Wang Minamata

Korea Ruizong
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Wang Minamata (1079-1122), Korea Dynasty The 16th monarch (reigned from 1105 to 1122). word Shimin , Yes Korea Suzong His son was made prince in 1100, succeeded to the throne in 1105, and won the throne in 1108 Liao Dynasty Canonized as King of Korea Two years after assuming the throne Yin Guan Wu Yanchong Expedite Nvzhen, build Nine Cities in Northeast China He won first and then lost. In 1109, he returned Jiucheng to Jurchen. After Liao Jin War During this period, they delayed the request of the Liao Dynasty to send troops for assistance and seized the opportunity Baozhou , renamed Yizhou, so that the Korean territory arrived Yalu River During his tenure, he also strengthened diplomatic ties with the Song Dynasty Song dynasty introduction Taoism And establish the Taoist Temple Fuyuan Palace. Wang Minamata is famous for his respect for Confucianism and good writing. He reformed the school system and was also keen on literary creation. He has published the Collection of Ruizong Singing Harmony (now lost). after death Temple name yejong Posthumous title Wen Xiao , buried in Yuling.
Full Name
Wang Minamata
Posthumous title
Wen Xiao
Temple name
Korea Dynasty
one's native heath
Korea Kaijing
date of birth
The seventh day of the first month of the fifth year of Dakang (1079)
Date of death
April 8th, Renyin Year (1122)
In office time
Korea Suzong Wang Yong
Gao Lirenzong Wang Kai
Key achievements
Obtained Yizhou (Baozhou)
introduction Taoism , establish the Taoist Temple Fuyuan Palace
Main works
Collection of Ruizong Singing and Harmony Song of Mourning the Second General, etc

Character's Life


Ascend to the throne

Korean Wenzong On the seventh day of the first month of the fifth year of Dakang (1079), the eldest son between the prince of Korea, Ji Lin, Wang Xi, and his wife, Liu Shi, was born and named Minamata. In the tenth year of Da'an (1094), he was granted the title of Calibration Sikong Zhuguo , raised to Taiwei In the first year of Shouchang (1095), his father Wang Xi ascended the throne for Korea Suzong On the 28th day of the first month of the sixth year of Shouchang (1100), Wang Mina was made Prince, and in October of the same year suzerain Liao Dynasty He was conferred the title of Three Korean Duke in April of the fourth year of Qiantong (1104) Emperor Liaotian Zuo Additional volumes of. In October of the fifth year of Qiantong's reign (1105), Suzong went from Xijing (today's Korea) to Pyongyang )Back Kaijing On the way, Hong was outside Changping Gate in Kaijing, and Wang Minamata was located in Chongguang Hall under the imperial edict, which was called Ruizong.
In the summer of the first year of Ruizong's succession, a severe drought occurred in Korea. Ruizong believed that it was God Censure , issued an edict to all officials To seal an affair He was outspoken about the court's mistakes. [1] Most of these seals were aimed at Suzong's measures. Ruizong adopted some suggestions, but insisted on using coins. [2] In addition, another established policy of Suzong was also inherited by Ruizong, namely, the Northern Expedition Jurchen

Crusade against Jurchen

At the time of Suzong, Korea had twice taken the initiative to attack Nvzhen, both of which were defeated and forced to humiliate and beg for peace. But Suzong was still unwilling. He swore to God Buddha to defeat Nvzhen and adopted Yin Guan And set up "alternative military squad" to improve military strength, especially cavalry Construction is a shame to wipe out. However, Suzong died before the "Biewuban" was sent to use, and the plan of crusading Nvzhen was put aside. After Ruizong ascended the throne, he sent envoys to congratulate him Perfect Beauty Wuya Bundle (Jin Kangzong) Inherit Nuzhen( Perfection Department )As the chief, Uyashu also sent people to Korea to repair it, and the border was once peaceful. [3-4] At the turn of autumn and winter in the seventh year of Qiantong's reign (1107), Koryo reported that Nvzhen had harassed the border castle and secretly discussed the matter. After getting the news, Ruizong took out the Suzong oath hidden in the Buddhist niche in Chongguang Hall, showed it to the ministers of the two prefectures, and said: "Nvzhen originally got Koryo( Goguryeo )The tribe, who lived in the eastern part of Gaima, had been in the position of paying tribute for generations. They were deeply favored by our ancestors. One day, there was no way around. First, they were deeply indignant. Those who have heard of the great filial piety of the ancients are good at following up their aspirations. I am lucky to finally reach the system today, and see the state affairs. It is said that raising the banner of righteousness, fighting against injustice, and shedding the shame of the first monarch? " [5] After reading the oath, the ministers wept and said, "If the imperial edict is profound, can it be forgotten?" Then they wrote a letter asking to inherit the first aspiration and crusade against Nvzhen. However, in the face of such a big event, Ruizong still hesitates and remains undecided Cui Hongsi I divined in the Imperial Temple and found that the divination image came from Kan Gua become Current economy , so we decided to send troops. On October 20, the seventh year of Qiantong's reign (1107), Ruizong paraded at the south gate of Shuntian Hall. On November 24, Ruizong came to Xijing because Japanese officials It is said that Xijing is suitable for deploying troops. [6] Ruizong's appointment to preside over the training of "Biewu Class" Yin Guan As Marshal, I know the Privy Council Wu Yanchong As the deputy marshal, on the first day of December Click button Yin Guan was awarded with a command of 170000 (called 200000) to crusade against Jurchen. [7]
Before Yin Guan sent the troops, he lied to the Nuzhen about Gao Li's detention before she was released Jurchen However, Nuzhen envoys must meet people at the border, Wuya bouquet Believing that it was true, he sent Acao from Wanyan Department and Sheng Kun from Ulinda Department to lead hundreds of people to the border of Korea and was killed by Yin Guan. [8-9] Then Yin Guanbing crossed in four ways Cheolli Jangseong , attack Nvzhen on both land and water Laodian Region. The Nuzhen people were outnumbered and retreated one after another. The Korean army broke through Nuzhen in Shicheng, Yiweidong and other places, captured 135 villages and explored 300 miles, "more than half a million prisoners, cut off an enemy's left ear Nearly 5000, accumulated and scattered in Lu Yan The road is crossed by running ". [5] Yin Guan first built Xiong, Ying, Fu and Ji cities in the newly developed Hoglandian area. In February of the following year, he added the governor general's office of Xian Prefecture and the defense envoy of Gong'an Town, and in March, he added Yizhou, Tongtai and Pingrong cities, in order to Nine Cities in Northeast China , moved to the southern boundary to fill, with Xianchun Ridge in Gong'an Town as the boundary, and the names are all officially determined by Ruizong. [10-11] Yin Guan also created the King of Benevolence to protect the country and the two temples of Puji in Zhendong in Yingzhou City to fulfill Su Zong's wish. [5] Yin Guan and Wu Yanchong triumphed in April of the eighth year of Qiantong's reign (1108) after repelling many small counter attacks by Jurchen Kaijing
Wu Yashu learned that Korea occupied Laodian And then withdraw, his brother A bone attack (Jin Taizu) strongly rejected all suggestions and asked for the recovery of Holazy, so Uyashu sent different mothers and younger brothers Wanyan Wusai (Korea is called Wushe) Attacks Korea, defeats the Korean army, besieges Xiongzhou, and Ousaixuan leaves the army due to his mother's disease. [12] Ruizong Successive School Wu Yanchong He and Yin Guan rescued Xiongzhou and once expelled Nuzhen. [13-14] Temporary Wanyan Wusai Wanyan Oulu Nine cities have also been built, opposite to the nine cities in Korea, to show that we will never compromise. [15] Then Nvzhen besieged Jizhou, and Ruizong sent Wu Yanchong to save Jizhou. At this time, Ousai returned to command and defeated the Gao Lijun led by Wu Yanchong in Gong'an Town in May of the ninth year of Qiantong's reign (1109). [12] [16] After Ruizong heard of his failure Yin Guan He led the army to rescue. On the one hand, he planned to stop at the limit and abandon the burden of the nine cities in the northeast. At that time, Wuya bouquet He sent Lifu and Shi Xian (Shi Xian) to Korea to try to carry out both military and diplomatic measures to recover the Hoglandian area. Yin Guan sent envoys to Beijing to meet Ruizong. [17] On June 26, Shi Xian and others came to Kaijing. Ruizong received them at the south gate of Xuanzheng Hall and listened to their request to return Hog Lazy Dian. [18] After convening the Hundred Officials Meeting, Ruizong decided to withdraw his troops and return to the city in July, and swore with Nuzhen Chief that Nuzhen would not invade Korea from generation to generation and would pay tribute every year. [19] The reason why Ruizong returned Jiucheng to Nvzhen, ostensibly accepting Nvzhen's plea, was actually Korea's strategic misjudgment, thinking that it had held the important place, but in fact, it was contrary to his wishes; After opening up the Nine Cities, they could not bear the harassment of Nuzhen, and could only sit in the isolated city; The famine and drought in Korea are also not allowed to continue to use troops, especially the minister Jin Yuan (later renamed Jin Rencun )Reminded Liao Dynasty The possibility of accountability cannot be ignored, so Ruizong gave up on his own initiative less than two years after he occupied Hokandian, so as to minimize the loss of Korea. [20-21] Ex post prime minister Cui Hongsi , Jin Yuan, a remonstrant, and other officials constantly impeached Yin Guan and Wu Yanchong for the crime of losing their teachers. Ruizong only cut off their official titles and meritorious officials, and soon the officials were reinstated. Ruizong's Nuzhen Expedition( The Battle of Huolazian )It ended with such an anticlimax.

Payable to Liaojin

Ruizong continued to maintain suzerain Liao Dynasty Of Suzerain vassal relationship And had close contacts with the Liao Dynasty. After succeeding to the throne, Jin Yuan was sent to Liao to complain, and the Liao Dynasty sent Ye Lvyan Left penguin Came to pay homage to Suzong, and returned 12 Korean soldiers who fled into Liao Dynasty during Suzong's expedition against Nvzhen《 tripitaka 》。 After Ruizong's mourning period expires, Emperor Liaotian Zuo Send Xiao Liang and Li Ren to Korea to confer the title of Ruizong Taiwei Concurrent Middle order King of Korea (Later, he was appointed as a meritorious official who was loyal to the country Kaifu Yitong Third Division Calibration Grand Master , captain and lieutenant Upper Pillars King of Korea), this was in February of the eighth year of Qiantong (1108). In February of the ninth year of Qiantong's reign (1109), Li Rulin, a member of the Rui sect, sent an envoy to the Liao Dynasty to report on the expedition Jurchen After the construction of nine cities, Li Guoqiong was sent to the Liao Dynasty to report back to the nine cities, and the Liao Dynasty commended the two reports. [22]
With the rapid rise of Jurchen, the relationship between Liao and Li came to an end. In the fourth year of Tianqing (1114), Jurchen leader Perfect face A Gu Da In the war against Liao Dynasty Ningjiangzhou River outlet store The Liao army was defeated successively, and its influence increased greatly. In November of that year, Yelucong (Yeluzichun), a Hengxuan envoy sent by the Liao Dynasty, and Li Shuo came to Korea and asked it to "quickly reorganize the soldiers, pick up the main road, welcome and help, and eliminate the thieves", which was agreed by Korea. [23] In the spring of the next year, the Liao Dynasty sent an imperial edict back to Korea and ordered it to train its troops first. [24] In August, the Liao Dynasty again urged Korea to send troops to assist Nvzhen The Battle of Huolazian China and Nvzhen, who are on the rise, have suffered a lot. Naturally, they have learned a lesson. It is impossible to challenge the strong neighbor again, but they cannot resist suzerain Therefore, Ruizong ordered his important officials to discuss the matter. Ruizong repeatedly asked, but no result was reached. [25] November, Emperor Liaotian Zuo The third time he urged Korea to send troops when he wanted to fight for A-Guda, Korea still hung on [26] In the end, he just said in an empty voice, "The people of Naiyuan are poor. I am ashamed of the fact that the soldiers are tired and weak. Although I failed to answer the question, the common people helped to eliminate it, but I will not wait King In view of the situation, it is necessary to order the soldiers to distribute, collect the eastern postal materials, guard against bandits and thieves to cover the villages, and guard against idleness in the north until the traitors and criminals flash in. [27] Soon, the Liao army was there Battle of Dagang After a disastrous defeat, the situation was out of control. Korea sent a festival envoy to the Liao Dynasty Yin Yanchun Xu Fang, the envoy of Jinfeng, Li Deyun, the envoy of He Zheng, and Zheng Liangji, who inquired about the whereabouts of the three envoys, were Liaoyang Anti Liao and Bohai people Gao Yongchang After being detained, the envoys of Korea were forced to pay tribute to Gao Yongchang and sent back the tribute to the Liao Dynasty. Ruizong sent them to prison after learning the situation. [28-29] In March of the sixth year of Tianqing (1116), Ruizong sent people to the Liao Dynasty under siege by the Jin army Baozhou (Today's Korea Yizhou )The garrison sent 1000 stones of grain, but the garrison general dismissed. [30] In April of the same year, A Guda sent his envoy A Zhi to Korea. When Ruizong learned about the collapse of the Liao Dynasty, he accepted the suggestion of Zhongshumen and stopped using it Liao Dynasty Year , use instead years designated by Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches (except for official documents) Song Dynasty Year )。 [31] In July of the Gengzi year (1120), the Liao Dynasty sent Xiao Zunli, the deputy envoy of the Music Academy, to Korea to reiterate the order to send troops to assist [32] At this time, the suzerain vassal relationship between Korea and the Liao Dynasty had ended, and naturally, they could not obey orders.
At the same time, A Guda is also trying to woo Korea. In the fifth year of Tianqing (1115), he founded the Yuan Dynasty and became emperor daikin In the spring of the year of Dingyou (1117), the emperor of the Jin Dynasty sent a letter to his younger brother King of Korea ”(I said, "The Emperor of Jin sent a letter to the Emperor of Gaoli" [33] )The first letter of state was sent to Korea, affirming the intention of the two countries to become brothers. [34] However, probably out of Korea's inherent superiority to Nvzhen, most of the Korean ministers opposed to fraternizing with the Jin Dynasty, and some even proposed to kill the Jin envoy, except for Jin Fuzhe (later renamed Jin Fuyi )Shangshu's proposal to comply with the requirements of the Jin Dynasty was ridiculed and rejected by Minister Zaishu, Not reporting The upper part is sparse. [35] Two years later, A Guda sent an envoy to Korea again and told him that he had broken the Liao army. [36] Only then did Korea realize the seriousness of the problem Cheolli Jangseong Increase three feet to strengthen the defense against the Jin Dynasty [37] One side sent Cao Shunju, the chief of Zhongshu, to apply for the position of Jin. Because the Guoshu emphasized that the Yan family originated from Korea, he was rejected by A Guda. [38]
stay Liao Jin War In the chaos period of, Korea took the opportunity to make a big profit, that is, to seize Baozhou (also called Baozhou and Bazhou) and Laiyuan City These two cities are Korean Khitan War During this period, Khitan (Liao Dynasty) was in Yalu River The one built on the east bank is like the sword of Damocles hanging over Korea's head. It has been stuck in the bone and has repeatedly requested to withdraw from the city without success. In the year of Bingshen (1116), the Jin army besieged the two cities. On the one hand, Ruizong sent people to summon Ye Luning, the Liao Dynasty's garrison general, and on the other hand, he sent people to the Jin Dynasty to inform them that the place was originally Korean land. Aguta agreed in principle. [39] In the spring of the year of Dingyou (1117), Ruizong sentenced the army and horse envoys in the northwest to be responsible for the northern border defense. In March of the same year, Yeluning and others borrowed food from Korea because of food shortage. Korea asked to return the people in the two cities to borrow food. Yeluning and others had to lead officials and people to abandon the city and flee, transferring the two cities to Korea Cui Hongzai Take over the two cities and report to Ruizong. Ruizong was overjoyed when he heard the news, and sighed with emotion: "All previous dynasties had the intention to make the boundary of Yalu, but the potential could not be obtained. Now, there is no need for military reform. Once they have collected two cities, explored the territory, and set up the customs, it is not too wide." So they changed Baozhou to be the defense envoy of Yizhou, and the territory of Korea has really arrived Yalu River (Previously only Yalu River Estuary )。 [40-41] However, the Jin Dynasty also required that Korea must apply in the above form to allow the state to belong to Korea [42] It was not until the Renzong Dynasty that the Baozhou issue was finally resolved.

Exchange with Song Dynasty

When Ruizong reigned, Korea and Song dynasty The exchange reached its climax. From the eighth year of Qiantong (1108) to Wuxu (1118), Ruizong sent envoys to the Song Dynasty eight times, and the Song Dynasty sent envoys to Korea five times during the reign of Ruizong. Song Huizong In the 10th year of Qiantong (1110) and the 11th year of Dingyou (1117. Moreover, since the King of Korea was not conferred by the Song Dynasty, all the inscriptions given to the Song Dynasty were called "Quan King of Korea" (or Quan Zhi King of Korea), while Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty removed the word "Quan" to show respect, and later upgraded the envoys of Korea to the level of "Guoxin", raising their status to Xixia Above, it is the same as the diplomatic relations with Liao privy council Administration (formerly Honglu Temple )。 [43-44] In the fifth year of Tianqing (1115), Ruizong sent Jinduan(《 History of the Song Dynasty 》Jin Rui), Zhen Weidi, Zhao Shi, Kang Zuozheng and Quanshi went to the Song Dynasty Imperial College When studying abroad, Song Ting set up special doctors to teach them. In the spring of the year of Dingyou (1117), Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty proposed Korean Scholars in person, and granted four people the right to wait Rounding up In the summer of the same year, he was sent back to China (Kang Jungzheng and Zhen Weidi died in the Song Dynasty). Presented to Korea by the Song Dynasty Dasheng Music And various sacrificial vessels, medicines, paintings and calligraphy, and rare treasures, and seven medical officers were sent to Korea to treat diseases and spread medical skills(《 History of the Song Dynasty 》Recorded as two), Song Huizong I also gave Imperial inscribed tablet "Hall of Nengren", Grand Master Cai Jing The inscription of "Temple of Peace in Jingguo" was given by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty. In a word, the Ruizong period was the closest stage of the relationship between Song and Li.
During the honeymoon period between the Song Dynasty and Korea, Korea also saw that the Song Dynasty was strong outside but weak inside. In the first year of Tianqing (1111), Jin Yuan sent an envoy to the Song Dynasty. Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty treated Korean envoys very well, but Jin Yuan saw the Song Dynasty“ halcyon days ”The extravagant and wasteful scene felt cold, and reported the situation to Ruizong truthfully. [45-46] In June of the sixth year of Tianqing (1116), Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty presented the newly made Dasheng Music , Korea sent Li Ziliang Li Yong Go to the Song Dynasty to thank Da Shengle. Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty gave a banquet in person at the Ruimo Hall, ordered Li Zilianggeng and the imperial poem maker to reward them. Before leaving, Emperor Huizong secretly told Gaoli to help the Song Dynasty contact Jin Dynasty Li Ziliang declined and said, "Nvzhen one 's human exterior conceals the nature of a wolf Among the barbarians, they are most greedy for ugliness, and can't get to the country. " On the contrary, the ministers of the Song Dynasty believed that Gaoli had lied in order to monopolize the trade with Nuzhen. [47] Yi Gaoli's son Wang Kai At the request of the name, the Song Dynasty sent seven medical officers to Korea in Wuxu (1118). Two years later, the medical officers returned home. Korea sent a message to Song Huizong through the medical officers of the Song Dynasty that Nuzhen should not be handed over, and that the friendship of the brotherly country should be taken into account. It was too late to unite Liao and Jin to destroy Jin, but Song and Jin finally reached an agreement Alliance at Sea (According to the Song Dynasty, two medical officials were said to have been poisoned after returning home.). [48-49]
It is worth mentioning that during the Ruizong period Taoism It reached its peak and influenced Korea. Ruizong became the king of Korea who had the closest relationship with Taoism. In the seventh year of Qiantong (1107), on the 18th of leap October, Ruizong began to worship Taoism in the Jade Candle Pavilion Sanqing One of Lord of Heaven and symbol of the creative power of the Dao , command monthly set up an altar for prayer rituals [50] In the seventeen years of Ruizong's reign《 Goryeosa 》There were 30 wedding ceremonies, including 20 wedding ceremonies by the king himself, and even Ruizong was talking Confucian Classics For the first time ever, the Qingdange Court ordered the minister to speak《 Laozi 》。 [51] Song Huizong It is said that the Korean government set Wang Xiang Zhang Bangchang The mission was accompanied by two Taoists to preach in Korea. [52] Li Zhongruo, who was favored by Ruizong, also went to study Taoism in the Song Dynasty. After he returned home, he proposed to set up a Taoist temple, so Ruizong ordered the construction of a national Taoist temple in Korea - Fuyuan Palace, with more than ten Taoists, filling the gap of Taoism in Korea, and making Korea, like the Song Dynasty, have a situation where Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism coexist. [52-53] It is said that Ruizong wanted to promote Taoism on a large scale to replace it Buddhism And become a Gaoli national religion. [52] But this is obviously an exaggeration. Although Ruizong worships Taoism, he has never experienced diagrams and scriptures Instead, he suffered seven times Bodhisattva Ring , Buddhist activities have never been interrupted, and also spread Buddhist relics Welcome to the palace for offering [54-55] It can be seen that Ruizong cannot change the Buddhist belief because of the popularity of Taoism.

Implement the new law

During the reign of Emperor Ruizong, Korea continued to receive Song dynasty Under the influence of the "new law", the reform has deepened. At the same time, there are also voices opposing the new law, such as consulting political affairs High Lord He believes that "the ancestral constitution has its origin and cannot be changed repeatedly, but it should be kept without losing anything" [56] , Prime Minister of Su Dynasty and Rui Dynasty Cui Siwa "Not willing to change the laws of our ancestors lightly, nor to use them as new laws to disturb customs". [57] However, Ruizong still carried out some reforms, such as official system reform, educational reform and social reform. When Ruizong ascended the throne, the official administration was relatively corrupt, leading to the situation of "exiles in succession, ten families and nine vacancies". Therefore, Ruizong implemented Temple assess the service of an official In order to consolidate the administration of officials, the post of "supervisor" was set up in some states and counties to strengthen local management. In the second year of Tianqing (1112), Ruizong set up a Benevolence Bureau to administer medicine to the poor. The following year, Ruizong set up a detailed etiquette office to sort out the rules and regulations of Korea. These measures may be based on or imitate the practices of the Song Dynasty at that time, such as Song Huizong establishment Anji Square And other welfare institutions, and are keen on "ritual making and entertainment".
The most eye-catching "new law" of Ruizong Dynasty lies in culture and education. since Cui Chong After the establishment of private schools, private schools flourished day by day, in contrast to the decline of official schools, which was implemented in the Song Dynasty“ Rounding ”, which has greatly inspired Korea. So Ruizong used the Song Dynasty Fuzhou people Hu Zongdan And carry out educational reform. In July of the ninth year of Qiantong's reign (1109), Ruizong set up seven Zhais in the traditional Chinese culture, of which six Zhais taught six Confucian Classics , and another room is martial arts [58] In the year of Bingshen (1116), there were Qingdang Pavilion and Baowen Pavilion, where Ruizong talked with Confucian officials about the classics and history. [59] In 1119 (the year of 1911), a talent pool was set up to store funds for academic awards. At the same time, a wide range of learning houses were set up, including 60 people for Confucianism and 17 people for martial arts. The management was carried out by close officials, and famous Confucians were selected as doctors in order to cultivate talents. [60]
On March 23 of Renyin year (1122), Ruizong had a banquet with Minister Zaishu at Xianglin Pavilion. Suddenly, he found that there was a tiny stick on his back, so he hurried back to the palace [61] , due to internal medicine Cui Siquan Is aggravated by misdiagnosis [62] In April, he was seriously ill, and the posthumous edict was passed down to the prince Wang Kai On the eighth day of April, Hong died Temple name Ruizong, Posthumous title Wen Xiao, the posthumous title of Ming Lie Qi Shunwen, was added in later dynasties, and was buried in Yuling.

Anecdotes and allusions


Make friends with Guo Yu

Ruizong and Li Zixuan Guo Yu People like Guo Yu are very close, especially Guo Yu, who is a minister Guo Shang His son retired from the mountain forest shortly after he became an official. Ruizong recruited him when he was the prince. Guo Yu often served around Ruizong with black scarves and crane cloaks, and Ruizong often made wine with him to sing or discuss literature, known as the Golden Gate Feathers (probably following suit Song Huizong To Taoist Linlingsu Address). Later, Guo Yu came up with a palace to live in, and Ruizongxian gave it to him outside Xihua Gate Alternative employment Later, he built a room for Guo Yu on a peak of Ruotou Mountain in the east of the city. He gave the hall a title of emptiness and quietness, and the house a title of keeping ambition. He also gave the forehead in writing, also known as the East Mountain House. Ruizong once paid a private visit to this room in disguise, which coincided with the absence of Guo Yu. Ruizong lingered over and over again and then wrote a poem and inscribed it on the wall. This poem is known as "the words of white clouds in the Han Dynasty and the words of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty dancing the phoenix, both of which are unique in ancient and modern times" (see the poem below). Ruizong once held Guo Yu's hand in this room and ordered him to slogan It can be seen that no one can match Guo Yu's favor. [71-72]

Infuriated by poetry

Ruizong loved music. The prostitutes were exquisite and Yan Yun was favored because of their good songs. Gao Xiaochong, a Chinese student, satirized them by writing "Poems of Two Women", which angered Ruizong. Soon Gao Xiaochong will attend The imperial examination As Ruizong used to read the examination papers in person, he was not only disqualified from the examination, but also sent to prison (first, Gao Xiaochong was deposed because he wrote "Four Useless Poems" when he was elected). Fortunately, Ruizong's favorite minister Hu Zongdan Gao Xiaochong was released after writing to rescue him, and finally ascended the throne in the Renzong Dynasty. [73-74]

personal works

Ruizong of Korea is a monarch famous for his love of literature. The poems he sang with the virgin Guo Yu and others were compiled into two volumes of "The Anthology of Ruizong". Unfortunately, this book has been lost. Goryeosa 》It is recorded that he wrote poems many times, but the content of the poem is not recorded. Only the tail couplet in the Poems on the Moon, "Our people will become rich and live long someday, and pay Yan Gongqing well in the festival", is recorded. In addition, there are records of his writing, such as Wannian Ci《 Lin Jiang Xian ·Xianlu Tune《 Shou Xingming 》But the content has not been handed down. In the seventh year of Tianqing (1117), Ruizong wrote it personally Song Huizong This is unique among the kings of Korea. In the Collected Works of Dajue Guoshi《 Broken free set 》、《 Selected Eastern Languages 》、《 East Land Sightseeing 》Some literary works of Ruizong are included in the documents such as "The Legacy of the Grand Master of Pingshan Shenshi Gaoli on the Zhuang Festival", among which Hyangka Ballad《 Song of mourning for the second general 》(Ruizong watched in Xijing in 1120 Eight Customs Meetings When doing acrobatics, I saw that Wang Jian And Jin Le, the founder of the country who died in the war Shen Chongqian It was especially valued by later generations, so Ruizong became the only three existing ballad writers (the other two are Zheng Xu and attach the knobs to the roller )。 Another ballad《 Valley cutting bird 》It was written by Ruizong to encourage his officials to make suggestions. Although the lyrics are not recorded in the Koryo History Music Records, the lyrics are recorded in the Shiyong Rural Music Score《 Virgo 》It is thought that it may be the same work as "Cutting Valley Birds". Ruizong's works, which have been handed down to date, include one table, one praise, seven poems and one song, making him the most famous Korean monarch in literature.
  • List of Imperial Restitution and Imperial Restitution by Xie Ciquan
The Nine Heavenly Emperors' Office presented us with an extraordinary gift; It is a heavenly book, which is extremely profound. At the time of paying tribute, I can't help feeling tears. Stealing from the East China Sea Ladder navigation The world is exposed to the rain and dew in the sky. The minister of King Zuwen, Dai Yuanfeng Great kindness; The official father Su Wang's Fu Feng, and Chongning Benevolence. Read the quality of mediocrity and ignorance of the officials, and inherit the style of loyalty and filial piety. Enjoy the courtesy and cultivate the old style. His Majesty Emperor Fu Wei, legendary emperor of great wisdom Smart and ancient, Shang Tang Courage and wisdom help the times. Casting a treasure tripod to hold a memorial ceremony for Jiuzhou and become a great saint for six generations; speak Mingtang Be strict with the emperor Piyong An instrument for cultivating people. Gu Kuangshi has met many people, and he is sincere in his admiration. So I sent my children to Xuxiang. Although the general speech is entrusted to translator Out of valley Enterprises move to trees. Do not mean to be tolerant, add medicine to school; He also made the return of the board Taoism, knowing that it was based on Confucianism. Call the palace and court to try skills, and rank the officials to return in honor; The words of "Qu Fan Zhi Mi" are still intended to praise and praise. Dragons and snakes write, wielding the spirit of Han vertically and horizontally; The cloud and the Han return to the sky, and apply the brilliant prose. This cover to meet the emperor's majesty, to show the ability of saints, Pi inherited the legacy of the test; The highest benevolence covers all countries, and the special family is deeper than small countries. Every time I see an envoy, I will feast and work inside; Or plan all the students to come to the temple in person. Because of the hand edict, the minister dares not to favor the spirit Only clothes Motto, To Yang Rest your life? keep sth. secret Ten times, not only pass on children and grandchildren; Persuade one party to change the wind and change the customs. With this modest effect, we will always answer the special needs. [63]
The incarnation returns to the original, and the religiosity flows to the east. Leisure leads to wisdom, and grand elucidation of patriarchal style. The ancestor of Yixiang (Hunan), wonhyo At the same time. Today, after the fragrant drum, it is only a national teacher.
Love the palace and specialize in Buddhism and Taoism. Young students know, and superior students understand. Zhuang Muxianzhe traveled to China. Light wading in the sea, experience reference writer.
A wise man with a wise head, Yin Ming Legal notes. Seeking the various sects, the secret spread of all wonders. The star frost changes the law, and the bottle of tin ascends the road. The Son of Heaven sent labor, and the Chinese welcomed the Soviet Union.
Wise torches are bright again, willing to take charge by turns. Great hearted husband, Dharma Advocate Bodhisattva. It is hard to hide a sharp point without revealing it. The body produces jade grains, and the mouth emits fire.
The Dharma Hall was shaken, and the gods came to protect it. Everyone praises, but the teacher does not review. Emperor Shixin of the Liao Dynasty, Ue-kok By post. Man and heaven are blessed, and far and wide, they return to sincerity.
Yuan Zong gathers together, and Shi Wan (Yuan) compiles words. The model of later generations has been handed down from generation to generation. Work is hard, Lingtai Mo shape. Just remember the sound of smoke, but praise it. [64]
I wish to see you in my life and think more and more.
It's hard to capture the lofty ideals. What's the best way to give them? [65]
  • Ascending Yanghe Tower
Going out of the Dumen resort in the west, the ten thousand heavy palaces and towers pillow the Jianghu.
Fangfei wild color slanting curtain, vast smoke waves send Shaft windlass
Yesterday's articles were in harmony, and today's songs are played for fun.
There are thousands of scenes in the poem Chiffon gauze Command the plot. [66]
  • Visit Changyuan Pavilion and Guo Yu
Every person in the other hall wants to be exiled to the immortal. Go upstairs and look at the boat on the evening river.
Sing good Jinglao poetry, laugh happily and pay a drunken feast.
When red leaves and yellow flowers are here, green poplar and fragrant grass recall the year before last.
Just forget the tense of your intimate intention, and bear to hold the crazy chant to follow the elegant chapter.
In the twilight, the edge is clear Crab fire , there are many people outside the Sunset Village.
The sea atmosphere of the Ming Dynasty is driving away now, and the moon shines on the blue sky in the autumn sky. [67]
  • Title Yongming Temple
The west wall of the Qingjiang River towers over the lotus palace, and the image is detached and imitates the wind.
Around the peaks and ridges of the country, there is an ethereal struggle. The trees and flowers are all green and red.
In rainy days, the boats fill the downstairs, and the moon night is full of music.
Now I see the trace of the veil god, and I still feel sad. [68]
  • Title Nine Ladder Palace
The road is dangerous in Dongming Palace. Stop the wheel to drive the cattle.
Ancient City Heng Absolute peak The high pavilion sleeps the cold current.
The algae hall often opens accounts, and the bead curtain cannot be hooked.
It's a pity to win the tour. Later, we will make an appointment with you. [68]
  • When I visited Chushi Guo, I didn't meet Dongshan Zhai who was inscribed on the wall
Where is the unforgettable wine? The truth is never found again. The window of the book is bright, and the jade seal covers the residual dust.
The abbot was left unattended, and the fairy gate opened every day. The garden warbler sings the old tree, and the court crane sleeps the moss.
Daowei, who speaks with you? Can you come, sir. Thinking deeply, students sigh and look back again wandering.
Leave your pen on the wall, climb the fence and leave the stage lazily. Help chant many attitudes and touch the dust.
Under the trees, the wind blows into the temple. There is no one at this time. What's the trouble? [69]
  • Poems mourning two generals (Chinese poetry)
See the image of two meritorious officials, weeping Think.
The mountain is lonely, Pyongyang Things are left behind.
Loyalty and righteousness are eternal, and life and death are unique.
Dancing the white blade for the king will protect the king's foundation from now on. [70]
  • Song of mourning for the second general (township letters)
Lord B is completely white( Sacrifice oneself to protect the king
Hear Tianyi and Kun( Loyal and thin sky
Soul is a gift( The soul is gone
Middle third black blessing( Teaching by example can make you cry
Career and Desire Meets Alira( Update of due diligence
Can be two meritorious officials( Good Two Meritorious Officials
For a long time, it has been straight and hidden, and the black appears in Giding( The soul grows forever [70]

interpersonal relationship

full name
Wang Yong
Wives and concubines
Li Ziqian Daughter, also known as Empress Dowager Wenjing
Queen Wenzhen
Korean Wenzong His granddaughter, the daughter of Marquis Chen and Wang Yu
general name for the emperor's concubines
Also known as the leader of Changxin Palace, the daughter of Cui Yong, Cui Yunyi Sister [75]
Wang Kai
Born to Queen Shunde
Monk of Xuanhua Temple
Born by Concubine Cui [76]
Guangzhi Grand Zen Master
Seal of
Born by palace man Yan Shi [77]
Abbot of Faquan Temple
Sense Ni
Born by a palace man [78]
Born by Queen Shunde, married to Bo Wang Qi of Hannan, grandson of Suzong of Korea and son of Bo Wang Zhen of Chenghua [85]
Princess Xingqing
Born by Queen Shunde, married to the grandson of Emperor Suzong of Korea, Duke Guangping Wang Yuan His son, Prince Anping, Wang Xuan [86]
king's daughter
Born by a palace man, married to Li [79]
king's daughter
Born of an official girl in Pingzhou, married to Yu Bi, the official of Pingzhou [80] [87]

Historical evaluation

  • Li Qixian : Both the King (Ruizong) and the Prince (Renzong) were refined and learned, and extended their visit to Confucianism... famous officials and sages face , discuss polishing, 亹 亹 yes the chinese people The wind of the future generations can't reach it. [81]
  • Goryeosa 》: ① Deep and measured, elegant Confucianism [82] ② Ruizong is talented and wise. He has a taste of meeting sages in the Eastern Palace and showing filial piety to his younger brother. As soon as he ascended the throne, he worked hard at night and worked hard to seek governance. However, we are determined to expand our territory, and we are lucky enough to make great efforts on the border; He admired Huafeng and trusted Hu Zongdan. He was puzzled by what he said. It was a mistake. However, knowing the difficulty of using troops, we should abandon the grievances and repair them, so that our neighbors will feel admired and satisfied; Give pensions to widows and widows, and support the elderly; Set up schools to teach health workers; Set up two pavilions, namely, Qingdang and Baowen pavilions, and talk with civil servants in Japan Six Meridians Yanwu Xiuwen wants to become popular with rites and music. so Han Anren He said, "Seventeen years of career can make future generations happy."! [63]
  • Dongguo Tongjian 》: Ruizong worked hard at night, determined to govern, and respected elegance, Speak Governance, education, pension and orphanage are considerable. But the record remains Expansion , making provocations and forcing captives, and sealing the border; As good as words, like to travel slowly and linger fritter away one's time It hurts the body of the monarch. [83]

Film and television image

Wind and Cloud (Korean film in 1968), played by Jin Dongyuan [84]