
[wán yì]
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It can refer to something interesting, but it has a derogatory reference in the development of Chinese language and folk oral language. [1]
Chinese name
wán yì
Part of speech
Originally neutral, now slightly derogatory


Also called "play".
1. Toys, knickknacks or interesting things; It also refers to things in general: gadgets | What is he holding in his hand.
2. It refers to folk art, acrobatics, etc.: playing tricks.
3. Words expressing contempt for things: I really don't understand what this thing is.
4. Abstract words: used to express a person's knowledge, talent, and similar meaning to things (you have nothing (things), etc.)
5. Refers to tools: I want to repair the TV set, but I can't repair it if I don't have anything in hand.

Origin and explanation

1. Taste. Song Dynasty Chen Shan "A New Tale of Watching the lice, Wang Youcheng's Painting of the Arhats Crossing the Water": "Mountain valley cloud: 'Aroes are all divine, how can they drag the mud and carry the water like this'... I don't know why the valley uses this language, but can't it be beyond the brush and ink?"
2. Interest. The Preface to the Collection of Small Animals by Shen Yuqing of the Song Dynasty: "At the beginning of Xianping, [Wang Yucheng] came from Qi'an, where he was in charge of the county government to make peace with the leisure scenery, and he used it as a toy for the bamboo building Wuheng Zhai and Sleeping Feet Pavilion."
3. Also referred to as "play". It's a gadget. It refers to folk art, acrobatics, etc. Qing Fu Cha Dunchong's Yanjing Chronicles of the Year - Feast Nine: "Every nine feasts, the emperor goes to the West Factory Hall to have a feast and watch games." The first scene of Lao She's Longxu Valley: "In the beginning, I used to sing games in the theater to earn foreign money. Joy is like celebrating the New Year every day."
4. Also referred to as "play". It's a gadget. It refers to skill. Lao She's "Soul Breaking Gun": "The magic gun sand dragon is my master, and it's a real skill."
5. Also referred to as "play". It's a gadget. Of something, an action, etc. It is often used to express contempt. Lu Xun's "Qiejeting Essay - Remembering the Lord Wei Suyuan": "But the Weiming Society was also unsealed after being arrested and released. I still don't understand what it is." Zhang Tianyi's "Hate": "If there is such a thing, others dare to move it!" Jiang Zilong《 Director Qiao's appointment 》"His character itself conflicts with fear, suspicion, flattery... It is these things that virginity hates most."
6. Also referred to as "play". It's a gadget. Especially toys. Lu Xun's Wild Grass Kite: "I never love flying kites. I don't love them, and I hate them, because I think they are made by unpromising children." See "Gadgets".