Wang Xingang

Mainland Chinese actors
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Wang Xingang, born in Liaoning Province on January 1, 1932 Dalian , Mainland Chinese actor.
In 1956, he starred in his first film《 Silent Woods 》, from which he began his film career. In 1958, he acted in a drama film《 An indelible radio wave 》This is the first time Wang Xingang plays the villain role [1] In 1961, starred in a war movie《 Red Detachment of Women [2] In 1962, he was elected as one of the "22 film stars of New China" by the Ministry of Culture of China [3] In 1965, he acted in a drama film《 Immortality in fire 》。 In 1974, in the war movie《 Scout 》China plays Guo Rui, a reconnaissance staff officer. In 1978, he acted in a drama film《 The river runs 》。 In 1982, with the help of plot films《 Bosom friend 》Won the Best Actor Award of the 5th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Award.
1990, and Phillip Borsos Co directing feature films《 Bethune: The Growth of a Hero 》The film won the National Excellent Film Award Special Award. In 1991, Wang Xingang was recorded《 Dictionary of Chinese Film and Television Artists 》。 In 1995, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of world film and the 90th anniversary of the birth of Chinese film, he won the "China Film Century Award". In 2005, he was awarded the title of "National Film Artist with Outstanding Contributions" by the Ministry of Personnel and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television [4] In 2006, starred in a tribute film《 My Long March [5] In 2009, he won the "Lifetime Achievement Award" of the 12th Film Performing Arts Association Award [6] In 2012, he was awarded the "China Film Lifetime Achievement Award" by Asian acting celebrities. In 2014, Wang Xingang won the 23rd Golden Rooster Award for Lifetime Achievement.
True name
Wang Xingang
Foreign name
Xingang Wang [12]
Hsing Gang Wang
Ethnic groups
Hui nationality [7]
one's native heath
Dalian, Liaoning Province
date of birth
January 1, 1932
Blood group
Type A [12]
Key achievements
Best Actor of the 5th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Award
One of the 22 stars approved by the Ministry of Culture
"China Film Century Award"
"China Film Lifetime Achievement Award" for Asian celebrities
The 23rd session Golden Rooster Awards Lifetime Achievement Award open

Early experience

Wang Xingang loved literature and art since childhood, and was particularly interested in stage performance. After entering middle school, under the leadership of Chinese teachers, he took part in amateur art performances.
In 1949, when he was about to graduate from middle school, he took part in the training class for the backbone of literature and art held by Shenyang. Later, he joined the Art and Industry Corps of the Northeast Military Industry Bureau (Later changed to the Anti enemy Drama Troupe) , became a drama actor, and later became an actor of Shenyang Army Anti enemy Drama Troupe.
In September 1950, Wang Xingang joined the army. Later, he became an actor of the Cultural and Industrial Troupe of the Military Industry Bureau of Shenyang Military Region.
In September 1951, he became an actor of the Northeast Military Region Arts and Crafts Troupe.

Performing experience

In 1956 Changchun Film Studio Invited by, starred in my first film《 Silent Woods 》, from which he began his film career.
In 1957, he co starred in a feature film with Gegantana and Chaolu《 Herdsman's Son 》In the film, he plays the demobilized soldier Deligal, who leads the herdsmen to repair the canal.
In 1958, transferred to Ba-Yi Film Studio Acting as a film actor; Same year as Sun Daolin Yuan Xia Jointly starring in a feature film based on the deeds of martyr Li Bai《 An indelible radio wave 》In the film, Wang Xingang plays the role of villain for the first time since he was in the film [1]
1959, and Wang Xiaotang Zhang Yongshou Co starring in war movies《 Sea hawk [8]
In 1960, in the drama film《 Menglongsha 》As Jiang Hong, the instructor of a PLA department.
1961, and Zhu Xijuan Co starring by Xie Jin Directed war movies《 Red Detachment of Women 》In the film, he plays Hong Changqing, who is determined, strong, emotional and loyal to the revolutionary cause [2]
In 1962, Wang Xingang was selected by the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China as one of the "22 New China Movie Stars" [3]
In 1963, he co starred in war movies with Wang Xiaotang《 Wildfire Spring Wind Fighting Ancient City 》, playing Yang Xiaodong, a political commissar of the guerrillas.
1965, and Tian Hua Xing Jitian And co starred in spy war movies《 Secret drawings 》, playing Chen Liang, the officer of the security department of the military region in the film; In the same year, acting by algal bloom Directed the plot film Eternal Life in the Fire. In January 1973, he joined the Communist Party of China.
In 1974, with Jin Zhengyuan Yu Lan Co starring in war movies《 Scout 》In the film, he plays Guo Rui, a reconnaissance staff officer disguised as the chief of enemy operations.
In December 1975, he served as the deputy director of Bayi Film Studio.
1976, and Liu Xiaoqing Stony tenacity And other co starring in plot movies《 The Great Wall of the South China Sea 》In the film, he played the role of District Talent of the Company Commander of the Great Nangang Militia.
In 1978, with Zhang Ruifang Chen Qiang Jointly starring in feature films《 The river runs 》。
1979, and Wang Fuli Co starring in plot movies《 Green sea and horizon 》, playing plant researcher Nan Lin in the film.
In 1981, with Lin Ying Co starring in a feature film《 To mourn the death 》In the film, he plays Juan Sheng, an intellectual who is dissatisfied with the ruling class.
1982, and Zhang Yu And other co starring in plot movies《 Bosom friend 》In the film, he plays Cai E, a patriotic general who is deep in city, has broad ideas, does not look happy or angry, and is resourceful and courageous in the face of complex situations. He won the Best Actor Award of the 5th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Award for this film.
In 1987, she co starred in a costume film with Vick《 King Sulu and Chinese Emperor 》。
In September 1988, he became a national first-class actor.
In February 1989, with the approval of the General Political Department, he was treated as a deputy military officer; In the same year, it was rated as one of the top ten movie stars in the forty years since the founding of the People's Republic of China.
1990, and Phillip Borsos Co directing feature films《 Bethune: The Growth of a Hero [9] The film won the National Excellent Film Award Special Award.
In 1991, it was recorded《 Dictionary of Chinese Film and Television Artists 》。
In July 1993, he enjoyed special government allowance.
In 1994, he served as a member of the presidium of the China Film Association and the executive director of the Performance Society.
In December 1995, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the world film and the 90th anniversary of the birth of the Chinese film, he won the "China Film Century Award"; In the same year, he was elected as "Chinese Movie Star".
In 2005, he was awarded the title of "National Film Artist with Outstanding Contributions" by the Ministry of Personnel and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television [4] In the same year, at the 100th anniversary of the birth of Chinese films, Wang Xingang was rated as "One Hundred Outstanding Actors in Chinese Films" [10]
In 2006, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March, he starred in a tribute film《 My Long March [5]
In 2009, he won the "Lifetime Achievement Award" of the 12th Film Performing Arts Association Award [6]
In 2012, he was awarded the "China Film Lifetime Achievement Award" by Asian acting celebrities.
In 2014, Wang Xingang won the 23rd Golden Rooster Award for Lifetime Achievement.

Personal life

Wang Xingang's father is an accountant and his wife is Yang Shaocai.

Main works


Film participation

My Long March two thousand and six
Wang Rui
Zhai Junjie Wang Jia Yang Jun
to star
Zhong Qiu Wang Jia
King Sulu and Chinese Emperor one thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven
Zhu Di, Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty
Xiao Lang Eddie Romino Qiu Lili
to star
Bosom friend one thousand nine hundred and eighty-one
Cai E
Xie Tieli
to star
Zhang Yu
To mourn the death one thousand nine hundred and eighty-one
algal bloom
to star
Huang Zongluo
Green sea and horizon one thousand nine hundred and seventy-nine
to star
Wang Fuli
The river runs one thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight
Qin County Chief
Xie Tieli
to star
Zhang Ruifang
The Great Wall of the South China Sea one thousand nine hundred and seventy-six
Qu Yingcai
Li Jun
to star
Liu Xiaoqing
Secret drawings one thousand nine hundred and sixty-five
Chen Gumou
Hao Guang
to star
Tian Hua Xing Jitian
Immortality in fire one thousand nine hundred and sixty-five
Liu Siyang
algal bloom
to star
Zhao Dan Yu Lan
Scout one thousand nine hundred and sixty-four
Guo Rui
Li Culture
to star
Jin Zhengyuan Wang Dacheng
one /2


Three comrades in arms
Cold War
Li Chuang Wang

Directed works

Bethune: The Growth of a Hero

Supervised works

Bethune: The Growth of a Hero

Award record

Film and television
Award time Award Name Award results
2020-10 The 70th Anniversary of the Founding of New China [11] Award
2022-1-5 New Era International Film Festival · Golden Flower Award - 100 filmmakers with outstanding contributions [13] Award
Award time Award Name award-winning work Award results
two thousand and fourteen The 23rd session China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival Lifetime Achievement Award Award
two thousand and twelve "China Film Lifetime Achievement Award" for Asian celebrities Award
two thousand and nine The 12th Film Performing Arts Society Award "Lifetime Achievement Award" [6] Award
two thousand and five One hundred outstanding actors in Chinese films [10] Award
two thousand and five National film artists with outstanding contributions [4] Award
one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five China Film Century Award Award
one thousand nine hundred and ninety Special Award of National Excellent Film Award Bethune: The Growth of a Hero Award
one thousand nine hundred and eighty-two The 5th session Popular Film Hundred Flowers Award Best Actor Award Bosom friend Award

Character evaluation

Wang Xingang is the most beautiful man and handsome guy in the eyes of Chinese audiences, as well as the strength and skill of film performance. He is decent, low-key and realistic, and his personality charm is worth writing. With his handsome image and superb acting skills, he has created a vivid screen image for the audience. Wang Xingang is the kind of person who either doesn't do anything or does it well. Although he has superior external conditions, he is not complacent or arrogant, nor does he have a hot head; Instead, they are modest and prudent, honest and practical, and act steadfastly, forming a simple and natural, passionate, delicate and elegant artistic style, which is popular and respected by Chinese audiences. He not only has excellent acting skills, but also is very open-minded and upright. He never regards himself as a star, but always treats himself and demands himself as an ordinary actor. When there is a shooting task, as long as the director finds him, the schedule is also appropriate, and he always happily agrees without saying anything( China Social Sciences Online Review )。