Wang Cheng

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Wang Cheng (269-312), styled Pingzi, Langya Linyi (today's Shandong Province Linyi City) people, Western Jin Dynasty Officials and celebrities, General Ping Bei Wang Yi Son, Taiwei Wang Yan Brother.
Wang Cheng was born in an aristocratic family. He is rarely famous. He is brave and likes talking. Behave in a casual manner. The prime minister was moved after less experience( Sima Ying )Engaged in Zhonglang Sikong Sima Yue )Long history. Welcome you, Canonize south Xianghou Jin Huidi At the end of his life, he served as the governor of Jingzhou Nanman Xiaowei Indulging in drinking day and night, not being intimate with the common people, led to the separation of people and finally resigned Jingzhou Governor Position. Yongjia Rebellion Later, he took refuge in the south and took office Langya King Sima Rui Military Counseling and Liquor Offering.
Six years of Yongjia, ways Yu Zhang When being herded by Jiangzhou Wang Dun He was forty-four years old when he was killed. His posthumous title was Xian.
A Ping
Western Jin Dynasty
Ethnic groups
the han people
one's native heath
Langya Linyi
date of birth
Date of death
312 years
True name
Wang Cheng
Official position
Jingzhou Governor

Character's Life

Wang Cheng has been in an important position since childhood, Rebellion of the Eight Kings Middle, first attached to the King of Chengdu Sima Ying , later relying on the King of the East China Sea Sima Yue Brother Wang Yan Please ask Donghai Wang to appoint Cheng as Jingzhou Governor Good mystery, and Xie Kun Ruan Xiu "A" Wang Yan appreciated the so-called "down and down" demeanor when he had a close communication, relaxed manners, and even exposed his whole body to show his originality.
After taking office in Jingzhou, Wang Cheng did not manage government affairs personally and indulged in drinking day and night. Time Country Disordered , Zeng wanted to lead the army to rescue the capital, because he was afraid of Wang Ru Insurgent army Our troops failed to advance northward. Many refugees migrated from Bashu to Jingxiang. Because of their poor living conditions, they gathered together to revolt and killed more than 8000 people, thus arousing a larger scale of resistance Du Tao As the leader, the army of Cheng had nothing to do with Jingxiang. Due to Cheng's ferocity to the local people, he became eccentric from top to bottom, and finally could not stay in Jingxiang for a long time. Later should Langya King Sima Rui The way to recruit and go to serve as military counselor Yu Zhang (Jiangxi today Nanchang ), Brother Bei Wang Dun He was forty-four years old when he was killed. [1]

Anecdotes and allusions

Wang Chengyou is smart. Although he hasn't spoken yet, he sees people behaviour , you know what's behind it.
Wang Yan is famous in the world. People at that time thought he could be a mirror of human relations. Wang Yan attaches great importance to his younger brother Wang Cheng and Wang Dun "A" He once commented on the world's people: "Ah Ping is the first, Zi Song is the second, and Zhong is the third.", Wang Yan Then he said no more words, "I have been flat".
Wang Cheng once told Wang Yan, "Brother looks like a Taoist, but God is too handsome." Wang Yan replied, "Honesty is not as good as Mu Muran."
Wang Cheng was transferred to the post of governor of Jingzhou. When an important member of the imperial court went to see him off, Wang Cheng went up a tree to pick up a magpie's nest and looked as if he were alone.
When Wang Cheng was 14 or 15 years old, he saw that Wang Yan's wife, Guo Shi, was greedy and asked his maid to pick up dung on the road. Wang Cheng dissuades her and explains that this is not good. Guo was so angry that she said to Wang Cheng, "When my mother-in-law died, she entrusted you to me, not me." Then she grabbed Wang Cheng's clothes and wanted to hit him with a stick. Wang Cheng had great strength and struggled to get away. He jumped out of the window and ran away. [2]

Character evaluation

Fang Xuanling Jin Shu 》: "He is passionate and proud of things, embarrassed by the mirror, and finally lost his life, which will lead to his defeat. His husband's clothes show his appearance and show his virtue. His voice moves the palace feathers, and he picks up the mountain flowers. He has organized his martial arts, and has made a speech. Cheng Zhi Skip It's not enough. If you are climbing on the right side of the tree, you will see naked magpies. Taking this as the goal is high. Frivolity is effective and romantic. The Tao looks at the saints, points out things well, goes alone with emotion, and kills the living. " [3]

Historical records

Wang Cheng, with the word Pingzi. He was alert when he was born. Although he could not speak, he would know his meaning when he saw people's actions. Wang Yan's wife, Guo Shi, was greedy and wanted to make the maidservant carry dung on the road. When he was fourteen years old, he admonished Guo that it was impossible. Guo was so angry that Cheng said, "Madam Xi died husband's younger brother A bride is not a bridegroom. " For catching him Train , take the staff. Cheng struggled to get away, and left over the window.
It has a great reputation in the world, and people at that time may learn from human relations. Especially heavy clarification and Wang Dun Yu Kai, as the eyes of people all over the world, said, "Ah Ping is the first, Zi Song is the second, and Chu Zhong is the third." Cheng Taste said, Yan said, "My brother is like a Taoist in shape, but my god is too handsome." Yan said, "Honesty is not as good as your Mu Ran." Cheng You is famous. Those who have had a clear title in the Sutra can no longer speak. They often say that they have been flat.
Shao Li is prominent, and Wang Ying moved to Chengdu Engaged in Zhonglang Favorable Meng Jiu Zen Land-based aircraft Brother, the world is gnashing its teeth. Cheng sends out Jiu's private treachery and persuades Ying to kill Jiu. Ying is the villain. All the scholars and commoners are good. Ji Yingbai, Wang Yue of Donghai asked him to be Sikong Changshi. In order to welcome the great achievements, the south was granted Xianghou Relocation of General Wei Yongzhou Governor , no duty. Hour Wang Dun Xie Kun File Ruan Xiu They are all good friends of Yansuo, called Four Friends, and they also have sex with Chengyu No need to supplement And so on. Feast and enjoy the birthday, poor and happy.
Huidi At the end of the day, the more white, the more clear Jingzhou Governor , integrity, governor, leader Nanman Xiaowei , Dun is Qingzhou. Yanyin asked Yiyi about his general plan. He said, "When things change, it's impossible to speculate." With clear words and clear meanings, he thought that he was a little impotent, and sat down in mourning. The town of Chengjiang is the best place for those who send it. Seeing the nests of magpies on the tree, Cheng took off his clothes and went up to the tree. He looked bleak and looked like nobody was there. Liu Kun Cheng said, "Although your appearance is loose and clear, your inner part is active. It's hard for you to die in this way." Cheng was silent and did not answer.
Since Cheng was in town, he indulged in drinking day and night, and did not care about the common people. Although Kou Rong was in urgent need, he did not care about it. Promote Shunyang people Guo Shu In the cold, I thought Don't drive , entrusted to the state capital. When the capital was in danger, Cheng led the army to go to the national disaster, and Windbreak his Segmental column Will Wang Rukou Xiangyang , Chengqianfeng to Yicheng , send envoys Mountain slips , as obtained by Party Yan Yi. Yi Fake made people follow Xiangyang He came and asked, "Is Xiangyang out of the way?" He replied, "Yesterday, when the city was broken, we got Mountain slips 。” It is the slow and clear Yin envoy who makes people die. Clear smelling Xiangyang If you fall into the trap, you will believe it and return it to others. Even though he was ashamed, he didn't support him by entrusting food transportation. He blamed Shi Jiangjun and killed him, but he could not enter.
Bashu The exiles scattered in Jing and Xiang fought with the natives in anger, so they killed the county magistrate and settled down Jule Township Chengdu Internal History of Chengshi Wang Ji Ask for it. The thief asked for surrender, clarified the fake, and then attacked Chongzhou with his wife as a reward. More than 8000 people were in the river. So forty or fifty thousand families of Yi and Liang people rebelled and pushed Du Tao Mainly, it broke through Linggui in the south, swept Wuchang in the east, and defeated the king in Baling. Cheng has no sense of fear, but he indulges in drinking and playing with the machine day and night. Kill Li Cai, a rich man, and take his family capital as a gift Guo Shu Nanping Prefecture Chief Ying Zhan A sudden admonition will not be accepted. Therefore, they were separated from each other and resented both inside and outside. Although the clarity and hope are damaged, they are still proud and complacent. Back out Du Tao , second to the pond. Mountain slips Joining the army, Wang Chong betrayed Yuzhou , calling himself the governor of Jingzhou. Calm fear, make Du Rui guard Jiangling. Cheng moved to the Chanling Mausoleum, looking for a gallop. Guo Shu The admonishment said: "Although the king was in the state, he did not lose the hearts of the people. Today, the soldiers from Huarong to Righteous in the west are enough to catch the clown, but he can't give up." Cheng could not follow.
At the beginning, Cheng ordered Wuling counties to discuss with each other Du Tao , Tianmen Prefecture Chief Hu Guiji Yiyang Wu Cha, a historian in Wuling, was killed by his county and barbarians, and was returned with a lone army. To clarify anger Du Zeng Daigui. Yuan Sui, a native of the Yi Dynasty, asked his former officials to avenge him, so he called himself General Ping Jin. The Cheng envoy Sima Wuqiu asked for it and was defeated. Emperor Huiyuan levied Chengwei Military Counseling Sacrifice Wine So he went to call.
Hour Wang Dun Jiangzhou, town Yu Zhang , Chengguo Yidun. Cheng Su is famous, and all the scholars and commoners admire him. He is also brave and powerful, and has always been feared by the government. Cheng still insults the government with his old ideas. Dunyi is angry. Please go to sleep. Yin wants to kill him. There are twenty unique people in Chengzuo, who hold Iron whip As a guard, Cheng tried to catch the jade pillow to defend himself, so he didn't get it. Later, he gave Chengzuo wine, which was drunk. He looked at it with a jade pillow. Because he got out of bed, he said, "He He Du Tao Communication? " Cheng said, "Things can be tested by themselves." As soon as he wanted to enter, Cheng led his clothes to him, but as far as he was concerned, he would never take them. When he arrived at Liang, he scolded Dun and said, "If you do this, it will hurt your general." Dun ordered Lu Rong, a strong man, to kill him. He was forty-four years old and returned his corpse to his home. Liu Kun Hearing Cheng's death, he sighed and said, "Cheng took it himself." He Dunping, a former official of Cheng, wrote Lang Huanzhi to represent Cheng. Please give him a posthumous title. The imperial edict was issued to restore the official position, with the posthumous title of Xian. Zhan, the eldest son, died early. Second son emblem, another name of Wang Xizhi Sima. [3]
New Words of the World - The Tenth Rule

Family members

brief introduction
Governor of Youzhou
Parent generation
General Ping Bei
Peer generation
eldest brother
A famous scholar and captain in the Western Jin Dynasty
Wang Xu , word Ji Yin
Cultivate martial arts Order. See Wang's Pedigree cited in the Commentary of Shi Shuo Rongzhi.
eldest son
Wang Zhan
Premature death
second son
Wang Hui
Right Army Sima