
Egyptian cultural heritage
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Sphinx at Egypt Giza Of Pyramid Tomb Area , part of the head says yes Ancient Egypt Pharaoh Hafra Shape according to your own portrait, [1] There are also views that Regidff, according to his father Khufu Portrait building.
this Image height 20 meters, 57 meters long. If two front claws are included, the total length is 72 meters. The face is about 5 meters long and 4.7 meters wide, the nose is 1.71 meters long, the mouth is 2.3 meters large and 1.93 meters wide. It wears a "Nams" crown, with a fan-shaped "Nams" headband hanging down on both ears, and the forehead is engraved with "Cobra" (that is, cobra: cobra )Holy snake relief, mandible There is a sign of the emperor -- drooping long beard, surrounded by a collar for a horse The eagle's feather pattern adorns the lion.
Chinese name
Foreign name
cultural heritage
72.55 m
20.22 m
Recommended travel time
1 hour
Opening Hours
9:30-17:00; The site will be cleared after 16:00
Ticket Price
Adult 60 Egyptian pounds, half price for international student card
Official website

Historical culture

Front of Sphinx
For thousands of years, Sphinx has been buried by sand to the shoulder sahara desert In 1817, the Genoese explorer Captain Giovanni Batista Cavelia led 160 people to dig out the stone statue, but the sand quickly filled the excavated sand pit Modern History The first excavation of Sphinx failed. Until the late 1930s, The Egyptologist Salim Hassan finally liberated the colossus from the yellow sand, when《 New York Times 》Declared: "Sphinx finally emerged from the impenetrable shadow of oblivion and became a landmark."
Who built the Sphinx is also a mystery. At first, ancient Egyptologists believed that Khufu The pharaoh, who was built to guard his own pyramids, derived a vivid description: in 2610 BC, the pharaoh Hufu came here to inspect his tomb, which was about to be completed, Great Pyramid Huff found quarry There was also a huge stone left on it, and the stone masons were immediately ordered to carve a sphinx according to his face shape.
But Renner and other archaeologists gradually deduced that the statue was Huff's son, Huff Pharaoh Ordered to be built. Hafner ruled Egypt in 2600 BC, and the dynasty lasted for 500 years and finally collapsed due to war and famine. According to hieroglyphics, Khufu built a pyramid 146 meters high for himself, 400 meters away from the place where the Sphinx was built later. Havel also built his own pyramid, but it is 3 meters shorter than his father's, and 400 meters away from the Sphinx. Renal found some evidence linking the Sphinx with the Pharaohs Havel. The earliest evidence dates back to 1853. In that year, a man named Auguste French archaeologists found a black statue near the Sphinx Volcanic stone Carved life size statue of Haffre. Near the statue is the remains of a building, later known as Temple Valley. In addition, Auguste also found a specially paved Stoneway Relics, connecting the Temple Valley and the temple next to the Havel Pyramid. In 1925, another French archaeologist, Emile Barretz, excavated another ancient architectural relic directly in front of the Sphinx, called the Sphinx Temple.
These evidences show that Pharaohs Havel arranged a great architectural plan, including the Sphinx, his own pyramid and temple, but many archaeologists still insist that the Sphinx was built by Khufu. Until 1980, Rennard hired a young German geographer Tom Aigner, Tom proved that the Sphinx belongs to the series of buildings of Pharaohs Havel in a new way. After checking the stone samples of the Sphinx and Sphinx Temple, Renal and Tom found many fossil samples. According to the identification of these fossils, they found that many of the stones used to build the walls of the temple were chiseled from the huge stones that carved the Sphinx, Apparently, the craftsmen used ropes and pulley cars to pull the huge stones left from the sphinx sculpture to the site where the Sphinx Temple was built "for recycling".
So it seems that Hafner has integrated the pyramid, sphinx and temple into a unified architectural plan, but who has implemented this immortal plan? In 1990, an American tourist fell off his horse 800 meters from the Sphinx, and his horse tripped over a low wall archaeology The authority Zahi Hawass then launched an investigation and found a Kingdom of Ancient Egypt cemetery. There are 600 people buried here. The center is the supervisor's tomb epitaph Indicate the name and identity of the deceased, surrounded by the graves of ordinary workers, without identification. Near this cemetery, Renal found his lost city nine years later. Since the 1980s, ancient buildings have often been found here. Renal and Hawass have always paid close attention to them, but they didn't realize that this is a spectacular residential area, which is as big as 10 football fields, until they completed precise surveying and mapping. The construction age can be traced back to the reign of Havra. In the center of the residential area are four barracks made of long mud bricks, which are the same as ordinary houses colonnade , sleeping table and kitchen, just scale Ordinary housing Large, can accommodate 50 people to sleep side by side. Renner said that the barracks can accommodate 1600 to 2000 workers, and more people can be accommodated if the sleeping table is a double-layer structure. The food of the workers shows that they are not slaves. Renal found the remains of male animals under 2 years old in the site, which shows that the food of the workers is mainly beef Renal believes that it is very likely that ordinary Egyptians Taxes and corvees In the form of enfeoffment, the Sphinx and the surrounding relics are built by rotation.
Forty five centuries ago, human beings lacked iron. Egyptians mainly used stone hammers with copper ones Chisel To complete more detailed work. The researchers found that the copper chisel could not withstand beating, and it became blunt after only a few times, and needed to be replaced frequently. After comprehensive consideration, it is estimated that each worker can chisel one Cubic feet Stone. At this rate, 100 workers can complete the Sphinx in three years.


The face of the Sphinx is better preserved than that of most ancient statues, but its nose has been completely damaged after weathering and man-made destruction for thousands of years. According to the record of an Arab historian in 1402, a Sufi fanatic deliberately destroyed its face in order to "correct religious errors". However, there are still many clues to infer what the stone statue looked like at first. In the early 19th century, people excavated fallen stone beards and cobra Headdress There is still red on the face of the stone statue dyestuff , which led archaeologists to speculate that the whole face was once red, while yellow and Peacock blue Paint, which made Renal suspect that at first the statue was covered with gaudy colors.

Geographical coordinates

If you haven't seen the Sphinx, you can't say you have been to Egypt. from Cairo Go west for several kilometers and come to Giza Village. Standing in the eyes Khufu Pyramid The huge stone statue on the east side is the Sphinx, which attracts tourists from all over the world with its attractive magic power. Monster-- Sphinx Is it true that the head of a sphinx is modeled by Hu Fu? However, it is a pity that the Sphinx's nose was broken for unknown reasons in history, which is detrimental to its beauty and Coordination

Beautiful legend

This is an eternal mystery. Wouldn't it be ridiculed to carve something in the shape of your face to protect your tomb? That's obviously lower Pharaoh The value of. In ancient mythology, the Sphinx was a monster born of a giant and a demon snake: the head of a man lion The body with wings is called Sphinx Sphinx is cruel by nature Goddess of Wisdom Muse I learned many riddles there and often stayed at the crossroads. Every pedestrian must guess a riddle if he wants to pass. If he guesses wrong, he will eat them all. There are countless victims. Once, a king's son was eaten by Sphinx. The king was so angry that he offered a reward: "Whoever can subdue him, give him the throne!" The brave young Dipus went to avenge the king's call. He walked and walked until he came to the intersection guarded by Sphinx. "Young man, guess the riddle before passing." Sphinx took out the hardest and hardest one to guess for him. "Can make a sound, walk with four legs in the morning, walk with two legs at noon, and walk with three legs at night, what is this?" "This is a person." Clever Dipps quickly guessed. When Dipus wins, he reveals the mystery; But Sphinx refused to admit defeat, and gave Dipus a riddle: "What grows first, then becomes shorter, and finally grows longer?" Dipus guessed the answer "shadow". So Sphinx revealed his true form, and used suicide to redeem his sin.
It is said that the Sphinx is carved according to the shape of Sphinx. In fact, Egypt is not the only country with the Sphinx Cairo Only then. Only this one in Cairo is the largest and oldest. However, the large and small sphinxes (or ox heads, sheep heads, etc.) carved everywhere are squatting. The difference is that some of them also raised a paw. [2]

Missing nose

Napoleon in front of the Sphinx
For thousands of years since the birth of the Sphinx, it has been exposed to the wind and the sun. The color on its face has long fallen off, and the meticulously carved holy snake and drooping long beard have long disappeared. However, the most deplorable thing is, how did it lose its nose? This is another "mystery". A popular saying is that in 1798 Napoleon When invading Egypt, I saw that it was solemn and grand, as if to "demonstrate" to myself. In anger, I ordered my men to blow off its nose with artillery shells. However, this statement is not reliable. It has been recorded that it lacks a nose long before Napoleon.
It is also said that 500 years ago, the Sphinx was fired as a cannon by the Mamluk soldiers of the Egyptian king (the near guards of Egypt in the Middle Ages)“ target ”Maybe he had suffered "injury" and his nose was "colorful" at that time. However, according to some records, all the pharaohs and subjects in Egypt regarded this stone statue as“ Helios ”The pilgrims kept coming and going. Later, the wind and sand slowly covered more than half of it. At this time, an opponent Idolize Take it Pick , climbed up the sand dune, chiseled out the nose of the sand surface, and destroyed its appearance. Strangely, tourists who come to "visit" the Sphinx can see a remnant of a dream tablet between its two claws on its chest. An interesting story is recorded on the monument. 3400 years ago, the young Prince Tomo came here to hunt. Probably exhausted from running, he sat down on the sand to rest. Unexpectedly, he fell asleep and dreamt of a stone statue saying to him, "I am the great Hur Um Ukht (the god worshipped by the ancient Egyptians, meaning Divine Eagle )The sand is so suffocating that I can't breathe. If you can remove the sand from me. Then I will make you king of Egypt. " When the prince woke up, he mobilized a large number of human and material resources to dig the Sphinx out of the sand and build a sand wall beside it. In the long years, stone statues have tasted the "pain" of being buried in the sand many times. Perhaps for this reason, in the fifth century BC, the famous historian Herodotus During his visit to Egypt, he gave a detailed and vivid description of the pyramids, without mentioning the Sphinx at hand. It is likely that by this time it has been completely covered by sand dunes. It was decades ago that people dug it out of the sand for the last time. [3]
On the other hand, the nose of the Egyptian Sphinx was smashed by pilgrims from the Islamic Sufi sect in the Middle Ages.

The Mystery of Human Face

Side of Sphinx
Let's have a look at which pharaoh is depicted in his face? Because we know ancient Greek Of Sphinx The Sphinx is a statue of a man. Except that it is a statue of a man, it is hard to tell which special figure it has anything to do with? however Ancient Egypt This Sphinx is different from this statue. The scarf he is wearing is a very typical scarf worn by the ancient Egyptian pharaoh. The shape is very typical, and there is a trace of a god snake in front of his head. Why is it a trace? Because the original god snake has gone. It has gone through so many years of wind and rain, and man-made destruction, and it no longer exists. But we can see that there is a sculpture in this place. This thing must be the god snake, and not every ordinary people can have such rights, Put it on the top of your headband, right in front of you. This is Pharaoh Logo of.

Inferential guess

So people have such a reasoning, that is to say, if people can identify the statue, the statue of Sphinx, whose face is carved by a specific pharaoh, then people can generally know the year of birth and death of this pharaoh. So people can judge who it belongs to and know when it was built. So people looked at the statues of two pharaohs, not one pharaoh, but two pharaohs. The one on the left is Khufu His son is Huffrey, that is, this Sphinx The statue, the pyramid behind, is also the owner of the second highest pyramid in Egypt. He is Hafri; The one on the right is called Jandefrui, also the son of Khufu. He is the brother of Khufrui. He also ruled Egypt and was a pharaoh. After the death of Khufu, he succeeded Khufu as the ruler of Egypt, but his time was very short, use of three organs simultaneously Four years later, he died. Not only did he die, but also what was very interesting? say Old Kingdom The pharaoh was used to building his own pyramids very large and all of them were built in Giza, so Giza became a synonym for a pyramid, but he did not build his own pyramid in Giza, but built it in the place of Abravash, north of Giza, where the pyramid was very small. Why is it so? People don't talk about it, In any case, he has no tomb of his own in Giza, and no pyramid building of his own. He is also very short-lived. One can speculate why, but in any case, he died three to four years later, and his brother Hafrey began to take his place. As the ruler of the Fourth Dynasty of ancient Egypt, he continued to rule Egypt, and built a huge pyramid. Then there was such a sphinx in front of the pyramid. Who is the Sphinx like? People can turn it back to see the Sphinx.
If there is a nose, it may be better, but people can still see the mouth more or less clearly. After repeated comparisons, even some computer measurements, what is the final conclusion of ordinary scholars? Although it is in front of Hafri's pyramid and is generally considered as a building and accessory building of Hafri's pyramid, people think that it is more like his brother Jandefri in appearance. So people will have such an idea that who built this pyramid? Did Huffrey build it, or did his brother? If his brother built it, did his brother die mysteriously in the process of building it? If he died mysteriously, who would succeed him? Who makes the profit? It was Hafrey. After making a profit, Hafrey not only stole a throne from his brother, but also took his brother's pyramid as his own. He built his own magnificent pyramid in the back, which was very large and was noticed by future generations. It is very possible, but whether it is his brother's or his brother's, whether it is Jamfrey's or Hufrey's, someone even suggested that it may not be him or him, but their father Hufu built it. But no matter who built them, their age is generally determined, that is, about 2500 BC, about 4500 years ago.

The mystery of construction

When John Anthony West, an American scholar, studied the Sphinx, he found that although it stood on the high cliff in the west of Giza Plain, it could be considered as high as the sky, except for its head, the whole Sphinx was irrefutably submerged. It seems that the Sphinx was once immersed in water. According to historical records, Egypt was repeatedly exposed to sea water and the Nile Catastrophic flood The last time big flood It happened around 10000 BC. It can be inferred that if the Sphinx was submerged, it must have been built before the flood. According to this statement, the Sphinx was built 10000 years ago.

Construction reason

So people continued to search. In an ancient inscription, the inscription was carved on the stone, and the ancient Egyptian characters appeared in the reliefs on the wall. So people really found such an inscription in these characters horus 70 days before the summer solstice Meandering river 70 days later, another magical combination between him and the ground will happen at the moment when the sun rises. So people began to analyze this inscription and look for its true meaning. So what does Horus mean from this shore to this shore? People also started walking in the first 70 days of this summer solstice. Walking from this bank to this bank is, at best, walking near the pyramid. There is no such answer that is good for them to understand this problem. So people are worried, thinking about whether we are wrong about it. Later, there really was a wise man who said that when we talked about walking from the river that was winding on the ground on the horizon, it didn't mean the river that was winding on the ground or the ground the Nile What river is it? There is also a river corresponding to us and the ground. What kind of river is this? We all know it's called Galaxy. Before April 11 every year, people stand Giza To observe and observe the eastern part of the Milky Way, we found that there was a star and sun, and a shining star and sun appeared there. People began to observe the star and sun, and the observation result was that it really fell to the horizon 70 days later. Where did it fall? This has been shown. It really moved over the winding Milky Way in the sky and came to this side. It was really at that point on the horizon. It appeared 70 days later, and this place has a constellation. What constellation? Leo Horus and Leo became one at this time. So people think that the inscriptions in ancient Egypt refer to this. Then we can know why such a mysterious statue built in front of the pyramid is a lion instead of a lion Jackal The body of a dog, not Baboon His body is not the body of other animals. He feels that this thing is like this one Astronomical phenomenon The coincidence of, and their beliefs, and their myths and legends, just in line.
The purpose of the Sphinx built by Havra is still controversial. Renal put forward his own theory, which is mainly based on his research on the Sphinx Temple. The remaining walls of the temple can still be seen from the front of the Sphinx. There are 24 stone pillars in a circle on the land surrounded by this wall. The temple is planned to be built on the east-west axis of the stone pillar circle, and the axis is composed of a pair of small shrines. Or the temple, each shrine has about closet size. Switzerland archaeologist Herbert Ritchie studied the temple at the end of the 1960s and believed that the axis symbolized the movement of the sun, and the east-west axis was in the direction of sunrise and sunset at the spring and autumn equinox, located in the center of the summer solstice and winter solstice. Renal further concluded that the 24 stone pillars represent the 24 hours that the sun passes every day.
Renal also found that if he stood in front of the eastern shrine at the spring and autumn equinox, he would see a strange astronomical event: the sun sank into the shoulder of Sphinx, and then fell into the horizon on the south side of the Havra Pyramid. "Every year at this time," Renal Said: "The Sphinx and the pyramid both symbolize the king's building and will be merged into the same silhouette. The Sphinx itself seems to symbolize the pharaoh's worship in the temple Helios Give yourself. " Hawass agreed with this view, thinking that the Sphinx is that as Horus, the eagle god regarded by the Egyptians as the symbol of the royal family, Hafra is offering his own two claws to his father, Khufu, the incarnation of the sun god, and the rise and fall of the sun god every day is in the temple.
More interestingly, in the the summer solstice Standing in front of the Sphinx, Ri can see that the sun seems to be setting between the pyramids of Havra and Khufu. This phenomenon Hieroglyphics Described as the "horizon" in, it also symbolizes the reincarnation and rebirth of life. If Renal and Hawass are correct, then Havra arranged the location of the pyramids, sphinxes and temples according to the activities of the sun. The whole building complex is a cosmic engine, which aims to use the power of the sun and other ancient Egyptian gods to revive the Pharaoh's soul. This change not only guarantees the eternal life of rulers after death, but also maintains the universal Natural order Including seasonal changes, annual flooding of Nile water and people's daily life.
In this sacred cycle, which symbolizes death and resurrection, the Sphinx may represent many things: it represents the dead King Havra, the ruler incarnated as the sun god, and it is also the guardian of the underworld and the tomb.

Travel Tips

Admission: 80 Egyptian pounds (Giza Pyramid Scenic Spot) from 2005.
Transportation: Take a taxi from the urban area to Giza Scenic Area Egyptian Museum The rear 355 bus and some minibuses can also be reached.
Other travel precautions: The best light for shooting the Sphinx before 9:30 am.
Sphinx“ Sphinx Sphinx )Located at Cairo Southwest Great Pyramid of Giza Nearby, there is a famous historic site in Egypt, which is the same as the pyramid Ancient Egyptian Civilization Most Representativeness Remains. Image height 21 meters long, 57 meters long, ears are 2 meters long. Except that the lion's paw, which extends 15 meters forward, is Use large Outside the stone inlay, the whole statue is carved on a huge stone containing impurities such as shells. The face is ancient The Fourth Dynasty of Egypt Pharaoh (i.e. King) Hafra The shape of your face. It is said that in 2611 BC, Hafra came here to inspect his tomb—— Pyramid of Khafre During the project, he ordered to carve a stone statue for himself. The craftsman cut a lion's body out of his own accord, and took the pharaoh's face as the lion's head. stay Ancient Egypt The lion is a symbol of strength, and the Sphinx is actually a portrayal of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh. The statue sits west to east, crouching beside the tomb of Havra. Because it looks like MYTHOS The human face monster Sphinx in Chinese, so Westerners call it "Sphinx".
The original Sphinx wears a crown, the forehead is embossed with a holy snake, the chin has a long beard, and the neck is round a collar for a horse After thousands of years of wind, rain and sand burying, the crown and collar disappeared. In 1818, the relief of the holy snake was dug up under the statue by the British Italian Cafelia and dedicated to britain British Museum. The beard fell off and split. There are two pieces in the Egyptian Museum and one piece in the British Museum (now returned to Egypt). A large part of the nose of the statue has been missing. It is said that Napoleon's soldiers killed it when invading Egypt. It is a myth that it was smashed by pilgrims and medieval Islamic Sufis. After more than 4000 years of experience, the Sphinx is now plagued with chronic diseases, and its neck and chest are particularly corroded. In October 1981, the left rear leg of the statue collapsed, forming a large hole 2 meters wide and 3 meters long. In February 1988, two huge stones fell from the statue's right shoulder, one of which weighed 2000 kg. [4]
On November 25, 2021, Egypt celebrated“ Avenue of the Sphinxes ”Open activities. This road has a history of more than 3000 years. There are many sphinxes and Ram Like, connecting karnak temple and Luxor Temple [6]

Tourist map

Top view
The Sphinx is located in Giza, the southwest suburb of Cairo. from Cairo Traveling a few kilometers west, you come to Giza Village, one of the seven wonders of ancient architecture in the world Khufu Pyramid To the east is the Sphinx, which attracts tourists from all over the world with its attractive magic power.
Rented in Luxor Aswan Taxi drivers in Cairo, even if the price is negotiated, will find all kinds of reasons not to find change if you don't have change when getting off. And in Alexander However, they are quite formal. The drivers take the initiative to change and collect 3LE. In Siva, you can see many children driving donkey carts shouting "taxi" at you. The price is about 1 to 2LE. If you want to go to the desert, you can only rent jeep. If you are just near the desert or wandering in the oasis, it is best to ride a bike. Many places in the town have rent, 10LE/day. The maximum distance from the city center to the edge of the desert is about 6km.
Tourist carriage: Many cities have beautiful carriages. Regardless of the high price they charge, they can only give 5LE at most. Public transportation : Generally 25 pt/person, but drivers in Luxor will drive at high prices. Regardless of him, they will pay him a little money when they get on the ground.

Tourism strategy

About Visa
Newspaper group You need to get a visa in advance if you want to go by yourself, so you should prepare the necessary Personal Data Sheet And visa information:
Two recent 2-inch photos ID Front/back intact copy Original passport valid for more than 6 months, and I am on duty Letter of Reference One copy of the company's business license.
About exchange rate
dollar yes l.e. (LE) exchange rate is about 5.8 (the latest exchange rate).
About free activities
Because of the tight schedule, there is little time for the group to go to Egypt for free activities, and only every night can be used. The tour guide said that in general, free time is not given to the guests for fear of getting lost. If you want to experience the freedom of being in a foreign country, it is not impossible. The prerequisite is to be able to speak English or find a Chinese translation. In addition, be familiar with Urban transportation
About Etiquette
Egypt is arab countries , on public occasions Try not to hug or kiss between men and women. No one can wear clothes with bare shoulders. Women's skirts must be above the knee, but they can be worn in restaurants shorts And swimwear. If you visit a local family, prepare some desserts as gifts according to local customs.
In Egypt, waiters, tour guides, drivers and room cleaners are generally paid Tip One pound at a time is enough. Do not take valuables with you when you leave the hotel for sightseeing. It is better to ask the hotel to take care of your passport and large credit card.
Don't aim the camera at the Egyptians until you get permission. It should be noted that do not shoot Military restricted zone And government agencies.
Egyptian customs often require tourists to unpack and pay taxes. movie camera The import must be declared to the customs. The customs will indicate the brand, specification and Machine No , must be taken out when leaving the country, otherwise heavy taxes will be deducted. The duty-free goods include tobacco and alcohol in limited quantities, personal use A reasonable amount of perfume, gifts that meet the value limit, etc.


On November 9, 2014, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage of Egypt invited the media to approach the completed part Restoration works And announced that the courtyard around the stone statue base, which has been closed for many years, will be reopened, and tourists will have a chance to Take a close look at the landscape. This nearly 5000 year old sphinx, also known as the Sphinx, stands near the largest pyramid in Giza Heights, a suburb of Cairo. [5]