Wang Yongxiong

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences, Professor of Statistics Department of Stanford University
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Wing Hung Wong, born in 1953, is a statistician and computational biologist, National Academy of Sciences Academicians Academia Sinica Academicians Hong Kong Academy of Sciences Founding academician, Stanford University Professor of Statistics Department, Professor of Biomedical Data Science Department and Stephen Pierce Professor. [1-2]
Wang Yongxiong graduated from University of California, Berkeley Bachelor degree in Mathematics and Statistics; Obtained in 1980 university of wisconsin-madison Doctoral degree, entered in the same year University of Chicago Department of Statistics, successively served as assistant professor, associate professor and professor; Obtained in 1993 Copps President Award [3] Served in 1994 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Professor and Dean of the Department of Statistics Institute of Mathematical Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Deputy Director [4] Since 1997, he has taught in UCLA Department of Statistics Harvard University Department of Statistics and Department of Biostatistics; Since 2004, he has served as a professor in the Department of Statistics and the Department of Biostatistics of Stanford University; In 2009, he served as the director of the Department of Statistics of Stanford University, and was elected as an academician of the National Academy of Sciences in the same year; In 2010, he was elected as an academician of Academia Sinica; In 2012, he was appointed as Stephen Pierce Professor of Stanford University [5] In 2015, he was elected as a founding member of the Hong Kong Academy of Sciences. [1]
Wang Yongxiong is mainly engaged in Theoretical statistics Monte Carlo method and Computational biology And other fields. [6]
Chinese name
Wang Yongxiong
Foreign name
Wing Hung Wong
date of birth
University one is graduated from
university of wisconsin-madison
Teaching and research workers
Key achievements
In 1993, he won the President's Award of Koops
In 2009, he was elected as a member of the National Academy of Sciences
In 2010, he was elected as an academician of Academia Sinica
In 2015, he was elected as a founding member of the Hong Kong Academy of Sciences

Character experience

Professor Wang Yongxiong (photographed in 1993)
Wang Yongxiong studied in primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong and later in the United States.
In 1976, he graduated from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of California, Berkeley, with a bachelor's degree.
In 1980, he graduated from the Department of Statistics of the University of Wisconsin Madison and obtained a doctorate. Later, he joined the Department of Statistics of the University of Chicago as a teacher, and successively served as an assistant professor (1980-1985), an associate professor (1985-1988), and a professor (1988-1994).
From 1994 to 1997, he served as professor and dean of the Department of Statistics of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and deputy director of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
From 1997 to 2000, he served as a professor in the Department of Statistics at the University of California, Los Angeles.
From 2000 to 2004, he served as a professor in the Department of Statistics and the Department of Biostatistics of Harvard University.
Since 2004, he has served as a professor in the Department of Statistics and the Department of Biostatistics of Stanford University.
From 2009 to 2012, served as the director of the Department of Statistics of Stanford University.
In 2012, he was appointed as Stephen Pierce Professor of Stanford University. [1] [4-5] [7]

Key achievements


Scientific research achievements

  • Overview of scientific research
Professor Wang Yongxiong
Wang Yongxiong's research achievements include:
(1) On mathematical statistics He clarified the large sample property of the maximum likelihood estimation method in general space;
(2) On Bayesian statistics He developed the sampling algorithm and applied it to Bayesian inference Methods;
(3) On Computational biology He has developed innovative models and methods for microarray expression data and RNA sequencing data analysis. His technical methods in exploratory data analysis, multivariate statistical analysis, machine learning and other aspects have been widely used in the fields of computational biology and systems biology. He has been committed to high-throughput genome data analysis and research, and promoted the development of precision medicine by integrating the new generation sequencing technology and health information technology, so as to be able to carry out personalized diagnosis, disease prevention and treatment for patients. The patented technology of his research group has derived several successful start-ups in the field of genome and medical big data. [8]
  • Academic treatise
As of July 2013, Wang Yongxiong has published more than 130 scientific papers. [4]
Representative works
Afshar, P. T., & Wong, W. H. (2017). COSINE: non-seeding method for mapping long noisy sequences. Nucleic Acids Research , 45(14). doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx511
Duren, Z., Chen, X., Jiang, R., Wang, Y., & Wong, W. H. (2017). Modeling gene regulation from paired expression and chromatin accessibility data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 114(25). doi: 10.1073/pnas.1704553114
Li, Y. H., Li, D., Samusik, N., Wang, X., Guan, L., Nolan, G. P., & Wong, W. H. (2017). Scalable multi-sample single-cell data analysis by Partition-Assisted Clustering and Multiple Alignments of Networks. PLOS Computational Biology , 13(12). doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005875
Lin, Z., Yang, C., Zhu, Y., Duchi, J. C., Fu, Y., Wang, Y., … Wong, W. H. (2016). AC-PCA: simultaneous dimension reduction and adjustment for confounding variation. doi: 10.1101/040485
Ma, X., Xiao, L., & Wong, W. H. (2014). Learning regulatory programs by threshold SVD regression. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 111(44), 15675–15680. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1417808111
Au, K. F., Sebastiano, V., Afshar, P. T., Durruthy, J. D., Lee, L., Williams, B. A., … Wong, W. H. (2013). Characterization of the human ESC transcriptome by hybrid sequencing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 110(50). doi: 10.1073/pnas.1320101110
Lu, L., Jiang, H., & Wong, W. H. (2013). Multivariate Density Estimation by Bayesian Sequential Partitioning. Journal of the American Statistical Association , 108(504), 1402–1410. doi: 10.1080/01621459.2013.813389
Meister, A., Li, Y. H., Choi, B., & Wong, W. H. (2013). Learning a nonlinear dynamical system model of gene regulation: A perturbed steady-state approach. The Annals of Applied Statistics , 7(3), 1311–1333. doi: 10.1214/13-aoas645 [9]

personnel training

  • Instruct students
As of July 2013, Professor Wang Yongxiong has supervised 22 doctors, most of whom are leaders in the field of statistical science, including tenured professors in the Department of Statistics and the Department of Biostatistics of Harvard University, and the winner of the 2002 Cowpers Presidential Award Liu Jun [4] [10]
  • Teaching subjects
According to the official website of the Department of Statistics of Stanford University in November 2019, Professor Wang Yongxiong's teaching subjects in the academic year 2019-2020 are as follows:
A Course in Bayesian Statistics
STATS 270, STATS 370 (Win)
Theory of Probability
STATS 116 (Aut) [11]
  • Lecture report
In May 2012, Professor Wang Yongxiong Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences More than one hundred scientific researchers and researchers from the Institute of Genetics and Development, the Institute of Microbiology, the Institute of Zoology, the Institute of Biophysics, the Institute of Psychology and other relevant research institutes in the field of life science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences made an academic report entitled "Completely phased genome sequencing and its applications". [12]
In June 2012, Wang Yongxiong received National Center for Mathematics and Cross Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences Invited a report entitled "Multivariate density estimation". [13]
In June 2015, Wang Yongxiong City University of Hong Kong He made an academic report entitled Statistics and Sequencing Technology. [14]
In June 2016, Wang Yongxiong was employed Tsinghua University The distinguished visiting professor made an academic report and shared his in-depth thinking and practice in relevant directions under the title of DNA Sequencing, Precision Medicine and Statistics, including the methodology of personalized diagnosis, disease prevention and treatment for patients through the new generation of sequencing technology and health information technology, as well as the main statistical and data analysis challenges faced in these developments. [15]
In April 2018, Wang Yongxiong delivered a special report entitled "Mini batching in Markov Chain Monte Carlo Conference" at the statistics forum hosted by the Industrial Engineering System Planning Research Center of Tsinghua University. [16]
In November 2018, Wang Yongxiong Southeast University He made an academic report entitled Biomedical Big Data, Technology, and Genome Interpretation. [17]
In May 2019, Wang Yongxiong Peking University Invited by the top scholars' lecture plan of the "Big School", the public report entitled "Big Data Innovation in Precision Medicine" and the special report on statistical discipline entitled "The joint analysis of bulk and single cell genomics data" were published. [8]

Honor recognition

Honor recognition
Awarding unit
Guggenheim Foundation [18]
International Society for Mathematical Statistics [19]
Copps President Award
Chairman Committee of the Statistical Society [3]
American Statistical Institute [19]
American Association for the Advancement of Science [7]
National Academy of Sciences
National Academy of Sciences [20]
Academician of Academia Sinica
Academia Sinica [7]
Founding member of the Hong Kong Academy of Sciences
Hong Kong Academy of Sciences [1]

Social posts

Professor of Tsinghua University Chair Professor Group [15]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 》Chief Editor of Systems Biology [17]
May 31, 2012
CAS Albert Einstein Chair Professorship [12]
June 25, 2016
Distinguished visiting professor of Tsinghua University [15]
Adjunct Professor, Department of Statistics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong [23]
Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the Institute of Statistical Sciences, Academia Sinica [17]
Chairman of the International Advisory Committee of the Statistical Science Center of Peking University [8]
Member of the Advisory Committee of the Statistical Research Center of Tsinghua University [22]

Character evaluation

Professor Wang Yongxiong is an internationally renowned expert in the field of statistics and has made remarkable achievements in the field of statistical calculation and analysis of complex biological data. In the field of theoretical biology, Professor Wang is one of the few scientists who have a deep understanding of experimental biology. His statistical theory of gene expression is the most rigorous theoretical system among many theories from 2000 to 2010. The statistical analysis model of stem cell regulation network developed by him has also become the most cutting-edge theory in the field of network regulation research. More importantly, this theory will guide the future network experiment work. [12] (Reviewed by Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Professor Wang (Yongxiong)'s insight and innovative methods have fundamentally changed how statisticians deal with practical problems. Few of his peers can reach the same level of mathematical depth, computational creativity and scientific influence. [6] (Reviewed by Academia Sinica)
Professor Wang Yongxiong has made a lot of groundbreaking work in the field of statistical theory and biomedical science, especially in data expansion Monte Carlo method and Bayesian method Domain. He has also made outstanding contributions in the fields of computational biology and systems biology. [4] (Review of the Second Taihu International Statistical Forum)