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Wang Shouren

Wang Shouren, mathematician One of the organizers of the teaching and research of probability theory and mathematical statistics in China. He is committed to the research of nonparametric statistical theory, time series, generalized process theory, and objective economic situation prediction and analysis. He has been the leader of the Chinese Mathematics Society for a long time and has made positive contributions to the development of mathematics in China.
Chinese name
Wang Shouren
Ethnic groups
Native place
date of birth
July 21, 1916


Wang Shouren, mathematician He graduated from Mathematics Department of Peking University in 1938. Former post Southwest Associated University Assistant, lecturer of Peking University. Successive posts after the founding of the People's Republic of China Chinese Academy of Sciences Associate researcher and researcher of the Institute of Mathematics, Institute of Applied Mathematics Researcher, Deputy Director, Secretary of the Second Secretariat of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, International Statistical Institute Director. This paper studies the relationship between the least squares estimation and the optimal estimation of regression coefficients under stationary random interference. It is the first time to prove that the quadratic estimation has near optimality, which provides a theory for the use of simple least squares estimation. The mathematical model of gyro offset rate in the submarine navigation system of our country has been established to solve the stability of the platform. For the computer control of cement production in wet rotary kiln, an optimal control mathematical model is established. Together with Chen Zhaoguo, he proposed a linear method to estimate the order of the "autoregressive moving average" model, thus significantly reducing the amount of calculation.

curriculum vitae

1922-1928 Tianjin Minli No. 1 Primary School.
1928-1934 Hebei The provincial No. 1 Middle School.
1934-1937 Studied in the Department of Computing, Peking University.
From November 1937 to February 1938, he studied in Changsha Temporary University.
He graduated from the Mathematics Department of Southwest United University in the summer of 1938.
From 1939 to 1946, he was employed by Peking University as an assistant teacher in the Department of Mathematics of Southwest United University. During this period, he was secretary in any year (1939-1940).
From 1946-1950, he was a lecturer in the Department of Mathematics of Peking University.
From 1951 to 1979, he served as assistant researcher (1951), associate researcher (1953), researcher (1978) of the Institute of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, executive director (1951-1983), deputy secretary-general (1960-1981), and secretary-general (1981-1983) of the Chinese Mathematical Society.
1979-1984 Deputy Director of Institute of Applied Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Character's Life


Educational career

School of Physics, Peking University
Wang Shouren's 6th annual income Tianjin Minli No. 1 Primary School (founder Yan Fansun, chief education officer at the beginning of the Republic of China) adopts the western education model, and teachers are versatile Heuristic teaching , has cultivated Wang Shouren's preference for mathematics. In 1928, Wang Shouren was admitted to Hebei Provincial No. 1 Middle School (formerly known as Lingdange Middle School, now known as Tianjin No.3 Middle School )Most of the teachers in the school have professional academic background. Since the second grade, textbooks in foreign languages have been used. Wang Shouren prefers mathematics, physics and English. In addition to the normal courses, the school holds mathematics, English, Chinese and calligraphy competitions every year. Wang Shouren once won the first place in calligraphy, mathematics and English competitions. He also loves martial arts. He has been the president of the school martial arts association from the third day of junior high school to the graduation of senior high school. He has a lot of experience in practicing various martial arts such as shape, gossip and Tai Chi. In senior high school, Wang Shouren has always been among the best in various subjects, but he is not interested in biology, geography and other subjects. When he was in middle school, he showed his organizational ability. He was once responsible for school anniversary activities and organized students to perform music, martial arts, and Peking Opera, which was highly praised. In 1934, Wang Shouren successively passed the examination Peking University College of Science and School of Engineering, Nankai University. Finally, I chose the Department of Computing, Peking University, where professors are powerful. The four professors in the department were Jiang Zehan (dean) Feng Zuxun Hu Xiangji and American scholar W.F. Osgood (1934-1936, taught at Peking University). During his term of office, Jiang Zehan changed the tradition of only emphasizing extensive reading, established a research atmosphere, and built a library with rich mathematical journals in the Department of Mathematics. In addition to the required courses in the intensive reading department (calculus, equation theory, real variable and complex variable function theory, linear algebra, group theory, partial differential equation, tensor geometry, general physics, general chemistry, thermodynamics, English, German), Wang Shouren also took courses in other departments such as economic statistics, introduction to science, and history of opera. When he was in the third year of university, he had the first total score in all subjects. In 1935, he served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Student Union of the university and participated in the famous "One Two Nine" student movement.

Teaching career

probability theory
1937“ July 7th Incident ”Later, Wang Shouren traveled southward with his classmates Changsha Temporary University (Jointly composed of Peking University, Tsinghua University and Nankai University, it was named Southwest Associated University after moving to Kunming in 1938) and Southwest Associated University completed their university studies. In 1939, he was employed by Peking University as an assistant professor in Southwest United University. At that time, there were also mathematics assistants from Peking University Sun Shuben , Long Jihe, Li Shenghua, Wang Xianghao, Luan Rushu, Fan? Etc. Wang Shouren and some teaching assistants have automatically organized the study of B.L. Van der Waerden's Modern Algebra, which has been photocopied and published recently in China, to make up for the lack of modern algebra knowledge. From 1939 to 1940, Wang Shouren served as the secretary of the Department of Mathematics (the head of the Department was Professor Yang Wuzhi of Tsinghua University. The former three mathematics professors of Southwest United University took turns to serve as the head of the Department of Mathematics). Xu Baoxuan During his time at Southwest United University, he taught Lebesgue integral, central limit theorem and related mathematical statistics courses, and directed Sun Shuben, Zhong Kailai, Wang Shouren, etc. to start the research on probability statistics. Wang Shouren has completed the paper on covariance (unpublished) and started to set foot in this subject, but has not yet determined the main research direction.
In 1946, Wang Shouren returned to Beiping with the school and served as a lecturer in the Department of Mathematics of Peking University (between the title of assistant and lecturer). In addition to teaching elementary and advanced calculus, he also offered an optional course "Fourier Analysis". His own interest also turned to this direction, and he published papers in this field on the Science Memorial Book for the 50th Anniversary of Peking University and the Scientific Record sponsored by the Central Academy of Research, which was well received. During the students' struggle against hunger, civil war and persecution before the liberation of Peiping, Wang Shouren actively participated in the activities of the Peking University Lecturer Assistant Association, which responded to the students' appeal to issue a strike declaration, implement the strike and support the students' just actions. At the beginning of the liberation of Peiping, Wang Shouren was one of the principals of the Faculty of Science of Peking University.

Research career

In October 1950, recommended by Jiang Zehan, dean of the Department of Mathematics of Peking University, Wang Shouren was transferred to the Preparatory Office of the Institute of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences as an assistant researcher, and soon went to Hunan to participate Land reform movement Months. In August 1951, the first congress of the Chinese Mathematical Society, which was reorganized after the founding of the People's Republic of China, was held in Beijing. Wang Shouren was entrusted by the Preparatory Committee to be responsible for the organization of this grand event in mathematics. The articles of association of the Chinese Mathematical Society passed at the conference determined that "unite mathematical workers, exchange experience, seek the popularization and improvement of mathematics New Democracy The purpose of the meeting is to work hard for economic and cultural construction. Elections by the General Assembly Hua Luogengbest-known Chinese mathematician He is the chairman of the Chinese Mathematics Association. Wang Shouren was elected as the executive director and was responsible for all secretarial matters of the Mathematics Society (there was no secretary-general at that time). At the beginning of the reorganization of the Chinese Mathematics Society, Hua Luogeng convened the executive director in Beijing almost every Sunday to discuss the direction and path of the development of Chinese mathematics. At that time, the consensus was that the development of applied mathematics should be accelerated, and the direct and practical tentacles of various branches of mathematics were differential equations and probability statistics. Therefore, it was agreed that Wu Xinmou would be responsible for the differential equation and Wang Shouren would be responsible for the organization of probability statistics. Since then, Wang Shouren has begun to focus on the research, introduction and research of international trends in the discipline of probability and statistics.
In July 1952, the Institute of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was officially established, and soon a probability and statistics group was set up, with Wang Shouren as the leader, and Zhang Liqian and Cheng Ping as early members. Based on the research on the dynamics of mathematical research in the Soviet Union, Wang Shouren put forward the direction of learning and studying nonparametric theory, and studied the systematic exposition of B. И. Smirnov (C ми p нов) order statistics The limit distribution of the literature.
In the autumn of 1953, the Chinese Mathematics Society organized an academic seminar focusing on analysis, and Wang Shouren was responsible for the specific organization. At the meeting, 15 people made special reports on function theory, differential equation and functional analysis, and 18 research papers were read out at the meeting. Since then, it has established the tradition of national mathematical academic exchanges organized by the Mathematics Society.
From 1954 to 1955, Wang Shouren began to study the stationary time series, and then made international achievements in the case of random fields.
Time series theory
In 1955, the Department of Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences made a decision that "the key sectors of development at this stage are differential equations, probability theory, mathematical statistics and computational mathematics, which are weak in foundation and urgently needed". According to this policy and the suggestions of Soviet experts, the first teaching and research section of probability and mathematical statistics in Chinese universities was founded in Peking University in 1956 (Xu Baoxuan was the first director). Wang Shouren was hired to teach limit theory and mathematical statistics in the Department of Mathematical Mechanics of Peking University. The Probability and Statistics Group of the Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences has also recruited new members from university graduates. From 1956 to 1957, Chen Xiru, Xu Guangwei and others came here successively.
In 1956, under the call of "marching towards science", the scientific community formulated a long-term plan for 12 years of scientific development. Zheng Zengtong and Wang Shouren participated in the work of the mathematical planning group as representatives of probability and statistics. In August of the same year, the Chinese Mathematics Society held a paper reading conference in Beijing to report the development trend of various disciplines and domestic research achievements. Wang Shouren is responsible for the collection of papers before the conference and the organization of the conference. This meeting is a review of the national mathematical research achievements after the reorganization of the Chinese Mathematical Society. The meeting was divided into 6 groups (number theory, algebra group, geometric topology group, function theory group, differential equation and integral equation group, functional analysis, probability theory and mathematical statistics, computational mathematics group, mathematical logic, mathematical foundation and mathematical history group), and reported nearly 170 papers, reflecting that China's mathematics has entered a comprehensive development period with a complete range of categories. From 1956 to 1958, the Probability and Statistics Group of the Institute of Mathematics invited many experts from the Soviet Union and Poland to give lectures on generalized processes, Markov processes, invariance principles, etc. In addition to organizing students to attend lectures and provide guidance, Wang Shouren has also served as a translator for many times. He himself has made some achievements in generalized process theory.
After the "Great Leap Forward" began in 1958, Wang Shouren was pulled out because he did not agree with some radical plans to catch up“ White flag ”, and was removed from the post of head of the Probability and Statistics Group of the Institute of Mathematics (in 1961, the Institute of Mathematics resumed its research office and group, and then served as the head of the Probability and Statistics Office again). In the following two years, Wang Shouren concentrated on cultivating students. At that time, the Institute of Mathematics recruited more than 20 probability and statistics advanced students from universities all over the country. Most of them became the backbone of probability and statistics teaching and research after returning to school. In 1960, the Chinese Mathematics Society held its second meeting in Shanghai National Congress Wang Shouren was elected as the Executive Director and Deputy Secretary General, and continued to be responsible for the publications and academic activities of the Society. In 1962, Wang Shouren was entrusted by the Mathematics Society to organize a specific organization in Beijing summer palace The symposium on the basic disciplines of mathematics was held to summarize the experience and lessons from the "Great Leap Forward". The meeting played a role in promoting the resumption of the research on mathematical basic theory that was interrupted by the impact during the "Great Leap Forward".
Since 1966“ the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution ”It has greatly impacted the teaching and research of mathematics and widened the distance between China's mathematics level and the international advanced level. In 1973, in order to enter the mainstream of international research as soon as possible, Wang Shouren led two discussion classes in the Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences: the martingale discussion class and the time series discussion class, which enabled a group of young and middle-aged scholars to quickly contact new topics and achieved a number of good results. Wang Shouren, in cooperation with his students, has made important achievements in the analysis of modern stable time series. He also presided over and wrote about Kalman filtering Works of.
In 1978, the Chinese Mathematics Society held the first National Mathematics Annual Conference and the third National Congress after the "Cultural Revolution" in Chengdu. Wang Shouren and Tian Fangzeng were responsible for the preparation and secretarial work of the conference. Wang Shouren also assisted President Hua Luogeng in drafting the opening speech of the conference, which summarized the work of the Mathematics Society since liberation, and analyzed various ideological trends in the mathematical world, It has put forward "clarifying ideas and uniting comrades", "stabilizing the team", "developing each branch discipline proportionally, comprehensively and step by step", "selecting talents through multiple ways and standards", "daring to innovate" and carrying forward "three old and four strict" (being honest, speaking honestly, doing honest things, strict requirements, strict organization, serious attitude and strict discipline) The scientific attitude of the Institute's work policy. The Council was re elected at this annual meeting. Wang Shouren was continuously elected as the Executive Director and Deputy Secretary General. In 1981, he succeeded Sun Keding as Secretary General (until 1983).
In October 1983, Wang Shouren made a work report on behalf of the standing council at the fourth congress of the Chinese Mathematical Society held in Wuhan, summarizing the academic exchanges, mathematical popularization, publication and organization of the society at home and abroad after 1978. The meeting completed the new and old leadership of the Maths Association, and Yang Le succeeded Wang Shouren as the Secretary General. Although Wang Shouren no longer serves as a director, he continues to work for the Institute. In 1988, he took office as a young man Olympic Committee of China Mathematics Association chairman. In 1990, the International Mathematical Olympiad was held in China for the first time (the 31st session). He took the responsibility of the Secretary General of the Organizing Committee. In addition, Wang Shouren also served as the China Association for Science and Technology The director of the subordinate Youth Science and Technology Counselor Association dedicated Yu Regong to the next generation.
After 1985, Wang Shouren turned his research work to the application of probability statistics. He served as the head of the Population and Economy Research Group of the Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, trained nearly 20 master students in applied statistics for the National Bureau of Statistics, and made a number of achievements.
Wang Shouren also served as secretary of the secretariat of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology and director of the International Statistical Society. incumbent China Statistical Society Vice President, Honorary Director of the Chinese Society of Probability and Statistics.

Publishing books


research findings


Nonparametric statistical study

Wang Shouren's research work in probability and statistics and his contributions to the cause of probability and statistics in China are multifaceted. In the early and middle 1950s, the number of domestic scientific research and teaching talents in this discipline was still very small. Therefore, engaging in this research not only needs to overcome more difficulties, but also plays a role in connecting with international trends and guiding future talents.
In the early 1950s, Wang Shouren devoted himself to the research of nonparametric statistical theory, which was very popular and of great significance at that time. He successively published two papers and found two Independent identically distributed The limit distribution law of the ratio of empirical distribution of samples and the joint limit distribution of two order statistics are obtained for two limit cases that have not been studied, thus expanding the work of the famous Soviet mathematician Smirnov and the Hungarian mathematician R é nyi. Zhang Liqian, an early member of the Probability and Statistics Group of the Institute of Mathematics headed by him, also soon made excellent achievements in this direction and won international acclaim.

Research on Time Series

time series It is also a branch of probability and statistics that flourished in the 1950s. Wang Shouren paid close attention to this aspect of work very early. In 1957, he extended a basic result of the Soviet mathematician A.H. Kolmogorov (K олмого p ов) on the interpolation problem of stationary sequences to the stationary (homogeneous) random fields on multi-dimensional lattice points, and proved the corresponding theorem for the case of spectral density. In 1958, he put Sweden The mathematician U. Grenander's elegant theorem on the asymptotic variance and comparison of two linear estimates of the coefficients of regression models with stationary residuals is completely extended to multi-dimensional lattice stationary fields. In order to overcome the difficulties of multivariable fields, he adopted a different method from the original theorem proof. This achievement was of international level at that time, and promoted several domestic work in the same direction.
In addition, Wang Shouren also solved a conjecture about independent incremental generalized processes in the theory of generalized processes. In 1962, for the first time, we studied the stochastic signal model with nonlinear parameters on a strict mathematical level, and gave a set of sufficient conditions for the likelihood equation to be solvable, as well as the asymptotic distribution of the maximum likelihood estimation of parameters.
Generalized process theory model
The People's Republic of China After its establishment, especially after 1958, according to the socialist The construction and scientific and technological undertakings are in urgent need of professionals in probability theory and mathematical statistics, but the scientific research and teaching team is very weak. Wang Shouren, entrusted by the organization, has mainly undertaken the task of cultivating talents in the Institute of Mathematics. In this regard, in addition to lecturing basic theories in person, he paid special attention to the research trend of international probability theory, introduced some subjects and topics that were very active and promising at that time to China in time through seminars, or translation and compilation of monographs, and created groups of young talents, which promoted the research and teaching of probability statistics in China. For example, in the 1950s, in order to introduce the newly developed and highly valued information theory of C.E. Shannon, he wrote the book "Mathematical Theory of Information", translated and published the famous books "Limit Distribution of the Sum of Mutual Independent Random Variables", "Random Process and Statistical Inference", etc.

Automatic control mathematics

In the early 1960s, he noticed in time that the new research achievements of Ukrainian mathematician A.B. Skorokhod (C короход) on stochastic integral and stochastic differential equation had broad prospects for development. He made a series of academic reports in the Institute of Mathematics, Fudan University and Xiamen University, vigorously introducing them. In the early 1970s, under the very difficult conditions when the Gang of Four tried to sabotage China's cultural, educational and scientific research undertakings, Wang Shouren supported the correct principles and policies implemented by Premier Zhou Enlai, Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping and the persons in charge sent by them to the Academy of Sciences, and reluctantly resumed the scientific research work of probability statistics. He grasped the R.E. Kalman filtering theory, which was very active in both theory and application in the world at that time, systematically investigated the literature, led a group of young researchers to organize seminars, and wrote the monograph "Mathematical Methods of Discrete Time System Filtering". With the deepening of scientific research, he also presided over the development of martingale theory and time series analysis. He also painstakingly participated in applied research projects such as automatic control mathematical model of converter steelmaking, rotary kiln cement production, inertial gyroscope drift analysis, etc. After the downfall of the Gang of Four, these scientific research projects have made great progress in the Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, obtained a number of internationally influential scientific research achievements, trained a number of masters and doctors, and emerged a number of outstanding young and middle-aged scientists. In recent years, he has exceeded the retirement age, and still works tirelessly. He has also done a lot of work in demographic statistics and the analysis and prediction of China's macroeconomic situation, which has attracted the attention of the relevant departments of the State Council.

Main works

1 Wang  Shou Ren.Proof  of  a  Probability  Iheorem  Related to CompleteConvergence  by  the  Method  of  Characteristic  Function.Science  Record,1951,4(3):201-208.
Journal of Mathematics
2 Wang Shouren. Limit distribution of empirical distribution ratio. Journal of Mathematics, 1955, 5 (2): 253-267
3 Wang Shouren. On the Interpolation of Homogeneous Random Fields on Integer Lattices. Advances in Mathematics, 1957, 3 (2): 257-262
4 Wang Shouren. The Limit of Common Distribution of Variant Terms. Journal of Mathematics, 1956, 6:389-404
5 Vvang  Shou-Ren.A  Note on  Generalized  Stochastic  ProC Css.SCienceRe Cord,New  Series,1958,2(1):15—18.
6 Wang Shouren. Estimation of regression coefficients of random fields on grid points. Acta Mathematica Sinica, 1958, 8:210-221
7 Wang Shouren. Utilization Maximum likelihood method Measured signal parameters. Progress in mathematics, 1962, 5 (1): 72-79
8 Wang  Shou-Ren,An  Hong Zhi,H.Tong.On the  distribution of a simplestationary  bilinear  process.Journal of  Time  Series  Ana1ysis,1983,4(3):209-216.
9 Wang Shouren, An Hongzhi. Compatibility of random self variable selection methods. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 1984, 1 (2) 13-22
10 Wang  Shouren,Chen  Zhaoguo.Estimation of the  order of ARMA modelby linear  procedures.Chin.Ann.of  Math.,1985(1).
11 Wang Shouren, An Hongzhi. Statistical Analysis of Generalized Linear Models. Applied Probability Statistics, 1985, 1 (1) 59-72
Huang Yuncheng, Wang Shouren, An Wanfu, et al. Market Weakness and Consumption Fluctuation: An Analysis of China's Macroeconomic Situation in 1990 and Prospects for 1992. Management World, 1991 (1): 5361
Huang Yuncheng, Wang Shouren, An Wanfu, etc. Forecast and Analysis of Economic Situation in the Second Half of 1991 and Prospects for 1992. Management World, 1991 (5): 47-52
Huang Yuncheng, Wang Shouren, An Wanfu, etc. 1992-1993: China's Macroeconomic Situation Forecast. Management World, 1992 (2): 47-51
Wang Shouren, et al. Prediction and Analysis of Major Macroeconomic Indicators in 1992 Using the Periodic Autoregression Model. System Engineering Theory and Practice, 1992, 12 (2): 1-10
Wang Shouren, Mathematical Theory of Information Theory Beijing : Science Press, 1957
17 Wang Shouren, Pan Yimin, et al. Mathematical Methods for Filtering Discrete Time Systems. Beijing: National Defense Industry Press. 1975
18 Wang Shouren. Basis of Probability Theory and Stochastic Process. Beijing: Science Press, 1986 [1]