Wang Chenghua

Famous Chinese Contemporary Painters
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Wang Chenghua, born in 1942, Shandong Xintai He was born in Moshi Mountain, a famous contemporary painter. He loved painting since he was young. He was engaged in art design in his early years, and later specialized in Chinese painting. He has learned art for more than 60 years. He is good at pastoral landscape painting, flower and bird painting, and tea painting. [1]
Chinese name
Wang Chenghua
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
date of birth
Contemporary Chinese Painters
one's native heath
Shandong Xintai
Moshi Mountain People

style of art

Mr. Wang Chenghua is a painter with personality and learning. His Chinese paintings have absorbed Wu Changshuo Qi Baishi Chen Zizhuang Lin Fengmian While learning, digesting and absorbing the advantages of his predecessors, he also integrated his own style and characteristics, and finally became his own family with simple pen and ink and excellent painting. Especially in the use of ink and color vivid and free, in China ink freehand brushwork achievements are very prominent. His art absorbs the concept of "harmony between man and nature" in Taoist thought, and reaches the realm of "three harmonies": "harmony between heart and hand", "harmony between technology and Tao", "harmony between man and nature".
In terms of the composition of the picture, the difficulty of the relationship between the convergence and dispersion of the form, the combination and the pen and ink is to be clear and harmonious. Huang Binhong said that "harmony is still clear, but it is difficult and difficult. The great masters are all here.". Wang Chenghua leans on the front and side of the image form, exaggerated deformation, scattered heights, interspersed rows, and dense distribution of composition, dry, wet, thick and thin, blending and blending of ink and water color, especially the composition combination between image forms and the mutual inclusion between ink and water color and image structure, and handles these subtle changes between fuzziness and clarity perfectly. These complex, changeable and mutually inclusive composition relationships have formed a profound harmony between the various elements of the picture. The rhythm, rhythm, momentum, turning, tension, blank and other places that turn from reality to emptiness, all of which flash the artist's extraordinary talent for performance and are worthy of careful taste.
While basing himself on tradition, Wang Chenghua also learned from the beneficial elements of western paintings that can enhance the expressiveness of Chinese paintings to enrich his own picture composition. For example, in the composition of the picture, simplify the layers, and take the middle view to strengthen the visual tension; Use color and ink to create environmental atmosphere; To perfect the background and edges with the method of setting off and lining dyeing, and to properly show some light effects. The use of these techniques has made his picture composition more novel, opened the distance from traditional Chinese painting, and made his visual communication more modern.
Another feature of Wang Chenghua's creation is that he is good at capturing highlights and exploring new ideas from the life around him, and is not rigid in the theme orientation. In addition to landscapes, flowers and birds, he learned from nature to get inspiration from various rare stones and made bold attempts and explorations in abstract painting. More imaginative than his landscape, it is amazing. This not only broadened the subject range of literati paintings, but also reflected his unique and broad vision and the superb level of mastering brush and ink to express life.
Wang Chenghua's creation Literati painting It is free from nature, ink written into chapters, and unrestrained and unrestrained. And Academic school The preciseness and meticulousness of are linked together, simple but not empty, bold and unconstrained but not divorced from the law, thick and unrestrained. There is pen and ink, life, and full expression of personality. It has reached the perfect state of being full, empty and spiritual.
He perfectly combines the elegance and purity of ink and wash with the composition and expression of modern colors, which has both traditional spirit and modern novelty, reflecting the rich expressiveness and broad development space of Chinese literati painting.
A famous contemporary painter once said that art can be divided into two categories: one is trails, which dazzle people's eyes; One is the great way, which is breathtaking. Wang Chenghua's paintings undoubtedly belong to the road of art. His big paintings are powerful and impressive, while his sketch paintings are ethereal and meaningful. His wonderful works, which are novel, powerful, simple and natural, represent the level and height of literati painting in the new historical period, whether from the composition of pen and ink or the realm of interest.
If art does not develop, it will be difficult to escape the doom of "dead end". For Chinese painting, old artistic concepts and rigid artistic procedures are doomed to lose vitality. Development is the absolute principle. It is an irresistible trend of the times to accept and learn from western contemporary art, to approach international language and style while maintaining the high-quality cultural characteristics of the nation. The greatest painter of the twentieth century Lin Fengmian artist renowned for creative development of both Chinese and Western painting techniques Li Keran Zhang Daqian And other strategic painters. Their works have creativity and world significance, but also better reflect the spirit of the times. It is under the inspiration of this spirit that Wang Chenghua continues to broaden the creative path of Chinese painting. He also attaches great importance to the integration of China and the West Gao Jianfu artist renowned for creative development of both Chinese and Western painting techniques The difference between absorbing western realism is that Wang Chenghua is more inclined to western modern painting, reflecting a strong spirit of the times.
The value of art lies in its unique and distinctive language style. Reflected in Chinese painting, it is the composition of brush, ink and color, enthusiasm for life and strong appeal, which is the most distinctive artistic feature of Wang Chenghua's paintings.
Wang Chenghua's paintings belong to the freehand brushwork of Chinese literati. This is a painting method that can best reflect the artistic characteristics of Chinese painting and is the most difficult in the way of expression. His paintings and calligraphy are full of outstanding originality. His paintings have deep local flavor, unique composition, unique personal style, and full of fresh and moving artistic charm; The book selection method Zheng Xie Slab bridge ”, bright and straight, full of curiosity and interest, which is opposite to the painting, full of true spirit, true meaning and true feelings, showing a distinctive personality.

Life experience

Wang Chenghua, born in 1942 in Xintai, Shandong Province, is a contemporary famous man with the name of Moshi Mountain Traditional Chinese Painting Home. He has loved painting since he was young. In his early years, he was engaged in design. Later, he specialized in Chinese painting. He has learned art for more than 60 years.
Entered in 1976 Qingdao Arts and Crafts School Study, 1992 Central Academy of Fine Arts It is the first time to successfully hold a personal painting exhibition.
He absorbed the essence of tradition painting in water colours The characteristics of law regard the simplicity of nature and the harmony of nature and man as their ultimate aesthetic pursuit. The painting style is gloomy, simple and luxuriant, the artistic conception is remote and profound, and the style is pure and elegant. There is a vivid and broad high rhyme, deep feeling and rough and harsh life experience in the pen and ink, which exudes a kind of fresh air, astringent and heavy ambiguity, frank interest and quiet and far thinking. It is full of thick life charm and unique personality charm, and has endless aftertaste outside the screen.
His works have participated in many national large-scale art exhibitions and album publications, and have been exhibited and collected in South Korea, Singapore, Canada, Belgium, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, the United Arab Emirates and other countries《 Fine Arts 》,《 artist of traditional Chinese painting 》,《 Art Newspaper 》,《 Chinese Pictorial 》,《 Calligraphy and painting 》,《 Art Grand View 》,《 Shandong Pictorial 》《 Qilu Evening News 》And many other media published special presentations on his works. [2]

sample reels

Wang Chenghua's works include "Selected Pastoral Landscape Works", etc.

Character evaluation

In history Literary history , or the history of calligraphy, or Art history Those who have their own place on the road are those who actively explore new horizons and contribute their unique values to history on the way of predecessors; Follow the past, imitate and copy the trend, and eventually be washed or obliterated by the torrent of history. Mr. Wang Chenghua is a painter who belongs to the former and has artistic personality. On the road of art, he indulged in it, blazed a new trail, diligently pursued it, and never turned back. After decades of tempering and exploration, he finally formed his own distinctive style with unprecedented realm, profound cultivation, elegant character, and unique brush and ink, and finally became a major figure in contemporary Chinese painting.
Mr. Wang Chenghua's brush and ink skills are the most commendable. As an outstanding representative figure of contemporary literati painting, his grasp of brush and ink and the use of color have almost reached the point of freewill and pure. He brought the Chinese painting into full play. Let the imagination gallop, listen to the evolution of feeling, which makes his works show endless changes, thick and elegant beauty. It not only inherits the previous works such as Chen Zizhuang Lin Fengmian It has its own personality and transcendence.

Artist's Quotations

High style and new conception are the life elements of works of art. Once they catch the craftsmanship and vulgarity, they will go down the road to vulgarity.
The combination of profound knowledge, rich experience, high understanding and abundant emotion can create moving works.
Painting art does not look at the process, but at the final effect. Any method and means in this process can only serve the final effect if they are sublimated to perception.
The level of the work depends on the work itself, and any additional expression is meaningless.
In art exploration, following the trend, imitation and patchwork are undesirable.
Art should go its own way, and there is no way out of others' way.
Learning is a real thing, which should not be mixed with any falsehood. Any art needs its nourishment.