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Wang Zhichun

Diplomat, thinker and scholar of the Qing Dynasty
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Wang Zhichun (1842-1906), named Juetang, Jiaosheng, Hunan, Qing Dynasty Qingquan County People. The weak crown joined the army and successively served as Zeng Guofan Li Hongzhang and Peng Yulin Subordinates of Taiping Rebellion , Successive Shanxi Governor Governor of Anhui The governor of Guangxi. He has visited Japan, Russia, Germany and France, and has repeatedly submitted a new policy for self-improvement to the imperial court. In his later years, due to the suppression of Sichuan Yu Dongchen Uprising , especially by borrowing French soldiers to suppress the Revolutionary Party uprising, which aroused domestic Anti French movement But he was dismissed and moved to Shanghai after being punished by the capital teacher. In October 1903, the 29th year of Guangxu's reign, a patriot Wan Fuhua attempted to assassinate him and was arrested. Huang Xing Zhang Shizhao And so on. Since then, he has disappeared on the political stage and returned to his hometown to live quietly. He died in the 32nd year of Guangxu's reign and was buried in Yangliu River and Huangwu Mountain Doctor Guanglu General Jian Wei
True name
Wang Zhichun
Raw pepper
Qing Dynasty
one's native heath
Qingquan County, Hunan Province
date of birth
Date of death
Main works
Chronicle of Chuanshan Duke, Collection of Wang Jiaosheng, Records of the Garden, etc
Key achievements
Governor of Shanxi, Governor of Anhui, Governor of Guangxi
Ethnic groups
Han nationality

Character's Life

Born on the first day of September in the 21st year of Daoguang Reign of the Qing Dynasty (1842) Hengyong Chengui Road Hengzhou Fuqingquan County (today Hengyang City Hengnan County Shiziping, Quanxi Town). When his parents died when he was young, he was raised by his grandmother and enrolled in the county school with the help of his relatives.
In the ninth year of Tongzhi era (1870), Wang Zhichun was appointed as the commander of Jiangfang, stationed in Beitang Haikou and Zhenjiang, Jiangsu.
In 1879, Japan formally annexed Ryukyu, threatening China's eastern coastal areas. Wang Zhichun was sent to Japan to investigate. After returning to China, Chen Yiwu sent a letter of ten thousand words to the imperial court, and asked himself to take a sharp teacher back to Zhongshan. And he wrote his experience of this trip into Tan Ying Lu.
In the eighth year of Guangxu (1882), Hunan Qing commissioner of education Zhu Xuanran Initiative preparation Chuanshan Academy (Today Hengyang No. 1 Middle School ); Governor of Hengzhou Peng Yulin , Wang Zhichun, Yang Gai, Cheng Shanglin, Jiang Xiachu, etc Wang Chuanshan one's native heath Hengzhou Mansion Wang Yaping "Chuanshan Temple" was expanded to "Chuanshan Academy", the first school named after "Chuanshan" in China.
In the 10th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu (1884) Lei Qiong Road, Guangdong Top four products )。 France invades Vietnam and China, Wang Zhichun contacts Zheng Guanying Thailand attacked France. Defend by leading Qinzhou Lianzhou Meritorious service Guangdong Governor grain road Concurrent Guangdong Gao Lian Avenue (Top 4), responsible for the Sino French border survey and negotiation between China and Vietnam, insisted on the former site, with clear evidence, compromised the target, and many foreign diplomats borrowed it, which won the praise of the court.
In April of 1888, the 14th year of Guangxu, he was promoted to Zhejiang a provincial official equivalent to today's chief prosecutor of a high court Top 3 ), changed office in May Guangdong Ombudsman (Top 3), acting Guangdong Chief Executive (Secondary products).
On the morning of April 5, 1891, the 17th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu, Russian tsar crown prince Nicholas II left Hong Kong and arrived in Guangzhou Tianzi Wharf , visited Guangzhou for three days Governor of Guangdong Liu Ruifen (on leave due to illness) received the tsar's son Nicholas II and enjoyed the banquet.
At the end of the 17th year of Guangxu (1890), he was transferred Hubei Chief Executive (Secondary products).
In the 20th year of Guangxu (1894), Sino-Japanese Jiawu War Burst. In November, Russian tsar alexander iii After his death, the Crown Prince succeeded to the throne, namely nicholas ii On November 18, he served as an envoy of Russia and went to Russia as a special envoy to pay a visit to Russian Minister Kasini in Beijing, informing him that he was going to Russia to attend the celebration and mourn the old tsar.
On January 5, the 21st year of Guangxu era (1895), Wang Zhichun, an imperial envoy and Hubei administrator, was the first product Topwear The "envoy to Russia" set sail from Shanghai and traveled a long way to Russia to mourn the Russian emperor Alexandra The third death and the celebration of Nicolas II's accession to the throne, arriving on February 7 Marseille And then take a train Paris Berlin, arrived at the Russian capital Petersburg at noon on February 16. On February 18, Nicholas II received Wang Zhichun and accepted the credentials presented. Hour“ civil official post Send Zhichun to Russia for condolence and congratulation. I really want to use Russia's power to control Japanese people ”However, "the messenger of spring has not yet returned, and《 Treaty of Shimonoseki 》Already. " The Treaty of Shimonoseki brought unprecedented humiliation to China, which aroused the anger of the people all over the country, and also made the Qing court extremely uneasy. Most people advocated to change the resolution, so Wang Zhichun Take orders again Russia went to Paris to negotiate a secret agreement with France and led France to intervene. Russia, Germany and France united to safeguard their interests in China note Japan, forced Japan to give up Liaodong Peninsula The claim of. In the 23rd year of Guangxu (1897), he was transferred Sichuan Chief Executive (Secondary products).
In the 24th year of Guangxu (1898), it was pacified Yu Dongchen Uprising
In the 25th year of Guangxu (1899), he was promoted Shanxi Governor Primary and secondary products )。
At the end of the 25th year of Guangxu (1899), he was transferred Governor of Anhui (First and second products).
In the 26th year of Guangxu (1900), Anhui governor Wang Zhichun united city in Hunan salt commissioner Cheng Shanglin When the gentleman funded the construction“ Zhuhui Tower ”, named after the meaning of "accumulating pearls and letting jade shine", Wang Zhichun wrote "Zhuhui Tower" in calligraphy and wrote three pairs of couplets engraved on White marble On.
At the end of the 28th year of Guangxu's reign (1902), he was transferred Governor of Guangxi (First and second products).
In the 29th year of Guangxu (1903), the peasant uprising led by Liu Zhifa was pacified. The people of Hunan, Hubei and Guangdong started the movement of canceling the contract and running the railway by themselves due to the breach of contract by the American Hexing Company. Wang Zhichun, as the representative of the Central Committee, strongly advocated "connecting beauty with beauty" or "Sino foreign cooperation".
On November 19, 1904, Wang Zhichun lived in Shanghai, Wanfuhua stay Huang Xing At the instigation, Wang Zhichun was assassinated in a restaurant in Shanghai. Wan was arrested, Huang Xing Zhang Shizhao After his imprisonment, Wang Zhichun withdrew from Chinese politics and returned to city in Hunan Quiet living.
Guangxu reign period In the 32nd year (1906) Hengzhou Mansion Death, posthumously awarded by the imperial court Doctor Guanglu Authentic )、 General Jian Wei (Genuine).

Main contributions

Wan Fuhua Assassinates Wang Zhichun
Wang Zhichun served from 1899 to 1901 Governor of Anhui During this period, more than 30 mines in Anhui were sold to imperialism, which was deeply hated by the people of Anhui. In 1902, when he was the governor of Guangxi, he contacted the French army to hang the revolutionaries, and transferred more road rights and mining rights in Guangxi to France at a low price. His traitorous behavior aroused public anger, and the voice of condemning Wang Zhichun became louder and louder, and set off a spectacular Anti French movement Qing government Wang Zhichun was forced to resign. In the winter of 1904, Wang Zhichun was dismissed from his post and lived in Shanghai. He was still unwilling to be lonely. He made traitorous remarks and accused Anti Russian movement , arousing the people's righteous indignation, and also arousing the hatred of revolutionary heroes. Revolutionaries in Shanghai republican revolutionary Lin Xie Zhang Shizhao Wanfuhua Chen Zixin and others plotted to assassinate him. It was finally agreed that Chen Zixin and Wan Fuhua would carry out specific assassination tasks.
Wang Zhichun has a good relationship with Wu Baochu, a famous gentleman in Shanghai. The Revolutionary Party and Wu Baochu have always had contacts and are familiar with their living habits, so they decided to invite Wang Zhichun to the Jingu Xiangxi Restaurant on the evening of November 19, 1904, in the name of Wu Baochu. The assassination plan is: mainly Chen Zixin, with the pistol newly purchased by Zhang Shizhao, disguised as a waiter, hiding upstairs in the restaurant, and sniping when the opportunity arises; Wan Fuhua and others, armed with an old pistol borrowed from Zhang Jizhi, ambushed the restaurant downstairs in case of accidents.
On the evening of November 19, 1904, Wang Zhichun attended the appointment on time with his servants and rickshaw pullers. Because the assassination plan was not well arranged, Wang Zhichun wanted to escape. At this point, Wanfuhua Pulling out the pistol, he reached in front of Wang Zhichun, grabbed Wang Zhichun's arm with one hand, and shot in a hurry with the other hand. However, after repeatedly pulling the trigger, the gun never rang. Originally, this gun was republican revolutionary Borrowed from Zhang Jichu, the striker is old and broken. Wan Fuhua and others have not tried it before, so it fell short. Wang Zhichun took advantage of the occasion to shout, which attracted the British Concession patrolmen to arrive. Wan Fuhua was arrested because he could not walk away.
Zhang Shizhao After learning that Wan Fuhua was arrested, he became extremely anxious and went to the patrol room the next day to visit, but accidentally revealed Yu Qingli's house number. The patrol room not only arrested Zhang Shizhao as a suspect, but also used this as a clue to find out and arrest Yu Qingli's revolutionary organ Huang Xing Zhang Ji Wait for eleven people.
After Wan Fuhua and others were jailed, all sectors of society rescued them. Alarm Daily 》Chen Peiren, the person in charge of Gao Tianmei And others, immediately raise funds to hire lawyers for them Zhang Danfu It is also about running forward and backward. Cai Yuanpei And Yang Dusheng , Xielin republican revolutionary The revolutionaries from all over the country also rushed to rescue. On December 23, 1904, Wanfuhuayi was convicted of disturbing the public order in the lease mixed court hearing in concessions between foreign colonial officials and the Qing Dynasty functionaries He was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment for hard work. The rest were released without evidence. Later, Wan Fuhua, who led the prisoners in the prison to fight against abuse, was retaliated by the prison officials, and was accused of "trying to lead people to escape from prison", and was banned for another ten years. Until December 7, 1912 Chen Qimei After many negotiations, he was released. When you get out of prison, journalist and personal secretary to Sun Yat-sen Lead in Shanghai New Stage A welcome meeting was held for him.
Wan Fuhua's assassination of Wang Zhichun "initiated the initiative of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River to take direct action against the Manchu and Qing Dynasty's subjugated monarchs and ministers, and inspired the general revolutionary youth's ambition to kill themselves and become benevolent". Wanfuhua Wang Han Wu Yue Xu Xilin A group of assassins were inspired by Wanfuhua spirit. Wu Yue joined the Northern Assassin Group in Baoding precisely out of his worship for Wan Fuhua. [1]

political phase

Wang Zhichun has successively served as the commander of river defense, Guangdong Leiqiong Taoist Platform, Guangdong Governor grain road Taiwan, Guangdong Gao Lian Daotai, Guangdong Provincial Procurator, Guangdong, Hubei and Sichuan Provincial Chief Executive, Shanxi, Anhui and Guangxi Provincial Governors. bestow Doctor Guanglu General Jian Wei

military phase

Counselor Ting Zi battalion military screen, with Peng Yulin Zeng Guofan pacified Taiping Rebellion Serve as the commander of Jiangfang, stationed in Beitang Haikou and Zhenjiang, Jiangsu. In 1879, Wang Zhichun asked a sharp teacher to recover Zhongshan, Guangdong. Wang Zhichun Contact Zheng Guanying Thailand attacked France and led the defense Qinzhou Lianzhou , attend Sino French War Pingding Sichuan Yu Dongchen Uprising And Liuzhi Uprising in Guangxi.

Diplomatic aspects

Wang Zhichun was sent to Japan to investigate. After returning to the country, he wrote thousands of words to the imperial court, Chen Yiwu; Served as Guangdong Chief Executive and Acting Governor of Guangdong Liu Ruifen (Taking a sick leave) Receiving the czar's son nicholas ii , the negotiation was very enjoyable; Responsible for the negotiations between China and France on the survey and demarcation of Sino Vietnamese boundary sites, adhering to the old site, with clear evidence, and compromising on each other, Heckling and folding The foreign envoys borrowed a lot and won the imperial court's praise; Mourning the death of Alexander III, the Russian emperor, and celebrating the accession of Nikolai II. As an imperial envoy to Japan, Russia, Germany, France and Britain, he led Russia and France to intervene and forced Japan to give up Liaodong Peninsula Encroachment of.


Wang Zhichun was a rare westernization thinker with both civil and military skills, a talented cadre and an enlightened minister in the Qing government. He wrote to the court many times to implement the new policy measures for self-improvement. Wang Zhichun was sent to Japan to investigate. After returning to China, he sent a letter of ten thousand words to the imperial court Barbarian affairs
Wang Zhichun is familiar with westernization. He went out of the "heaven" and looked around the world. Face up to reality and be enthusiastic about westernization. The understanding of China's national conditions and the West exceeded that of the scholars at that time Westernization Movement And elaborated the thought of westernization. In the 1870s, Wang Zhichun put forward that "Western scholars are not just western scholars" and explained the thought of westernization. In the 1890s, Wang Zhichun, who returned from Russia as an envoy, further put forward his idea of reform. In some European countries, Wang Zhichun "read factories around, visited their existing systems, and observed their differences and similarities". He realized that there are also considerable political and religious power in various countries, and he has more insight into many domestic ills. After returning home, he wrote to the court eight new policies for self-improvement: one railway, two military systems, three changes to science, four manufacturing for talents, five financing, six heavy industry and commerce, seven mining, and eight negotiations. Actively put forward their own reform ideas, and the "Sino foreign joint venture" was quite popular at the time.

Famous works

Wang Zhichun loved to write books all his life. He has many works, including the Chronicle of Chuanshan Duke《 Rou Yuanji in the National Dynasty 》(Later, it was changed to "The Whole Story of Trade"), "Tan Ying Lu", "Wang Dazhong Cheng Jiao Sheng Memorial", "Shi Ru Cao", "Chinese Trade History"《 Essay on raw pepper 》, "Pepper Grows Poems and Grasses", "A Brief Account of Preventing the Sea", "A Collection of Wang Jiaosheng", "A Tale of the Garden"《 Gaozhou Prefecture Annals 》54 volumes, etc.
In the sixth year of Guangxu's reign (1880), it was written into 20 volumes of Rouyuan's Records of the State (also known as the Records of the Beginning and the End of Trade), which recorded the diplomatic history of the 230 years of the Qing Dynasty from the first year of Shunzhi (1644) to the eleventh year of Tongzhi (1872). It is a source of current affairs, and its influence has spread to this day. Later, I went to Japan for investigation Nagasaki Yokohama. He is familiar with the geography of the coastal areas, and has written "Tan Ying Lu", of which the third volume "Japanese Trivia" is about Japan's geography, household registration, taxes Military system Officialdom , national debt, property, education, customs and other aspects were briefly introduced. At the end of the book, there are 13 chapters of "General Examination of All Countries in Yinghai", "Li Che Zhi Yan", the general plan of the sea, the coastal map, the three islands (Taiwan Pescadores Islands Qiongzhou )The maps and the general map of the world were the necessary reference books for understanding the national conditions of Japan at that time. In the book, I summarized the diplomatic history of the Qing Dynasty and drew the geographical profiles of various countries. The purpose was to enable the westerners to understand the westernization, and not let the westerners use the westernization as a tool for self-interest. The eight volumes of "Shi Ru Cao" had a profound influence, and the compilation of "Chuan Shan Gong's Chronicle" was praised by later scholars as“ Credibility history ”。
"Essays on Peppers"
Volume IV
"Wushuangpu Supplement"
"Wushuangpu Supplement" is Kang Shuchen Dahing The collection consists of 30 people, each with a poem title like the ancient Yuefu. However, there are many strange and creative words, which can be passed on through inquiry and recorded. Judgement for Stealing the Qin Dynasty( Lu Buwei ), "Eating Sighs" (the floating mother), "Wang Ming" (the three old men in the new city, Dong Gong)《 Infantile language 》(Outer Yellow Man), The Return of the King Raise a pawn ), Five Hundred People( field plover ), "Young Phoenix Music" (after going to office), "Class Teacher Music"( Zhao Chongguo ), "Immortal Captain" (Mei Fu), "Eating Millet" (Big Mac)《 Liaodong hat 》(Guan Ning), Yuyang Lao( You Heng ), Dangtu Divination (Cao Cao), Wenxuan Building( Xiao Tong ), Night Genglong( Shanyin Princess ), After Rework( Sheep queen ),《 Jiu De Song 》( Liu Ling ), "Strange and True" (Xu Hongke), "A Man on the Sea" (Qiu Beard), "The Three Heroes" (Kunlun Slaves), "The backyard flowers" (Lovers Circumferential turn ), Singing of Plum Crane( Lin Bu ), "Drum and Drum"( Liang Hongyu ),《 Hollywood 》(Tang Jue), The Lotus Fall (Beggar), The Dragon Refusal Exercise (Xu Da's Third Daughter), The Golden Ou Break (Tinker), The Monk of Ping Zhang( Yao Guangxiao ), The Banner of Loyalty( Qin Liangyu ), "Stabbing the Tiger" (Fei Gongren).

Character evaluation

He also recorded his best work, such as "Five Hundred People", which said: "During the Qin and Han Dynasties Zhao Tuo There is Tian Heng inside godet Why did the king's career become independent? There are many generals in the sand Conspire against Five hundred people on the island have no life, so don't judge success or failure by reading history. General Ruotan is not only an enemy of Han Nape feather If you lose your life, even if you lose Liang Zhiqian's name, you can't live up to it. After Yao Liu Chen After Shun, there was Tian Heng. " "Yuyang Lao" said: "A parrot will be famous for the island, Zhang Ling The magistrate bowed his head, and Huang Zu's son was a good man. His father was really a plow. liu biao It's useless to call yourself a handsome person, but it's said to be polite and to leave? It is no wonder that the beagle lost Jingzhou when he sent the crazy students to Hukou. Yuyang and the three laos scolded the thieves angrily, Xun Wenruo All generations are ashamed. If Cao Cao had killed him at that time, wouldn't it be the best in the Three Kingdoms? Unfortunately, Ah Xiang refused to be beautiful, so I sent you to give up your life in vain. " The Voyager says:“ Young Master Taiyuan Qi is very strong, and there is a king in the world when heart breaks. Xiang Yu lost a move to the king and won't let the world go Liu Bang 。” "The Painting of the Three Heroes" says: "The door of Zhu is locked and locked, and the slave number is Kunlun. There is no dog barking in the 15th month, and Guang Han flies down to the beauty." "The Golden Ou Breaks" says: "I hate that the sky is hard to repair, and everyone is in the bottom of the bus. Many people are good to the people, the ten relations of a person It will last forever. " The "Stabbing the Tiger" says: "Jing Ke Nie Zheng To avenge others, the man is famous for thousands of years. Fei, the palace man, is a female. She can kill tigers and cut off their throats. Unfortunately, big material is still small and can't cut the culprit. Sigh! Do not cut the culprit with your hand. Cabinet Department Don't be ashamed of Pingxi! "