Wang Ji

[wáng jī]
General of Cao Wei in the Three Kingdoms Period
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Wang Ji (190-261), styled Boyu, Qucheng County, Donglai County (today's Shandong Province Zhaoyuan City )People. Three Kingdoms Period General of the State of Wei, posthumously sealed the north sea The son of Wang Bao, the chief guardian.
Wang Ji has both civil and military skills, and is outstanding in talent and morality. At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Donglai was founded County official Emperor Wei Wen At that time, he gave birth to a filial and honest man and was awarded the title of Doctor Zhong and Qingzhou( Wang Ling )Don't drive, move Secretary Lang Get Shangshu Servant Shooting Sima Yi Recommend, move to middle school as a waiter. admonish against sth. be busy at putting up installations , Qian'an Pingshou, guilty and removed from office. General Cao Shuang When in power Engaged in Zhonglang , as Anfeng Taishou Yin, Henan , with considerable achievements. Horse Master When he was in power, he was awarded the title of minister, the governor of Jingzhou, and followed the general of the Southern Expedition Wang Chang Defeat Sun Wu and award him the title Guannei Marquis Participate in the pacification of Huainan Three Rebels( Don't be frugal , Wen Qin, Zhuge Birthday), who has made great contributions by giving advice. Be good at military affairs, and successively be the governor Yuzhou Yangzhou Jingzhou Military Dongwu County Hou. [30]
Emperor Wei Yuan Jingyuan In the second year (261), Wang Ji died at the age of 72 and received a gift Sikong , posthumous title Jing.
True name
Wang Ji
Late Han and Three Kingdoms
Ethnic groups
the han people
one's native heath
Qucheng County, Donglai County, Qingzhou
date of birth
Date of death
261 years
Key achievements
Break the Wu army and capture them alive Tan Zheng , building Changcheng
Official position
General of South Expedition , Jingzhou Governor
Changleting Marquis → Dongwu Marquis
Posthumous gift
Posthumous title

Character's Life


Early experience

Wang Ji is from Donglaiqu City. When his father Wang Bao died when he was young, he lived with his uncle Wang Weng. Wang Weng raised him carefully, and Wang Ji was also very filial. [1]
When Wang Ji was 17 years old, he served as an official of Donglai County, but resigned because he was not in his favor. the Wei state of the Three-Kingdoms Period Huang Chu (220-226) Filial piety , Wang Ji was appointed Doctor Governor of Qingzhou Wang Ling The above table specially recommended Wang Ji to take the post Don't drive Later, the court recruited Wang Jiwei Secretary Lang Wang Ling also requests to recall him. Situ Wang Lang Wang Ling asked for the recruitment of Wang Ji, but Wang Ling was impeached by Wang Lang because he insisted on letting others go because he wanted to use the governance ability of Wang Ji. General Sima Yi Later, Wang Ji was recruited and promoted to Middle School Waiter [2]

Stop extravagance by writing

Emperor Wei Ming Cao Rui During his reign, the construction of buildings and palaces made people work hard. Wang Jishuo said, "I heard that the ancients compared people to water, saying, 'Water can carry a boat or capsize a boat.' Therefore, the Son of Heaven, who lives on the people, cannot help but fear at any time. The people are happy and quiet, and everything is easy to do. If they live a hard life, they will think of difficulties. Therefore, the former kings lived in simple places to prevent disasters. before Yan Yuan He said that when he drove the horse, the horse was exhausted, but he was still driving away, so he knew that he would fail. Now, with heavy labor and separation of men and women, people are full of complaints. I hope your majesty can ponder over Dongnozi's shortcomings, carefully figure out the analogy of boat and water, let those exhausted horses rest, and let those exhausted people save some labor. Once upon a time, when the Han Dynasty conquered the world, there were only princes with the same surname. Therefore, Jia Yi Deeply worried, he said: 'Below is a pile of firewood, light a fire, and sleep on it, thinking it is safe.' Now, the enemy has not been eliminated, and the powerful generals have gathered to support the army. It is difficult to respond to the enemy, and it is difficult to pass on the throne to future generations. In this prosperous world, if we don't concentrate on eliminating disasters, if our descendants don't win, the country will be in danger. If Jia Yi is allowed to regenerate, he will be more worried. " [3]
Scattered riders often stay Wang Su He often revised Zheng Xuan's old ideas by writing various classics and explaining them, discussing and formulating court etiquette. Wang Ji argued with Wang Su on the basis of Zheng Xuan's theory and wrote Mao Shi refutation, which criticized Wang Su's theory. Later, he served as the prefect of Anping and was dismissed for official business. [4]

Take office

Beginning (240-249) Cao Shuang Please Wang Ji Engaged in Zhonglang , and later served as the prefect of Anfeng. Because the state and county are well governed and heavily guarded Sun Wu Don't dare to invade, increase General Qiu Kou Sun Wu concentrated his army in Jianye and threatened to attack Yangzhou. Yangzhou Governor Zhuge's birthday After planning with Wang Ji, Wang Ji said, "Before king of Wu in the Three Kingdoms Era He has repeatedly invaded Hefei and reached Jiangxia. After this Whole cong Attack Lujiang River, Zhu Ran The invasion of Xiangyang was unsuccessful, so we had to retreat. Now Lu Xun When the old general was dead, Sun Quan was also old, and there were no capable officials or heirs, and there was a lack of wise military advisers in the army. Sun Quan wanted to lead his troops to attack in person, but he was afraid of internal chaos. All kinds of contradictions broke out together, leading to collapse; If you send a general to lead the army, the old general is almost dead. The new general doesn't trust him. He just wants to take this opportunity to arrange his trusted followers to attack for defence. " Later, Sun Quan did not lead the army to attack. At that time, Cao Shuang was in charge in China, and the atmosphere was very bad. Wang Ji wrote "On Time" to satirize current events. [5]
Later, he was conscripted back to the imperial court due to illness. In the first ten years (249 years), Wang Jiqi returned to the imperial court Yin, Henan Later, Cao Shuang The Change of Gaopingling He was removed from office as a rule. [6]

Be good at military affairs

In the second year of Jiaping (250 years), he served as minister. Soon Jingzhou Governor General Jia Yanglie followed General Wang Chang of the South Expedition to crusade against Sun Wu. Wang Ji led a troop to attack the infantry association and general Wu in Yiling Walking association Close the gate and guard it. Wang Ji pretended to attack. In fact, he divided his forces to attack his father's granary, captured more than 300000 grains and captured General Anbei of Sun Wu Tan Zheng He received thousands of people who were sent to Yiling County. After the war, Wang Gengong was awarded to the Marquis of Guannei. Wang Ji also advised Wang Chang to take Jiangxia as the place of the leader and press Xiakou. Since then, Wu Jun did not dare to cross the river lightly. He declared the etiquette system, rectified the military order, and restored school teaching, which was praised by all Southern scholars. At that time, the imperial court negotiated to prepare a large-scale attack on Wu, and issued an edict to the king base to discuss how to attack. [7]
Wang Ji said, "If we send troops but fail to win, we will not only lose our prestige, but also spend money. Therefore, we must be fully prepared to send troops. If we do not prepare to open rivers, accumulate food, and build warships, even if Chen Bing is in the north of the Yangtze River, it will not be inevitable. Today, there are Ju and Zhang Rivers in Jiangling, which irrigate thousands of acres of fertile fields. There are fertile fields around Anlu. If agriculture is the main form of land and water, prepare sufficient reserves, then lead the army to attack Jiangling and Yiling, occupy Xiakou respectively, and transport grain along Jushui and Zhangshui. The enemy knows that we have strong equipment and sufficient reserves. If we can occupy the advantage for a long time, we will become frustrated based on our stubborn belief in natural danger, and more and more people will abandon the dark and turn to the bright. At this time, they joined forces with the barbarians of Soochow to attack from within. If the army goes on a separate expedition, the strongholds above Xiakou will surely be attacked, and the states and counties beyond the Yangtze River will not be able to defend them. As a result, the traffic between Wu and Shu was cut off, and the two countries could not unite, so Wu became a turtle in a jar. Otherwise, it may not be advantageous to send troops at this time. " So the Imperial Court stopped thinking of sending troops. [8]

give advice and suggestions

In the fourth year of Jiaping (252), Horse Master When Wang Ji was in charge of the imperial court, he wrote a letter to admonish: "The world is very big, and the political affairs are very complicated. You must work hard day and night. If you are honest, you will not breed all kinds of evil thoughts; if you are pure and quiet, you will not feel that everything is noisy. After careful consideration, the orders will not be complicated; if you reuse the talents and excellent people, you will be obedient far and near. Therefore, it is all up to you to act to unite and coordinate all ethnic groups in the distance; To pacify the people, it all depends on how hard you put your heart into it. Xu Yun, Fu Gu, Yuan Kan, Cui Zan and so on are all honest people. They have upright qualities and no changing bad heart. They can be employed. " Master Sima took his advice. And Zhoutai Deng Ai Stony bract Respectively in charge of state and county affairs. [9]
Wang Ji
In the first year of Zhengyuan (254), Noble Township Duke Cao Feng When he ascended the throne, he was granted the title of Chang Leting Marquis. [10]
In the second year of Zhengyuan era (255), there was no frugality Wen Qin The imperial court appointed Wang Ji as the commander of the army False knot , led the army of Xuchang, and just met the army of Sima Division in Xuchang. Master Sima asked Wang Ji, "What do you think of Wu Qiujian and others?" Wang Ji said, "Huainan rebellion is not caused by local officials and people, but by the threat of Wu Qiujian, afraid of being killed in front of us, so we just follow the crowd. If the soldiers press the border, they will inevitably collapse. The bodies of Wu Qiujian and Wen Qin will soon hang in the army gate." Master Sima said, "Well said!" So Wang Jida was sent to pioneer. Many people believe that it is difficult to compete with them without being frugal and invincible. The imperial court ordered Wang Ji to stop marching. [11]
Wang Ji said, "No Qiu Jian and other troops can drive straight in, but they still don't march, which shows that they have exposed their deceit and the people have doubts. At this time, we don't hurry to make a show of prestige and meet the people's wishes, but instead stop the army and build high bases, which is tantamount to showing our cowardice. This is not the right way to use troops. If they rob the people and capture the families of soldiers from all counties and counties, we will lose more popular support. People who are not threatened by frugality feel that they are guilty and dare not escape again. This is the place where the mob gathers. The soldiers have no fighting capacity, but they may become hotbeds of power for the traitors. If the Soochow army takes the opportunity to send troops, the vast territory of Huainan should be occupied by the enemy. Since then, Qiao, Pei, Ru, Yu and other places have become increasingly dangerous, which is the biggest mistake. Nandun should be quickly occupied. Nandun has a large granary, enough for the army to eat for forty days. It is the primary measure to pacify the traitors by garrisoning in Nandun Jiancheng and taking advantage of the large granary supply to create a momentum of preemption. " Wang Ji repeatedly asked for war, and the court let him occupy it Water immersion After arriving, Wang Ji wrote again: "The military is of great importance, and we can't delay. Now there are strong enemies outside and traitors inside. If we don't take the opportunity to make a decision, the future consequences will be unpredictable. Many people think that commanding the army should be more prudent. Of course, it should be prudent, but it would be wrong to stop the army and not advance. Being prudent does not mean standing still! If we can advance, we can't defeat. Now we occupy the city pass and are heavily fortified. The food stored there is provided to the enemy, but we have to transport food from far away. This is a big mistake! " [12]
Sima Shifu wanted to wait for all armies to arrive in Qi before sending troops, but still did not listen to Wang Ji's advice. Wang Ji also said, "The general is outside, and the king's order can not be accepted. The enemy gains the city, and the enemy benefits. I gain the city, which is good for me. This is called fighting for the city, and marching into Nandun!" So he waved his troops to occupy Nandun. Qiu Jian and others sent troops from Xiang to fight for Nandun. After ten miles, they heard that Wang Ji had won the first place and had to return to Xiang. At that time, the governor of Yanzhou, Deng Ai, stationed troops in Lejia. Qiu Jian sent Wen Qin to lead the attack Deng Ai Wang Ji knew that they had dispersed their forces, so he led his troops to attack the territory, so as not to fail. After the two rebellions in Huainan were pacified, Wang Ji served as Zhennan general, governor of all military forces in Yuzhou, leading the governor of Yuzhou, and was granted the title of Anle Township Marquis in Jin. He went up to Shu to ask for 200 families of his own manor to be given to Wang Qiao, the son of his uncle Wang Weng, and asked for Wang Qiao to be given to the duke in the Guannei area to repay Wang Weng for his upbringing. Imperial court concessions. [13]
In the second year of Ganlu (257), the General of the East Expedition Zhuge's birthday In Huainan, the army was launched against Sima. Wang Ji, as the governor of Yuzhou, was the general of Zhendong and the military commander of Yangzhou and Yuzhou. At that time, when the army was in Xiangdi, they thought Huainan Army was excellent and asked Wang Ji to garrison troops to repair bases. Wang Ji wrote repeatedly to request for crusade. [14]
At this time, the general of the Sun Wu Sect Zhu Yi Come to rescue Zhuge Birthday and garrison in Ancheng. Wang Ji was ordered to lead his army to occupy Beishan. Wang Ji said to all the generals, "Now the city fortress is very solid, and all the soldiers and horses are gathered here. All you need to do is to carefully guard and wait for the enemy. If you move troops to guard dangerous places again, the troops and horses will be in a state of laxity. Even the wisest people can't deal with this situation." At an appropriate time, he said, "Today we should stand firm in confrontation with the enemy. If we move to a dangerous place, our hearts will waver and the existing situation will be destroyed. All armies will hold deep trenches and high strongholds, and their hearts will be stable and unshakable. This is the basic principle of commanding the army." The court agreed. [15]
Sima Zhao, the senior general, stationed troops at the hilltop, surrounded by divisions, and each had its own unity. Wang Jidu supervised the 26th Army in the east and south of the city. Sima Zhao ordered the officers to go deep into the general's headquarters in the south of the town and ordered them not to send troops. When the food in the city was exhausted, the enemy attacked the fortress day and night, and the king kept the city. Then he chose the right moment to strike back and smash the Huainan Army. [16]
In the third year of Ganlu (258 years), after the Wei army captured Shouchun, Sima Zhao wrote to Wang Ji, saying: "At the beginning, there were so many people talking about moving troops. At that time, I didn't come to the battle, and I also listened to their comments. Your Excellency General was deeply calculating interests, determined, and fought against the pressure of the generals to defeat the imperial edict. Finally, he defeated the enemy. The war described by the ancients did not exceed this one. " Sima Zhao wanted to send a general to lead the elite troops into the war zone to welcome Tang Zi's children. Taking this opportunity could cause the situation of overthrowing Wu. Wang Ji admonished, "Zhuge Ke used to take advantage of the victory of Dongguan to mobilize Jiangzuo's forces to encircle the new city. The city did not attack, but more than half of himself was killed or wounded. Jiang Wei took advantage of the victory of Tao Shang, and the army went deep without enough food supply. As a result, the army was annihilated on the Shangluo. Every time after winning, the officers and soldiers went up and down to underestimate the enemy. To underestimate the enemy, they did not think deeply about difficulties. Now the enemy has just suffered a defeat outside. Internal troubles have not subsided. As a result, they are now heavily guarded. Besides, people have the ambition to return home after years of fighting. Today, we captured 100000 soldiers and killed Zhuge Birthday, the sinner. Since there was war at the end of the Han Dynasty, there has not been such a situation of complete victory! Emperor Wu( Cao Cao )Defeat in Guandu Yuan Shao They think they have gained a lot and will not pursue them again for fear of being defeated. " Sima Zhao then called off. Because the Huainan area had just been pacified, the court ordered Wang Ji to be the general of the East Expedition, the capital of Yangzhou to supervise the military affairs, and the Jin Dynasty to confer the title of East Wu Hou. Wang Ji gave up and attributed the credit to the subordinates of the staff and assistants. So Chang Shi, Sima and other seven people were granted marquis titles. [17]
In the same year, Wang Ji's mother died. The imperial court issued an edict to keep the funeral secret, moving the remains of Wang Ji's father, Wang Bao, to Luoyang to be buried with Wang Ji's mother, and presenting Wang Bao as the governor of Beihai. [18]

See through a conspiracy

In the fourth year of Ganlu (259), Wang Ji was transferred General of South Expedition , the capital oversees all military forces in Jingzhou. [19]
In the first year of Jingyuan (260 years), Changdao Township Cao Huan When he ascended the throne, he added thousands of food towns to the king's base, including the previous five thousand seven hundred households. [20]
In the second year of Jingyuan (261), the Xiangyang Prefecture Chief said that Deng You, the Wu thief, demanded surrender. Wang Ji accepted the order to send troops to Soochow at this time. Wang Ji suspected that there was fraud, so he sent a courier to quickly state the situation to the court, and said: "Since Jiaping, there has been constant civil unrest. The urgent task is to make the country stable and the people peaceful. We should not easily set up a new army to mobilize people and seek benefits from foreigners." Sima Zhao replied: "Most of the people I work with are flattering, and few people can tell the truth with me clearly. Your Excellency is sincere and loyal. He often gives advice and follows your instructions. " Later, Deng You did not surrender. [21]

Died in Jingzhou

On April 24 of the second year of Jingyuan (261), Wang Ji died at the age of 72, [22] confer posthumously Sikong Posthumous title Is the scene. Wang Hui, his son, inherited the title and died early. [23]

Character evaluation

Wang Lang : A minister who stays in the garrison and an official in the secret pavilion. [24]
Sima Zhao (1) The general, with a deep calculation of his interests and a firm determination, disobeyed the imperial edict and refused the public opinion, and finally defeated the enemy and thieves. Although the ancients said, it was not wrong. [24] ② It is true that we are all reasonable, sincere and loyal. Every time we see the rules, we always follow them with respect. [24]
Marsitis Therefore, Sikong Wangji not only made great contributions by virtue, but also managed himself well. He did not engage in industry. He had long been responsible and selfless. He could be said that he did not show his own character, but also used those who encouraged common people. [24]
Chen Shou : Xu Miaoqing respected Hongtong, Hu Zhisu was pure in industry, Wang Chang was enlightened in economy, Wang Ji was unswerving in his studies, and all of them were in charge of governing and governing, with outstanding achievements. It can be said that a good minister of the country is a good scholar of the time. [24]
Yu Yu : Wang Ji, Deng Ai, Zhou Qin and Jia Yue all started from humble families and made great achievements in the imperial court.
"To the Stone Tablet of King Sikong, the General of South China," says: (1) He has the quality of Tianshu Haoer, and has five talents and nine virtues. He is kind and filial. He has written in the Jingshan Forest. The Yuan Dynasty is based on Taoism, and he has thought about the Six Classics, dissected and judged the crowd, and comprehensively analyzed the intangibility. It is enough to argue that supporting the soft people is loyal to Gefei, and it is also better to be civil and military, and to cherish the grand rules of helping the world Seal the charter and bury the vegetable, and show this thing. To live a life of virtue, to work hard in public. Hualiu two states. Ning, civilian is rest. Ascending and descending routes, Dejan Mote. I will be spared.
Zhao Yiqing : Wang Jifei is not only disloyal, but also unfilial. [26]
Lu Bi : Boyu has learned from Wang Shenzheng and never attached himself to him. He was firm at that time. Inherit Zuo's eyes for firmness, and allow him to be called Dingping. Its military tactics are sophisticated and far fetched. When my mother dies, it is not my intention to lose her love. I will never forget my uncle's responsibility. How can I bear my mother's kindness? The imperial edict asked that there was nothing to be done. He buried Luoyang together and gave back his dead father, which also comforted the son. [26]

Anecdotes and allusions

Wang Ji, Ren Anping, Warlock Pipe casing I went to visit. Wang Ji asked him to divine. Guan Lu said, "There will be a humble woman who will give birth to a boy, who will walk on the ground and die when she walks into the stove. There will be a big snake on the bed with a pen in its mouth. The whole family can go to see it and leave soon. Another bird will fly into the house and fight with the swallow, and the swallow will fly away. These are three strange things." Wang Ji was shocked and asked about the bad luck. Guan Lu said, "Just because your family lives far away, there are ghosts playing tricks on you. The little boy can walk when he was born, not by himself. It's just the unguarded monster that drives him into the kitchen. The big snake holds the pen, but it's just an old book assistant. Birds and swallows fight each other, but the old bell falls down. Today's divination is only about phenomena. It doesn't say evil things. You know it's not a symbol of disaster, so don't worry about it." Later, there was nothing to worry about. [27]

Family members


Parent generation

Wang Bao died when Wang Ji was young. Later, he was posthumously awarded as the Beihai Taishou.
Wang Weng, Wang Ji's uncle, raised Wang Ji after Wang Bao died.


Wang Hui , the son of Wang Ji. After his death, Wang Ji was granted the title of Dongwu Marquis, but he died early. [24]
Wang Can, the character Nuyi, Wang Jiji Nu. Xianxi In the first year (264), he was married to Sima Xuan Taishi In the second year (266), she was granted the title of Princess Liang. Taikang Five years (284 years). [25]
Wang Xuan , the grandson of Wang Ji, was granted the title of Dongwu Marquis during the reign of Xianxi. [24]

Historical records

Romance of the Three Kingdoms ·Volume 27 · Wei Shu 27 · The Twenty seventh Biography of the Second King Xu Hu [24]


Wang Ji Tombstone
Since the third year of Qianlong's reign in the Qing Dynasty (1738), when Wu Yuyan, a master of epigraphy, recorded the book Jinshicun, the Tombstone of the Eastern Wuhou King's Base, there have been dozens of authors and researchers. Because of the peculiar shape of the stone tablet and the writing of the inscription, many epigraphs and calligraphers attach importance to it. Especially since the founding of New China, it has been listed as "the first batch of famous calligraphy steles in China" in the name of "Wang Jiduan Stele".
Wang Ji's tombstone, whose inscription does not contain the name and taboo of the Zhizhu, is an unprecedented example in the history of inscription. Wang Ji's tombstone is the only one of the Cao Wei Dynasty tombstones unearthed in Luoyang so far, which is also the only one found in the country. There is no analogy. Before his birth, Wang Ji, who had experienced five emperors of the Han and Wei dynasties, had both talent and virtue, was famous in both literature and military, had made contributions to the country, and was ranked among the marquises. The empress Hongdi buried Luoyang, ordered the monument to be built, "showing the descendants of the country". Why is the inscription not named? The Fang family did not involve in this suspicious case. Fool thought we should be forced by the situation.
Ye Changchi, a stone family in the Jin Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, made a brilliant exposition on this: "Song Book · Ritual Annals": Emperor Wu of the Wei Dynasty in the tenth year of Jian'an was banned from erecting a monument because of the decline of the world. In the second year of Ganlu, a noble township official, the great general joined the army of Wang Lunzu, and his elder brother Jun said that his legacy was beautiful. He was only afraid of the king's code, and should not be an inscription. This monument was strictly prohibited. In the fourth year of Xianning, Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty issued an edict: "The stele is private and beautiful, and it is prosperous and hypocritical, which is no greater than that. Once it is banned. In Yixi, Pei Songzhi, a doctor in the Shangshu Temple Department, also discussed the prohibition. In view of this, the Wei and Jin dynasties repeatedly declared the ban on erecting monuments. But ministers and officials are all private. " The Wang Ji Stele is obviously not such a private one. In the second year of Jingyuan era (261), the King of Dongwu not only held a state funeral, but also granted additional gifts. He also "thought that the plan was to engrave a stone tomb", which was really a monument erected by imperial edicts. Because it was against the king's code in the Ming Dynasty, the method of contingency was adopted to build a monument and establish a biography. This is probably the reason why the inscription is nameless. This practice was actually the idea of Sima Zhao, the powerful general.
The calligraphy of the monument is neat, stable, square, sparse and clear. The strokes are round and heavy. The stippling is powerful and forceful. The strokes are mostly in regular script. The tip is pointed and the edge is sharp. The points have yin and yang changes. The strokes are more sharp when pressed. The strokes are also sharp in the middle of the big reverse hook. The characters are free and easy, flexible and charming. They are not familiar with clerical script, but also disdain the ancient version. Although some stippling is a little less refined, it can also be seen that the interest of not carving and being arbitrary and hasty is one of the treasures of calligraphy in the Three Kingdoms and the Cao and Wei Dynasties. [28]

Literary image

In the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Wang Ji's life is roughly the same as the official history. He was the governor and supervisor of Jingzhou when Wu Qiujian was conquered, leading the front troops to take the place in Zhennan. At the military meeting, he refuted Guangluxun's proposal of passive defense and urged the army to enter, which was praised by Sima Division and led the front soldiers to seize Nandun. And Hu Zun And strive to break through Xiang City. [29] During the conquest of Zhuge's birth, Wang Ji defeated the generals Zhu Yi and Tang Zi of Wu and defeated the Wu army. [30]