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Yuting Building · Maker Space

Hakka Dwellings in Meizhou City, Guangdong Province
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Yuting Building · Maker Space is located in Meijiang 4th Road, Meicheng, Meizhou, Guangdong Province, and was officially put into operation in August 2015. [1]
Chinese name
Yuting Building · Maker Space
geographical position
Meijiang 4th Road, Meicheng, Meizhou City, Guangdong Province
The Yuting Building, where Yuting Building · Maker Space is located, was built in 1923. It is a Hakka residential building with the pattern of walking horse building. After repair and transformation, it was built into the first "activation model of Hakka ancient residential buildings" and "old house maker space" in our city. [1]
On May 30, 2015, Yutinglou · Maker Space was put into trial operation. On the first day of trial operation, representatives of 9 cultural and creative enterprises and social organizations that have entered or operated received Maker cards, and then the "One See · One Hundred Years" Art Collection Exhibition was officially launched. This exhibition displays nearly 60 precious collections, including calligraphy of Hakka celebrities such as Song Xiang and Lin Fengmian, as well as palace art and Buddhist art collections. The series of trial operation activities lasted until June 8, during which cultural activities such as Vintage retro party, Chinese ancient style concert, calligrapher and painter pen meeting were also held. [1]