
Vertebrates, mammals, livestock
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Pigs (Pig, Swine) are vertebrate mammal livestock , also an ancient omnivorous mammal, mainly divided into Domestic pig and wild boar At present, people think that pig is the abbreviation of swine. Pigs have different physical characteristics according to different breeds; The main body features are large ears, long head, short limbs, straight nose, fat body, narrow waist and back. The hair is thick and hard, and the fur color is usually white, pink, black, brown and suit.
The domestic pig is formed after wild boar is domesticated by humans subspecies The tusks are shorter than wild boars, and they are one of the domesticated livestock. Generally speaking, domestic pigs refer to the types of pigs that humans raise for food.
In the medical field, pig heart valves implanted with human cells have been used for patient treatment, and pig ligament tendon transplantation has also been mature, so they are considered to be the best choice for xenotransplantation at this stage. [7]
Chinese name
pig [1]
Latin name
Rao Shu Fat Man Black Noodles, etc
Foreign name
Animal kingdom
Distribution area
Around the world( Antarctica Except)
20 years
Skin color
Pink, black, white, brown
Chinese pronunciation

Life habits


Feeding behavior

The feeding behavior of pigs includes feeding and drinking, and has various age characteristics [3]

Arching soil properties

Pigs are gifted at digging in the soil, and digging in the soil for food is a prominent feature of pig feeding behavior. The pig nose is a highly developed organ, and the sense of smell plays a decisive role in digging up the soil for food. Although in modern pig houses, pigs also show the characteristics of digging in the ground to find food. Every time when feeding, pigs try to occupy a favorable position in the trough. Sometimes they step on their two forelimbs to feed in the trough. If the trough is easy to access, individual pigs even get into the trough and stand at one corner of the trough, just like wild pigs digging in the ground to find food, they move along the trough with their snout to stir the food out and throw it on the ground [2]


Pigs love sweet food. Studies have found that non lactating newborn piglets have already begun to love sweet food. Compared with powder feed, pigs like granular feed; Compared with wet feed, pigs prefer wet feed and spend less time [2]


The pigs fed in groups eat more, eat faster and gain more weight than the pigs fed alone. Pigs eat 6 to 8 times in the daytime, 1 to 3 times more than at night. The duration of each feeding is 10 to 20 minutes, and the time of feeding restriction is less than 10 minutes. The free feeding (free feeding) can not only feed for a long time, but also show the hobby and personality of each pig. The sucking times per day and night of piglets vary with age, ranging from 15 to 25 times, accounting for 10% to 20% of the total time in the day and night. The feed intake and feeding frequency of large pigs increase with weight.
In most cases, drinking water and taking food are carried out at the same time. The amount of drinking water for pigs is quite large. Piglets need drinking water after birth, mainly from the water in breast milk. The amount of drinking water for piglets when they eat food is about twice that of dry food, that is, the ratio of water to food is 2:1; In addition to feed composition, the amount of drinking water for adult pigs depends largely on the ambient temperature. Piglets that eat the mixture drink water 9 to 10 times every day and night, and eat wet feed 2 to 3 times on average. Pigs that eat dry feed need to drink water immediately after each feeding. Pigs that eat freely usually take food and drink water alternately until they are satisfied. Pigs that are restricted to feeding do not drink water until they have eaten the feed. Piglets before the age of months can learn to use automatic drinking fountains to drink water [2]


It may be ancestral nature that pigs do not excrete urine where they eat and sleep. The wild boar does not defecate and urinate near the nest, which is inferred to avoid the discovery of enemy animals.
Under good management conditions, pigs are very clean animals. Pigs can keep their sleeping beds dry and clean, and can defecate and urinate at a fixed place far away from the bed in the pigpen. There is a certain time and area for pig to excrete urine. Generally, when drinking water or lying up after eating, people choose a dark, damp or dirty corner to excrete urine, and it is affected by neighboring pigs. It is observed that growing pigs do not defecate during the feeding process. They begin to defecate 1~2 times about 5 minutes after satiety. Most of them defecate first and then urinate. They also excrete before feeding, but most of them defecate first and then defecate. During the interval between feeding, pigs mostly urinate and rarely defecate. They usually defecate 2~3 times at night. The amount of excretion is the largest in the morning, The nocturnal excretion activity time of pigs accounts for 1.2%~1.6% of the total time of day and night [2]
Methods to prevent pig urine nest
① Pay attention to cold proof and heat preservation of pig house. The pigsty shall be built in a leeward and sunny place. The size of the pigsty shall be appropriate. There shall always be enough hay on the pig bed, and it shall be dried frequently to prevent moisture. The pig house should also be covered with plastic cloth to prevent cold air from entering.
② No more pigs in a circle. In winter, it is better to keep 2~3 pigs in a pen. Because many pigs crowd each other to get warm, no one will get up to urinate in the distance.
③ Feed once every night and more dry food to reduce the number of urinations of pigs.
④ It is necessary to dig the urine ice frequently to prevent pigs from slipping and dare not urinate in the compost pit.
⑤ Train pigs to urinate regularly. At night, vegetables or other foods are regularly thrown into pig pens and compost pits to induce pigs to urinate. After about ten days of continuous training, pigs have formed the habit of urinating in compost pits regularly due to the formation of conditioned reflex.


The herd behavior of pigs refers to various interactions between individuals in a pig herd. Pairing is an outstanding communication activity. Pig groups show more physical contact and keep hearing information transmission.
In the absence of a pig house, pigs can live in a fixed place by themselves, showing the habit of settling down and roaming. Pigs are gregarious, but also have the habit of competition. They bully the small, bully the weak and bully the living. The larger the pig herd, the more obvious this phenomenon is.
A stable pig herd is a hierarchical community structure formed according to the principle of dominance sequence. Individuals remain familiar and live in harmony. When regrouping, the stable community structure changes, and fierce fights break out until a new community structure is formed.
The pig herd has an obvious grade. This grade is formed shortly after birth. Within a few hours after the birth of piglets, there will be fighting behaviors to compete for the front nipple of sows. It often occurs that the first born piglets or the heavier piglets get the optimal nipple position. The piglets in the same litter have a good sociability. When they disperse, they are not far away from each other. If they are frightened by an accident, they will immediately gather in a pile or run away in groups. When the piglets are separated from their sows or piglets in the same litter, they become extremely active, yell loudly, and frequently defecate and urinate within a few minutes. Older pigs showed similar behavior when they separated from their partners.
Pig's eating habits
When the pig herd grade was initially formed, aggressive behavior was the most common. The establishment of the rank order was affected by the species that constituted the group. Weight, sex, age and temperament. Generally, pigs with large body and strong temperament occupy the dominant position, older pigs occupy the dominant position than younger ones, and common female pigs and unselected pigs occupy the dominant position. Small size pigs and pigs newly added to the original group are often ranked second. The determination of the group dominance sequence between piglets in the same litter often depends on the size of the weight at weaning. When piglets in different litters are fed together in circles, they will start to fight fiercely, and lie down in small groups according to different sources. Within about 24 to 48 hours, an obvious ruling hierarchy can be formed, which is generally a simple linear pattern. In older pig herds, especially when feeding is restricted, this hierarchical relationship is more obvious. The dominant sequence has both vertical direction and parallel and triangular relationship. The winner of the battle is ranked first, and the second place is in the front row. Eating often occupies a favorable feeding position, or the right to eat first. In pig herds with similar overall structure, heavy pigs tend to rank in the front. Groups composed of different breeds are dominated not by heavy individuals but by highly competitive breeds or strains. After the superiority sequence is established, the normal life of peaceful coexistence begins. The threat formed by the sharp and loud cries of the superiority pigs and the feint of their kisses can replace the bite fight. The inferior pigs will retreat immediately without fighting [2]


The fighting behavior includes offensive defense, avoidance and defensive activities. The fighting behavior seen in the production practice is generally caused by fighting for feed and territory. The mutual confrontation within the newly merged pig herd, in addition to fighting for feed and territory, also has the role of adjusting the pig social structure. When a strange pig enters a herd, the pig becomes the target of attack by the whole herd. The attack is often severe. The light one will hurt the skin and the heavy one will cause death. If two strange and mature boars are put together, there will be fierce fights between them. They turn around and smell each other. Sometimes they lie on the ground with their forelegs, making a deep roar, and suddenly bite with their mouths. This struggle may last for an hour. The yielding pigs tend to turn around and howl away from the fight scene. Although the fight between the two pigs rarely causes casualties, one or both sides will cause huge losses. In the hot summer, The fight between two young boars often causes one or both of them to die due to extreme heat exhaustion. The fighting behavior of pigs is mostly affected by the feeding density. When the density of pigs is too high and the space occupied by each pig decreases, the number and intensity of biting in the herd increase, which will lead to the increase of feeding aggression of pigs. Reduce feed intake and weight gain. This form of fighting is to bite the head of the other side, and to bite the tail and fight in the shed. The new herd of pigs mainly competes for the second place in the herd, but not for the feed. Only when the composition of the herd is formed, will there be more fighting for food and territory [2]

a sexual behavior

Sexual behavior includes estrus, courtship and mating behavior. During the estrus period, sows can see special courtship performance, and both males and sows show some pre mating behavior.
The oestrus sows mainly show restlessness in lying and standing, and their appetite fluctuates from high to low. They emit a unique soft and rhythmic hum, climb over other sows, or wait for other sows to climb over, and urinate frequently, especially when boars are present. In the middle of estrus, when the boar is approaching, the sows in the period of high sexual desire will raise their hips to approach the boar, smell the head, anus and penis foreskin of the boar, cling to the boar, and even climb across the boar, and finally stand still. Accept boar climbing. When managers press the back of their sows, the standing still reflex immediately appears, which is a key behavior of the sows in estrus.
Once a boar touches a sow, it will chase it, smell its side ribs and vulva, insert its mouth between the legs of the sow, suddenly arch up the sow's buttocks, spit foam at the mouth, and often emit a continuous, soft and rhythmic throat hum. Some people call this unique call "courtship singing". When a boar is sexually excited, it will also have rhythmic urination.
sounder of hogs
Some sows show obvious mate selection and strong aversion to individual boars. Some sows show hyperactivity due to imbalance of internal hormone secretion, or no estrus and no estrus.
Due to the relationship between nutrition and exercise, boars often have low libido, or they masturbate. Group breeding of boars often creates a stable habit of homosexual behavior, and boars with low status in the group are often climbed by other boars.


Maternal behaviors include a series of behaviors of sows before and after childbirth, such as wadding, lactation and other activities of raising piglets.
When the sow is about to give birth, it is usually expressed in the form of carrying grass and bedding the wadding nest of the pig bed. If the fence is made of cement without bedding grass, it has to be expressed by grasping the ground with its hooves. 24 hours before giving birth, the sow looks uneasy, urinates frequently, grinds its teeth, shakes its tail, arches the ground, gets up and lies down from time to time, and constantly changes its posture. When giving birth, they usually lie on their side and choose the quietest time to give birth, usually after 4 p.m., especially at night. When the first piglet is born, sometimes the sow will make a squeal. When the piglet sucks the sow, the sow straightens its limbs and opens its nipples to let the newborn piglets eat milk. During the whole delivery process, the sows are always in the state of milk discharge, and they keep humming. The breast milk nipples are full, and even the milk flows out, which is easy for piglets to suck. After delivery, the sows lie down with their breasts fully exposed, forming a heat source to induce the piglets to lie down next to the sows' breasts. Breastfeeding often takes the left or right lying down position. During a lactation, both mothers and piglets can take the initiative to cause lactation. The sows snort in a low and rhythmic manner.
Piglet lactation is sometimes initiated by the piglet's calling sound and continuously touching the sow's breast. When a sow is lactating, the cry of the sow and piglet will often cause other sows in the same house to lactation. The suckling process of piglets can be divided into four stages. At the beginning, the piglets gather the breasts and occupy a certain position respectively. The nose is used to arch the breasts and suck. The piglets are backward, the tail is tightly rolled, and the forelimbs are straight forward. At this time, the sows hum to the peak, and at the end of lactation, the piglets massage the breasts again, and lactation stops.
Mothers and piglets identify and connect with each other through smell, hearing and vision, and pig's cry is a kind of contact information. For example, the cries of lactating sows and piglets can be divided into three types according to the different parts (throat or nasal sounds) and sounds of their voices (the cries of sows when the mother and piglets are intimate), shrieks (panic sounds of piglets), and mixed nasolaryngeal sounds (warning sounds and attack sounds of sows protecting their piglets). With these different cries, mothers and piglets can communicate with each other.
Sows pay great attention to protecting their piglets. They are very careful when walking and lying down, and do not trample or crush the piglets. When the sows lie down, they choose to keep their piglets out of the lying position with their mouths and slowly lie down against the fence. Once the piglets are pressed, as long as they hear the squeal of the piglets, they stand up immediately and repeat the anti pressure action again, Until the piglets are not pressed.
When the sows with piglets invade the outside world, they first give out the roar of the alarm. When the piglets run away or stay on the ground, the sows will open and close their jaws to intimidate the invaders, or even attack them. Sows that have just given birth will show strong aggressive behavior even when they capture piglets to the breeders. These maternal behaviors are particularly evident in local pig breeds. Maternal behavior of modern breeding breeds, especially highly selected lean pig breeds, has weakened [2]
The piglets in the same litter have a good sociability. When they disperse, they are not far away from each other. If they are frightened by an accident, they will immediately gather in a pile or run away in groups. When the piglets are separated from their sows or piglets in the same litter, they become extremely active, yell loudly, and frequently defecate and urinate within a few minutes. Older pigs showed similar behavior when they separated from their partners.

Active sleep

The behavior of pigs has obvious circadian rhythm, and most activities are in the daytime, in warm seasons and summer. There are also activities and food gathering at night, and the activity time is shortened in cold weather. The day and night activities of pigs also vary with age and production characteristics. The average day and night rest time of piglets is 60%~70%, that of breeding pigs is 70%, that of sows is 80%~85%, and that of fattening pigs is 70%~85%. The rest peak is in the middle of the night, and the rest is at least around 8:00 in the morning.
The sleeping time of lactating sows decreased gradually with the increase of lactation days, the number of walking times decreased from less to more, and the time increased from short to long, which is the unique behavior of lactating sows.
There are two kinds of sleep and rest for lactating sows, one is sleeping, the other is sleeping soundly. The rest position of sleeping soundly is mostly lateral, less prone, breathing is light and even, although the eyes are closed, it is easy to wake up, while sleeping soundly is lateral, breathing is deep and long, there is snoring sound and often fur shaking, it is not easy to wake up.
Within 3 days after birth, except for sucking milk and excreting, piglets almost all sleep soundly. With the growth of age and physical fitness, the amount of activity gradually increases, and the sleep decreases accordingly. However, after a large amount of feeding and supplementation at the age of 40 days, the sleeping time increases again. Generally, they sleep more quietly after satiety. Piglets generally follow sows in their activities and sleep. About 10 days after birth, the piglets in the same litter started group activities, with few activities alone, and the sleep rest was mainly manifested in group sleeping [2]

Inquiry behavior

Inquiry behavior includes inquiry activity and experience behavior. The general activities of pigs mostly come from the inquiry behavior. Most of them are objects facing the ground. Through looking, listening, smelling, tasting, gnawing, arching and other senses of inquiry, they show a very developed inquiry body force. Inquiry body force refers to the exploration and investigation of the environment and empirical interaction with the environment. Pigs show curiosity and closeness to many things they are familiar with in recent exploration. Piglets are "curious" to everything in the small environment and show closeness to piglets in the same litter. Exploratory behavior is obvious in piglets. Piglets can stand about 2 minutes after birth and begin to search for sows' nipples. Nose digging is the main method of exploration. Another obvious feature of piglets' inquiry behavior is that they use their nose to arch and bite all the new things in the surrounding environment. The main aspect of pig's inquiry behavior is to use the nose process to manipulate the surrounding objects, which lasts longer than the group's playfulness.
When looking for food, pigs first dig, smell, arch, lick and chew with their nose. When the lure meets the taste, they will open their mouths to eat. This feeding process is also an inquiry behavior. Similarly, the order of piglets sucking sows' nipples and the ability of mothers and piglets to accurately identify each other is also established through smell and taste detection.
Pigs are athletes on the sports field. At the National Farm Exhibition held in the United States, a special pig race was held. At the order of the referee, the pigs with the labels ran after each other. When they reached the end, they would make a final sprint [2]
Pigs in the pigpen can clearly distinguish different areas of sleeping bed, feeding and excretion, and it is also formed by distinguishing different smells with the sense of smell of the nose [2]

Abnormal behavior

Abnormal behavior refers to the behavior beyond the normal range, and vice refers to the abnormal behavior that causes harm to people and animals or economic losses. Its production is mostly related to the harmful stimulus in the environment where animals live. For example, sows that have been confined for a long time will chew the iron nipples of the automatic water dispenser persistently and stubbornly. Sows live in monotonous and boring fences or cages, and often manically nibble at the fence posts in front of the cages. Generally, the frequency and intensity of biting the fence posts increase as their range of motion is limited, and the aggressive behavior also increases. Pigs with hyperactive tongue often roll up the tip of their tongue and stretch in their mouth constantly, and some also have arch addiction and empty chewing addiction [2]

Aftereffect behavior

Some pig behaviors are born, such as foraging, sow lactation and sexual behavior, while others are acquired, such as learning to recognize certain things and obey people's commands. Acquired behaviors are called conditioned reflex behaviors, or aftereffect behaviors. After effect behavior is gradually established by pigs' familiarity with new things after birth. Pigs have a strong memory for eating and drinking. They are most likely to establish conditioned reflex for feeding related tools, food tanks, water tanks and their locations. For example, when piglets are artificially breast-feeding, they are fed regularly every day. As long as they are given the sound of flute or bell or the beating sound of feeding equipment on time and trained several times, they can follow the signal command and eat at the designated place. This shows that pigs have aftereffect behavior, and pigs can establish the reaction of aftereffect behavior through any training, follow the command of people, and achieve the purpose of improving production efficiency [2]

brief introduction

The pig is an omnivorous mammal with a fat body, short limbs, a long nose and a long muzzle, a gentle character, strong adaptability and fast reproduction. There are black, white, red sauce or black and white flowers. They can mate 5 to 12 months after birth. The gestation period is about 4 months, and the average life span is 20 years. It is one of the five livestock (cattle, dogs, sheep, pigs and chickens). It is called Hai in the Chinese zodiac. There are many allusions and customs about pigs in history. Humans have a long history of raising domestic pigs, but it was only in the 16th century that it was widely known around the world. The pigs raised in China are the direct descendants of the earliest domesticated pigs.

Zoological classification

The subspecies include: Sus scrofa, Sus vittatus and Sus cristatus. The chromosome number (2n) is between 36 and 38. Although the chromosome number is different, there is no reproductive barrier between them. It is generally believed that these three subspecies constitute the breeding of Sus domesticus [2]

Name Source

Calligraphy and painting "Pig" is both a pig character and a pig shape
Pig, traditional characters“ Pig ”, variant characters“ chilblain {zh ú} "also known in ancient times Dolphin , also known as Sigmund Siege, another name Stiff hyena Also known as "Yinzhong", "Tangang"“ Black Noodle ”And "Black Lord". [8]
Just《 Government and government officials 》It was said that Hongzhou people in the Tang Dynasty became rich by raising pigs, and called pigs "Tang Ang". Tang Dynasty《 Miscellaneous Notes of Cloud Immortals 》Citation《 Cheng Ping's old compilation 》"A black faced man is a pig."《 Collection of Historical Records 》Deng Zhan was quoted as saying, "The people in the East China Sea are named as pigs." So Chen Siege in the early Han Dynasty and Chang Siege in the late Han Dynasty were both named "Siege".
On the land of China, as early as Matriarchal clan commune During this period, pigs, dogs and other domestic animals were raised. Zhejiang Yuyao Hemudu Neolithic Cultural sites Unearthed Pottery pig Its figure is very similar to the shape of domestic pigs, indicating that the domestication of pigs had taken shape at that time [2]

Origin of Zodiac

Zodiac pig paper-cut
In fact, pig is a very warm and lovely animal. It has a round and thick body and a broad mind.
It is said that in ancient times, there was a member of the staff who had a wealth of ten thousand and a fertile land of ten thousand hectares, but had no children. Who knew that when he was nearly sixty years old, he got a son. The family is happy, the relatives and friends celebrate together, and the members have a big banquet to celebrate the future.
At the time of the feast, a fortune teller came to the child. Seeing the child's broad forehead, big face, wide ears, round ears, full sky, white and fat, he affirmed that the child must be a man of great fortune and great honor.
But this fat boy Fu Lisheng, Fu Lishang, only knows how to reach for clothes and open his mouth when he is young. He doesn't study martial arts and farming. He just spends time and drinks and idles around. He thinks his fate is set. He is extremely lucky and doesn't need to work hard. But when the child grew up, his parents died, his family declined, his property was pawned, and his servants scattered. The fat boy continued to live a life of spendthrift until he finally starved to death in his room. After his death, the fat boy was still haunted. He went to the hell to complain, saying that he was born rich and could not die in such a miserable way. The hell king took the ghost to the Jade Emperor in the sky and asked him to arbitrate. The Jade Emperor summoned the Kitchen God of the world, When asked how this rich looking man could starve to death in the house, the Kitchen God told the fat boy one by one about his wasteful behavior, such as not thinking about school and farming. When the Jade Emperor was angry, he ordered the officials to listen to the order and ask the fat boy to wait for the fate. The Jade Emperor said, "Although you are lucky, you are lazy. Now you will be punished as a pig and eat the chaff." This time, the Heavenly Palace is choosing the zodiac sign. The official of the Heavenly Palace interpreted "eating coarse bran" as "being the zodiac". He immediately brought the fat boy down to the world. From then on, the fat boy became a pig, eating coarse chaff and becoming the Chinese zodiac.
The pig became the Chinese zodiac by his own efforts. On the day when the Chinese zodiac was arranged in the Heavenly Palace, the Jade Emperor stipulated that he must arrive at the Heavenly Palace at a certain time, taking the twelve animals that arrived first as the Chinese zodiac. The pig knew that he was stupid and walked slowly, so he got up in the middle of the night to queue up to be the Chinese zodiac. Due to the long distance and many obstacles, the pig struggled to climb to the South Tianmen Gate, but the time for the Chinese zodiac was over, but the pig begged for mercy, and the other five animals also begged for it. Finally, the god of heaven was moved, and the pig was put into the South Tianmen Gate, becoming the last Chinese zodiac. In this way, horses, cattle, sheep, chickens, dogs and pigs have become the human zodiac.




The history of pigs can be traced back to 40 million years ago, and there are signs that domestic pigs may come from Europe and Asia. It is proved in the fossils found that animals like wild boars shuttle between forest and swamp Medium.
wild boar First domesticated in China, the history of pig breeding in China can be traced back to Neolithic Age Early and middle stage. The ancestors of Dawenkou culture raised pigs and dog. [9]

Pre Qin period

according to Yin ruins According to the unearthed oracle bone inscriptions, pigs had been farmed in the Shang and Zhou dynasties. Then, with the development of production, the requirement of distinguishing different pigs gradually came into being. One of the great innovations in pig raising technology in the Shang and Zhou dynasties was the invention of the pig castration technology.

Han dynasty

With the development of agricultural production, pig raising is not only for food, but also for compost. This situation has promoted the change of pig raising methods. Before the Han Dynasty, although there were houses for feeding, until the Han Dynasty, graze It is still the main way to raise pigs. At that time, the relationship between pig physiological function and external morphology was known in pig breed identification, which played a great role in breeding excellent pig breeds in the Han Dynasty.

Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties

During this period, the combination of house feeding and grazing gradually replaced the grazing based feeding. With the development of pig industry and the continuous progress of economy and culture, pig breeding experience is increasingly rich.

Tang and Song Dynasties

After the Sui and Tang dynasties, raising pigs has become an important means for farmers to increase their income [2]

Cultural symbol

In ancient times, pigs were often used to represent wealth and fertility. Pigs in the Shang Dynasty are considered as valuable and auspicious gifts. With the development of planting industry, the stability of residence and the domestication of pigs, many words related to pigs came into being, such as "home" (meaning: there are pigs under the house, which means pig).

Geographical classification

Classification by geographical area
  1. one
  2. two
  3. three
  4. four
    Central China type: Ningxiang pig Jinhua pig Jianli pig Dahua White Pig Etc;
  5. five
    Types of rivers and seas: Taihu pigs Meishan pig , Erhualian, etc.);
  6. six
  7. seven
    Plateau type: Tibetan pig Aba Diqing Cooperative Tibetan pig).

Famous pig breeds



duroc Also known as "universal pig breed", it is native to the eastern United States New Jersey and New York And other places, the main parents are Duroc and New Jersey It was bred by crossing Jersey Red, formerly known as Duroc Jersey, and later known as Duroc, divided into American and Canadian Duroc; Made in China Taiwan The Duroc of Taiwan has been cultivated into its own style, so it is called Taiwan Duroc or Taiwan Duroc [2]

Chenghua pig

As the saying goes, "every family has a black pig" Black haired pig Is Chenghua pig The body is black, the limbs are short, and the body is fat. Previously, Chenghua pig was the main variety of Chengdu pork market Twice-cooked pork The "best partner" of. Chenghua pig is a black haired pig native to Chengdu. Chenghua pigs are distributed in Sichuan Xindu Jintang Guanghan Shifang Pengxian County Guanxian County Chongzhou Dayi Xinjin Deyang Mianzhu Longquan County and city, May 27, 2013, most suitable for Twice-cooked pork Sichuan Chenghua pig is on the verge of extinction.

Large white pig

The big white pig is also called“ Large Yorkshire pig ”。 Originated in britain , specially called "Great White Pig of England". After being imported into the Soviet Union, after long-term domestication and cultivation“ Soviet big white pig ”。 The body of the latter is stronger and stronger than the former, and the limbs are strong and powerful, which is suitable for grazing. It was bred in England in the 18th century.

Yorkshire pig

Yorkshire pig It is a famous breed of pig. Originated in England Yorkshire (Yorkshire, an old county in the northeast of England, was divided into North Yorkshire, South Yorkshire and West Yorkshire in 1974), which was crossbred by local pigs and Chinese pigs. The whole body is white, and the ears stand forward. There are big, medium and small pigs, which are called "big white pigs", "medium white pigs" and "small white pigs" respectively. Large white pig belongs to bacon type, which is the most widely distributed pig breed in the world. Adult boars weigh 300-500kg and sows 200-350kg when they grow up. It has strong fertility and can produce 10-12 babies per litter. Little white pig is early maturing and easy to fatten, belonging to fat type. The body type of medium white pig is between the two and belongs to meat type. China raises more large white pigs [2]


Yes“ Landrace Landrace is a general term in China. Famous bacon pig breed. Originated in Denmark It is bred by crossbreeding local pigs and large white pigs. The whole body is white. The body is long and streamlined. The head is long and narrow, the ears are large and sagging forward, the back and waist are straight, the hindquarters are developed, the thighs are full, and the limbs are high. Fast growth and high feed utilization rate. Thin skin and lean meat. Each baby gives birth to 11 to 12 babies. Adult boars weigh 400 to 500 kg and sows about 300 kg. Good feeding and management conditions are required. All over the world [2]

Hampshire pig

Famous pig breeds for meat. In the early 19th century, Britain Hampshire (Hampshire, first translation Hampshire )After being exported to the United States Kentucky (Kentucky) is bred through cross breeding. The coat is black, and the shoulder neck joint and forelimbs are white. The nose is slightly long and straight, standing upright. The body is long and muscular. Adult boars weigh 315 to 410 kg and sows 250 to 340 kg. Early maturity, medium fecundity, with an average of 8 babies per litter. Maternity is strong. High carcass quality and large proportion of lean meat [2]

Bozhong pig

A famous breed of pig. It is native to the United States. It is a hybrid of Chinese pig, Russian pig and British pig. Originally fat type, it has been cultivated for meat use. The whole body is black with six white characteristics. The nose is straight and the ears are half pendulous. The body size is large, with adult boars weighing 390 to 450 kg and sows weighing 300 to 400 kg. Early maturity and easy fattening, good carcass quality; However, the fertility is weak, with about 8 offspring per birth. Bozhong pig is a domestic pig breed, which was formed in the United States in 1816 Ohio Of Miami Valley. Bozhong pig is one of the oldest breeds in the United States. Bozhong pig has more weight than other pig breeds at the same age [2]

Horse body pig

Mashen pig is native to Shanxi Province, China. It is large in size, with large ears, drooping over the nose, long and straight mouth tube, straight back and narrow waist, sloping hips, solid and powerful limbs, black skin and hair, thick skin, thick and dense hair, and densely covered with brownish red fur in winter, with 7 to 10 pairs of nipples. Can be divided into“ Large horse body pig ”(large)“ Ermasheng pig ”(middle) and“ Pot bowl pig ”(Small) Type III. Although the growth rate is slow, the carcass lean meat rate is high [2]

Ningxiang Huazhu

Ningxiang Huazhu is native to Ningxiang County. It is also called "Panda Pig" because its coat color is only black and white. As one of the four major local pig breeds in China, it has a breeding history of more than 300 years. Ningxiang flower pigs must grow in a completely natural and healthy environment, away from any artificial growth factors, so their Wugang Copper Goose Together, it is known as the "Three Treasures" of Hunan. In 1981, the General Administration of National Standards officially determined that Ningxiang pigs have high content of unsaturated fatty acids and more elastic muscles [1] Good taste, strong meat flavor, no peculiar smell, etc. In July 2006, Ningxiang pig entered the first batch of national level determined by the Ministry of Agriculture Protection of livestock and poultry genetic resources varieties. The growth rate is slow, but people like it because of its good meat quality.

Songliao Black Pig

Songliao black pig is Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences With Northeast Min Pig Landrace pig in Denmark( Landrace )And American Duroc pig As breeding material, the first lean meat type female line variety in northern China was bred.
Songliao black pig takes good pork quality, high reproductive performance and the actual needs of the pig industry suitable for the northeast region as the breeding goal. Through the three-way cross breeding method, Jilin native pig is the female parent, Dan Landrace is the first male parent, and American Duroc is the second male parent. Since 1985, through the stages of hybridization, cross breeding, breeding, supplemented by overlapping small group closed breeding It took 30 years and 20 generations of continuous breeding by means of molecular markers and other technical means for important traits to breed a new lean meat type black female line variety with independent intellectual property rights in northern China. Songliao black pig is a breed that contains about 46% of Duroc blood, 27% of Landrace and 27% of local pig blood respectively. It not only has the characteristics of fast growth, low feed price and high lean meat rate of foreign pigs, but also has the characteristics of strong adaptability, high reproduction rate, good meat quality and no stress of local pigs. It is an excellent local breed. It was approved by the National Livestock and Poultry Genetic Resources Commission on November 5, 2009, Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China Announcement No. 1325 announced that Songliao Black Pig passed the national examination, and the National Livestock and Poultry Genetic Resources Commission issued the certificate of new breed and supporting line of livestock and poultry, with the certificate number of Nong 01 New Variety Certificate No. 17.


Domestic pig
Beltsville I and Beltsville II (For meat) are all bred in the United States. Beltsville No. 1 pig is black, and No. 2 pig is red. They are all for meat.
Berkshire pig (for meat) is a medium sized, mostly black pig in Britain, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and South America. It is bred separately in various regions for fresh or cured meat.
Chester white pig (for fat) is bred in Chester County, Pennsylvania. It is large, white, light pink, mild in sex and prolific in sows.
Duroc pig or Duroc Jersey pig (for fat) North and South America are of medium length and body length, with black 1/2 Zexi Duroc pig 1/2 Duroc.
Hampshire (for meat) American breed is medium weight, long, black, lively, smart, and suitable for grazing.
Hereford pigs (for fat) were bred in the United States in about 1900, with medium size, light red to dark red fat.
Nordic pig (meat) Nordic, Central Europe and the United States are of medium size, and there are many white breeds for curing.
Maryland No. 1 pig (for meat) was bred in 1941 in the United States with medium size, about 60% Nordic pigs with black and white spots, and 40% Berkshire pigs.
Minnesota pigs 1, 2, and 3 (for meat) are bred in the United States in a variety of body colors for meat.
Montana No. 1 pig (for meat) was bred in the United States in the 1930s as a hybrid of Nordic pig and Hampshire pig with slightly arched back and flat cheeks.
The Palus pig (for meat) was bred in 1941 in the United States as a white pig with a medium weight of 2/3 Nordic pig and 1/3 Chester white pig.
Bozhong pig (for meat) is black in the United States, but its legs, nose and tail are white. It is bred from Russian pig, Beifield pig and Chinese big pig.
Bozhong pig (for meat) is white in the United States, but its legs are black or variegated.
Timworth pig (for meat) is large in size and different in color in the United States, Britain, New Zealand, Australia and Canada. It is used for cross breeding and curing.
Large Yorkshire pig (meat)
Iberian pig is named because it only grows in the Iberian Peninsula in western Spain. It is the only free domesticated pig species in the European ancient ecosystem and the closest to wild boar species. It is small in size and can feed on its own in pastures and oak forests all the year round. It can eat 7kg of acorn every day.



General introduction

Implement protective feeding. In summer and autumn, plants such as gourd, big melon, Japanese gourd and sunflower can be planted outside the pig house to shade and cool down. In winter, the technology of feeding in plastic greenhouses should be promoted, and insect control and immunization should be done regularly.
Promote high density breeding pigs. In winter, one fattening pig is raised in a 0.8-m2 pig house, and in summer, one fattening pig is raised in a 1m2 pig house. High density breeding pigs not only have fewer circles and low costs, but also fattening pigs compete for food. If there is no playground, you can sleep when you are full. You like to grow meat, gain weight quickly, and reduce feeding costs.
After finishing pigs exceed 90 kg, the daily weight gain rate is significantly slowed down, and fat deposition is the main factor, so the more fed, the more uneconomical, and the more fat, the less marketable; Slaughtering less than 90kg, although the feed utilization rate is high, the meat yield rate is low due to small weight, and it is not economical. Generally, 90-120kg finishing pigs are the most suitable for slaughter.
The variety should be excellent. First, we should select varieties according to market demand. At present, to promote multiple hybridization, at least three yuan is needed, and the best is five yuan. For example, British PIC pigs, which are matched with five lines, grow fast, reaching 110 kg in 158 days, with a lean meat rate of 66% and a feed meat ratio of 2.8:1.
Keep the columns simple. Don't be too luxurious, just keep warm and ventilated.
Feed should be cheap. Feed accounts for 70%~75% of the cost of pig raising. The feed formula should change with the change of market price and season, and should not remain unchanged. If pigs eat less in summer, the feed should be more nutritious. Feed nutrition should be balanced to meet growth needs.
Epidemic prevention should be strict. Attention should be paid to disinfection. It is necessary not only to prevent external epidemics, but also to prevent fecal pollution and spread of diseases. It is also necessary to inject vaccines according to immunization procedures.
You should be timely. For example, when the weight of dual pig reaches 70kg, the internal three yuan 80~85kg, the external three yuan 95kg, and the British PIC pig 105kg, it is the timely weight for listing. In addition, when the pig market price is high, the heavier the weight is, the better; When the price is low, it is better to weigh less to reduce feed consumption and cost.
"Backfeeding" pig raising is a new pig raising method, which aims at the above shortcomings and combines with the reproductive law and characteristics of pigs. This method is used from small pigs to medium pigs. That is to say, before 50~60kg, concentrate with high energy and high protein should be used as the main feed, and necessary feed additives and a small amount of green and green feed should be used. From the middle pig to the slaughter stage, properly reduce the input of concentrate and increase the proportion of green and coarse fodder: 60% of concentrate, 25% of green fodder and 15% of coarse fodder. This method not only shortens the feeding cycle of pigs, but also makes full use of a large number of green and coarse feed resources, thus saving the amount of refined feed and greatly improving the economic benefits.
Feeding management: scientific feeding, reasonable feed matching according to different uses, ages and growth needs of pigs, strengthen management, do a good job in sanitation, and prevent disease.

Suckling pups

Suckling piglets
① Heat preservation and pressure prevention. The suitable temperature for suckling piglets: 31.8~28.3 ℃ for 1-7 days old, 27.7~23.5 ℃ for 8-35 days old, the temperature in the shed is controlled at 18.3~22.1 ℃, the relative humidity is 49.7%~70.4%, and the air is kept fresh. Piglets should be equipped with an incubator or heat preservation room, and a 250 watt infrared bulb should be hung at the bottom of the incubator or 30~40 cm from the bottom of the heat preservation room. At the same time, do a good job of piglet care, and install a litter guard in the delivery bar.
② Eat enough colostrum and fix nipples. Piglets should be artificially fed with colostrum within 1 hour after birth. The nipples should be fixed within 2-3 days after birth. The fixed nipples are mainly optional, supplemented by individual adjustment. The piglets with small birth weight are fixed at the front nipples, and the piglets with large birth weight are fixed at the rear nipples.
③ Iron supplementation and crossing are combined. In 2-3 days after birth, piglets were intramuscularly injected with 100~150 mg iron per head. Each lactating sow sucks 10-12 piglets. For the piglets with more than 12 piglets or less than 7 piglets per litter, the over fed piglets will be fed to the sows with less litter and no more than 3 days of gestation period difference according to the principle that the sows born earlier will be fed later. Piglets must eat enough colostrum before overfeeding. For sows with too little litter, two litters of piglets can be merged into one litter according to the principle of too litter, and one piglet has good physique. Sow with sufficient milk. Piglets must eat enough colostrum before nesting.
④ Open food and supplement. The piglets should be trained to drink water at the age of 5 days after birth, start to eat at the age of 7 days, and start to eat at the age of 20 days. After a piglet starts to eat, it is fed with the full price formula, raw wet feed type (feed water ratio is 1:0.5), 5-6 times a day.
⑤ Castration and weaning. The piglets were castrated at 25 days after birth and weaned at 35 days.
⑥ Sanitation and disinfection. Clean the enclosure twice a day for defecation, and disinfect the passages in the enclosure once a week with 2% caustic soda solution or other disinfectants.
⑦ Disease prevention and control. Piglets were vaccinated with swine fever vaccine at the age of 20 days after birth. Usually observe the feeding, defecation and mental state of the pigs, and isolate and treat the disease in time [2]

Weaned cub

① Prepare before feeding pigs. One week before the piglets are transferred to the piglets breeding house, check and repair the equipment in the pen, clean the pen, and then disinfect it with 2% caustic soda solution or other disinfectants.
② Feeding. After the piglets enter the house, they will still be fed with the original piglet feed within 2 weeks, and control the feeding within 1 week. The daily warming will be 5-6 times, and they will drink freely. After 2 weeks, it gradually transited to the early stage of fertilizer production. The raw and wet materials were used (the feed water ratio was 1:0.5), fed 4 to 5 times a day, and drank freely.
③ Management. After weaning, the piglets shall be transferred to the piglet breeding shed from the original nest, which shall be adjusted in time to gradually develop the habit of defecating, sleeping, eating and drinking at a fixed position. The temperature in the house shall be controlled at 25~20 ℃ and the relative humidity shall be 50%~70% to keep the air fresh. Clean the enclosure twice a day, and disinfect the passages in the meeting once a week with 2% caustic soda solution or other disinfectants. The piglets were vaccinated with swine fever, swine erysipelas, swine pulmonary disease and piglet paratyphoid fever vaccines at the age of 55-60 days after birth. The piglets should be treated with insect repellents such as insect repellent and Simi Tu to expel the internal parasites, or Chongkexing to expel the internal and external parasites. When the piglets are raised in the piglet breeding house for 5 weeks, they will be transferred to the growth finishing pig breeding house [2]

Growth and finishing

① Prepare before feeding pigs. One week before the growing pig finishing house is transferred to weaned piglets, the equipment of the house shall be checked and maintained, the house shall be cleaned, and then 2% caustic water solution or other disinfectants shall be used for disinfection.
② Feeding. After weaning piglets are put into the shed, raw dry powder or raw wet material (feed water ratio is 1:0.5) shall be used. In the early stage of fattening, feed 3~4 times a day, without limit, and drink freely. At the later stage of fattening, feed 2~3 times a day without limit and drink freely.
③ Management. The weaned piglets are transferred to the growing pig fattening house, and the pigs are grouped according to the principle of similar breed, weight, physical strength, etc., with 10~20 pigs in each group. After weaned piglets are transferred to the growing pig finishing house, the temperature in the house is controlled at 21~16 ℃, the relative humidity is 50%~70%, and the air is kept fresh. Clean the enclosure and defecate twice a day, and disinfect the passages in the enclosure with 2% caustic soda solution or other disinfectants once a week. Usually observe the pigs to feed. Defecation and mental state, isolation and treatment in case of epidemic disease. When the weight of fattening pigs reaches 90~100kg, they will be sold [2]

Farmhouse breeding

1. Raw feeding and cooked feeding
In rural areas, many pig farmers have the habit of feeding cooked food. They believe that cooked feeding can reduce the feed volume, soften the crude fiber, and enable pigs to eat more and improve digestion. According to the experiment, the type of feed is different, and there is a difference between raw and cooked feeding. The green and coarse feed type of diet is better when cooked than when raw. The digestibility of dry matter and carbohydrate is also higher in the clinker group, and there is no significant difference between the digestibility of protein and crude fiber. In the concentrate type diet, it is better to feed beans with ripe seeds than raw ones. However, for most concentrate type diets, raw feeding is better than cooked feeding. Generally, the cooked concentrate will lose 5%~10% of its nutrients. The average daily gain of pigs fed with raw material is 10% higher than that of cooked feeding. Each kilogram of gross weight increase can save 0.2~0.3 kg of concentrate. There is no difference in dry matter digestibility between the two. The protein digestibility of raw feeding is higher than that of cooked feeding. In addition, feeding pigs with raw meal can save a lot of labor and fuel. However, some poisonous or easily polluted feedstuffs, such as rapeseed cake, cottonseed cake, swill, can be detoxified or disinfected after cooking.
2. Thick feeding and thin feeding
Due to the high water content of thin feeding, the thin soup will make the stomach full, which will reduce the secretion of digestive juice, accelerate the gastric emptying, shorten the time of the feed staying in the stomach, and will inevitably reduce the digestibility of feed nutrients. Thick feeding, especially raw dry feeding and raw wet feeding, can strengthen the masticatory function of pigs, promote the secretion of digestive juice, prolong the time of feed staying in the stomach and improve the digestibility of nutrients. Therefore, thick feeding is recommended. The degree of dryness and wetness of dry feed mixed with water or dry feed mixed with green feed slurry should be squeezed and scattered.
3. Small meals and multiple meals
The number of meals must be determined according to the type, age, season and feed nature of pigs. The stomach volume of suckling piglets is small, and the digestive capacity is weak. From the age of 7 days, they are mainly induced feeding, and can not limit the number of meals; From the age of 20 days to weaning, more than 6 meals can be fed every day; The digestion function of weaned piglets to feed is being strengthened day by day, and they can feed 4-5 meals a day; Sows with piglets and sows in late pregnancy need more nutrients and can be fed 4 times a day; Scaffolded pigs, large pigs, empty sows and boars can be fed three times a day. In summer, the weather is hot, the days and nights are short, and the activity time of pigs is also long. You can add 1-2 meals of lean food as appropriate to prevent hunger and replenish water. In cold winter, with short days and long nights, the first meal should be fed early in the morning and late in the evening, so that the interval between meals can be properly extended. In addition, they should be fed thick at night to prevent hunger and cold.
4. Timing
Never feed pigs late today and early tomorrow. You should fix the time for feeding pigs every day. This will make the pig form the habit of eating when it comes to time, and regularly secrete digestive juice. The food is particularly delicious, easy to digest, and not prone to stomach disease. If the feeding time is not fixed, disrupting the pig's life, it is easy to cause digestive disorders. Each meal is not delicious, indigestion, leading to gastrointestinal disease in the pig. Over time, the pig will lose weight, Slow growth and development.
5. Quantitative, qualitative and temperature determination
Hunger and satiety when feeding pigs will also cause indigestion and slow weight gain. Therefore, when the approximate feed intake of pigs is known, a general feeding amount should be determined. However, the food intake of the same group or even the same pig is often different due to climate conditions, feed palatability, feeding technology, etc. After the feeders master the pig's feed, they should flexibly master the feed amount according to the pig's nutritional status, feed situation and appetite. Generally, it is better that there is no food left in the trough after feeding and pigs do not lick the trough. If there is food left in the tank, reduce it next time; If you don't have enough, you can feed more next time. The pig's appetite is generally the strongest in the evening, followed by the morning, and the worst at noon. The daily feed should be distributed according to this rule, so that the pig always has a strong appetite.
The feed for pigs should preferably come from a regular feed factory, and formulated according to the feeding standards for different types of pigs at different growth stages. If it is self prepared by farmers, the digestible energy level and protein level of the mixture should also be generally determined according to the feeding standard. The variety and proportion of each ingredient should not change too much.
Constant temperature
Food temperature is also related to the health and weight gain of pigs. In spring, summer and autumn, they are generally fed at room temperature. In winter, they should use hot water to mix feed and warm water as appropriate. If the food temperature is too low, the pig will consume a lot of body heat to raise the feed to the same level as the body temperature. The body heat must be supplemented by the heat energy generated after the oxidation of nutrients in the feed, which will virtually waste a lot of feed, and may also cause miscarriage and gastroenteritis for pregnant sows. Healthy pigs have the habit of grabbing food when eating, so when feeding pigs, they should not feed hot food, otherwise they may burn the mouth mucosa or even esophagus of pigs. Long term hot feeding can also cause depilation and hinder pig development. [2]

Ration preparation

1. What aspects must be considered in piglet diet preparation?
⑴ The diet contains high energy, amino acids, vitamins and other nutrients, and has a good balance. Only when the nutrition meets the needs of piglets can they grow healthily. [4]
⑵ High digestibility. Due to the incomplete digestive system of piglets, the diet should be made from digestible raw materials to slow down the nutritional diarrhea of piglets.
⑶ Good palatability, improve the palatability of the diet and increase the feed intake of piglets.
⑷ Pay attention to energy intake and improve the weight of piglets.
2. What principles should be followed in the preparation of diets for growing finishing pigs?
(1) Multi stage diets are prepared according to pig breed and sex to meet the nutritional needs of pigs at different stages and improve feed efficiency.
⑵ Pay attention to the balance of energy and amino acids in the diet. On the basis of meeting energy needs, appropriate proportions of amino acids should be added.
⑶ According to the type of diet, appropriate amount of synthetic amino acids should be added according to the nutritional requirements of pigs to meet the needs of pigs for amino acids.
3. What are the nutritional requirements of the reserve sows?
It is very important to feed reserve sows with nutrient balanced diets. From seed selection to breeding, free feeding should be adopted. It is suggested that the content of nutrients in the diet should be 16.0% crude protein, 0.75% ~ 1.2% lysine, 0.7% ~ 0.8% calcium and 0.35% ~ 0.4% available phosphorus.
4. What are the requirements for diet preparation of pregnant sows?
Because the high energy intake of sows during pregnancy will cause problems in sow farrowing and milk production, it is advisable for pregnant sows to use low energy and high protein diets. Properly increasing the crude fiber content of the diet and feeding green and juicy feed can reduce the constipation of sows. The nutritional level of pregnant sows is 2900~3000 kcal/kg of digestible energy, 0.55%~0.6% of lysine, 0.85%~0.9% of calcium, and 0.45% of available phosphorus.
5. What are the requirements for the diet preparation of lactating sows?
The diet for lactating sows should be divided into the diet for primiparous sows and the diet for multiparous sows. The nutritional requirements of primiparous sows are higher than that of multiparous sows. The nutritional level of the diet for primiparous sows is: 3400 kcal/kg of digestible energy, more than 1.0% of lysine, 0.85% ~ 0.9% of calcium, and 0.45% of available phosphorus; Dietary nutrition level of multiparous sows: digestible energy 3200-3400 kcal/kg, lysine 0.85% above, calcium 0.83%~0.9%, available phosphorus 0.46% [2]
Green fodder
  1. one
  2. two
    Silage Pass
The silage of green fodder can achieve a balanced supply of green fodder throughout the year. At the same time, the silage has many advantages, such as soft texture, good smell, pig appetite, low nutrition loss, etc. Silage equipment is mainly silo. Silage cellars should be located close to livestock houses, with solid soil, high and dry terrain, leeward to the sun, low groundwater level, and some open space around. The kiln walls should be straight and smooth, with the upper opening slightly larger than the lower opening. For the mixed storage of the above kinds of green fodder, every 667 square meters of green fodder needs to be equipped with 3 long cellars with a length of 2 meters, a width of 1.5 meters, and a depth of 1.5 meters, each of which can be used for silage of 2000 kg.
The green fodder should be harvested at the highest nutritional value stage (from the initial flowering stage to the waxy mature stage). After harvesting, it should be cut short, generally about 3cm, so as to facilitate the filling of pits, stepping and fermentation. When filling, first lay 30cm thick bedding grass at the bottom of the cellar, and then lay a whole piece of plastic around and at the bottom of the cellar. Mix all kinds of cut green fodder evenly, and put them into the cellar in a timely manner. While stepping firmly, install them. The raw materials are 20cm higher than the cellar edge. Finally, fasten the large plastic, and then lay a layer of grass. Then add 50cm thick soil for sealing and burying. The covering soil should be raised in the shape of steamed bun, and drain ditches should be dug around the cellar. It is required to be impermeable to water and air.
Generally, the silage can be used within 30~50 days. The silage with good quality is green or yellowish green, with the smell of distiller's grains. It is pressed very tightly in the cellar, but it is loose on the hand, soft and slightly wet, and the stems and leaves remain in the original state. Otherwise, the silage is of poor quality.
2. Reasonable collocation
Although silage has complete nutrition and low cost, due to its high moisture content, pigs actually eat less dry matter after each full meal. Therefore, in order to achieve the goal of rapid fattening, it is also necessary to match 40% concentrate, which is the full price feed for general pigs. In summer and spring, 10% red rice flour was added to the concentrate. Because red rice has the function of enriching blood and promoting growth, it can be released 8 to 12 days in advance to save feed. When feeding, the concentrate is generally fed first, and then the silage. Feed 4 meals a day, and the best time is to take all the food within 30 minutes each time. With this method, a 15 kg native pig will grow to 90 kg, with an average daily gain of 800 g, and will be ready for slaughter within 100 days. The growth rate and economic benefits are considerable [2]

gene sequencing

Two articles on the sequencing and analysis of the whole pig genome participated by BGI were published in Nature and Giga Science (co founded by BGI and BioMed Central). For the articles published in Nature, the International Pig Genome Sequencing Cooperation Group (SGSC) mainly selected Duroc pig strain as an important meat source for whole genome sequencing. In addition, Asian wild boar, Asian domestic pig and European strain were resequenced; The article published on Giga Science mainly focuses on the research of mini pigs for medical research. This project is mainly led and completed by BGI and the Beijing Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. In addition, a series of articles on pig genome were also published in BioMed Central series of journals, which mainly explained the structure and function of pig genome, genome annotation and new discoveries of biomedical related functions.
As one of the earliest domesticated animals of human beings, domestic pigs are one of the largest sources of meat food in the world, and also provide important medical industry resources for human beings, such as pharmaceutical grade heparin and heart valves for allograft transplantation. In addition, some common and complex genetic diseases of humans also occur in domestic pigs, which makes them an excellent model for studying the basic biology of human diseases.
The wild boar's chromosome number (2n) is between 36 and 38, and there is no reproductive obstacle between them. There are 27 subspecies of wild boar in the world. There are some differences between subspecies and subspecies in karyotype. The chromosome number (2n) is between 36-38, such as 2n=36 or 37 in Western Europe and 2n=38 in Japan, but there is no reproductive barrier between each other.

Medicinal value

pork It tastes sweet and salty, and its nature is flat. It can enter the spleen, stomach and kidney meridians, nourish the kidney and blood, and nourish yin and dryness; It is mainly used to treat febrile diseases, thirst and emaciation, kidney deficiency and weakness, postpartum blood deficiency, dry cough, constipation, tonifying deficiency, nourishing yin, moistening dryness, nourishing liver yin, moistening skin, facilitating defecation and relieving thirst. Pork soup can be used to make up irritability, dry cough, constipation and dystocia caused by insufficient body fluid.
Pig brain It is beneficial to the kidney and brain. You can eat more for dizziness, tinnitus, amnesia and other diseases caused by kidney deficiency and insufficient marrow. Because pig brain contains more cholesterol, it is not suitable for patients with hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis and other diseases.
Pig lung It can nourish the lung and moisten dryness, and treat chronic cough due to lung deficiency and hemoptysis.
Pig heart It has the effect of nourishing the heart, calming the nerves, and calming the shock. It can treat the insomnia caused by sweating and palpitations due to heart deficiency.
Pig liver It is a good product for tonifying the liver, nourishing the blood and brightening the eyes. It can treat anemia, dizziness and dry eyes due to insufficient liver blood, night blindness, etc.
pork stomach It has the effect of tonifying the spleen and stomach, and can treat children's emaciation, spleen deficiency, lack of food, loose stools, diarrhea, etc.
Pig intestine It mainly refers to pig large intestine, which can treat chronic diarrhea, anal prolapse, bloody stool, hemorrhoids and other diseases.
Pig kidney It can treat kidney deficiency lumbago and chronic diarrhea.
pig 's trotters It can promote lactation, treat postpartum deficiency of qi and blood, lack of milk and other diseases, and is often compatible with astragalus, angelica, caragana, Wangbuliuxing, etc.
Pig spleen Benefiting the spleen and stomach, aiding digestion, it can treat children's spleen and stomach weakness, indigestion and other diseases.
Pig vesicle Tonify the kidney and shrink urine. It is used in combination with Euryale ferox and glutinous rice to treat enuresis or urine leakage caused by unstable kidney qi.

organ transplant

In the medical field, pig heart valves implanted with human cells have been used for patient treatment, and pig ligament tendon transplantation has also been mature, so they are considered to be the best choice for xenotransplantation at this stage. Because their organ size is similar to that of human beings, their risk of infectious diseases is low, and their number is relatively sufficient. From the perspective of "performance parameters", the temperature of pigs and humans is 36 ℃ to 37 ℃, and the heart size, pipeline distribution and power output, even the heart rate (human heart rate is 60 to 100 times/minute, pig heart rate is 55 to 60 times/minute) are similar. The foreseeable scope of organ transplantation includes cornea, skin, pancreatic islet, joint, tendon, ligament, kidney, heart, liver, etc. [7]

scientific research



Swine animals have an extremely developed sense of smell, and their sensitivity is 2-3 times that of dogs. There is a very expensive edible fungus plant growing under the land in some areas of France—— Black Truffle The local farmers regard pigs as powerful assistants for harvesting truffle; Some pigs can even sniff out mines buried in the soil. Pigs can smell the black truffle growing under the ground 25~30 cm deep from 6 meters away. Although dogs can also take on this job, training dogs is more difficult than training pigs, and they must be sent to search every day. If there are several days between them, they will forget. Pigs are no less than dogs in this respect. Even if they only search once a week, pigs will never forget their skills.
Pigs have a very sensitive sense of smell. Some customs and airports will use trained Anti drug pig To search for drugs and contraband. [2]

intelligence quotient

In fact, pigs are smart, and their cleverness is more shown in their ignorance.
In the latest issue of Animal Behavior, researchers provided favorable evidence to prove that pigs can quickly understand the working principle of mirrors, and use the mirror's reflection function to observe the surrounding environment and find food. However, researchers are not sure whether pigs realize that the mirror image in the mirror is themselves, and whether pigs can have self-awareness and high IQ like apes, dolphins and other species that have passed the "mirror self recognition test"; The average IQ of pigs ranges from 70 to 85, which is equivalent to children aged 3 to 5 years. [5]
The discovery that pigs can use mirrors is just one of a series of discoveries in the preliminary study of pig cognition. Other researchers have also confirmed that pigs are excellent at remembering food storage and the connections between each storage point. They showed the following experiment: when pig A perceived that pig B knew where the food was stored, pig A would immediately realize to follow pig B. But pig B will try to get rid of pig A so that he can eat at ease.
University of BRISTOL Suzanne Held of the University of Bristol said that they also found that pigs can quickly learn a new rule. For example, pigs can perform all the tricks in the circus: jumping circles, herding sheep, rotating, playing video games with the joystick, etc. This shows that pigs are hard to forget. "They can learn it at the first time, but it is difficult for them to forget what they have learned. Once they are frightened, it will be difficult to overcome the psychological shadow caused by it in the future."
An international research group composed of biologists released the first draft of pig genome. One of the research team leaders, University of Illinois Lawrence Schook of the University of Illinois said that although it was just a cursory glance, "the pig genome is comparable to the human genome. In many sections, it still maintains similar integrity." Schook particularly looked forward to knowing whether some physiological and behavioral similarities between pigs and humans are reflected in their respective genomes. He said that the heart of a pig is similar to that of a person, and its teeth are similar to ours. "Pigs like to lie around. If they have this opportunity, I believe they will also like smoking, drinking and watching TV."
Dr. Byrne said: "Although pigs are kept in captivity, they still retain the wisdom of their ancestors, wild boars." Dr. Byrne attributed the wisdom of pigs to the evolutionary pressure on them caused by food such as social life. "Wild boars live in groups for a long time. They can better avoid the enemy's predation by tracking their peers."
University of Cambridge Donald M. Broom and his colleagues decided to test whether pigs also have so-called self-evaluation awareness through experiments. They selected 7 pigs aged 4 to 8 weeks and asked them to stay with a mirror for 5 hours to observe their reactions. These pigs were obviously fascinated by the mirror. They kept arching at the mirror with their noses, from hesitating, calling low, getting closer, and finally lying comfortably on the mirror, looking at their images in the mirror from different angles. One day later, these pigs were still enthusiastic about the mirror.
Next, the researchers placed the mirror in a prominent position, and then placed a bowl of food in a place that could not be seen directly, but could be seen in the mirror image. They wanted to see the difference in behavior between those pigs who had close contact with the mirror before and those pigs who were unfamiliar with the mirror. The experienced pigs found the real food in 23 seconds on average, while the inexperienced pigs took the food in the mirror seriously and just looked around the mirror for food. [2]
An American scientist found through experiments that pigs can quickly learn how to use some simple props. There are more than 100000 animals in the world, and the intelligence quotient of pigs is about the 10th to 12th [6] Therefore, it is proved that pigs are of high IQ in the animal kingdom.
Experiments conducted in the 1990s found evidence that pigs are also smart. In the experiment, pigs were trained by researchers to move the pointer on the screen with their mouth and use the pointer to find the picture they saw for the first time. The results showed that the time required for them to complete this task was similar to that of chimpanzees. After a long time of observation and research on the living habits of pigs, it is proved that pigs are usually smart animals. After training, some pigs can not only master various skills like dogs, but also have shorter training time than dogs. Some specially trained pigs can dance, play drums, draw pictures and swim; Some will push the trolley vertically; Some clever pigs can be used as "police pigs" or "anti drug pigs";

Raising pigs to prevent snakes

Pigs can act as guards like dogs. In the United States, some farmers use pigs to protect the land of the manor and bite strangers who enter the manor by mistake. Another farmer raised two pigs to guard the pond instead of people in order to prevent cattle from being bitten by snakes when drinking water at the pond, and achieved good results. Pigs not only guard against snakes, but also like to eat snakes. Scientists have used experiments to prove that raising pigs to prevent snakes is in line with scientific principles. There is thick fat in pigs, which can neutralize snake venom and prevent it from entering blood vessels.

Folk customs


In Zhejiang

Zhejiang There are rich folk characteristics. In Zhejiang, people usually kill pigs before the 25th day of the twelfth lunar month, and the 26th day is the closing day. When killing pigs in Zhejiang, people pay attention to "one knife is clear", that is, one knife is used to kill pigs, otherwise it is unlucky. When the butcher enters the knife, he should say a word of "birth and body", which children and women cannot watch. After killing, the profit paper with pig blood should be pressed on the corner of the room or in the pig pen to show that the pig is not dead. The pig hair should be filled with a fire blower. After the boiled water is completely put into the barrel, the lower end of the fire blower should be immersed in the soup barrel, and the upper end should be blown with mouth, blowing along the barrel for a circle, which shows that the pig will grow fast and large in the future. When shaving, leave a piece of hair on the head and tail of the pig, which means "head and tail", and then put the whole pig on the stool. First, the pig head faces outward, the owner burns incense and pig hair to thank heaven and earth, and cut the pig into two pieces. Except for eating in the New Year, the rest is marinated in the vat for reuse after the New Year.

In Tianjin

"Pig Arch" in Tianjin, Hebei and other places
stay Tianjin There are“ Pig Arch ”Most of the festival window decorations are cut from black wax paper. There is a cornucopia on the pig's back. When you open a scarf, stick one on the left and one on the right felicitous wish of making money It means that there is a Chinese folk proverb called "dogs come to poverty, pigs come to wealth". On the first day of the first lunar month, most people like to stick a fat pig window on the left and right windows of their houses and wish their property to enter the house. The implication is shown in paper-cut Medium.

In Shaanxi

Shaanxi There is a wedding custom of giving pig's feet. The day before the wedding, the man will send four kilograms of pork and a pair of pig hooves, which are called "gift hanging". After the woman leaves the "gift hanging", she will return the pig's front hooves. On the second day after marriage, the husband and wife should take double noodles and pig's hind hoof back to their parents' home, leave noodles, and then return the hind hoof, commonly known as "hoof and hoof come, hoof and hoof go", which means close contacts in the future.


old times Yunnan There is a folk exorcism activity of "beating the sow ghost". In case of illness, disaster or misfortune in the family, the elders of the family set up incense tables to beat the sow ghost to sacrifice, make a wish to the gods and get rid of evil spirits. During the sacrifice, the old sows should be slaughtered on an auspicious day. The pig's head, hooves, liver, intestines and lungs should be placed in a basket in the middle of the hall. The host should burn incense and pray. After the sacrifice, the internal organs should be cooked and eaten. People believe that "kill a sow ghost and drive away a evil".
Yunnan Wa nationality There is a divination custom of "pig gall divination". After killing pigs, judge good or bad luck according to pig gall. If the bile print goes up and down, and there is more water in the bile, it is auspicious divination; Gallbladder lines run from left to right, and there is little water in the gallbladder, which is called hidden divination. It is usually used when holding major events, and is divined by a wizard.
Yunnan Xishuangbanna On the wedding day, both men and women will kill pigs for dinner. In addition to inviting guests, they should also cut the pork into small pieces and string them with bamboo poles to send them to each family, to show the meaning of "kinship between flesh and bone".

In North China

A respectable individual industry was once popular in the north, and it was widely strolled in rural towns across the country. It's called "pig". The purpose is to concentrate on fattening and fattening, and to carry out the monopoly of eugenics in pig breeding --- professional breeding station.

In Guangdong

Guangzhou style braised suckling pig
Guangdong In the traditional custom of "Shao Zhu", Shao Zhu or Shao Liu Zhu is a common item on various grand occasions. Whether it's the opening of a new store, the shooting of a new play or the worship of ancestors during the Tomb Sweeping Festival, the whole animal can be carried out Roast pig or Roasted suckling pig As a sacrificial article. Sometimes it is a part of the ceremony. When the ceremony is completed, the pig will be shared with the participants. Qingming divided the roast food, such as suckling pigs, with the emphasis on "red skin and strong red", which means that the ancestors bless the children's health. [2]

In Hinduism

Vishnu, the god of protection, once turned into a wild boar to save the earth and defeated the devil who had infiltrated the sea. In Buddhism and Taoism, Moritzhitian, the god of stars, rides in a cart pulled by a rag or seven rags. [2]

In ancient Greece

Sow is suitable for Demeter as a sacrifice. Because Demeter is the largest goddess in ancient times, he has his own favorite animals. At the beginning of the secret ceremony of Eleusis, a pig will be sacrificed. [2]

In Catholicism

The Eastern Orthodox Church and other Catholic groups will associate pigs with Saint Anthony, because Saint Anthony is the patron saint of pig farmers.
Bible 》Leviticus 11:7 of the Old Testament states, "The pig is unclean to you because its hoof is split in two and it does not chew the cud." [2]

In Journey to the West

Zhu Bajie Yes《 Journey to the West 》Middle name, French name Enlightenment Tang Monk The second apprentice of the Jade Emperor Marshal Tianpeng He was expelled from the heaven for molesting Chang'e and was reincarnated in the world, but he miscarried into a pig fetus. His face is similar to that of a pig. He can change his body and ride the clouds. His weapon is a nine tooth harrow. Tang Monk went west to get the Buddhist scriptures and passed by Yunzhan Cave. Pig Bajie was taken over by Sun Wukong. Since then, Bajie has become Sun WuKong Your good helper, go to protect Tang Monk together Buddhist scriptures in the western sky [2]