Wang Yanjun

The Third Emperor of Fujian
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Wang Yanjun (? - 935), who was renamed Wang phosphonium (also known as Wang Lin) after his succession, was the third emperor of Fujian. Wang Shenzhi second son, Wang Yanhan Brother.
Wang Yanjun was the governor of Quanzhou. In the second year of Tiancheng (927), he killed his brother Wang Yanhan and became independent. cover Wang Yangen They are recommended to be powerful and stay behind. May, Ming Clan of the Later Tang Dynasty Wang Yanjun was appointed Military Commissioner , keep Middle order , the Langya King. In July, the Later Tang Dynasty sent an official doctor Pei Yu , Yousanqi Chang Shilu Chong, and Wang Yanjun was granted the title of King of Fujian. In December of the second year of Changxing in the Later Tang Dynasty (931), Chen Shouyuan Under the order of Emperor Bao, Wang Yanjun was advised to "avoid the throne and accept the Tao, and be the Son of Heaven for 60 years." So Wang Yanjun abdicated his throne to his eldest son, Wei Wujun, the Vice Minister of Justice Wang Jipeng , become Taoist , take the road number Xuanxi. In the spring and March of the next year, it was required that the later Tang Dynasty imitate Wu Yue Qian Liu Southern Chu Ma Yin For example, call yourself Shangshu Decree When the Later Tang Dynasty did not answer, Wang Yanjun broke off the relationship between the two sides.
In the fourth year of Changxing in the Later Tang Dynasty (933), Wang Yanjun became emperor and changed the year title to Longqi , the country name "Damin". Min Yonghe In the first year (935), his son Wang Jipeng Killed. After his death, his posthumous title was Emperor Hui and his temple was Taizong Qi Su Emperor Mingxiao, Temple Huizong).
Full Name
Wang Yanjun
Fujian Huizong Wang phosphonium Wang Lin
Posthumous title
Emperor Hui (first emperor Qi Su and Ming Xiao)
Seal number
King Min, King Langya [3] [6]
Temple name
Taizong (Yizuo Huizong)
Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Gushi County, Guangzhou (Located in Gushi County, Henan Province today)
Date of death
Place of death
Changyuefu [20] (Located in today's Fuzhou, Fujian Province)
In office time
King of Fujian Wang Yanhan
Min Kangzong Wang Yanxi (King of Fujian)

Character's Life


Kill Brother to usurp the throne

Fujian Taizu Wang Shenzhi 's adopted son Jianzhou Governor Wang Yangen , whose surname is Zhou, has been with Wang Shenzhi since he was alive Wang Yanhan Discord.
In the first year of Tiancheng in the later Tang Dynasty (926), Wang Yanhan succeeded to the position of monarch of Fujian. Wang Yanhan despised his brother, who bullied him. After inheriting the throne for more than a month, he let his brother Wang Yanjun take office in Quanzhou Assassin Wang Yanjun was so angry that he conspired with Wang Yanxian to eradicate Wang Yanhan. [1]
In December of the first year of Tiancheng (926), Wang Yantian led the army to capture and kill Wang Yanhan. The next day, Wang Yanjun led the army to the end. Because he was an adopted son, Wang Yantian elected Wang Yanjun to the throne and changed his name to Wang phosphonium [2] After Wang Yanjun succeeded to the throne, the later Tang Dynasty worshipped governor of one or more provinces , add up the chief inspector Middle order , the King of Fujian. [3]
On the 16th day of the first month of the second year of Tiancheng (927), Wang Yan reported back statehood Wang Yanjun went to the suburbs give a farewell dinner Before leaving, Wang Yanxian said to Wang Yanjun, "Carry on the aspirations of our ancestors, and don't bother my brother to come again!" [4] Wang Yanjun agrees. [5]
On the third day of May in the second year of Tiancheng (927), the Later Tang Dynasty appointed Wang Yanjun as its envoy Langya King [6]

Delayed reporting of capture and killing

Changxing In the second year (931), Wang Yantian led his troops to attack Wang Yanjun and attack the west gate, making his son Wang Jixiong attack the south gate by sea. Wang Yanjun sent Wang Renda to resist. Wang Renda ambushed the elite soldiers on the ship, raised a white flag and pretended to surrender. Wang Jixiong believed it, so he boarded the ship. After boarding the ship, Wang Renda ambushed Wang Jixiong, assassinated him, cut off his head and hung it on the west gate. When the soldiers saw it, they fled in disorder. Wang Yanfeng was captured. Wang Yanjun mocked him and said, "I have no intention of inheriting my ancestors. I really need you to come here again!" Wang Yantian could not answer, so he was killed. Son of Wang Yantian Wang Jisheng Defending Jianzhou, he fled to Wu Yue State [7]
In the third year of Changxing (932), Wang Yanjun wrote Later Tang Dynasty The court said, "The King of Chu Ma Yin , King Wu Yue Qian Liu They are all ministers. Most of them are dead now. Please make them ministers. " Later Tang did not agree, so Wang Yanjun refused to pay tribute to the latter Tang. [8]

Believe in ghosts and worship Taoism

Wang Yanjun believed in the words of ghosts and gods and Taoism, and once took the Taoist name as Xuanxi. Taoist Chen Shouyuan He was trusted because he would go astray, and built a treasure palace for Chen Shouyuan to live in. Chen Shouyuan said to Wang Yanjun, "The Emperor Bao ordered the king to abdicate for a while, and then he could be the emperor for sixty years." Wang Yanjun gladly abdicated and ordered his son Wang Jipeng In charge of government affairs. Soon after the restoration, Chen Shouyuan was sent to ask the Emperor Bao: "What will you do in 60 years?" [9]
In the fourth year of Changxing (933), Wang Yanjun officially became emperor and was granted the title of Baohuang Palace, changing the year title to Longqi , the country name "Damin". After his posthumous title, Wang Shen knew that he was Emperor Zhaowuxiao, whose temple was called Taizu, built five temples, set up hundreds of officials, and changed Fuzhou into Changle Mansion. The State of Fujian is a small country with insufficient national resources, so Xue Wenjie, an envoy of the Central Military, was appointed as the national strategist. Xue Wenjie often investigates folk secrets, finds the fault of the rich, confiscates their property for national use, and Fujian people are full of complaints. He also recommended the evil witch Xu Yan, saying: "Your Majesty has many treacherous ministers. If you don't ask the ghosts and gods, the country will be in chaos." Wang Yanjun asked Xu Yan to watch ghosts in the palace. [10]

Relations with ministers

Sin Wu Kills the British Soldiers Anger
Xue Wenjie and the Privy Council envoy Wu Ying are at odds. Wu Ying is sick and asks for leave. Xue Wenjie says to Wu Ying, "The Lord has asked the public bearer to be the Privy Council envoy, but the Lord has repeatedly asked for sick leave, and the Lord wants to dismiss the public." Wu Ying says, "What should we do?" Xue Wenjie coaxes Wu Ying into saying, "If the Lord sends someone to visit the doctor, he will say, 'It's just a headache. There's no other disease.'" Wu Ying believes. The next day, Wang Yanjun asked the witch to check Wu Ying's condition. The witch said, "Entering the North Temple, Wu Ying was interrogated by Chongshun King, and said, 'How dare you conspire?' Knock his head with a golden mallet." Wang Yanjun told Xue Wenjie that the witch had said well. Xue Wenjie said, "You can't trust him, you should ask him about his condition." Wang Yanjun sent someone to ask him, and Wu Ying said, "It's a headache." Wang Yanjun is convinced of the witch's words, and takes Wu Ying to prison. He orders Xue Wenjie to interrogate him. Wu Ying is forced to confess and killed. Wu Ying used to be in charge of the Fujian Army, which was very popular. The soldiers were furious when they heard that Wu Ying had been killed. [11]
Cherish Wenjie's dismembered corpse
In the same year, Southern Wu When he attacked Jianzhou, Wang Yanjun sent his general Wang Yanzong to rescue him. The soldiers refused to go forward and said, "Give Xue Wenjie up and march." Wang Yanjun cherishes Xue Wenjie and is unwilling to give him up. His son Wang Jipeng asked to hand over Xue Wenjie to solve the urgent problem, so he sent Xue Wenjie to the army in a trap car. Xue Wenjie is proficient in fortune telling and divines for himself, saying, "Don't worry after three days." When the escort heard about it, he arrived day and night in only two days. The soldiers were so angry that they shredded Xue Wenjie's body in the market. Fujian people rushed to hit him with tile stones, and his body was eaten up all at once. The next day, Wang Yanjun's envoy arrived to forgive him. It was too late. At the beginning, Xue Wenjie built a guard car for Wang Yanjun. He thought that the former guard car was too loose, so he designed a new one to let the top and bottom pass through. The iron awnings inside were opposite, and he accidentally met the iron awnings. After making it, he first tasted its taste. [12]
Beware of Renda's killing
In the third year of Longqi (935), the year number was changed to Yonghe Wang Renda was responsible for killing Wang Yantian for Wang Yanjun. Wang Yanjun was wary of him and asked Wang Renda:“ eunuch who conspired with Li Si to influence the succession to the First Emperor Is it true that a deer is a horse to fool the second? " Wang Renda said:“ Second Emperor of the Qin dynasty Confused, so Zhao Gao deliberately misrepresent It is not Zhao Gaoneng who fooled the Second. Now your majesty is sage, and the court officials are less than 100. Your majesty knows that some people dare to bully the king and destroy his nine ethnic groups. " Wang Yanjun was ashamed and gave him gold and silk to appease him. After retiring from the imperial court, he said to people: "Wang Renda has wisdom and strategy. I can use him when I am alive, and can't leave legacy for future generations." Finally, he found an excuse to kill Wang Renda. [13]

Lust Queen

Wang Yanjun's wife died early, and his stepfamily, the Jin family, was virtuous but taciturn. Her father's servant girl was named Chen Jinfeng Wang Yanjun is very fond of her. [14] In February of the first year of Yonghe (935), Wang Yanjun appointed Chen Jinfeng as the queen. [15]
At the beginning, Wang Yanjun had a favorite official named Gui Shouming, who was honored and called Guilang because of his handsome appearance. After Wang Yanjun came down with a wind disease, Chen Jinfeng committed adultery with Gui Shouming. Another centurion envoy named Li Keyin also committed adultery with Chen Jinfeng because he was introduced by Gui Shouming. Wang Yanjun ordered the brocade workers to make the Jiulong tent, and the Chinese people sang, "Who is the Jiulong tent, but only store it for a man!" [16]

Be killed by children

Wang Yanjun 's maid Spring geese (《 Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government 》Work Li Chunyan [17] )Beautiful, its son Wang Jipeng After Wang Yanjun fell ill, Wang Jipeng asked Chen Jinfeng to ask Wang Yanjun for spring geese. Wang Yanjun reluctantly gave them to him. His second son Wang Jitao Angered, Wang Jipeng plans to kill Wang Jipeng. Wang Jipeng is afraid and discusses with Li Fang, the Imperial City envoy, how to deal with Wang Jitao. [18]
On October 18 of the first year of Yonghe (935), Wang Yanjun rewarded the soldiers in the Dayoufu Hall. He sat in the hall in a daze and said that he saw Wang Yanfeng. Li Fang thought Wang Yanjun was terminally ill again, so he ordered the soldiers to kill Li Keyin at home first. On the morning of October 18th and 9th, when Wang Yanjun went to court, he asked Li Fang why he killed Li Keyin. Li Fang came out in panic and went into the palace with Wang Jipeng and the guards of the imperial city. When Wang Yanjun heard the sound of drums, he hid in the Kowloon tent. The guards stabbed him seriously. The palace people couldn't bear to see him suffer, so they killed him. Wang Jitao, Chen Jinfeng and Gui Shouming were killed by Li Fang. After Wang Yanjun died, his posthumous title was Emperor Hui and his temple was Taizong (Zizhi Tongjian) Qi Su Emperor Mingxiao, Temple Huizong [19] )。 [20]

Measures for politics



  • Appoint associates
In the fourth year of Changxing (933), Wang Yanjun officially proclaimed himself emperor and appointed his subordinate Li Min as Left Minion Shooting Servant , his son, Vice Minister of Temperance Wang Jipeng He is a right footman and a middle school waiter, both of whom are in the same chapter; Wu Xu, a trusted subordinate official, was appointed as Privy Envoy. [21]
  • Domestic stability
Wang Yanjun knows Min As the country was small and the land was partial, he often paid attention to building good relations with his four neighbors, so under his rule, the territory of Fujian was still stable. [22]


  • Buddhism
In December of the third year of Tiancheng (928), Wang Yanjun ordered 20000 people to leave the secular world and become monks. From then on Min There are more and more monks in the territory. [23]


In the fourth year of Changxing (933), the state-owned people in Fujian said that there was a dragon in the real house where Wang Yanjun lived before he became the lord of the country. Wang Yanjun changed the name of the house to Longyue Palace, and officially became emperor, changing the year name to Longqi. [24]

Historical evaluation

Ouyang Xiu History of the New Five Dynasties 》: "Phosphonium is good for ghosts and gods, and it is said by Taoism" [25]
author of the history Zizhi Tongjian Comprehensive Mirror for Aid Government 》"To be sure, the palace was built in a grand way, which is the most prosperous of civil engineering." [26]
Five Country Stories 》: ① "No magic." [27] ;② "It is also good at guarding. Compared with seasonal transportation, it is arrogantly called a big name." [27]

Historical records

History of the Old Five Dynasties ·Volume 134: Biography I [28]
History of the New Five Dynasties ·Volume 68: The Eighth Fujian Family [25]
Spring and Autumn of the Ten Kingdoms ·Min Er · Huizong's History [29]
"Zizhi Tongjian, Volume 276" [31]
"Zizhi Tongjian, Volume 278" [26]
"Zizhi Tongjian, Volume 279" [32]
Five Country Stories ·Volume II [27]

member of family



Father: Fujian Taizu Wang Shenzhi , the founding monarch of Fujian.


Queen Liu Hua, Southern Han Dynasty Princess Qingyuan , Wang Yanjun's first wife, who died early, had the posthumous title of "Madam Minghui". She has four sons and two daughters. Wang Yanjun was crowned Queen after he ascended the throne.
Madam Kim
queen Chen Jinfeng , who had a son and was killed by Li Fang in 935.


  • Son
Wang Jiyan (Wang Jiyu), Queen Liu Hua, feudal king, was Wang Yanxi Poisoning.
Wang Jitao , the Queen Liu Hua, who was granted the title of King Fu in 935 Li Fang Killed.
Wang Jipeng Wang Chang ), Min Kangzong, Queen Liu Hua, was Double encounter Killed.
Wang Jigong , the Queen Liu Hua, the King of Linhai County, was killed by Lian Chongyu in 939.
Wang Jirong (Wang Jiyong), the Queen Chen Jinfeng, the official worshipped the guards of the Six Armies.
  • daughter
The eldest daughter Wang's (Name and title unknown), the Queen Liu Hua.
Emperor's Second Daughter Wang's (Name and title unknown), the Queen Liu Hua.