey crater near the south pole of the moon, with a diameter of 295 kilometers, which is larger than that of China Zhejiang Province smaller one. The total number of moon craters with a diameter of more than 1000 meters has reached more than 3300. The large ones are more than 100 kilometers in diameter, accounting for 7-10% of the lunar surface.
Most of the circular hills are famous astronomer Or other scholars, there are eight ringed mountains on the back of the moon, six on the front named after the ancient and modern astronomers of China.
Chinese name
Foreign name
7~8 km
More than 50000



Craters (also called craters) are a prominent feature of the moon's surface, almost covering the whole moon. The crater is nearly circular, similar to the crater terrain on the earth. In the middle of the ring mountain, the terrain is low and flat, and some are also distributed with small peaks. The inner side of the crater is steep and the outer side is gentle. There are also many bright stripes radiating out around some craters.
The size of craters varies greatly. On the lunar surface, there are more than 3300 craters with a diameter of more than 1 km, accounting for 10% of the lunar surface area; There are countless smaller and worthy moon craters. The shapes of craters are also different. Some big craters have a small one inside, and some big craters have a deep hole in the center, such as Newton's crater, with the central hole more than 8000 meters deep; There is also a mountain called“ Central peak ”。


The name of the crater was given by Galileo. The ringed mountain is the most prominent geomorphic feature on the moon surface. The ringed mountains dotted and overlapped on the moon surface are like volcanic craters on the earth. There is a round flat land in the center and a ring of raised mountain rings on the periphery. The inner wall is steep and the outer slope is gentle.
When ancient astronomers named the mountains on the moon, they stipulated that the mountains on the moon should be named after the mountains on the earth, and the craters on the moon should be named after the world famous scientists and thinkers. This provision is still in use today. as Copernicus crater Archimedes Crater Newton Crater Iba Valley Ring Mountain Cassini Crater Among the craters on the back of the moon, there are eight named after ancient Chinese astronomers: Shishen Crater, Zhangheng Crater, Zuchongzhi Crater, Guo Shoujing Crater, Wanhu Crater, Zhang Yuzhe Crater, Cai Lun Crater, and Bisheng Crater [1]
There are six craters on the front, named after Gao Pingzi, a modern Chinese astronomer, Song Yingxing, Shen Kuo, Liu Hui, Pei Xiu and Xu Guangqi [2]
In 1987, International Astronomical Union name Mercury Among the first batch of ringed mountains, there are two famous poetess in ancient China Cai Wenji And poetess Li Qingzhao This is the only two women whose names were used as outer space craters in history.


The structure of the crater is very complex, and there are many kinds. However, according to the order of their formation, they can be basically divided into two types: ancient type and young type. The ancient ringed mountains are very irregular, and most of them have collapsed, while the small circular ringed mountains and Central peak These ringed mountains are relatively young. It has single, overlapping, large and small. A Japanese scholar put forward a classification of craters in 1969, which is divided into Clavian type (Ancient ringed mountains are generally unrecognizable, and some still have mountains in the mountains) Copernicus type (Young craters, often“ Radial striation ”, the inner wall is generally concentric terrace , there is usually a central peak in the center) Archimedean type Annular wall Lower, possibly evolved from Copernican type) Bowl shape and dimples (Small craters, some less than one meter in diameter).


There are two more scientific explanations for the formation of the crater:
The high heat inside the moon after the formation of the moon Lava And gas burst through the surface and ejected, just like the Volcano eruption They began to be powerful, and lava erupted high and far, accumulating outside the vent and forming a crater. Later, the jet power gradually decreased, and the jet accumulation was only at the bottom of the center, forming a small peak, which is the central peak in the ring mountain. Some jets go out earlier, or do not spray again, there is no Central peak
Meteoroid and meteorite impact
Meteoroid Hit the moon. On May 13, 1972, a large meteorite crashed into a crater the size of a football field on the lunar surface. Caused by impact Moonquake , 4 placed on the lunar surface Lunar seismograph Record it. The proponents of meteorite impact believe that about 3 billion years ago, there were many meteorites in space, and the moon was Semi fused state When the huge meteorite hit the moon, rocks and soil splashed out around it, forming a ring of ringed mountains. Because there is no wind and rain on the moon Geological tectonic activity Therefore, the original crater has been preserved.
There are many craters around Radial zebra structure , such as Tycho Copernicus Kepler There are many ringed mountains with different shapes, lengths, stripes and brightness Radial striation 1968 American“ surveyor ”No.7 Lunar probe , took a picture Tycho Ring Mountain Some of the radiation lines. There are 12 radiation patterns in Tycho Ring Mountain, which pass through the mountains, Moon Valley , also across Moon Sea The longest radiation pattern is 1800 kilometers long, and the widest one is 20 kilometers wide.
Most scientists believe that volcanic eruption or large meteoroid When hitting the surface of the moon, rocks and rock powder are thrown around. Later, these substances gradually fell back to the moon surface and became radiation stripes. Because of their large albedo, they look particularly bright. These are the strange radiation patterns on the surface of the moon. Apollo airship The pictures of the moon sent back to the ground from the moon can clearly see the huge Meteorite crater