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Jade Emperor

[yù huáng dà dì]
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The leader of the gods in Taoist mythology
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The full name of the Jade Emperor should be: "The Supreme Jade Emperor Kaitian holds the Fuyu calendar, the real Tao, the Cloud Palace, the Nine Domes of the Golden Palace, the Supreme Jade Emperor pardons the Great Heaven, the High God in the Dark Dome, the Ming Palace, the Hall of Ten Thousand Ways and Nothing," and resides in the Taiwei Jade Palace. The Jade Emperor has a great influence on the Chinese people, who regard him as the "emperor" in the sky and the supreme ruler of the world of gods.
Chinese name
Jade Emperor [1]
Jade Emperor
Belonging to
Folk myths, Taoist myths
Taiwei Jade Palace
9th day of the first lunar month
The supreme ruler of the world of gods

Origin of name

According to The Same and Different Research on the Holy Names of the Jade Emperor, "The holy names of the Jade Emperor were revered before the disaster, and they were respected in the middle ages. The world leaders were good at the way, felt mysterious kindness, and each saw, heard, converted, and honored with their names. They respected the names of various gods to determine the title of the Jade Emperor. There are four Jade Emperors: one is Taiwei Jade Emperor, and the other is Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty; the other is Brahma Jade Emperor, and the other is Emperor Xuan of Han Dynasty; The Three Flame Huashaowei Jade Emperor and the Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty had a congenital positioning number; The four purple jade emperors and the Emperor Guangdi of Han Dynasty went to the imperial palace and then called Qianhao. It is not the Jade Emperor. This Jade Emperor is called Haotian Jinque, the supreme one. It is natural that there is a real Jade Emperor God, also known as the Jade Emperor, who reigns over the heavens and never destroys them. "

Belief formation

In ancient China, there was a saying that the highest god "Emperor" and "God" dominated natural changes such as the sun, moon, wind and rain, and the fate of human life such as fortune, life and death, longevity and good or bad luck. After the Western Zhou Dynasty, it was also called "Huangtian", "Haotian", "Tiandi", etc. In the Southern Dynasty, Tao Hongjing's "True Spirit Position and Career Map" had the titles of "Jade Emperor Daojun" and "High Jade Emperor", ranking 11th and 19th on the right of the Sanyuan Palace in Yuqing. During the Sui and Tang dynasties, the belief in "the Jade Emperor" was widespread. The famous poet Bai Juyi in the Tang Dynasty wrote the poem "pay homage to the Jade Emperor and be sincere before checking the head" in his Dream Immortal, and the poet Yuan Zhen wrote the poem "Praise the Joy of Heaven with State House" in his poem "I am the Jade Emperor's official". An important Taoist scripture, The Collected Works of the Jade Emperor Gao Shang, written about the time of Tang and Song Dynasties, described the origin and origin of the Jade Emperor in detail: Long ago, there was a Guangyan Miaoye country, where King Jingde and Queen Bao Yueguang were old and childless, so the Taoist priest was asked to pray. Later, the Supreme Taoist Priest held a baby and gave it to the Queen. After waking up, they became pregnant. The baby was conceived for one year, and was born in the palace at noon on the ninth day of the first month of the third lunar year. When the prince grew up, he inherited the throne. Soon, he went to the Xiangyan Mountain in Puming to practice Buddhism. It took 3000 years to prove the Golden Immortal. More than one hundred million robberies proved the Jade Emperor. In the eighth year (1015) of the reign of Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty (1008-1016), the Jade Emperor God was revered as the "Emperor Kaitian holding the symbols and the imperial calendar of the Jade Emperor". In the sixth year (1116) of Zhenghe (1111-1117) of Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, the Jade Emperor was also honored as "the Supreme Master Kaitian, holding the symbol, the imperial calendar, and the real Tao Haotian Jade Emperor God".

Main contents of belief

Taoism believes that the Jade Emperor is the king of the gods and has a very high position in the Taoist god hierarchy. According to the Taoist scriptures, he lives in Miluo Heaven Palace, the golden palace of Haotian. He has a dignified appearance and supreme dharma body. He commands all the heavens, masters the universe, cultivates all the heavens, walks the way of heaven, spreads the virtue of heaven, creates all things, helps people, weighs the three realms, governs all souls, and has no measure of people. He is the supreme god and emperor of heaven. In short, Taoism believes that the Jade Emperor is in charge of all the yin and yang disasters and blessings of the three worlds (heaven, earth, space), the ten directions (four directions, four dimensions, up and down), the four lives (viviparity, egg birth, wet birth, and transformation), and the six lives (heaven, people, demons, hell, beasts, and hungry ghosts).
Every year on the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month, the Jade Emperor will come down to the lower boundary and personally inspect the situation of all parties. Reward the good and punish the evil according to the good and evil of all living beings. On that day, many people set up incense tables to offer offerings to receive the Jade Emperor. This activity is also called "Ramadan".
The ninth day of the first month is the Jade Emperor's Christmas, commonly known as the "Jade Emperor's Meeting". It is said that all the immortals in the sky and the earth will celebrate this day. The Jade Emperor went back to Luan on the afternoon of his birthday to return to the Heavenly Palace. At that time, the Taoist temples would hold a grand celebration ceremony.