Wang Bo

[wáng bó]
One of the "Four Masters of Early Tang Dynasty"
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Wang Bo (650-676 or 684), with the word Zi'an, was originally from Qixian County, and later moved to Longmen Tonghua (today's Wanrong County), Jiangzhou. [25] His grandfather was Wang Tong, a famous scholar in the Sui Dynasty, and his father was Wang Fuxuan, an official in the Tang Dynasty. [23] Chinese writers of the Tang Dynasty [24 ] Poet, as famous as Yang Jiong, Lu Zhaolin and Luo Binwang in poetry and prose, is also called "Wang Yang Lu Luo", or "Four Masters of Early Tang Dynasty". [23]
Wang Bo's talent showed early. When he was a teenager, he was praised as a prodigy by Liu Xiang, the chief justice officer, who recommended him to the imperial court. He was awarded the title of a high-ranking scholar. In the first year of Gaozongqian's reign (666 years), he was read by Li Xianzheng, King of Pei, as an aide to the palace. Two years later, he was expelled from the palace because of his play "Xi Ying Wang Ji". Then he went to Bashu. In the third year of Xianheng's reign (672), he made up Guo Prefecture to join the army. He was pardoned when he killed officials and slaves without authorization. In the second year of Shangyuan (675), he followed his father southward and returned the next year. He drowned in the sea and died of fright. Some scholars believe that Wang Bo did not drown. It is speculated that Wang Bo should have died in the first year of civilization, at the age of 35, from Wang Bo's moving back to the mainland with his father to write Preface to Traveling to Han's Homeland in Jizhou, Preface to Hurting His Own in March, and Wang Chenglie's memorial to Wang Bo written in the first year of civilization (684). [23]
At that time, the literary world was in vogue with the poetic style represented by the above official ceremonies. Wang Bo advocated that literature should be based on "making statements to see aspirations" and pay attention to the role of literature in the world. His poems and essays, which were "strong but not empty, rigid but moist, carved but not broken, and pressed but firm", played a great role in changing the atmosphere. There are more than 80 poems written by Wang Bo, including Fu Hexu, Biao, Bei, Song, etc., and more than 90 poems. Most of Wang Bo's poems are five character poems and quatrains, among which the famous poem about leaving hometown is written. His specific works include Farewell to Du Shaofu's Appointment in Shuzhou, Lingaotai, Lotus Picking Song, Long Autumn Night, Preface to Tengwang Pavilion, etc. Wang Bo also wrote many academic works, which can be found in 5 volumes of The Book of Changes and 5 volumes of The Analects of Confucius. [23]
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Jiangzhou Longmen
date of birth
Date of death
676 years
Key achievements
One of the Four Great Masters in the Early Tang Dynasty
Main works
"Preface to Tengwang Pavilion", "Farewell to Shuzhou", "Ode to Qianyuan Hall", "Prince An Collection", etc
True name
Wang Bo

Character's Life


Early experience

Young Wang Bo
Wang Bo was very intelligent when he was young. He was able to write poems at the age of six. His poems were ingenious and heroic. His father Wang Fuxuan Friends Du Yijian It is praised as one of the "three trees of Wang", which shows that Wang Bo showed outstanding literary talent in his early years.
At the age of nine, Wang Bo read Yan Shigu's notes《 The History of the Han Dynasty 》Later, I wrote《 Pointing blemish 》Ten volumes, pointing out the mistakes in Yan Shigu's works, shows that Wang Bo was learned and talented in his early years.
At the age of ten, Wang Bo enjoyed it Six Meridians
From the age of 12 to 14, Wang Bo followed Cao Yuan to study medicine in Chang'an, and successively learned《 Zhouyi 》《 Inner Canon of Huangdi 》《 Dysmenorrhea 》We know something about the "Three Talents and Six Top Grades" and the number of jade chambers in Mingtang. [1]
At the age of 16, he should be tested and appointed Chaosanlang [2]

An official without a crown

Wang Zi'an
Long Shuo In the third year (663), Wang Bo returned to his hometown and wrote《 Shangjiangzhou Shangguan Sima Shu 》And other articles, looking for opportunities to actively enter the official career.
Linde In the autumn of the first year (664), Wang Bo wrote Liu Xiangdao Liu Xiangdao praised Liu Xiangdao for his political opinions and his determination to actively use the world
In the second year of Linde, he passed Huangfu Chang Bo towards Tang Gaozong The "Ode to Qianyuan Hall" is presented to show the intention of official advancement. [1]
Dry seal In the first year (666), Li Changbo was awarded the title of "Song of Chen Youdong Yue" and became the youngest life officer of the imperial court. Wang Bo is full of talent and ideas, and his pen is full of flowers《 Ode to Qianyuan Hall 》, the article is beautiful, which shocked the audience. When Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty saw this eulogy, he sang praises of merit and virtue, and the words were beautiful and strong. It was done by a child prodigy who was not as weak as his crown. He was amazed: "A genius, a genius, I am a genius of the Tang Dynasty!" Wang Bo's literary name was also greatly inspired by it, and Yang Jiong Lu Zhaolin Luo Binwang was jointly called "Four Great Masters of the Early Tang Dynasty" and ranked first. [3-4]

Cause "Ode to Cock Fighting"

Wang Bo becomes a pawn Chaosanlang Later, after being introduced by the examiner, he served as the editor of Prince Pei's Mansion and won the title of Prince Pei homme The joy of. Once, Li Xian, the king of Pei, fought with Li Xian, the king of England. Wang Bo wrote an article called "Xi Ying Wang Ji Wen" to fight against the king of England, so as to help the king of Pei. Unexpectedly, this article was handed down to Tang Gaozong, and the saint was unhappy. After reading it, he sighed angrily: "Waicai, Waicai! Two kings fight chicken. As a doctor, Wang Bo does not give advice, but rather Denunciation (In ancient times, the government announcement or document used to summon and instruct or denounce and expose crimes also refers to the article of highly combative criticism and denunciation), deliberately fabricating and exaggerating the situation, the person should be expelled from the palace immediately. " Tang Gaozong thought this article was intended to sow discord and ordered him to be expelled from Chang'an. So Wang Bo was expelled. With his talent and painstaking efforts, he managed his just opened career, which was destroyed in this way. [3-5]

Second demotion

Wang Bo
The second blow Wang Bo encountered was in Guozhou Join the army He committed a crime by killing the official slaves he hid. Xianheng In the autumn and winter of the second year (671), Wang Bo returned from Sichuan to Chang'an to participate in the scientific election. His friend Ling Jiyou was Guozhou In the administration of justice, it was said that Guozhou was rich in medicine, but he knew medicine and herbs, so he got a position of military staff for him in Guozhou. When he was in Guozhou and joined the army, there was a man named Cao Da Official slave When he committed a crime, he hid the criminal. Later, he was afraid of leaking the news, so he killed Cao Dayi. As a result, he committed a capital crime. Thanks to the amnesty, Wang Bo was not executed. [6]

Return to the South China Sea

Wang Bo Statue
Wang Bo implicated his father by killing Cao Da, an official slave Wang Fuxuan Wang Fuxuan from Yongzhou Si Gong Joins the Army Demoted to region comprising present-day northern Viet Nam The county magistrate was exiled to the south. The attack on Wang Bo was far more than the punishment on himself. Although Wang Bo has an unruly personality, his basic principles of life are based on Confucian etiquette. Wang Bo is here《 A hundred miles of words 》He expressed his guilt towards his father: "How can you say such words to me? It's a shame to humiliate my relatives. I should be humbled to thank my father... Today, I will go to the country to punish you and slaughter the border towns far away. I will sail across three rivers and five lakes, and cross the East Ou to the South China Sea. Alas! This is the crime of Bo, and there is no escape between heaven and earth." It can be seen that Wang Bo, a dutiful son, has a strong sense of shame and self reproach.
After Wang Bo was released from prison, he stayed at home for more than a year, when the imperial court announced to restore his old post, he had regarded the official sea as a dangerous path, and did not accept it. Lantern Festival In the autumn of the second year (675), we started from Luoyang to Henan; Mid August, arrival Huaiyin From Huaiyin to Chuzhou , leave Chuzhou and continue to travel down the river. After entering the Yangtze River, turn westward and arrive Jiangning
In the spring and summer of about the third year of the Shang Yuan Dynasty (676), Wang Bo had arrived at Wang Fuzhi, the magistrate of Jiaozhi County, and met his father, who was living in poverty. Before long, Wang Bo set out on his way home. At that time, it was summer. The South China Sea was stormy and the waves were high. Unfortunately, Wang Bo drowned and died of fright. [7-8]

Key achievements


Ideological aspects

Wang Bo's ideology and personality blend various cultural factors of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. He inherited his grandfather directly Wang Tong Confucianism Benevolent government , eager for fame, hoping to help the world, although officialdom It is difficult to give up when and how to help the world. From the perspective of personality and spirit, Wang Bo is first of all a Confucian maniac. He has lofty ambitions and is brave to make progress; Brilliant and literary talent Brilliant But at the same time, they are careless and lack of strategies. Secondly, he is also an arrogant person. He has a proud body, and despises the world and the world. Wang Bo believes in Buddhism and believes that Buddhism contains profound philosophy and plays a huge role in society. [7]


Wang Bo
Wang Bo's poetry directly inherited Zhenguan During the period, the spirit of advocating Confucianism and valuing Confucianism was infused with a new flavor of the times, which was magnificent, bright and generous. To be specific, farewell poems are magnificent and magnificent, such as《 Send Du Shaofu to Shuzhou 》Write the feeling of parting, and comfort each other with "there is a bosom friend in the sea, and the horizon is like a neighbor". The artistic conception is broad, and the deep breath of parting is swept away; Or beautiful, quiet, indistinct, such as《 Jiangting Night Moon Farewell 》The second one is "disorderly smoke cage and blue masonry, flying to the south. Loneliness is hidden away from the pavilion, and the night in the mountains is cold". It depicts a beautiful picture of the moonlight by the river, which is beautiful and confusing, making people enchanted; Or focus on expressing the sadness of my life experience, such as《 Bie Xuehua 》The whole poem is not intended to express the feeling of parting, but to express the sense of sadness and grief about his life experience from time to time and everywhere. The image of "smoke" appears frequently in Wang Bo's farewell poems, which is the external expression of Wang Bo's confusion and perplexity about his future and destiny, such as《 Farewell to Wang Changshi in Autumn 》In the middle of the poem, "The wild color is covered with cold fog, and the mountain light is gathering in the evening smoke". The fields are covered in thick autumn fog, cold and hazy. The distant mountains are gathering in the heavy evening mist, and the wild color of the mountain light is indistinct in the cold fog and evening smoke, like a dream or fantasy. Acacia poetry expresses the feelings of those who are detained thousands of miles away: missing their hometown, missing their relatives and friends, and hurting spring, such as《 Ji Chun 》And express deep homesickness through scenery painting. Garden landscape poetry is not only vivid and refined, but also beautiful and full of vitality, such as《 Suburban prosperity 》。 At the same time, new attempts have been made in the aspects of description techniques and poetic boundary development, and remarkable artistic effects have been achieved. The landscape poems on a long journey not only fully display the breathtaking and magnificent scenery on the way to Sichuan, but also show deep sadness and profound connotation due to the accumulation of qi. [9]

Ci and Fu

Wang Bofu is early Tang dynasty An important part of Fu, in a sense, marks the early Tang Dynasty Fu style Prosperity. Wang Bo's parallel prose inherits Xuling Yu Xin The artistic style of the parallel prose of rhyme Or inside the sentence Palace merchants Are intentionally pursuing Copula Use things appropriately, and achieve the harmony between the content of the classic and the content of the expression; The four or six sentence patterns are used as the main sentence patterns, and the interlacing changes of long and short sentences are skillfully used. At the same time, the air of scattered lines is added to make the article smooth in condensation), but the fresh wind is added to make the parallel prose become elegant and elegant, and the stagnation becomes smooth, creating an era style with lofty atmosphere and flexible charm, So that parallel prose leaped to a new level. Compared with other literati of the same era in the early Tang Dynasty, Wang Boji was good at expressing his feelings, expressing his heart and personality in his poems. Specifically, he showed his eagerness to enter the world in his ode. When his ideal was frustrated and his official career was frustrated, he expressed his lofty quality and good personality in his poems, and expressed his melancholy, indignation, honesty and injustice in his heart. However, he never gave up his desire for fame and future, such as《 Chunsi Fu 》And《 Lotus Gathering 》。 [5]
Wang Bofu can be regarded as a true reflection of his psychological journey and a witness of his persistent pursuit of ideals and achievements. Wang Bo's preface to traveling and feasting embodies his temperament, has the beauty of painting, and is full of bold and unconstrained momentum, such as "Preface to Mountain Temple"; The preface of gift has broad vision, lofty proverbs, mixed feelings and scenes, and the text is full of true feelings, such as《 Preface to Farewell in Autumn 》。 Wang Bo seldom uses metaphor in his prose writing, but he is good at argumentation and profound in philosophy. For example, in Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion, "the sky is high and the earth is wide, and the universe is infinite; when you are full of sorrow, you can know the number of ups and downs." He is good at expressing feelings, and he is full of vigor and deep feelings. For example, in Preface to Summer Poems, "heaven and earth are unkind, and nature is weak. Give your servant a feeling of sadness, loneliness and indignation, and give him a sense of vindication. " He is good at description and vivid. For example, in the Preface to Ganxing's Farewell to Wang Shaofu, "a servant generation husband, a man from all over the world, with a slow belt on the shirt front, a musical instrument to be stored, sleeves to be cut, and books to be used." Progressive The sentence pattern of "harmony" and "reverse" is as follows in the Preface to Send Xiao San Back to Qi State at Yongxing Li Ming's Mansion in Yue State: "Kuang Hu is crying for the white head, which is not the autumn of parting; if he goes astray, he will not be sent back to his hometown!" [10]

Literary propositions

Wang Bo's literary ideas are expressed as the creative thought of "making a statement to see the will" and the educational function of "the great cause of writing by the country". However, Wang Bo's works show the majestic beauty of the combination of "high emotion and strong thinking" and "great writing talent", the style orientation of "air is strong and strong, words are wind and frost", and its expression way of "feeling order and feeling, boarding and leaving to send rewards". The reason for this conflict is that although Wang Bo's literary thought directly inherited his grandfather Wang Tong's view, his literary creation followed the objective law of literary development. [11]

personal works

More than 80 poems of Wang Bo are extant order , Table Stele Ode There are more than 90 articles in existence《 Prince Anji 》16 volumes, 10 volumes of The Book of Han Pointing to Defects, 5 volumes of The Book of Changes, 10 volumes of The Analects of Confucius, 5 volumes of The Preface in the Boat, 10 volumes of The Millennium Calendar, 10 volumes of Platform Notes (the first book, Platform Secrets), 10 volumes of He Lun《 Preface to Tengwang Pavilion 》Etc. [2]

Anecdotes and allusions


Wind blows to Tengwang Pavilion

It is said that Wang Bo took a boat to berth at Madang An old man said to him, "Tomorrow, you can write a record of the banquet in Prince Teng's Pavilion, which will be remembered for generations to come." Wang Bo said, "This place is six or seven hundred miles away from Hongzhou. How can you get there overnight?" The old man said, "I can help you with the breeze. I am in charge of the Central Plains Water Mansion." Wang Bo boarded the boat and Zhang Fan arrived in Hongzhou before dawn. He went to the mansion to call on Lord Yan, who asked him to write a record, It is the Preface to Tengwang Pavilion. [22]

Preface to Tengwang Pavilion

Tang Zhiyan 》In the autumn of the second year of Emperor Gaozong's reign (675), Wang Bo went to Jiaozhi to see his father. When he passed Nanchang, he was catching up with the governor Yan Boyu The new Tengwang Pavilion has been built, and guests will be feasted at Tengwang Pavilion on the Double Ninth Festival. Wang Bo went to pay his respects. Governor Yan had heard of his fame and invited him to attend the banquet. The purpose of Yan Dudu's banquet was to show off the talents of his son-in-law, Master Meng. Let the son-in-law prepare a preface in advance and write it as an improvised book for everyone to see during the dinner. At the banquet, Governor Yan asked people to take out paper and pen and pretended to invite people to make a preface for this grand event. Everyone knew his intention, so they refused to write. But Wang Bo, a young man in his twenties, did not refuse. He took over the paper and pen and wrote in public. Yan Dudu's boss was not happy, so he brushed his clothes and got up. After entering the account, he sent people to see what Wang Bo had written. Heard that Wang Bo first wrote, "The old county of Yuzhang, the new residence of Hongdu", the governor said: "It's just a platitude. He also heard that "the stars are divided into wing bars and the ground is connected to Henglu", and he was silent. When he heard that "the sunset and the lone duck fly together, and the autumn waters grow in the same color as the sky", the governor had to exclaim, "What a genius《 Biography of Tang Scholars 》Then he wrote: "Bo Xin ran the Gu to the guests, and in an instant, he did not write much and was full of astonishment." According to Tang Zhiyan and other books, it may be exaggerated, but Wang Bo's Preface to Tengwang Pavilion is really an immortal masterpiece. The story that Wang Bo wrote Preface to Tengwang Pavilion at the banquet of Yan Dudu in Nanchang is actually the most moving story in the history of Chinese literature. [13] Wang Bo wrote the story of Preface to Tengwang Pavilion, which is recorded in many ancient documents. The Biography of the Central Yuan Dynasty of the Tang Dynasty records that "there are two lines in a square book, and one official enters the newspaper and says, 'The old county of Yuzhang, the new residence of Hongdu.'" Preface to Tengwang Pavilion "quotes many allusions, and Yang Shen of the Ming Dynasty commented in his" Red Lead Record "that Wang Bo" is a boy of fourteen years old, and his heart is full of books. For thousands of years, the ancient scholars still cannot know his origin ". [2]

a single word of gold

Dudu in Nanchang Yan Boyu In the celebration banquet of rebuilding Tengwang Pavilion, Wang Bo wrote the famous Preface to Tengwang Pavilion, and then wrote a prologue: The shadow of the leisurely cloud pool is leisurely, and the stars change several times in autumn. Where is the emperor in the pavilion? Outside the threshold, the Yangtze River flows freely. Wang Bo intentionally left a word blank in the poem, and then presented the preface to Yan Boyu, the governor, and stood up to leave. Lord Yan read Wang Bo's preface and was about to publish an eulogy, but found that the next sentence of the poem was empty, and he was surprised. Literati and scholars on the sidelines expressed their own opinions on this subject, which must be the word "water"; That should be "alone". Lord Yan felt that it was not satisfactory after listening to it. It was because they were all guessing. It was not the author's intention. So he ordered people to chase Wang Bo quickly and asked him to fill in the missing words. When someone came after Wang Bo, his entourage said, "My young master said something, A word is worth a thousand gold I hope Lord Yan will forgive me. " When the visitor returned, he told Yan Boyu what he had said. The grown-up thought to himself, "This is clearly extorting my official, which is outrageous. Wang Bo took the silver and pretended to be surprised: "Lord Ho Lao asked, how dare you write empty words in your later life?" After hearing this, everyone did not know its meaning. Someone asked, "What should I do about that empty place, Lord Yan also said meaningfully: "One word is worth a thousand gold, worthy of being a genius today..." Wang Bo wrote《 Preface to Tengwang Pavilion 》Is fourteen years old, that is Long Shuo three years. [4]

Three Sighs, Wang Bo

In the winter of the third year of Shangyuan (676), the well-known Preface to Tengwang Pavilion was celebrated in Chang'an City. One day, Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty also read this preface, and saw the sentence "sunset and solitary ducks fly together, and the autumn waters grow in the same color as the sky". He could not help but shoot the case, and was surprised to say: "This is a masterpiece through the ages, a true genius." He also read the next cloud, and saw a poem with four rhymes and eight sentences: "Prince Teng's high pavilion is near the river, and the jade is singing and dancing. The painting tower flies toward the south of the clouds, and the pearl curtain rolls into the rain in the west mountain. The shadow of the leisurely cloud pool is leisurely in the day, and things have changed for several times in autumn. Where is the emperor in the pavilion? Outside the threshold, the Yangtze River flows freely. " After sweeping away his preconceived ideas, Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty repeatedly sighed: "Good poem, good poem! After writing a long article, there is still such a good poem. Can you wear seven stripes at the end of a powerful crossbow? It is really a rare talent, a rare talent! It was my fault that I expelled him for fighting cock." So Emperor Gaozong asked: "Now, where is Wang Bo? I will call him into the court!" The eunuch replied hesitantly, "Wang Bo has fallen into the water and died." Tang Gaozong sighed deeply and said to himself, "What a pity, what a pity!" [4]

Guangzhou posthumous works

In 675 AD, Wang Bo went to region comprising present-day northern Viet Nam Provincial relatives (now Vietnam), passing by in November Guangzhou , visited Baozhuangyan Temple (today Six Banyan Temple )At that time, the pagoda of Baozhuangyan Temple (now called "Six Banyan Flower Pagoda") was renovated. The monk has always been a fan of Wang Bo, so he asked the celebrity to write the inscription. Wang Bo waved it, and there was this inscription of "Guangzhou Baozhuangyan Temple Monument of Sarira", which was kept in the Six Banyan Temple《 Relic Tower Stele of Baozhuangyan Temple in Guangzhou 》It is the longest and most comprehensive pagoda inscription known in the history of Chinese literature, with more than 3000 words.
Unfortunately, the year after this inscription was written, Wang Bo was only 26 years old when he met a typhoon at sea on his way to Jiaozhi via the South China Sea. The Monument to the Relic Tower of Guangzhou Baozhuangyan Temple also remained in Guangzhou forever for 1340 years. [14]

Spirits chant poems

It is said that after his death, Wang Bo still remembered the famous line he wrote in the Preface to Tengwang Pavilion, "The sunset and the lone duck fly together, and the autumn water grows in the same color as the sky". Whenever people walk past his tomb, they can hear his soul repeat in the tomb: "The sunset and the lone duck fly together, and the autumn water grows in the same color as the sky". One time, one scholar Passing Wang Bo's tomb, I heard chanting in the tomb. The scholar thought for a moment and said to the tomb, "This sentence is good, but it is not concise enough. It should be changed to 'The sunset clouds fly in unison, and the autumn waters grow in the same color'." Since then, people can no longer hear Wang Bo's soul recite this sentence in the tomb. It was also said that Wang Bo haunted after his death and often haunted at night Ganjiang River The water surface, loudly recites these two poems. Once, when a passenger ship passed by, it was singing loudly. The tourist shouted, "This sentence is not well written, it is too wordy. If you remove the 'and' in the previous sentence and the 'together' in the next sentence, it will be much simpler." Since then, the ghost of Wang Bo has never appeared again. ("The sunset and the lone ducks fly together, and the autumn water grows in the same color as the sky." Yu Xin In Fu on Shooting Horses, "falling flowers fly together with the Zhigai, and the willows and willows are in the same color as the spring flag" came out of rebirth and renovation. If the function words "and" and "altogether" are removed, they are indeed more "concise" than the original sentence without any change in content, but after the words "and" and "altogether" are deleted, the rhythm of the sentence appears fast, not as calm and magnanimous as before, and not in harmony with the style of the context, so the two sentences cannot be simplified.) [17-18]

interpersonal relationship



full name
Eighth Patriarch
Wang Xuanze
stay Southern Song Dynasty Successive posts Eunuch , Dr. Guozi, etc., who was called Mr. Wang at that time, wrote six articles of The Theory of Time Change.
Seventh Patriarch
Wang Huan
He wrote five chapters of the Five Classics Record.
Sixth ancestor
Wang Qiu
The governor of Bingzhou in Northern Wei Dynasty, and Mu Gong in Jinyang. He has written eight articles of "Political Theory".
Fifth ancestor
Wang Yan
He wrote eight articles in "A Brief Discussion on Politics".
Fourth generation ancestor
Wang Yi
Northern Zhou Dynasty Jeju The governor wrote nine articles of "The Communist Party of the Huangji".
Great ancestor
Wang Long
Sui Dynasty Tongchuan The county magistrate wrote "On Rise and Fall".
Wang Tong
Scholar and great educator of the Sui Dynasty, serving as a student of the King of Shu, No“ Cultural neutron ”。
Wang Fuxuan
the tang dynasty Dr. Tai Chang , Yongzhou Sigong, Qize, the second governor of Yongzhou, etc. He wrote "A Collection of Wang Family Letters". [19]


full name
eldest brother
Wang Xuan
The governor of Jingzhou.
Second Brother
Wang Zhi
younger brother
Wang Zhu
(Imperial Historian), Wang Shao (Admonitory Doctor), Wang Jie (Doctor), Wang Quan. [3]

Historical evaluation

The Old Book of the Tang Dynasty: "At the age of six, he understood the subject of literature, and his ideas were without stagnation. His words were heroic and heroic. He was similar to his brother's talent. His father and friend Du Yi often called him" the three pearl tree of the Wang family "
Yang Jiong: "At the age of nine, I read Yan's Hanshu and wrote ten volumes of Pointing to Defects. At the age of ten, I composed six sutras. It was like a month in the future, and it was like a sign of heaven. I learned from a hundred years of learning at that time, and I learned from it in ten days. It was a thousand years ago, so I can see it immediately." [1]
Lu Shiyong : Wang Bo Gaohua.
Hu Yinglin : Wang Boxing is like a natural person, and his strength is Cangran. He is the first person to open up the prosperity and the middle of the wonderland. His five character masterpiece also describes the sadness and desolation, and his ability is the founder of the Tang Dynasty. [20]
Zheng Zhenduo "Just as the myriad rays of the sun god have not yet gone before the east, the east is already full of the rose colored dawn of the goddess of dawn." The goddess of dawn praised Wang Bo for his poems in the Tang Dynasty.
Mao Zedong : "This man is highly talented and erudite, and he is famous for his literature, prosperity and beauty, which reflects the social dynamics of the feudal boom at that time. He was unlucky all his life and was punished everywhere. He almost died in Guozhou. Therefore, besides his literature, prosperity and beauty, there is also a side full of sorrow." Jia Yi Wang Bi Li He Xia Wanchun and others were listed together for comment, "They are all handsome talents, and they are afraid to die too early." [3]
Wang Jinyu Wang Bo, the representative of the "Four Masters of Early Tang Dynasty", died young, but only one article《 Preface to Tengwang Pavilion 》But let it be immortal. [21]

Character controversy


Debate on Birth and Death

There are different opinions about the birth and death year of Wang Bo. One is based on Yang Jiong's Preface to Wang Bo's Collection. It said that he died in the third year of Shangyuan (676) of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty at the age of 26. It can be inferred that Wang Bosheng was born in Tang Taizong The 23rd year of Zhenguan period (649). Another way of saying is based on Wang Bo's Spring Thought Ode:“ Xianheng In two years (671), there were two in the late Spring and Autumn Period. " Therefore, he was born in Tang Gaozong Yonghui The first year (650 years). Most scholars believe that Wang Bo was born in the first year of Yonghui (650 years) and died in the third year of Shangyuan (676 years) at the age of 27. [11]

The mystery of the cause of death

Wang Bo Statue
There are different opinions about Wang Bo's death. Some say that he died before meeting his father; It is said that he died on the way home after exploring his father; It is said that the fishing boat fell into the sea and drowned due to heavy wind and waves; It was said that he was both eager and guilty to see his father and could not resolve the extreme contradiction in his heart, so he threw himself into the sea. There are two versions of Wang Bo's drowning. One is that the wind and waves were so strong that his body was washed away in the blink of an eye and could not be recovered; As soon as he was picked up by the boatman, he fainted because he did not understand the nature of water choking, and then died of excessive panic. The death of Wang Bozhi is slightly different, but one thing is certain. He drowned in Beibu Gulf Fangcheng Sea area. Wang Bozhi Hepu County After that, it will enter Fangcheng via Qinzhou, and then there are two routes to go. One is to get off the boat at Fangcheng River and go to sea, the other is to take the road to Beilun Estuary and then go to sea by boat. Boarding the boat at Fangcheng and crossing the toes is the most convenient and safe main channel for it to cross the sea. AD 42, Eastern Han Dynasty conqueror of northern Viet Nam The main force once took this route in the South Expedition to Jiaozhi, and most of the past Jiaozhi officials took this route. Because the Fangcheng sea area in the north of Jiaozhi County is violently bumpy due to the "three dangers" (high wind, high waves and many reefs), Wang Bo is likely to fall into the sea here. Northern Vietnam Yi'an Province Yilu County Yichun Township used to have Wang Bo's cemetery and ancestral temple. The cemetery and ancestral temple were destroyed by American aircraft in 1972, and now only Wang Bo's statue exists. [15-16]

Film and television image

Release Date
Play title