crime rate

Legal terminology
zero Useful+1
The crime rate refers to the proportion of criminals in the population. If five out of every ten thousand people commit crimes, the crime rate is five out of ten thousand. The crime rate is Crime statistics One of the important contents of Crime The research work of is very important. The main categories are crime rate, juvenile crime rate, female crime rate, elderly crime rate, criminals Recidivism rate , student crime rate, etc. [1]
In 2023, the number of criminal cases and public security cases investigated and dealt with by public security organs across the country will decrease by 12.9% and 9.7% respectively compared with 2019, of which the number of eight types of serious violent criminal cases, such as explosion and homicide, will decrease by 10.7%, and the number of homicides per 100000 people will be 0.46. [2]
Chinese name
crime rate
Foreign name
crime rate
It's crime density Relative indicators one of

content validity

crime rate
crime rate
The relationship between criminals and Total population The ratio calculated by comparison is the crime density Relative indicators One is the important content of crime statistics. The crime rate is usually expressed in the ratio of 100000.
As a relative indicator of crime density, crime rate is the most commonly used indicator to compare the severity of crime under different space-time conditions. If a crime is defined here and now, but not then and then, it is impossible to make a simple comparison of crime rates in different time and space. Even if the definitions of crimes in different space-time ranges need to be compared are consistent, there are certain conditions for the comparison of crime density. Therefore, when studying, analyzing, quoting and comparing the crime rate within a certain time and space, we should pay attention to the following factors: ① The crime rate is only a comparison between the number of criminals and the total population Relative number If the number of criminals changes correspondingly with the total population, then, as a possible victim of crime, the probability of each citizen suffering from crime will also change correspondingly, while the crime rate as a relative number does not reflect this change. Therefore, the crime rate and Absolute number Combined consideration. ② The crime rate within a certain space-time range only indicates the crime situation (crime count) that is officially controlled within that space-time range, while those crimes that are not officially known( Criminal black number )There are a lot of them. The existence of criminal black numbers is bound to criminology The research has brought certain difficulties, and the reliability of criminological research results will inevitably be affected to varying degrees. Therefore, when analyzing and studying the crime rate under certain space-time conditions, we should also take full account of the actual black number of crimes that are not officially controlled.


In order to facilitate the investigation and statistics of crimes, crime rates can be classified according to different standards, such as Criminal subject It can be divided into juvenile crime rate, elderly crime rate, women crime rate, etc; with Type of crime It can be divided into homicide crime rate, property crime rate, rape crime rate, etc.

related data

In 2023, the number of criminal cases and public security cases investigated and dealt with by public security organs across the country will decrease by 12.9% and 9.7% respectively compared with 2019, of which the number of eight types of serious violent criminal cases, such as explosion and homicide, will decrease by 10.7%, and the number of homicides per 100000 people will be 0.46. [2]
China is one of the countries with the lowest rate of homicide cases, the lowest rate of criminal offences and the lowest number of gun explosions in the world. The public security organs continued to deepen the special action of cracking down on violent terrorism, and there were no violent terrorist incidents in the country for more than seven consecutive years.