
The national symbol of the French Republic
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Mariana, yes French Republic As a national symbol, she represents a country in a political sense and her values. Her image spreads all over France, and she is often placed in a prominent position in the city hall or the court. Her image was carved into a bronze statue , standing in Paris Ethnic Square (Place de la Nation).
In the classical era, people often used gods, goddesses or personified images full of meaning to represent certain ideas. Although restrained in the Middle Ages, this practice The Renaissance During this period, it was welcomed again.
On October 22, 2019, The emblem of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games It was announced that female elements were integrated into the design, and Mariana, the national symbol of France, was integrated into the emblem to pay tribute to female athletes. [1]
Chinese name
Foreign name
French: Marianne
Mary Anna Marianne

brief introduction

The statue of Mariana on the Place de la Republique in Paris
Mariana , Yes French Republic Of National symbol In terms of its denotation, she free And reason The personification of. And representatives French nation And its history, land and culture“ Gallic cock ”("Gauloise dor é e") In contrast, her image not only appears on the seals of national government agencies and French stamps, but also is engraved on French Euro coins On, in the already out of circulation franc Her figure is also on. Mariana is French Republic One of the most famous symbols.

Image origin

There are different opinions about the origin of the image of Mariana. One of them believes that Mariana originated from an artist Honoré Daumier (Honor é Daumier) in 1848 Romulus and Remus (Romulus&Remus). There is another saying that her image comes from the sculptor Fu Lonsova Lude (Fran ç ois Rude) Triumphal Arch (Arc de Triomphe)《 Marseillaise 》( Marseillaise )Angry samurai. In any case, Mariana has become a symbol of France. As republic As the personality symbol of the system, her image is often used to refer to the republicans, and she is often satirized and insulted by those who oppose the republicans. Although Mariana and Gallic cock Both are common French symbols, but none of them enjoy official status: according to French Constitution (Constitution fran ç aise) The only official symbol of France is French flag

Development history



Mariana in oil painting
In 1789 French Revolution During this period, a series of separations symbolize free And reason The personified images with rich moral meanings have emerged one after another. Finally, these two symbols were concentrated on a female character. She can show both standing and sitting posture, and she also has some other remarkable features, such as the cock beside her, the tricolor hat badge she wears, and the phrygian cap Usually this woman symbolizes freedom, rationality and the civilian nature of the French nation, motherland and republic. (For such images, you can refer to those created by French artists Statue of Liberty , her two replicas are in Paris And Saint Etienne.)
In September 1792, the Convention nationale issued a decree announcing that a female figure holding a long gun with a Phrygia hat would appear on the seal of a state organ.

Republican symbol

Bust of Mariana
Why is it represented by a woman rather than a man republic What about the system? historian Maurice Agulhon (Maurice Agulhon) revealed the source of Mariana's image through detailed investigation and research in his many well-known works. He believes that people can French nation Tradition and psychology are examined to find the answer to this question. The feminized moral image can just symbolize the destruction of the male dominated "Ancien R é gime". stay French Revolution Before, Kingdom of France Are often represented as male characters, as Palais de Versailles (Ch â teau de Versailles) The paintings on the ceiling show that. In addition, in French, the word "la R é public" is itself a feminine noun.
At first, the use of such a female image was not uniform, nor was it officially recognized. Typical among these female images are eugene delacroix (Eug è ne Delacroix)《 Guide the people freely 》(La Libert é guidant le people). This painting was painted by Delacroix in 1830 to commemorate the year of 1830, which is known as "Trois Glorieuses" July revolution
Mariana originated from the popular female names Mary and Anna at the end of the 18th century. After the birth of the First Republic of France in 1792, the revolutionary song "Mariana's Restoration" combined the two names for the first time as a symbol of the Republic. The song was sung all over France, and Mariana also immediately referred to the republican system in the Great Revolution. So far, her image has not only appeared on the seals, medals, presidential votes and stamps of government agencies, but also on a statue of Mariana in almost every city hall. She was also cast on the back of French euro coins, and also on the francs that have been withdrawn from circulation (as shown in the picture above). Since 1999, the French authorities have decided to integrate the three words of blue, white and red flag, Mariana and freedom, equality and fraternity into a new unified image logo of government agencies, which will be printed on relevant brochures, publications, promotional materials, letterhead, business cards, etc. [2]

The Second Republic

On March 17, 1848, since there was no representative of the Republic with official status before, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the newly established Second Republic launched an activity to collect images of the Republic in the form of paintings, sculptures, commemorative medals, coins or seals. stay monarchy After being overthrown, the provisional government declared: "On behalf of free The image of the French people should replace the image of corruption and humiliation that was destroyed by the great French people in three days in every corner. " Since then, the moral of Mariana's image has really focused on the three concepts of freedom, republic and revolution.
Bust of Mariana
There are two images of Mariana finally recognized: one is Mariana who is fighting and winning, which reminds people ancient Greek Athena. This version of Mariana bares her breasts, bares her breasts, and wears phrygian cap , wearing a corsage and holding one arm high, called on the people to revolt. Another image of Mariana is more conservative: she has a calm expression, wears ancient clothes, and the sun surrounds her head, which is obviously to use the symbol of the royal family for the Republic. There are many other symbols around the image of Mariana, such as ears of wheat, plough and ancient Rome Axeman Of Corbel Etc. These two diametrically opposed images of Mariana just represent two aspects of the Republic - one represents the bourgeoisie, the other is June Uprising Representing the democratic and social conditions before the event.
City halls everywhere can voluntarily choose the image of Mariana for display, but unknowing staff often mistake her for a religious figure and return her portrait or statue to the local church. In 1849, the image of Mariana first appeared on French stamps.

The Second Empire

After The Second Empire During the period (1852-1870), the depiction of Mariana was forced to go underground. Mariana also became a rebel monarchy The symbol of degree. From 1848 to 1851, people began to use the name "Mariana" as a symbol“ free ”。 Around 1875, this practice became popular throughout France.

The Third Republic

Bronze Statue of "Victory of the Republic" on the National Plaza in Paris
The official status of Mariana's image is The Third Republic The period (1870-1940) was further established. In 1880, the Paris City Hall (H ô tel de Ville) took the lead in placing a performance headwear phrygian cap The statue of Mariana, which was soon followed by other cities in France. Shortly after that, Paris, where the radical forces were strong, held an activity to collect statues for the Place de la R é publice. In 1883, the Moricet brothers won the competition with their revolutionary image of Mariana. They created the image of Mariana with one arm pointing to the sky and wearing phrygian cap , the chest is covered. In 1889, Aime Jules Dalou was celebrating French Revolution Won in the activity of collecting statues for Place de la Nation held for the centenary of the outbreak. In the statue he designed for the National Square, Mariana holds ancient Rome Axeman Of Corbel , wearing a Phrygia hat, bared his chest and exposed his breasts, and surrounded by figures representing labor (an image of a worker representing the people), justice, peace and education - all of which the French people deserve republic Achievements enjoyed in the system. In 1899 Dreyfus incident Under the shadow of Affair Dreyfus, the authorities held the unveiling ceremony for the statue, and the then Prime Minister was a radical socialist Pierre Waldek Rousseau (Pierre Waldeck-Rousseau)。 At the same time as the opening ceremony was held, workers held up the red flag nearby and conducted a massive demonstration. Government officials in black dress fled from the ceremony in a hurry. In the minds of the workers, Mariana should be Social democracy Republic of( French : la R é publish d é mocratique et sociale, or La sociale for short).
stay the First World War The image of Mariana seldom appears in the memorial of. But in 1936 popular front (Front populaire) emulated the practices of the Second Republic and launched Mariana's real models, which were also slandered by right-wing newspapers at that time as "brazen prostitutes". During the Second World War, Mariana became a symbol of freedom against the Nazi aggressors and a representative of the Republic's tit for tat struggle with the R é gime de Vichy regime. During the Vichy regime, 120 of the 427 Mariana statues in France were melted down by the authorities Milice franaise (Milice fran ç aise).

The Fifth Republic

although Charles de Gaulle General Charles de Gaulle made full use of the image of Mariana during the war, but Mariana's status in the post-war period declined, and her frequency of appearance on stamps, referendums and other occasions also decreased. Mariana's May Storm During this period, it appeared in the image of revolution and subversion. After that, the conservative liberal president Valery Giscard d'Estaing (Val é ry Giscard d'Estaing) Erase the image of Mariana from the stamp with "La Poste"( France Post )Instead. He also told me to slow down《 Marseillaise 》The rhythm of the performance and the commemoration of Victory Day on May 8, 1945 were diluted.
The statue of Mariana in Dijon's square on October 30
Commemorated in 1989 French Revolution During the event of the 200th anniversary of the outbreak, Mariana did not appear frequently in public. A Socialist who was then president of France Francois Mitterrand (FFran ç ois Mitterrand) aims to unite all citizens and gain their recognition for the commemorative activities, so that they can recall republicanism more than revolution. In the large-scale float parade carefully arranged by the avant-garde designer Jean Paul Goude, the American soprano singer Jessye Norman (Jessye Norman) replaced Mariana and sang French National Anthem Marseillaise 》。 After the brutal internal strife from the 19th century to the 20th century (such as the riots on February 6, 1934, the Vichy regime, etc.), French Republic The people of France have reached a consensus that all French citizens support the republican system, so the worship of Mariana is not so important.

Origin of names

A German cartoon, written in 1904, reflecting the Anglo French Treaty
Some people believe that the name "Mariana" derives from the Monarchomaques who advocated overthrowing tyrants in the 16th century Jesuit Juan de Mariana. Others believe that the image of Mariana comes from During the Great Revolution The wife of Jean Fran ç ois Reubell, a politician of, Directoire Vicomte de Barras, a member of Directoire ex é cutif, went to Lebel's house as a guest. During the dinner, he asked the hostess's name -- "Mary Anna," she replied -- "It's perfect," cried Barras, "What a simple name republic It's just as good for your country as it is for you, madam! "
A recent study showed that in 1792 Toulouse Near (Toulouse) Thane Province For the first time, Puylaurens of Tarn used the name Mariana to refer to republicanism in written form. At that time, there was a poem written by the poet Guillaume Lavabere Occitan Of Provence Dialect singing songs La garisou de Marianno (French: La guérison de Marianne , which means "Mariana's Restoration" in Chinese, is widely sung by people. At that time, Mary Anna was a very popular female name. According to Aguron, the name was "adopted by the regime that thinks it is also popular among the people".
The explanation given by the revolutionaries in the Great Revolution is often related to a specific phrygian cap About Mariana. The beautiful female image of Mariana not only Trousers free man (Sans culottes) and other images have inspired people and provided comfort to people who were traumatized in the war in this country.
Mariana's name is often associated with some secret republican associations. During the Second Empire, members of a republican secret organization had to swear in the name of Mariana to overthrow the imperial "regime" (r é gime).
The last thing to note is that in the French Revolution During this period, the most ordinary people all rose up to fight for their rights, so it is natural to use the most ordinary French women's names to refer to the republican system.


For a long time, the official version of Mariana's bust has not had a clear model to represent the majority of women. Since 1969, famous women have become real models of Mariana. The first real model of Mariana is a movie star Brigitte Bardot (Brigitte Bardot)。 Later, Mireille Mathieu (1978), Catherine Deneuve (1985) Ines de la Fressange (In è s de la Fressange, 1989), Laetitia Casta (2000) and Evelina Tomas (2003) became the official models of Mariana.
In October 1999, Leticia Casta was elected as the new Mariana, a symbol of the French republican system. This was the first time in French history that more than 36000 mayors nationwide jointly elected Mariana. Casta won 36% of the votes of more than 15000 mayors who participated in the voting, thus standing out from the five candidates and being elected as the new Mariana. The other four candidates are Estelle Hallyday, Patricia Kaas, Daniela Lumbroso and Nathalie Simon. However, shortly after that, a scandal related to Casta broke out, which caused a considerable shock to France: some media reported that Casta, the new symbol of the Republic, had actually moved britain London Although Casta claimed that she moved to Britain purely out of practical professional considerations《 viewpoint 》( Le Point )Magazines and other media pointed out that she did so to evade taxes. At the end of 2003, talk show host Evelina Toma was elected as the new Mariana.
Since 2012, Sophie Marceau Officially served as the seventh Mariana live model. [2]
Although all of the above are so-called "official" models, there is no policy that requires the image of one of them to be displayed as Mariana. It is easy to see that past Mariana models have the following commonalities besides temperament and beauty: healthy image, firm personality, outstanding moral character and positive attitude. It is this "likeness" that makes the appearance of Mariana ever-changing. As a symbol of the republican spirit, Mariana occupies the unique and lofty position in the hearts of the French. Mariana has obtained the youth, vigorous and lasting vitality from the rich and constantly updated archetypes. [2]

Government logo


brief introduction

French government logo
Blue white red flag, Mariana“ Freedom, equality and fraternity ”、 republic : These powerful National symbol It represents France in the political sense and her values (correspondingly, Gallic cock It represents France in the national sense and its history, land and culture. Since September 1999 Left Bloc (Gauche plurielle) Lionel Jospin (Lionel Jospin) The Cabinet decided to integrate the above images into a new "logo" on the advice of the French Government Information Service (SIG) and the officials in charge of public relations in the main departments. As the unified image logo of all government agencies, it will appear on various relevant materials, such as brochures, internal and public publications, promotional activities, letterhead, business cards, etc. The central government took the lead in using this new image logo, and then all departments (they can also use their own original logo at the same time), all regions and provinces across the country have followed suit.

Design analysis

The primary goal of designing this logo is to integrate the public relations of the government. In addition, the introduction of this logo also "provides a more acceptable image for the government that is now abstract, remote and outdated, making it more concrete and realistic, and in line with the higher expectations of the French people for the government".
This conclusion was reached in January 1999 through a large number of interviews and surveys by French polling agency Sofr è s. The data they got shows that the French people highly agree with the basic values of the Republic, and they also hope to have a fair and efficient government as the initiator and defender of the principles of freedom, equality and fraternity.

Olympic emblem

The emblem of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games
On October 22, 2019, The emblem of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games It was announced that female elements were integrated into the design, and Mariana, the national symbol of France, was integrated into the emblem to pay tribute to female athletes. [1]