
[gāo lí]
Historical regime on the Korean Peninsula
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synonym Wang's Gaoli (Wang's Korea) generally refers to Korea (the historical regime of the Korean Peninsula)
Korea (Korean: Korean Peninsula One of the ancient countries. In 918, taebong monarch Bow descendant Subordinates rise to overthrow the Gong descendants and support Wang Jian King, merged in 935 Silla , died in 936 Post Baekje And achieved the "unification of the three Koreas". The capital of Korea is Kaijing (Today North Korea Kaicheng )。 The territory is roughly equivalent to the central and southern part of the Korean Peninsula today. After the middle of the 11th century Cheolli Jangseong And Liao gold Is the boundary. Northwest China in the 12th century Korea Ruizong Period reached Yalu River Coastal, northeast in the last years of Korea King Kongmin It expanded to Jiazhou (today's Korea Jiashan County ), Jizhou (today's Korea Jizhou County )One line.
Korea has experienced 34 generations of monarchs for 475 years Later Tang Dynasty Later Jin Dynasty Later Han Dynasty Week after Northern Song Dynasty Khitan (Liao Dynasty), Jin Dynasty, Mongolia( yuan dynasty )、 the ming dynasty And other mainland countries, and Khitan Jurchen Mongolia And so on. Gaoli imitated the Tang system centralization State system. Central repeatedly examine one's conscience the Six Boards , local Avenue House county county Etc. Militarily Fubing system The central government has two armies and six garrisons, and there are local armies at the local level. Economically Fagaceae system The fields were distributed to civil and military officials and sergeants in the whole country according to the division (etc.), and in addition to firewood fields. Culturally Buddhism by State Education Confucianism It is also very prosperous. Pre Korea agricultural production Has been developed, handicraft industry Relatively developed. After the 12th century, the nobles used the contradiction of Tianchaiko system itself to expand privately owned farmland , Guangjian Private collective farm productivity Damaged, social contradictions As a result, centralization was greatly weakened. In 1392, Li Chenggui Fei Gaoli Gong Rang Wang To be independent and establish Joseon Dynasty The Korean Dynasty died. [80]
(Source of overview diagram [81]
Chinese name
Foreign name
고려 (Korean)
Goryeo/Koryo/Koryu/Korea (English)
Korea, Korea
Kaijing Jiangdu (1232-1270)
major city
Xijing Pyongyang, Nanjing Hanyang, Tokyo Qingzhou
official language
Silver bottle Haidong Tongbao Haidong Treasure San Han Chongbao etc.
Political system
Absolute monarchy
National leaders
Wang Jian
population size
About 2.1 million (early 12th century)
Major ethnic groups
Major religions
land area
About 190000 square kilometers (1392)
Time of existence

Country number

Korean Taizu Why Wang Jian named the country Korea has not been clearly recorded in the history books. It is generally believed that the name of Korea was taken from the ancient country located in northeast China and the northern part of the Korean Peninsula Goguryeo Is renamed, Gaoli Chengzong Ministers of the period Xu Xi He made it clear that "China koguryo It is called Korea because of its old age. [1] It may be that Wang Jian once served Bow descendant "Korea" Post Koguryo )Flag related. However, apart from the name of Xiyong and the overlap of some territories, the Korean Dynasty (Wang's Korea) itself has almost no direct relationship with Koguryo (Koguryo's Korea). [2] Korean arab Businessmen spread the name to the European world, the English name of South Korea“ Korea ”Is the Korean Latin name“ Goryeo ”Deformation of. [3]
On some occasions in the Korean era, people would take the name of the country above as the full name. The names of "Tang Dynasty Korea", "Jin Dynasty Korea", "Song Dynasty Korea", and "Yuan Dynasty Korea" can be found in historical materials. However, officials in Liao and Jin dynasties did not have this habit, and only called "Korea", or“ Nankuan Buzhou Gaoliguo "," Haidong Gaoliguo ", etc.
Some people think that the country name of Korea is taken from the abbreviation of "high mountains and beautiful waters", but it may be just a postscript. [4]



Situation of the founding of the People's Republic of China

Silla With the help of the tang dynasty The power of Korean Peninsula After the late 8th century, the unification of central and southern China, like the Tang Dynasty, fell into the dilemma of civil strife and decline. At the end of the 9th century, True Holy Queen The people's uprising broke out in Silla under its rule, which led to the collapse of Silla's rule on the Korean Peninsula. Among the uprising forces everywhere, Bow descendant and Zhen Xuan Two heroes in troubled times stand out and fight separately Goguryeo and Baekje Banner of Post Koguryo and Post Baekje ), and in Jincheng (today's South Korea Qingzhou )The surviving Silla in a corner has formed a trend of confrontation, which is known as“ Later Three Kingdoms ”。
The fragmentation of Silla has resulted in the situation of independence and independence of various powerful families. The latter three countries were only the three major forces in the central and southern part of the Korean Peninsula at that time, and there were countless semi independent small and medium-sized powerful families. Wang Jian, the founder of the Korean Dynasty, was born in Songyue (today's Korea Kaicheng )Local Haozu. According to the later statement of the Korean Dynasty, the patriarchal ancestor (great grandfather) of the Wang family traveled eastward in tiny clothes the tang dynasty An emperor or royal family (with Tang Suzong Tang Shunzong Thirteen Tang Xuanzong And so on) [5] , the Li Tang royal family and Baitou Mountain Chen Yi, the great granddaughter of Hu Jing, the holy bone general of Wang Jian, gave birth to Wang Jian's grandfather as Emperor Jian Gaoli Yizu ), as Emperor Jian and the daughter of the Dragon King of the West Sea (posthumous Queen Yuanchang )He gave birth to Wang Jian's father, Long Jian. After being instructed by a monk who came back from the Tang Dynasty, he took Wang as his surname and named Long (posthumous Korea Shizu )And gave birth to Wang Jian in the second year. Although such legends are absurd, some people believe that Wang Jian is indeed a descendant of Chinese. [6]
In 896, Wang Long submitted to the separatist regime of Tieyuan (now South Korea Cheorwon )The warlord of Bow descendant Wang Jianze, 20 years old at that time, was ordered by the Gongs to build a city in Songyue, and was granted the title of city leader, beginning to emerge. Wang Long died in 897, and in 901, the Gong descendant became king, and the country was named Korea, known as the post Korean or Post Koguryo (In 904, the national number was changed to Friction earthquake , the national number was changed to taebong )。 Wang Jian is one of the most important generals of this regime Post Baekje He won many victories in the war and was put in high position by the Gong people. In 913, he was appointed the head of the hundred officials—— Waiter On July 25, 918 (June 15 of the lunar calendar), Thailand granted a cavalry general Hong Ru Pei Xuanqing Shen Chongqian Bu Zhiqian They launched a mutiny and established the king as the monarch. The country was called Korea, and the year was granted by heaven. Most officials and people immediately showed their attachment. After hearing the news, Gong Yi fled and was killed by the people on the way. [7] In the first month of the next year, Wang Jian moved the capital from Tieyuan to Songyue, his "land of Longxing", and renamed it Kaizhou (later called Kaizhou Kaijing )。 [8]

Prophase situation

When Wang Jian created the country of Korea, Silla had completely declined, and Wang Jian adopted the foreign policy of supporting Silla, Post Baekje Of Zhen Xuan Is Wang Jian's main enemy. For other powerful families who had not yet surrendered to the separatist regime in a city, Wang Jian "dispatched single envoys, valued money and humbled words to show favor and harmony." [9] Through marriage and other means, he gradually brought many powerful families under his command. In the long-term tug of war between Korea and post Baekje, Korea gradually gained the upper hand Anton )The battle of Pingshan is a watershed, and Korea began to attack Houbaiji. In 933, Wang Jian accepted the title conferred by the Later Tang Dynasty and began to use the Later Tang Dynasty Year , has received support from China. After 935, when Baekje was in civil strife, Zhen Xuan was son Zhen Shenjian He was deposed and soon defected to the old enemy Wang Jian. King of Silla in the same year Jin Fu Following Korea, Jincheng, the capital of Silla, was named by Wang Jianci Qingzhou In the autumn of 936, after Wang Jian's personal expedition to Baiji Gumi )Breaking the magic sword, we won a decisive victory. The magic sword also surrendered soon. Wang Jian has finally completed the unification of the three Koreas.
Gaoli Jingtian Temple Stone Pagoda
After the founding of Korea, Wang Jian started to restore order internally. He followed the rules and regulations of Silla and established Buddhism The status of the state religion of, through political compromise with the meritorious officials and noble families, maintained the form of the joint power of the noble families. At that time, the representative noble families were Huangfu family in Huangzhou, Liu family in Zhongzhou, Liu family in Zhenzhou, Pu family in Pingzhou, Yu family in Pingzhou, Wang family in Guangzhou, and Jin family in Qingzhou and Cui family in Qingzhou from Xinluo in the former dynasty, Therefore, in the early days of Korea, both autocratic monarchy and centralized power were quite fragile, which could be said to be a rule of inaction; Externally, actively expand to the north and determine Pyongyang For Xijing, the northern territory was transferred from Datong River The drainage basin gradually extends to Qingchuan River Watershed, also trying to unite the Central Plains against Khitan , and in 934 accepted the death of Khitan Balhae A descendant Large light display In 943, Wang Jian died, and the temple was named Taizu, and Wang Wu, the crown prince, succeeded to the throne Gao Lihuizong
If Wang Jian was able to control the heroes and powerful families with his grace and power in his lifetime, when his weak and sickly son, Wang Wu, succeeded to the throne, this political balance was shaken, and finally led to the confluence of all forces, that is, in 945“ Wang Gui The chaos ". Dingzong who came to power by pacifying the chaos of Wang Gui Wang Yao He is also the son of Emperor Taizu Wang Jian. He relies heavily on his uncle Wang Shilian He tried to move the capital to Xijing, which touched the vested interests of the meritorious officials and powerful families. In 949, his younger brother Guangzong Wang Zhao replace. Guangzong is one of the most important monarchs of the Korean Dynasty. Eight years after his accession to the throne, he began to transform the "inaction" of Korean politics into "promising", promulgated the "slaves follow the law", and implemented Imperial examination system , formulate 100 officials ceremonial dress worn by post-Song government officials The policy of strengthening the royal power was accompanied by a great purge of the powerful forces of meritorious officials. Through Guangzong's iron hand means and policies, Korea's royal power was greatly stabilized, paving the way for further social integration and order building in the future. [10]
In 975, Guangzong died, his son Wang Xuan Succession is for Korea Jingzong During the reign of Emperor Jingzong, he stopped the purge of Emperor Guangzong, pacified the powerful forces, and established Fagaceae system , established centralization The economic basis of the system. In 981, Jingzong's deathbed biography was located in his cousin Wang Zhi Gaoli Chengzong Cheng Zong was also a promising monarch no less than Guangzong. He introduced the rules and regulations of the Tang and Song Dynasties of China, built a centralized system, set up twelve herdsmen, and began to send local officials. He stipulated the rent tax law economically, and established a cultural system Imperial College And implement the policy of "governing the country with Confucianism". It can be said that the national system of Korea was formally formed when it became the patriarchal clan. At the beginning of the founding of the country, the semi independent and powerful families who separated from all parts of the country changed into nobles who had noble and stable status and were closely linked with the central government, and formed a balance with the royal power. This was achieved on the basis of the efforts of several generations of monarchs. [11]
When Gao Li just entered the track set by Cheng Zong, she entered a turbulent period of internal and external troubles. This period began in the winter of 993 Khitan Invasion, Korea through Xu Xi Excellent diplomatic negotiations led to the withdrawal of Khitan troops, and also received the Yalu River Edom, but the people served by Song dynasty Transformed into Khitan. In 997, Cheng Zong died and passed the throne to Jing Zong's son Wang Song , is for Koryo Muzong In the reign of Muzong, the mother's queen Qianqiu Empress Dowager Huangfu Regent, his lover Jin Zhiyang The autocracy caused the chaos of the government. Jin Zhiyang even tried to regard the illegitimate son born to him and the Empress Dowager Qianqiu as the new king. In 1009, Mu Zong wanted to establish the grandson of Taizu Wang Jian Wang Xun In order to resist Jin Zhiyang's conspiracy for the crown prince, he called the guards of Xijing A good omen After entering the guards, Kang Zhao not only killed Jin Zhiyang, but also deposed and killed him with Mu Zong, and set Wang Xun as the king for Korea Xianzong The news spread to Khitan, the new Khitan Sage Yerlulongsh He decided to set up a new school to investigate the crime and fight against Korea. Kang Zhao died in battle. Kaijing was occupied by Khitan and burned. Emperor Xianzong's king, Xun Nan, fled to Luozhou. Although Khitan occupied Kaijing, it was constantly harassed by the Korean army. It was unstable in Korea, so it withdrew after getting the promise of Xianzong to be pro Korean. After returning to Kaijing, Xianzong reneged on his promise on the grounds of illness, refused to enter the Khitan Dynasty, and restored his Suzerain vassal relationship , reuse Song Dynasty Year Khitan asked Korea to choose one of the six states in the east of the Yangtze River, and then Pontoon bridge On the Yalu River, on the east bank Baozhou Such cities (today's Yizhou, Korea) caused strong dissatisfaction in Korea. The conflict between the two sides became more and more serious, and broke out for the third time in 1018 Korean Khitan War , Gao Lijun Jiang Hanzan Obtained under the command of Tortoise victory After the Khitan army was severely damaged, Khitan had to give up its demand for the six states in the east of the Yangtze River and the king to be pro Korean, and Korea did not ask the question of Baozhou for the time being, but restored the suzerain vassal relationship with Khitan in 1022. [12]

The Middle Period Ruled the Rebellion

After the war with Khitan, Korea entered a period of long-term peace and stability, so Xianzong was regarded as the "master of Zhongxing" in Korea. During the Reign of De and Jing Baozhou Problem, the relationship between Korea and Khitan was strained again, for which Korea built Cheolli Jangseong After that, peace was soon restored due to the concessions of Korea. In 1046, Korean Wenzong Wang Hui Succession to the throne, at this time, Korea was not only stable and prosperous internally, but also with Khitan externally( Liao Dynasty )Live in harmony with Song dynasty Restoration of diplomatic relations, and Japan Realize exchanges, known as the golden age of Korea. Wenzong had been in power for 37 years, and the subsequent three dynasties of Shun, Xuan and Xian generally maintained their success.
Architecture in the Koryo era -- Grand Hall of Xiude Temple in Lishan
When Wenzong was in power, he was with the aristocrats who came from Qingyuan Li (Renzhou Li) Jonathan He married three of his daughters as concubines, two of them( Empress Dowager Renrui He had many princes, most of whom were married to the next generation of the Qingyuan Li family. As a result, the influence of the Qingyuan Li family expanded rapidly and became a secret worry in the prosperous times. In 1095, there was a coup in Korea. King Xixian, the son of Wenzong, joined forces with Prime Minister Shao Taifu and General Guofeng to kill Qingyuan Li's relatives Li Ziyi Later, the young Xianzong gave way to his uncle Wang Xi, Wang Xizhi Korea Suzong During the reign of Emperor Suzong Jurchen Rise, Korea and Jurchen collide, Korea is defeated, forced to seek peace, Suzong accepts courtiers Yin Guan The proposal is to set up a "non martial class", overhaul the military equipment, and defeat the shame of Jurchen. In 1105, Suzong died, son Korea Ruizong Wang Minamata Succession, in the winter of 1107 Yin Guan Wu Yanchong Cross the Great Wall, conquer Nvzhen, occupy Laodian Land of Korea Xianjing South Road One belt), construction Nine Cities in Northeast China However, in 1109, Jiucheng was returned to Nuzhen because of the resistance and harassment of Nuzhen. In 1115, Nuzhen Chief Perfect face A Gu Da establish Jin Dynasty , established a brotherly relationship with Korea (changed to Suzerain vassal relationship )Korea uses Liao Jin War Take the opportunity of Baozhou , renamed Yizhou, solved the problem of elbow armpit for many years, and made the territory of Korea reach Yalu River [12]
In 1122, Ruizong died, son Wang Kai Succession is for Gao Lirenzong , because the benevolent family was young, my grandfather Li Ziqian The power of the Li family in Qingyuan has expanded again. Li Ziqian married his two daughters to Renzong, realizing the fourth generation marriage between the Lee family in Qingyuan and the royal family. He himself was named the Duke of Korea, a supreme minister, which seriously threatened the royal power of Korea. This contradiction finally broke out in 1126. First, Ren Zong's officials wanted to eradicate Li Ziqian and his in laws Tuo Junjing However, it failed, causing the palace to be burned. Ren Zong almost wanted to abdicate to Li Ziqian. Li Ziqian refused to accept it, but Ren Zong was put under house arrest. Then Renzong succeeded in alienating Li Ziqian and Tuo Junjing, overthrew Li Ziqian through Tuo Junjing, and removed Tuo Junjing the next year, restoring the monarchy. [13-14] However, Ren Zong's next priority was the monks from Xijing Miaoqing And courtiers Zheng Zhichang They urged Renzong to move his capital to Xijing, and even called him Emperor Jianyuan and Northern Expedition Jin Dynasty , causing Jin Fushi The discontent of the old nobles led by. Renzong finally didn't accept Miaoqing's suggestion. Miaoqing then launched a military campaign in Xijing in 1135. The country's title was great, and the year's title was Tiankai. Renzong sent Jin Fushi to crusade. In the following more than a year, Xijing fell from time to time and rebelled. Finally, it was suppressed by Jin Fushi's force, and the social order of Gaoli was stabilized again. [15-16]

Warriors run the country

Chaos of Miaoqing After the pacification, the civil and aristocratic forces in Korea continued to develop, which can be said to be deformed Gao Liyi Zong Wang 晛 He is known as the "master of peace and good literature", but he and his officials seldom consider the feelings and interests of military officials. In fact, Wu Chen's dissatisfaction with the emphasis on literature over military and the poor treatment of literature and military has reached the extreme. In 1170, the civil military conflict finally broke out Zheng Zhongfu Li Yifang Li Gao The military ministers led by Yizong launched a coup in the Puxian Academy, where Yizong was patrolling, killed the civil servants, took Yizong back to Kaijing, and then deposed him and established another brother of Yizong Gaolimingzong Wang Xuan And establish the military minister regime. [17]
The early period of the Wuchen regime (the reign of the Emperor Mingzong) was the most chaotic period in Korea. First of all, the civil servants who were deprived of their vested interests by the military officials naturally did not like the military officials' regime. In addition to the large number of civil servants who were killed, there were also many civil servants who abandoned their officials and returned to seclusion and lived by relying on the military officials' regime. Some civil servants raised troops against the military regime, such as those in 1173 Jin Fudang The Rebellion and the Chaos of Zhao's position and favor In addition, the monks in Kaijing started to fight, and these rebellions were bloody suppressed by the military regime. Local people's revolts also kept rising. These people's uprisings were mainly concentrated in the south, so they were called "southern thieves". Some "southern thieves" also made a renaissance Silla The flag of the. In 1197, Kaijing also witnessed the plot of Wanji, a private slave, to launch a slave uprising, and shouted the slogan "It's better for the general to have seed than the prime minister" to make the three Koreas have no bitch ". The chaos of the order at that time can be seen. [18]
The Wu Chen regime itself is also unstable. The people in power take turns to power like riding a horse lamp, and their changes are often accompanied by bloodshed. From 1170 to 1196, Wu Chen Li Yifang Zheng Zhongfu Qingdasheng Li Yiwei Successively in power, and finally Cui Zhongxian When he came to power, he used an iron hand to stabilize the political situation, and also to soften the civil servants, rebuild order, and end chaos, thus establishing a four generation hereditary Cui regime Cui Zhongxian successively deposed two monarchs( Gaolimingzong Gao Lixizong ), and set up the educational capital Cui Yu The government office was set up so that the king's power was completely undermined. However, the Cui family never took the Wang family instead.
Mongolia invades Korea
along with Mongolia Korea is once again facing a severe test. Khitan, 1216( Eastern Liao )Tens of thousands of anti Mongolian forces turned to Korea, but Korea could do nothing about it. It turned out that all the elite soldiers were private soldiers of Cui Zhongxian, and most of the officers were old, weak, sick and disabled. Cui Zhongxian was unwilling to send private soldiers to defend the country, which led to the harassment of Korea by the Khitan soldiers in the Eastern Liao Dynasty for three years. [19] Until 1219 Mongolia Dongzhen The allied forces came uninvited, and only when Korea joined forces with them could the Khitan Rebellion be pacified. In this process, Korea and Mongolia became brothers and paid "national milk" to Mongolia. In 1225, the Mongolian envoy who came to Korea to take "national milk" was killed along the Korean border with his delegation, and the two countries broke off diplomatic relations. In 1231, Mongolia invaded Korea on the pretext of the murder of Gu and forced it to seek peace and submit to Mongolia. But the leader of the Takechen regime Cui Yu After the Mongols withdrew, they decided to move the capital Jianghua Island To avoid Mongolia Gaoli Gaozong He moved his capital to Jianghua Island, called Jiangdu, and killed the Mongolian stationed in Korea Daru Huachi , in the summer of 1232. Mongolia invades Korea again, Commander Salem But the Korean monk Jin Yunhou Shoot to death. In the following 20 years, Mongolia invaded Korea five times in succession, not to occupy Korea, but to consume the effective power of Korea as much as possible. For example, in the 1254 invasion, Mongolia captured more than 206800 Koreans at one time, and countless people were slaughtered, which was a heavy loss for Korea. [20] The Wuchen regime did not organize effective resistance, but urged the people to flee to mountain cities or islands when Mongolia invaded, and occasionally carried out some harassment. At the same time, through diplomatic means, it constantly sent envoys to express their submission to Mongolia and their own "grievances", but it did not comply with the requirements of Mongolia for land access and the king's entry into the DPRK, and delayed again and again. In 1258, the Cui regime collapsed. In the same year, the northeast of Korea was merged into Mongolia. Gao had to give in partly Wang Xuan He joined the imperial court in 1259 on behalf of his father. Wang Xuan met the Mongolian Khan when he entered the court Mongo When he died and his brothers fought for the throne, Wang Xuan chose Kublai khan On the one hand, Kublai Khan won his favor. So after he ascended the throne, Kublai Khan extended favor to Korea, withdrew the Mongolian army in Korea, and ended Korean Mongolian War [21]
When Wang Xuan returned home, his father, Emperor Gaozong, had died. He became king for Gaoli Yuanzong Despite the collapse of Cui's regime, the situation of military officials in power has not ended. It is military officials who hold real power Jin Renjun Jin Jun )He still adopted the policy of resisting Mongolia and could not delay it. 1268 Lin Yan Kill Jin Jun and become the new leader of the military minister regime. The following year, he deposed the Yuan Clan and established another brother of the Yuan Clan, Prince Anqing( Gaoli Yingzong )This event triggered the intervention of Mongolia, and Lin Yan had to let the Yuan Clan reset, and then the Yuan Clan went to Mongolia to explain. In 1270, Lin Yan died of fear, his son Lin Weimao Attacking the throne to resist the Yuan Clan and Mongols. Yuan Zong inspired on the way back from Mongolia Song Songli , Hongwen system( Hong Kui )Wait until Lin Weimao is killed, and then announce that he will return Kaijing With the death of Lin Weimao, the century old era of martial artists also ended. The remnants of the Wu Chen regime Three different copying Successively in Zhendao and Chejudo Tamna )Resisting Mongolia, it was destroyed in 1273 under the pursuit and suppression of the Mongolian Korean Allied Army. [21]

Mongolian interference

The year 1270 was the end of the Wuchen regime, and also the starting point of Korea's overall surrender to Mongolia. The first thing Mongolia asked Korea to do was to contact Japan, and then asked Korea to cooperate with the Yuan army (Mongolia named it Dayuan in 1271) to attack Japan In 1274 and 1281, Korea was responsible for building ships and assisting the army. Although both of them ended in failure, Korea showed loyalty to the Yuan Dynasty and gained the trust of the Yuan Dynasty.
In this process, Korea asked Meng Yuan to marry her, Emperor Shizu of the Yuan Dynasty Kublai khan In 1274, he formally married his daughter, Hudu Lujieli, to the Korean prince Wang Chen, and realized the "marriage between Yuan and Li". Same year Gaoli Yuanzong After his death, Wang Chen ascended the throne for Korean martyr Wang In the following seven generations of Korean kings, except for the two young masters, King Zhongmu and King Zhongding, all the others married the royal women of the Yuan Dynasty (only one royal daughter was married to the King of Loyalty), and the princesses of the Yuan Dynasty enjoyed high status and power in Korea. Korea became the Emperor's Son in Law of the Yuan Dynasty, and the Yuan Dynasty also set up in Korea Expropriation to the East , the King of Korea was also the Prime Minister of the Eastern Province, and the six generations of the King of Korea after that were not allowed to enjoy Temple name , but obtained the posthumous title from the Yuan Dynasty, Posthumous title All with "loyalty"( Loyal King , Zhong Xuan Wang Loyal to King Su Loyalty and Benevolence King , King Zhongmu, King Zhongding), King Zhongxuan and King Zhonghui were also arrested and exiled by the Yuan Dynasty, and Korea's sovereignty was greatly damaged. The period from 1270 to 1356 was called the "Yuan interference period".
The mural of Bureaucrat Park Yi's tomb in Miyang, South Korea, shows the Mongolian style in the late Korean period
Due to the control and influence of the Yuan Dynasty, the upper class of Korea was in fashion with braided hair and bearded clothes Shaving is easy to wear In addition to the Mongolian Retrace The flow of people, Tibetan people (usually lamas) and other ethnic groups brought many foreign cultures to Korea. On the other hand, Korea also further absorbed Chinese culture The most far-reaching impact is Cheng Zhu's Philosophy Introduction of.
During the intervention period of Yuan Dynasty, although Korea was in the "century Dysprosium frontate In addition, see the period of peace again " [22] However, the inherent social order has undergone Korean Mongolian War It has been completely destroyed. The aristocratic families rely on the Yuan Dynasty to carry out crazy annexation and looting, and private farms are all over Korea. The supreme ruling group also competed for power and profit, and the throne changed frequently, so that there was a conflict between the loyal king and the loyal Xuanwang father and son, the loyal Su king and the loyal Huiwang father and son Chongzuo disturbance. After 1350, new foreign invasion appeared in Korea—— japanese pirates Until the demise of Korea, it failed to solve this headache.

The country falls

In 1352, Wang Qi inherited the Korean throne under the support of the Yuan Dynasty, in order to King Kohlikmin In 1356, King Kohlikmin used Peasant Uprising in the Late Yuan Dynasty The opportunity to break out, eradicate the pro yuan faction led by Qizhe in China, and abolish Expropriation to the East Li Wensuo captured the Yuan Dynasty's Shuangcheng Executive Mansion and Helan Mansion , which means that Korea has got rid of the interference of the Yuan Dynasty and become an independent country again, only formally keeping the same Suzerain vassal relationship
At the same time, King Kongmin set about solving the problems of Korea. He set up the "Tian Min Zheng Du Jian" to rectify the very serious Land annexation And the plunder of slaves. However, King Kongmin's reform was thwarted by successive foreign invasions. In 1359, Red Scarf Army Began to invade Korea and fell in 1361 Kaijing , King Kongmin fled to Fuzhou (today's South Korea Anton )。 In 1362, Beijing was recovered, and in 1363, King Kongmin returned the capital to Beijing. Then came the news that the Yuan Dynasty would invade Korea. King Kongmin stood ready and defeated the Yuan army in 1364. In 1365, King Kongmin lost his beloved wife, Princess of Lu, and lost her pagoda. He handed politics to a monk who returned to the secular world sindon Xin Xuan relaunched the cause of Tian Min Tui and rectified it vigorously, offending the interests of powerful families, and gradually alienated himself from King Gongmin. In 1371, King Gongmin killed Xin Xuan, and the reform stagnated. here the ming dynasty It has replaced the Yuan Dynasty to rule China. King Gongmin abandoned the Yuan Dynasty in 1369 and returned to the Ming Dynasty. The following year, he accepted the Ming Dynasty's title Hong Wu In the year, Gao Li became a member of the Ming Dynasty Dependent country
In 1374, King Kongmin was killed. Cai Bin and Lin Mi, envoys sent by the Ming Dynasty to Korea to ask for horses, were also killed and kidnapped soon after. The relationship between Ming and Li deteriorated. New King Wang Wu stay Li Renren With the help of( Beiyuan )At the same time, he continued to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty and started bilateral diplomacy. However, by Cheng Zhu's Philosophy The influential new scholar bureaucrats opposed the two sides' diplomacy, advocated to be clear, criticized the land annexation of aristocratic families, advocated to implement the land system reform, and abolished private fields and farms. New scholar bureaucrats and generals who stood out in the war with the Northern Yuan Dynasty and Japanese pirates Li Chenggui And gradually form political forces that shake the foundation of Korea. In 1388, the Ming Dynasty and Korea took place Tieling Guard dispute, Wang Wu And his important officials Cui Ying Li Chenggui, as the commander in chief, marched to Yalu River in Wihwa Shi rebelled and returned to the army, attacked Kaijing, exiled Cui Ying, and forced Wang Wu back Huijun in Weihua Island The Huijun in Weihua Island sounded the death knell of the Korean Dynasty, and Li Chenggui took control of the real power. However, because the support of the Wang family cannot be underestimated, he did not immediately wear the royal robe. In 1389, Li Chenggui abolished Wang Wu's son Wang Chang , call his father and son sindon Son, take the opportunity to eradicate Cao Minxiu Li Zao Bian Anlie Wait for a group of opponents. Li Chenggui Embraces Korea Shenzong Seventh generation grandson Wang Yao Succession is for Gong Rang Wang In April 1392, Korean loyal ministers Zheng Mengzhou He was killed. On July 12 of the same year, King Gongrang was abolished. On July 17, Li Chenggui was promoted to the throne. However, the Korean title was not stopped until February 15, 1393 Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty The imperial edict "except for the name of Korea, use the Korean". [23]



Territorial scope

Korea from founding a country to unification Later Three Kingdoms , and then to the north and Khitan The territory of the war was basically shaped in the early 11th century. From 1034 to 1044, Korea Yalu River Estuary reach East Korean Bay build Cheolli Jangseong , as the national boundary. In 1105, Korea officially Tamna Set up counties and prefectures and incorporate them into the map. In 1117, Korea used Liao Jin War Seize the opportunity Baozhou , renamed Yizhou, obtained Yalu River Land on the downstream east bank. In 1258, the residents in the northeast of Korea surrendered to Mongolia, and the northeast territory retreated to Tieling. In 1269, the northwest returned to Mongolia, and the northwest territory of Korea retreated to Compassion Ridge In 1273, Yuan and Li allied forces fell Jeju After (Durra), the Yuan Dynasty seized the sovereignty of Jeju, which was the smallest period after the unification of Korea. In 1290 and 1294, the Yuan Dynasty returned to the northwest at the request of Korea( Dongning Mansion )And Jeju. In 1356, King Kongmin broke away from the control of the Yuan Dynasty and sent troops to the north in the same year, which not only occupied the northeast of Mongolia in the past( Shuangcheng Executive Mansion )And occupied the land beyond the Great Wall Helan Mansion As well as Jiangjie and Nicheng, the territory of Korea has expanded significantly Joseon Dynasty The period further expanded the territory to Tumen River The foundation is laid along the coast.

administrative division

At the time of Korea's initial creation, although Dingzhou County was named, it had no real name. The country did not send officials to govern, but was in a state of Haozu autonomy. Gaoli Chengzong In 983, the Twelve Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral was officially established, and in 995, ten more Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral Pastoral were established. Korea Xianzong When the administrative division is reorganized into“ Five Routes and Two Boundaries ”The system, namely, the five roads of Xihai, Yangguang, Quanluo, Qingshang, Jiaozhou, and the eastern and northern borders, are successively Kaijing Set Xijing outside( Pyongyang ), Tokyo( Qingzhou )Nanjing( Hanyang ), the number is Sijing, which consists of animal husbandry, government, county, county and town. The number of prefectures and counties is not stable and the scale may not be commensurate because the rank of prefectures and counties was frequently raised and lowered in the Korean era. For example, a noble person or meritorious official was promoted in a place, and a place was demoted due to rebellion.
Twelve herdsmen in 1983
The Tao from 1995 to 2019
Tao after 1019
Yang Zhoumu
Guannei Road
Huangzhou Animal Husbandry
Haizhou Animal Husbandry
Guangzhou Animal Husbandry
Zhong Zhou Mu
Zhongyuan Road
Qingzhou Animal Husbandry
Gongzhou Pasture
Henan Road
Quanzhou Pasture
Jiangnan Road
Luozhou Pasture
Haiyang Road
Shangzhou Animal Husbandry
Lingnan Road
Jinzhou Animal Husbandry
Shannan Road
Lingdong Road
Eastern boundary
Xidao Road
Northern boundary



Political system

Bronze statue of Emperor Taizu Jian of Korea unearthed in Xianling
King of Korea Although he accepted the title conferred by the Central Plains Dynasty, he has long adopted a royal system similar to that of the Central Plains Dynasty“ Outer King and Inner Emperor ”Color of. The King of Korea claimed that " Zhen The king's orders are called "imperial edict", "system" and "imperial edict"( Gaoli Chengzong The imperial edict was once changed to religion); The king's heir is called the "prince"; The king's mother was called the "empress dowager", and the capital was called“ Imperial city ”, "Imperial Capital", the King of Korea was honored as "Your Majesty", "Emperor", "Prince of Haidong", etc [24-26] The spouse is sometimes called "Queen" [27-29] Gaoli Guangzong There are also records of emperors directly called "emperors", even Taizu and Guangzong built their own Year In terms of ritual system, the king of Korea wore special clothes for the emperor Zhehuang Robe [30] , combined construction Round Hill Altar To offer sacrifices Reigning Sovereign in Heaven [31] At the same time, the monarch's birthday is called "festival", the cemetery is called "mausoleum", and it is placed on the palace Owl Kiss The establishment of an official system identical to that of the Central Plains imperial dynasty is a manifestation of "arrogance". from Xianling Unearthed Korean Taizu Wang Jian According to the bronze statue, it wears 24 beams Heavenly Crown , which was made by the emperor of the Tang Dynasty. 1140 in the middle of the Koryo Dynasty Gao Lirenzong set Li The sacrificial service consists of nine diadem and seven chapters, Gao Liyi Zong Timing official costume Nine diadem and twelve jades. [30] However, although the King of Korea used a large number of imperial systems privately, he never dared to use imperial titles in public, Miaoqing Requested Gao Lirenzong The public title of Emperor Jianyuan was not accepted. [32]
Korean Taizu At the beginning of the country Silla and taebong Its official system deals with political affairs through institutions such as Guangping Province, Neifeng Province, and Favourite Military Headquarters. Its official ranks include Da Kuang, Zheng Kuang, Da Cheng, Da Xiang, Yuan Fu, Yuan Yin, Zuo Yin, Zuo Cheng, etc. Gaoli Chengzong During the 12th Five Year Plan period, it was formally established in the central government following the Tang system Three provinces and six ministries At the same time, it absorbed the Song system and established privy council (initially called Central Hospital) Secretariat and Shimen Province Merge into Under the Middle Book Gate The province (initially called Neishimen's lower province) is known as "the two prefectures of Zaishu" for its civil and military skills, among which the adjutant (officer) of Neishimen's lower province Middle order As the Prime Minister. censor The system is based on the Tang system, and the officials below the third grade of the province (commonly known as "Shenglang" or "Langshe") under Zhongshumen serve as admonitors to master admonition Sealing barge , Signed by (appointed by officials Tell me Above), censorate He is responsible for guarding against all officials, hearing stories, and sharing the power of refutation and administration with the admonitors. Like the Song Dynasty, Korea also had financial expertise Third Division In addition Imperial Academy , Qingdange Pavilion Baowen Pavilion And other Wenhan institutions, and established Grade 18, Grade 9 And Chinese style civil and military Scatterer order System. Korea officially dispatched officials to the local government from Gaoli Chengzong At first, officials said governor of one or more provinces , later called Xianzong a provincial official equivalent to today's chief prosecutor of a high court The two circles were under military control by military envoys. The officials in Beijing said they were staying, and there were also officials such as state herdsmen, government envoys, prefectures, county magistrates, and town generals. In addition, there are more than 300 subordinate prefectures and counties. These prefectures and counties have no court officials, and are led by neighboring prefectures and counties, which are essentially autonomous. [33-34]
Korea became yuan dynasty After the Emperor's Son in Law, all kinds of "arrogance" were abolished, and the official system was degraded on the basis of the integration with the Yuan system, such as Secretariat Name: Jinyi Government privy council Weigh Mizhisi censorate Called the Department of Supervision, the Six Boards It was changed into the Four Divisions (Canon Theory, Canon Law, Military Book, and Territory), and changed from the procurator to the incorruptible envoy. Korean ministers in the Yuan Dynasty Cui Huan It reflects this situation:“ Chaperone Privately, the king is called the sage, the emperor, Yao and Shun are cited from the top, and Han and Tang dynasties are cited from the bottom, while the king may call himself the emperor To one person , the order was issued, the decree was issued, and the territory of the People's Republic of China was exempted Amnesty The official positions are all modeled after the heavenly dynasty. If such kind of officials are involved in arrogance, they are really appalled. In China, it is hard to stay out of the way? If you capture the imperial yuan, you will regard it as one family, such as the province, hospital, Taiwan, ministry and so on. You will go early... You will change quickly, and no one will dare to follow suit. " [35]
In 1356, King Kohlikmin Restore the "ancestral law", and then repeatedly change the official system, making the political system in disorder. At the time of Korea's subjugation, the central official system was composed of the Menxiafu, Mizhisi Si Xianfu and Six Cao It became the embryonic form of the official system of the later Korean Dynasty.

Political operation

The political operation form of Korea in the early days was the joint regime of the powerful ethnic groups, Korean Taizu With the combination of kindness and power, they have carried out extensive marriage with local noble families, and implemented the "system of their own people" and the "system of trial officials", that is, on the one hand, they appointed the noble families of meritorious officials as the trial officials of their hometown, on the other hand, they sent their children to the central government as "their own people" (hostages), and issued a volume of the "Political Commandments" and eight chapters of the "Commandments to Bailiao". [36] Gaoli Guangzong During the period, due to the great purge of Guangzong, the form of the Haozu coalition regime was gradually broken Imperial examination system ceremonial dress worn by post-Song government officials Rank and Fagaceae system The establishment of autocratic monarchy and centralization The mode of operation of is gradually established.
Schematic diagram of Korean bureaucracy
Gaoli Chengzong Later, the political operation of Korea changed centralization Aristocratic politics. Although Korea imitated China on the surface to establish a centralized system, it had to compromise with the nobility in the actual operation process, and there was a certain gap with Chinese centralization, so the envoys of the Song Dynasty Xu Jing He left an impression on Korean politics of "governing affairs by the government, following the customs of the barbarians, and often using stationery instead of using it". Korea did not operate completely in accordance with the official system, but discussed and decided on the two conference organs (most of the participants were the officials in charge of the central government), namely, the civil affairs supervision (responsible for the internal affairs and legal system) and the civil military envoys (responsible for the national defense and military affairs), and then the decision was made by the king. Xu Jing recorded the political operation of the Korean Central Court in this way: "(The king) looked at things in his seat every day, and only implemented Bedding On the couch, state officials and relatives kneel beside them, listen to the imperial edict, and then come out. The ministers see each other on the fifth day, and there is another hall for discussing politics. Yu Guanze Outlook In addition, four see in the king. He stands outside the door when he hears the order, but the conductor is the only one who gives the order. When he is promoted and reset, he will walk off his knees, and when he moves forward or backward, he will face the king bent over ”; For its local political operation, there are the following records: "Only herding, guarding, and protecting government agency Counting the number of couplets, the order and the length follow the location, leaving the residents alone... Li Zhengshang is simple, plaintiff's written complaint Slightly but without literature, the government governs affairs and does not follow the case, but only refers to the call when boarding the couch. The officials hold the documents, kneel down in front of them, listen to them, and immediately approve them Retention If you have already done something, you will abandon it. There will be no pavilion. [37]
1170 Wuchen Coup Later, the political operation of Korea became a military regime. stay Cui Zhongxian Previously, the power center was located in the heavy room (the conference organ of the Second Army and the Six Guards). After Cui Zhongxian set up the Jiaoding Capital, the Jiaoding Capital became the de facto core authority. 1225 Cui Yu "Set up a government office in private", monopolizing the personnel power, so neither the king nor the original bureaucratic system has become a figurehead. [38]
After the end of the century old warrior era, Korea restored the aristocratic politics of the past, but with some differences. At this time, the conference organ gradually became the dominant party of Chengdu Review Envoy (formerly the military envoy of Chengdu). At the same time, the personnel institution of the Wu Chen regime was still retained Expropriation to the East The intervention of the Communist Party of Korea also weakened the royal power of Korea. King Kongmin Since then, the political situation has been chaotic and the royal power has been weakened, sindon Li Renren Lin Jianwei Li Chenggui Li Chenggui usurped the Korean Dynasty.

Legal system

Korea's laws are mainly based on《 Tang Code 》It is a blueprint and mixed《 Song Xingtong 》And "local customs", forming a unique code. The Korean Law was formulated on Gaoli Chengzong However, the implementation was not strict, probation Several pardons ". [39] The envoys of the Song Dynasty also noticed that the Korean judiciary rarely sentenced people to death. Only the rebellious and unfilial people would be beheaded. In other cases, they would usually be pardoned or commuted, such as exile, flogging and "anti binding" punishment. [40] After the chaotic era of the military junta, Korea's legal system has actually collapsed. During the intervention period of the Yuan Dynasty, Korea mainly adopted the case law of the Yuan Dynasty, so that the code of the Yuan Dynasty《 Orthonormal grid 》It was found on the Korean Peninsula. Gao Ligong lets Wang When, Zheng Mengzhou When the statutory law was re enacted, namely, the New Law, however, the year when the law was introduced, Korea died.




Korea is an agricultural country whose economic structure is mainly based on Land finance , but the territory is mountainous and barren, such as Li Qixian As he said, "The land of three Koreas is not a place where four sides of boats and carts can travel around. There is no natural resources and no benefits of goods colonization. People's livelihood depends on the land strength. To the south of Yalu, there are almost all mountains and fields that are not easy to use. There is nothing but Yalu." [41] Korea Jingzong Implemented in Fagaceae system That is, the distribution system for the fields producing crops and the mountains and rivers producing firewood. The distribution objects are Yangban Soldiers enjoy the right to collect the rent of these lands when they serve the country. Once they leave their posts, they must return them to the country. In addition, there are also Gongyin Tianchai given to meritorious officials, which can be passed down from generation to generation. For civilian farmland, the state collects one tenth of the tax every year. In addition, the Korean court also required all regions to pay tribute (local specialty), which was divided into regular tribute and other tribute. The burden of men aged 16 to 60 Corvee Tribute and corvee were collected and distributed according to the household classification.


Korea has had commercial activities since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Korean Taizu Settle the capital Kaijing Set up immediately Marketplace However, its commodity economy is backward, and it has been dominated by barter for a long time. Gaoli Chengzong Once ordered to issue iron coins Koryo Muzong Repealed when. Korea Suzong They began to use metal coins, with silver bottles as the main currency, Haidong Tongbao Haidong Treasure San Han Chongbao And other copper coins, but the circulation scope is very limited. Song Dynasty envoy Xu Jing Describing the business situation of Korea is: "It is not vulgar House Four Only in the middle of the day, men, women, old and young, officials and workers all use their own skills to trade Spring Goods The only way to do this is to make the cloth straight. As for daily necessities, if they are not as good as both, they will be paid by the meter. " [37]
Korea also launched overseas trade and opened Beijing Lichengjiang Biliandu has become a prosperous international trade port. The folk trade between Korea and the Song Dynasty is a major issue, and Korea exported to the Song Dynasty Ginseng , ink, paper, paper mat, ramie cloth, folding fan, porcelain, etc., import books, medicinal materials, spices, dyes, silk, tea, jade, etc., and even arab (Dashi) Merchants came to trade, so that there was a saying in Korea that "there were a lot of merchant ships, and treasures came every day, and they had no money in China (referring to the Song Dynasty official)". [42] In addition, according to Xu Jing's records, Korea generally accepts the items offered by Song Dynasty merchants at the Changling Hall, and Korea will compensate the number of Song Dynasty merchants by times according to the value of the items. [88]

handicraft industry

Korean handicrafts can be divided into official handicrafts and folk handicrafts. Each government has its own craftsmen, and folk professional craftsmen are registered and ready to be recruited by the state at any time. In addition, folk handicrafts also include family and temple handicrafts. The envoy of the Song Dynasty said that "Korea has excellent craftsmanship, and its unique skills are attributed to the public", and even said that "farming is not based on craftsmanship". [37]




Confucianism exists in Korea as the guiding ideology for governing the country, but it is not rooted in the social life, image Joseon Dynasty That becomes the code of conduct for people. Therefore, envoys of the Song Dynasty called Korea "the first wedding and funeral ceremony, and the second wedding ceremony". [37]
Han and Tang Confucianism dominated Korea in the early and middle periods. In 1958, Korea officially implemented Imperial examination system Confucian classics are listed as examination subjects, and the examination tends to study words and phrases. Gaoli Chengzong He was the king of Korea who paid the most attention to Confucianism. In 987, he issued an imperial edict, saying: "Since the days when he tied the rope and drew divinations, the king of the imperial kingdom of Beichen and the leader of the state in the south have always practiced the five virtues and set up a religion with six books to follow the rules." [43] Early Confucian scholars Cui Chenglao Cui Chong Etc.
The middle period of Korea (Wuchen regime) was the declining period of Confucianism in Korea. At that time, military officials killed civil officials wantonly, and many civil officials fled into mountains and temples and disappeared. Due to the repressive policy adopted by the Wu Chen regime, the Confucian ethos was not strong, and people were in danger. Scholars and officials and people worshipped Buddhism and Taoism, pinning on illusions for spiritual comfort. At that time, those who wanted to learn could only learn from monks. This is also one of the main reasons why the Confucians in the late Korean period went to Buddhism more often. [44]
Late Korea (Yuan interference period), Zhu Zixue It spread from the south of China to the north and began to spread widely in the Yuan Dynasty. At this time, in the ideological field of Korea, the original Confucianism was dead and lifeless; Buddhism has become increasingly corrupt and degenerate, and can no longer play a role in saving the national fortune and cleaning up the hearts of the people; Taoism was also secularized, which led to the prevalence of praying belief and religious superstition in Korean society. Under the background that social order needs to be integrated and ideological emptiness needs to be filled, Zhu Xi's theory should be applied. In 1289, Gao Lijiuchen Safety It took the lead in introducing Zhu Zixue into Korea and spreading it Li Zao Zheng Mengzhou It was gradually rooted in the Korean Peninsula under the development of Joseon Dynasty The only official school respected. [45]


Carved Koryo Tripitaka
Korea Continuation Silla Buddha worship, Taizu Wang Jian Rely on Buddhism to build a national foundation. It is said that before Wang Jian was born, there was a man named Meter The monk said to Wang Jian's father, "Let's be saints here," and sent a secret letter. When Wang Jian grew up, Daoshen came to Wang Jian's home again and taught him "how to set up an array after graduation and how to figure out the time and place.", Hope rank Mountains and rivers, and sense of blessing ". Although this legend is not necessarily true, it is sufficient to explain the close relationship between the Korean Dynasty and Buddhism. Wang Jian's dying Zeng Li Ten training essentials The first one emphasizes that "the great cause of our country must be protected by Buddhas", and places Buddhism in the position of state religion. Since then, all kings of all dynasties have worshipped Buddhism, vigorously supported it, and people's life has also been deeply influenced by Buddhism. Korea uses eminent monks as its king teachers and national teachers, and Buddhist rituals Light burning meeting and Eight Customs Meetings It will become a national grand event held every year in Korea. Buddhist thought also flourished unprecedentedly, further developed on the system of Buddhism and Zen established by Silla, and by the end of Korea, "eleven sects" had been formed( Cao Xizong Huayan Sect , Tiantai Shuzi Sect, Tiantai Legality Sect Zong Zong , Taoism Ci'enzong , Zhong Daozong Shenyin Sect Nanshan Sect Shixingzong )Pattern. In the Korean era, famous monks came forth in large numbers, represented by All as Yitian A lifetime , Zhina, Huichen At once Universal ignorance Etc. [46]
Korea Xianzong In order to fight back with the power of Buddha Khitan , Korean monarchs and ministers vow to carve tripitaka , mainly based on the Song Dynasty Treasure trove Replica. In 1232, the first carved Tripitaka was burned by the Mongolian army. In order to pray against Mongolia, Korea spent 16 years to re carve the Tripitaka. Recreated Gao Lizang (80000 Tripitaka Sutra) is comprehensive, accurate and exquisite, and is the No. 32 national treasure and UNESCO designated Memory of the World Heritage , where it is kept Haiyin Temple Same World Cultural Heritage

Yin-yang theory

Korean people "fear ghosts and gods, and restrain yin and yang" [37] Its yin-yang theory, which combines the Chinese yin-yang feng shui technique and the inherent shaman belief on the Korean Peninsula, was prevalent throughout the Korean era, and superstition prophecy or prediction was one of the specific reflections of this phenomenon. Korea Jianguo is said to have responded to the prophecy on the bronze mirror bought by Chinese businessman Wang Changjin from a mysterious figure [47] The prophecy of "the twelve (kings) of the dragon and the sun are exhausted, and the eighteen (li) sons" has long been circulating in the Korean era [48] It also came true at the time of its national subjugation. In the mysterious social atmosphere of yin-yang studies, the Korean people "do not take medicine when they are ill. Although their father and son are close to each other, they only know the truth Weariness of victory Just ". [37] Because Korea was too superstitious about Yin and Yang, it snubbed the reception of the Song envoy and was met by the Song envoy Chai Chengwu The storm of reprimand. [49]


The early Korean literature was influenced by the poetry style of the late Tang Dynasty, and later the Song Dynasty Su Shi The poems and essays of "Dongpo" are popular in Korea, and Korean people compete to imitate them, which has set off an enduring "Dongpo fever", a great Korean poet Li Kui Newspaper Describing the Korean scholar at that time, "he was particularly fond of reading Dongpo poems, so after being listed every year, everyone thought that Dongpo would be listed again this year". [50] Marked with Chinese characters Country song It is also unique. The Korean ballads that have been passed down to the present are《 Xijing Farewell 》《 Farewell to the Green Mountains 》《 Zheng Guating Music 》《 To tread frost 》《 Si Mu Qu 》《 Zheng Shige 》《 Frost flower shop 》Etc.
The representative writers in Korea are Park Yinliang Jin Fushi Zheng Zhichang Li Kui Newspaper Li Renlao Cui Zi Jinqiu Li Chengxiu Li Qixian Li Gu Li Zao Zheng Mengzhou Etc. The Koreans had many collections of essays handed down from generation to generation, but "where there is a collection of essays, it is more self written than written Slab row The longer it takes, the more lost it is. It is difficult to spread. " [51] In addition to the factors of internal and external wars, the number of Korean anthologies handed down so far is very small, only more than 30, concentrated in the late Korean period. In the whole Korean era, there were nearly 400 people with works handed down, more than 20000 poems and about 4000 articles. People can still see the prosperity of Korean literature from the few Korean works in existence. [85]


Korea is located in the center Imperial College (renamed in the Yuan interference period Chengjun Hall ), local village school This official education system is complete in Gaoli Chengzong When. Korea Ruizong We set up Qizhai in Chinese Studies, and set up a talent pool as a scholarship fund. Folk education is based on Cui Chong The "Twelve Private Scholars" represented by "Wenxian Gongtu", during the military regime, Confucianism declined, people took monks as teachers, and temples became the main place of education. [44] [52]


In the early days of Korea, the military system was chaotic, and local private soldiers prevailed, Korea Dingzong The Guangjun Department was set up to prevent Khitan It is said that the number of the armed forces nationwide has reached 300000 under the pretext of invasion. reach Koryo Muzong At that time, the central military system of two armies and six guards was established. The so-called two armies and six guards refer to the six guards of Yingyang (Crane Control), Longhu and Zuoyou, Shenhu, Xingwei, Jinwu, Qianniu and Jianmen. Each army has a superior general, a senior general, a general, a lieutenant general, a general, a scattered officer, a lieutenant, and a team leader. The officers of each guard have more long histories and records than the army. Among them, senior military officers form a conference organ called "heavy room" to manage the army. The two armies and six guards have 45 leaders, each with 1000 people, which means that the Central Standing Army of Korea theoretically has 45000 people. In addition, there are also King's personal soldiers called "Qianlong" (residential guards). The local army is divided into five state and county armies and two border state and town armies. The state and county armies exist as militia reserve forces, with a number of 48237 people (8601 for Baosheng Army, 19754 for Jingyong Army, 19882 for First Grade Army). If the second and third grade armies in each village are added, the number may reach 600000. The state town army is a standing army, with an estimated number of 140000. In some periods, "Biewu Class" and“ Three different copying ”Such a special force. [53-54]
The military junta, especially Cui regime During the period, private soldiers prevailed again, and the strength of the official army was weakened. Most of them were old, weak, sick and disabled. The real elite soldiers were concentrated under the Cui regime, known as "Dufang". In 1270, when the Wu Chen regime collapsed, Dufang was Three different copying It was wiped out, and then the Three Partings and Rebellion against Mongolia were wiped out by the Lili Mongol Allied Army. The original military system of Korea was severely damaged, and the new system was not established for a while. King Kongmin The situation of constant foreign aggression forced Korea to re integrate its military system, imitate the wing army system of the Yuan Dynasty, set up five ten thousand households in Xijing, Anzhou, Yizhou, Jiangjie, and Nicheng in the northwest, set up several military wings, established the command system of ten thousand households, one thousand households, one hundred households, and the ruler, and implemented the integration of military and agriculture. Gao Liwu Wang During the period, this wing army system spread to the whole country. In 1376, Korea ordered troops from all walks of life, with a total of 14700 cavalry and 79800 infantrymen. [55]
As for the military strength of Korea, the observation of Chinese envoys is generally "extremely weak" [56] "The weapons are very simple and sparse". [37] However, Korea also won some important victories in foreign campaigns, such as Tortoise victory 1107 Yin Guan Big break Jurchen Korean Mongolian War During this period, they fought back the Mongolian army in Guizhou, Cizhou, Churen, Zhuzhou, Zhongzhou and other places King Kongmin Time knockback Red Scarf Army And the Yuan Army and Wu Wang Shi japanese pirates Great victory in Hongshan, barren mountain, etc.


The total population recorded under the rule of the Korean Dynasty is 2.1 million, which is speculated to be the figure at the beginning of the 12th century. The actual population may be more. [57] The main ethnic groups that constitute its population are Silla And its subordinate Goguryeo Baekje The adherents, who gradually formed a whole in the Korean era—— Choson However, in the chaotic period of the Wu Chen regime, the potential consciousness of Koguryo, Silla, and Baekje came to the surface again, and a series of Qingzhou Centered by the Silla Revival Movement, Cui Guangxiu claimed that“ koguryo In 1237, Li Yannian claimed to be "Marshal of Baijiao (Baiji) Capital". after Korean Mongolian War The Korean people's national consciousness gradually became clear dangun Myth is its embodiment. Since then, there has been no revival of Silla, Baekje and Koguryo on the Korean Peninsula. One important reason is that the integration of the Korean nation has been completed.
There are many Bohai people in Korea. Since 925, "Chinese people have come and gone one after another" [9] The Korean court took them in. According to the Korean History, the two largest refugee flows in the Bohai Sea in Korean history were in 934 and 979, and the number was more than tens of thousands. among Korean Taizu He also sent the son of the Bohai Kingdom to Korea Large light display His name is "Wang Ji" Huanghai South Road Shirakawa Prefecture )It is a food town. Bohai people active in Korean politics include Korean Khitan War The generals in the period of Daaoxiu and Da Huaide, Koryo Muzong Liu Zhongzheng Cui regime The integration of important officials during the period.
"Touhua Han people" is also an integral part of the Korean people. At that time, many Chinese went to Korea to do business. There were hundreds of Chinese in the capital, most of whom were Fujian Home. [57] Korea is in urgent need of introducing talents, and has hired many Chinese to serve as officials in Korea (mainly as Wenhan officials). Among them, some famous figures are Guangzong Double hops , Muzong Dynasty Zhou Queue , Chu Yuanbin of Wenzong Dynasty, and Chu Yuanbin of Xuanzong Dynasty Liu Zai , Hu Zongdan in the Ruizong Dynasty, and Hu Zongdan in the Renzong Dynasty Lin Wan Etc. Some Chinese were forced to stay in Korea and begged to return when envoys of the Song Dynasty arrived [57] But most of them still took root and sprouted in Korea.
In addition, there are many northern ethnic groups naturalized in Korea, such as Cathayan Jurchen And those who settled in Korea during the Yuan Dynasty Mongolian Retrace People Uyghur People, etc. Among them, the number of Khitan naturalized people is the largest, and its scale is said to be more than tens of thousands. [58]



social stratum

Korea implements a strict social hierarchy, which can be divided into aristocrats Yangban There are four levels: lover and bitch. The aristocrats of the aristocratic families intermarried with each other, monopolized the national politics, and enjoyed the privilege of tax exemption and exemption from service, Gao Lizhong, Xuan Wang The fifteen "prime ministers" announced were the representatives of the aristocrats in the late period of Korea, so the Song envoys recorded that Korea was "a noble official who served in the country, and respected each other with his family Jinshi Select ". [37] Two shifts refer to middle and lower level bureaucrats and local township officials, who are the executors of specific government affairs. Companions refer to the residents of Beijing, prefectures, prefectures and counties, mainly farmers, accounting for the majority of Korean people, and also the main burden of taxes and corvee. Dalits are the residents of villages, tribes, places, post houses, and Tianjin, as well as maidservants, Hechi (willow craftsmen or hunters), and talented people (actors), whose sources are mainly related to Wang Jian The enemy (with Post Baekje Mainly the adherents). At the same time of hereditary inheritance, there is also a certain mobility among all classes, such as the rural officials who passed the imperial examination and were put in high positions and became new nobles several generations later, or the country upgraded some villages and tribes to states and counties, and their residents were all exempt from humiliation, or some slaves were exempt from humiliation through accumulated wealth or contributions, and so on. The beginning of the collapse of the real order was the period of the military minister regime, and then gradually transitioned from the aristocratic society to the two class society. [59]

basic necessities of life

Portrait of Jiang Minzhan, Minister of Korea
Written by Yuan people《 Foreign chronicle 》China called Korea "dress with the system of China's dynasties" [83] Therefore, Korean costumes also changed with the changes of Chinese dynasties. After the establishment of the Song Dynasty, Korea introduced the Song Dynasty ceremonial dress worn by post-Song government officials The emperor's clothes are similar to those of the Song Dynasty, so Xu Jing On《 Xuanhe Fengshi Koryo Sutra 》In the Southern Song Dynasty, they called their clothes "the system of our Song Dynasty" Building key stay Jinzhongdu The Korean envoys I saw were still "dressed as if they were from the Song Dynasty". [84] Only Korean king official costume Long term inheritance Liao Dynasty The system given. [60] In terms of casual clothes, the upper class men "wear their scarves and necklaces like Tang clothes" [57] The lower layer is "made of bamboo crowns, or square or round... short brown quilts, without Hakama ”; The hair style of women, regardless of whether they are noble or humble, hangs in a bun on the right, and the rest of their hair falls down. The dress is "white cloth is a robe, slightly like a man". The difference between the upper and lower levels is mainly that the upper women have their heads covered. Later, women's clothing was also influenced by the Song Dynasty. [37] The color of clothes is mainly white“ Gentlewoman The service is still simple ". [57] After the rise of Mongolia, especially after Korea completely surrendered to the Mongol Yuan Dynasty, Korean clothing was transformed into Mongolian style, and by 1278 it was more active Shaving is easy to wear [87] Korean people also changed from wearing scarves to wearing hats. King Kongmin After submitting to the Ming Dynasty, request the ming dynasty Give service. By 1387, Daming clothes were introduced [86] cotton The introduction of has also greatly enriched the fabric.
With regard to the diet of Korea, the Song envoy recorded that "the salary of Korea was very low, only raw rice, vegetables and raw meat were given, and meat was seldom eaten", "there were sheep and rags in the national customs, and people who were not princes and nobles did not eat, Ximin Eat more seafood ". [37]
The palaces and temples in Korea mostly imitate the Tang and Song systems, but "the materials are poor and the work is clumsy, so they end up simple and crude", and the houses are "honeycombs and ant nests, which are covered with bamboo leaves and only shelter from wind and rain". [37] The preserved Korean buildings are Xiude Temple Daxiong Hall (built in 1308, the oldest existing wooden structure building in South Korea) Fushi Temple Ancestor Hall and Infinite Life Hall Fengting Temple Blissful Hall Jiangling Guest house door, etc.
Korea's transportation Packsaddle (miscellaneous load) mainly, riding or using the upper layer Shoulder Yu Although Korea is close to the sea on three sides and has many rivers, its boats are "simple and not very sophisticated". [37]

Female status

Although Korea is a male dominated society, women's status is not low. Korean society is popular, and betrothed men are raised at their wives' homes since childhood, which is called "pre son-in-law". [61] Within the family, daughters have the same inheritance rights as sons, and women can even become heads of household. Korea's marriage is also very free. "If men and women want to be husband and wife, they will do it" [62] At the same time, divorce is more common, "men and women marry easily" [37] Women can remarry. The sex ratio of Korea is more than that of boys and girls, but the strict monogamy system is prevailing in society, and the phenomenon of concubinage is rare. Loyal King During the period, there was a minister named Pu Xuan who tried to prevent a large number of women from being yuan dynasty It was suggested that people should be encouraged to have concubines, but the Korean women scolded them unanimously, and the court did not dare to allow them. [63] In social life, many men and women bathe in the river together, without fear. [64-65] Joseon Dynasty Period, with Confucianism Gradually being popularized in society, women's status declined.

science and technology


Celadon technology

korean porcelain yes History of the Korean Peninsula It is one of the most exquisite porcelain. Korean celadon originated from China, and has retained the traces of its acceptance of the influence of southern and northern celadon in the Song, Jin and Yuan dynasties in many aspects, such as the shape, glaze color, decoration and firing methods of the artifacts; However, in terms of decorative arts, Korean celadon has not only learned the traditional decorative techniques of Chinese celadon, but also applied the decorative techniques of northern comprehensive folk kiln systems, such as Jingdezhen celadon, Dingyao white and Cizhou kilns, to celadon, especially the "elephant inlay" and copper, iron color painting, as well as cosmetic clay decorative techniques, which have gained unique development in Korean celadon, It forms a unique decorative style of Korean celadon. [66]
Korean celadon censer

movable-type printing

Due to the intelligence of the Korean people and the influence of the Song Dynasty, the printing industry in Korea is very developed. The biggest feature is Metal type (Korea called it "casting") the use of printing. South Korea claims that Metal type The earliest record used is Li Kui Newspaper There are 28 copies of "Detailed Ancient and Modern Rites" printed in metal movable type around 1240 recorded (but they have not been handed down). 1377 in today's Korea Qingzhou The printed "White Cloud Monk's Transcription of Buddha Pointing to the Heart and Body Festival" was UNESCO Identified as the oldest metal movable type book in the world Germany Of gutenberg The 42 line Bible was included 70 years earlier Memory of the World Heritage [75-76] But the invention right of copper movable type is still academic circle It is a highly controversial issue. [74]

Papermaking technology

In the Korean era Silla Imported from China Papermaking On the basis of, the paper industry has made considerable development and progress“ Gaoli Paper ”。 Koryo paper enjoys a high reputation in China. From the royal family to the literati and scholars, they all give high praise to Koryo paper. History of the Song Dynasty ·When Korean specialties are recorded in the Biography of Korea, it is specifically mentioned that the white broussonetia paper, golden yellow paper, golden powder paper, and azure paper produced in Korea are imported into China as "tribute". calligrapher Huang Tingjian and Jin Zhangzong Korean paper is the top grade of calligraphy paper. [77]

International Relations


And the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms

Since 923, Korea has been developing Rear sill pay tribute, Korean Taizu Wang Jian Officially obtained in 933 Ming Clan of the Later Tang Dynasty The canonization of. Later Jin Dynasty During the period, the relationship of conferring titles and paying tribute was still maintained, and even Wang Jian conceived of a joint attack with the Later Jin Dynasty Khitan Only after he died, Korea changed her mind. [56] Korea and Later Han Dynasty Although there is no record of communication, Korea also worships it Blessing Year. Korea and Week after Later Zhou Dynasty used thousands of silk to buy copper produced in Korea. Later Zhou Dynasty envoys Double hops More prompting Gaoli Guangzong implement Imperial examination system In addition, Korea also cooperated with Wu Yue the Southern Tang dynasty Min And other southern separatist regimes, among which Wu Yue State The exchanges are the closest.

And the Song Dynasty

Huiyin Gaoli Temple in Hangzhou, where Yitian, the son of Gaoliwenzong and an eminent monk of Tiantai Sect, came to the Song Dynasty to seek Dharma
Soon after the establishment of the Song Dynasty, Korea established a suzerain vassal relationship with the Song Dynasty, and three kings, Guang, Jing, and Cheng, were canonized by the Song Dynasty. The first time in 993 Korean Khitan War After that, although Korea ostensibly submitted to Khitan, it continued to ask the Song Dynasty for support in secret, and the Song Dynasty treated it negatively. After 1029, Korea stopped sending envoys to the Song Dynasty. In 1071, Korean Wenzong The envoy was sent to pay tribute to the Song Dynasty. In 1074, the Korean envoy Jin Liangjian requested that the ports of communication between the two countries be changed from the traditional Dengzhou (Today's Shandong Penglai )Transfer to Mingzhou (Today Zhejiang Ningbo ), to avoid Liao Dynasty Ears and eyes, with the permission of the Song Dynasty, the envoys of Korea from Mingzhou to Hangzhou , and then the grand canal And entered the capital of Song Dynasty Kaifeng Mansion The Song Dynasty gave super standard preferential treatment to Korean envoys, and sent country messengers to Korea repeatedly since 1078. In addition to paying tribute to the Song Dynasty, Korea also built Shuntian Hall in Kaijing to entertain the Song envoys. The Song envoys recorded that the hall "has nine columns in the main hall, and its scale is magnificent... Kaixuan faces the mountains, clear water surrounds, Qiao Songming flowers, Dan Bi Jiaoyin, Offer All vessels are ready ". The luxury level is not only far above the Ying'en Hall and Ren'en Hall that received Liao envoys, but also" the working system is too Wang Ju ". [37]
Korea admired the advanced culture of the Song Dynasty very much, especially in the frequent exchanges after Wenzong, Korea spared no effort to absorb the classics and cultural relics of the Song Dynasty, so that it gained the reputation of "Little China". However, Korea did not resume the relationship with the Song Dynasty. Jin Dynasty After the rise, Korea advised the Song Dynasty not to Join Jin and destroy Liao The Song Dynasty did not listen. After the Jin Dynasty destroyed the Liao Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty, Song Gaozong In 1128 Yang Yingcheng When he went to Korea as an envoy to ask for gold from the false path, he was firmly refused by Korea. After 1136, diplomatic exchanges between Korea and the Song Dynasty were interrupted. Although the formal diplomatic ties ended, the two countries maintained continuous contacts with businessmen as the link.

And Khitan (Liao Dynasty)

Korean Taizu Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially Balhae Right after the demise Khitan Liao Dynasty )Taking a hostile policy, he exiled more than 30 Khitan envoys in 942 and starved their camels to death under Wanfu Bridge. [67] Simultaneous Later Jin Dynasty Propose joint expedition against Khitan [56] , called it "Khitan Ugly" [68] , in the last words Ten training essentials It is also advised in“ Khitan It is a country of animals, with different customs and different languages. The clothing system should be carefully observed. [36] Therefore, Korea had little contact with Khitan in the early stage.
In 993, Khitan launched a war of aggression against Korea, and Korea sought peace. From then on, Korea became a Khitan dependency and was granted by Khitan Yalu River To the east. In 1010, due to A good omen Killing Koryo Muzong , triggering the Khitan emperor Yerlulongsh Korea surrendered again when it attacked Korea. The third large-scale war between Korea and Khitan broke out between 1018 and 1019 around the issue of the king's pro Korean regime and the ownership of the six states in Jiangdong. This time, Korea won. However, based on the overall situation and the balance of power, Korea continued to pay tribute to Khitan after the war, was canonized by it, and respected its orthodoxy. At the same time, Khitan was built on the east bank of Yalu River Baozhou , Repair Pontoon bridge For Korea, it is also the sword of Damocles. It has repeatedly asked Khitan to remove the city bridge, but was not allowed. So Korea refused to start with Khitan Discussion Trade and build Cheolli Jangseong Take precautions.
Jin Dynasty After the rise, Korea did not send troops to help at the request of the Liao Dynasty, but stopped using them in 1116 Liao Dynasty Year In 1117, Baozhou was captured and changed into Yizhou. In 1123, Korea sent envoys to the Liao Dynasty, but they returned because they could not find the location of the Liao court.

With Nuzhen (Jin)

North Korea faces jurchen It can be divided into West Jurchen and East Jurchen. Korea is collectively called "North Tibet", "East and West Tibet" or "Tibet". In her early years, Korea started horse trading with Nvzhen. It is said that Korean Taizu Once bought 10000 horses from Nuzhen and was pacified Post Baekje Unify the three Koreas. [69] Later, Korea expanded northward and adopted an expulsion policy against Nvzhen Gaoli Chengzong Expel the Nuzhen people on the east bank of Yalu River to Baitou Mountain Living outside. Korea Xianzong At that time, the Jurchen pirates who invaded the east coast of Korea were effectively attacked. At the same time, Korea also granted various official titles to Nuzhen Chiefs, allowing them to communicate with Korea by paying tribute. In 1073, Korean Wenzong stay Cheolli Jangseong 15 such as Guishun and Yichang are set outside the northeast Jimi Prefecture And strengthen its influence on Jurchen. along with Perfection Department With the rise of Jurchen, the various departments of Jurchen were gradually unified. Korea, who wanted to continue to control Jurchen, inevitably conflicted with Wanyan Department, which was from 1104 to 1109 The Battle of Huolazian In the end, Korea came back without success and made peace with Jurchen.
Perfect face A Gu Da establish Jin Dynasty Later, he made an appointment with Korea as a brotherly country and allowed Korea to occupy Baozhou When Jin destroyed Liao and invaded Song, Korea had to submit to Jin to protect its country. However, Korea generally felt psychologically unbalanced about the reversal of its relationship with Jurchen Miaoqing Zheng Zhichang The leading force advocated the Northern Expedition of the Jin Dynasty, proclaimed Emperor Jianyuan, and was finally suppressed. In 1142, Gao Lirenzong accept Jin Xizong Honoring Jin Zhengshuo and formally establishing Jin Li Suzerain vassal relationship
During the Wuchen regime, the unrest in Korea attracted the attention of the Jin Dynasty, but it was finally resolved peacefully. The rise of Mongolia in the 13th century, 1214 Jin Xuanzong The relationship between Jin and Li gradually broke off when they crossed the south, and Korea stopped using it in 1224 Jin Dynasty Year Like the Liao Dynasty, Korea also sent envoys to contact the Jin Dynasty in 1233 on the eve of the demise of the Jin Dynasty, but it returned due to the impasse of the road.

And Mongolia (Yuan)

Schematic Diagram of Yuan Li Marriage [82]
1219 Mongolia To pacify the invading Korean Dongliao The anti Mongolian forces entered Korea on the pretext of forming a brotherly relationship with Korea, and asked Korea to send gifts to Mongolia. In 1225, the Mongolian envoy Zugu Yu was killed while taking gifts from Korea. In 1231, Mongolia invaded Korea on this pretext and forced Kaijing Korea was defeated, and was forced to reach an alliance with Mongolia under the city. In 1232, it became a vassal of Mongolia. Leader of the Takechen regime Cui Yu Kill Mongolia in the same year Daru Huachi ,挟 Gaoli Gaozong Move the capital Jianghua Island , continued to fight against Mongolia, triggered six subsequent invasions of Korea by Mongolia, which caused Korea to suffer heavy losses. During this period, although Korea resisted the demands of Mongolia, it always maintained its claim to Mongolia on the surface; Mongolia did not want to annex Korea at one fell swoop, but consumed its effective power by constantly ravaging it. In 1258, it merged the north of Tieling in Korea Shuangcheng Executive Mansion Finally, Korea could not support it. In 1259, the crown prince Wang Xuan After entering the DPRK, Mongolia officially opened its capital in 1270 and completely surrendered to Mongolia. Since then, Korea has cooperated with the Mongolian Yuan Expedition Japan , married to the Mongol Yuan royal family, and to a certain extent, Mongolized Suzerain vassal relationship On the basis of this, Yuan's interference in internal affairs was added. Therefore, later generations commented on this period and said: "At this time, although the Korean state was not dead, it was actually dead." [70]
For Korea in the intervention period of the Yuan Dynasty, the biggest crisis was the possibility of direct rule by the Yuan Dynasty, that is, to peel off the shell of the Korean Dynasty and completely become a province of the Yuan Dynasty. Since the Yuan Japanese War, although the Yuan Dynasty set up in Korea Expropriation to the East However, the king was also the prime minister, and appointed officials by himself. Although the Yuan Dynasty occasionally sent officials to the east, it lasted for a short time. here we are Yuanying Sect At that time, the Yuan Dynasty decided to change the province of Zhengdongxing into the province of Sanhanxing, implementing the same direct control with the mainland provinces. here Gao Lizhong Su Wang The imprisoned Dadu and Zhongxuan King were expelled Tubo Korea not only has no decent army, but also is deeply trapped in the Shen Wang Party (the Korean royal family who was named as the Shen King by the Yuan Dynasty Wang Hao In the internal struggle between the Yuan Dynasty (. However, there were strong opposition voices both in the Yuan Dynasty and Korea, especially the Prime Minister Baiju Yuan Yingzong temporarily gave up the idea that his opinion had the most weight. here we are Emperor Taiding Time, powerful ministers Inverted sandbar To mention the abolition of the national province again, Korea used its connections with the royal family of the Yuan Dynasty to prevent this argument. Since then, the Yuan Dynasty has made several similar proposals, but it is difficult to make waves. [71]
In 1356, King Kohlikmin Resist the intervention of the Yuan Dynasty, restore national autonomy, and occupy the Shuangcheng Executive Mansion and Helan Mansion , only the same as the formal Suzerain vassal relationship In 1364, the 10000 yuan army Cui Ru He led Dexing Jun to escort him across the Yalu River, and was defeated by Korea, leaving only 17 cavalries to return. [78-79] In 1369, Korea abandoned the Yuan Dynasty and returned to the Ming Dynasty, and sent troops to attack Beiyuan In eastern Liaoning. In 1374, King Kongmin died. Soon afterwards, Korea resumed suzerain vassal relations with the Northern Yuan Dynasty and pursued bilateral diplomacy. In 1388, when Korea attacked the Ming Dynasty in the north, it tried to get in touch with the Northern Yuan Dynasty, but in the same year, the Northern Yuan Dynasty Yuyuerhai Campaign Was defeated in Korea Huijun in Weihua Island And perished four years later.

And the Ming Dynasty

In 1368, the ming dynasty The founding of the People's Republic of China was conquered in the same year Yuan Dadu King Kohlikmin After hearing the news, I discussed with the officials to send an envoy to Yuming. In 1369, envoys of the Ming Dynasty Xie Si When he came to Korea to announce the founding of the Ming Dynasty, King Kongmin stopped Year of Yuan Dynasty , and send envoys Nanjing , I am honored by the table. In 1370, King Kongmin won Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty It was crowned as the King of Korea, marking the formal establishment of the suzerain vassal relationship between Ming and Li. But because Beiyuan The relationship between the two countries was not smooth because of the strong pro Yuan forces in Korea, which still existed, and even worsened due to the killing of King Kongmin and Ming envoy in 1374. Gao Liwu Wang During the period, he pursued bilateral diplomacy, and continued to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty while restoring the relationship between the Yuan Dynasty and the suzerain vassal state. The Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty also forgave Korea once, and finally conferred the title of King Wu in 1385. However, the good times did not last long, and the relations between the two countries became tense again soon, especially when the Ming Dynasty announced the establishment of Korea in 1388 Tieling Guard King Wu decided to send troops to fight in Liaodong, but the commander Li Chenggui launch Huijun in Weihua Island Only then can the Mingli War disappear invisibly. Since then, during the internal struggle in Korea, the Ming Dynasty adopted a policy of non-interference, such as Gaolichang King The request to join the court in person to consolidate his position was rejected by the Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty. Li Chenggui managed to usurp the country without interference of the Ming Dynasty.

And Japan

Korea era, Japan In the period of self closed "negative diplomacy", Korea and Japan did not establish formal diplomatic relations most of the time. Korean Taizu After the unification of the three countries, two letters were sent to Japan to convey the intention of repair, which were rejected by Japan and only allowed private trade, Jinhai Fu (Jinzhou) became a trading port between Korea and Japan, and the form of trade was Japan (mainly Dumadao )"Jinfeng" was launched, so it was called "Jinfeng trade". Korea Xianzong Japan encountered Jurchen Pirate invasion( The sword invades the enemy ), was defeated by the Korean navy, and the Japanese captives were sent back to Japan by the Korean navy. Japan expressed its gratitude. Korean Wenzong When Korea asked for medical treatment in Japan, it was rejected by the Ping An Court on the pretext of "imperial edict" of "non Tibetan king" appearing in the Korean ultimatum and asking merchants to bring "illegal" behaviors. In 1223“ japanese pirates ”Appears along the coast of Korea, Korea Cui regime They sent envoys to Japan in 1240 and 1263 to request that the Japanese invaders be banned. Gaoli Yuanzong During the period, at the request of Mongolia, Korea sent or escorted Mongolian envoys to Japan for many times, and asked Japan to submit to Mongolia, with little effect, which led to two occasions in 1274 and 1281 The War of the Yuan Dynasty , Gao Lijun participated in the war, which made the relationship between Liji and Japan highly deteriorated. In 1292, Korean martyr Wang Two envoys sent to Japan at the request of the Yuan Dynasty, Jin Youcheng and Guo Lin, were detained by Japan, and the two countries completely cut off contacts for more than 70 years. In 1350, Japanese invaders invaded the Korean coast again, causing huge threat and losses to Korea, which is known as "Japanese invaders since Gengyin". In order to solve the problem of Japanese pirates, King Kongmin In 1366, he sent an envoy to Japan (the Northern Dynasty) to ask for the prohibition of Japanese pirates, and was awarded the general of invading barbarians Ashikaga Yoshiakira The meeting between the Korean Peninsula and Japan became the starting point for the opening of diplomatic relations. Since then, Li Ri has carried out frequent exchanges around the issue of Japanese pirates, and Kyushu explored issues Zhenshi Kongawa (Yuan Liaojun) also helps Gao Li. [72] Korea also sent troops in 1389 Dumadao The attack on Japanese pirates (known as "Kangying foreign invaders" in Japan) has yielded some gains, which triggered Ryukyu Zhongshan King Satto Gao Li, the envoy, was sent to "serve as an official". [73]

Monarch List
