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Ted Cruz

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Chairman of NASA Committee
Ted Cruz, born on January 24, 1971 in the United States republican party Tea Party People, USA Texas Senator NASA Chairman of the Committee.
In May 2015, it was announced through Twitter that it would participate in 2016 US Presidential Election , which makes him the first candidate to officially declare his candidacy for the 2016 presidential election. [1] On May 4, 2016, Cruz announced his withdrawal from the election [2]
On July 13, 2020, China decided to impose corresponding sanctions on four individuals and an institution, including Cruz, in response to the United States' announcement that it would impose sanctions on a Chinese government agency and four officials in Xinjiang in accordance with the US domestic law [3] On August 10, China decided to impose sanctions on Ted Cruz, a US senator who had behaved badly on the Hong Kong related issue. [4]
In February 2021, Cruz went to Cancun for vacation when he was in his hometown of Texas during the snow disaster, which caused controversy. [12]
Chinese name
Ted Cruz
Foreign name
Ted Cruz
date of birth
January 24, 1971
University one is graduated from
University of Washington
politician senator
American Protestantism Episcopal Church
Key achievements
Chairman of NASA Committee
American Republican Party( Tea Party

Character experience

In 2012, he was elected as a Republican senator of Texas, and quickly became known for his strong opposition to President Obama's health care reform policy.
Cruz is popular among conservatives and tea parties, and is known for criticizing the Obama administration for a long time. On November 2, 2018, Texas Senator Ted Cruz directly quoted Trump's remarks in his speech, Central America The immigrant army is "invading" Texas Border. [5]
In December 2018, member of "Hong Kong Unity" of "Hong Kong Independence" organization Luo Guancong And Zhou Ting went to Washington, the United States, to discredit Hong Kong, and Cruz met with them.
In June 2019, Cruz proposed a proposal to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to reassess the Hong Kong Policy Act.
In October 2019, he went to Hong Kong specially, not only to express support for the mob with a black suit, claiming to go with the "protesters", but also to meet with Li Zhiying and other Hong Kong politicians who incite violence. As for the violence of the mob, Cruz claimed that he had "not seen it".

politic view

As for political opinions, Cruz criticized Obama's policies one by one in his speech. He said that if elected, he would repeal the "Obama health care reform" bill, so that Americans can afford medical insurance; He will revise the tax system, reduce the burden on American families, and even propose to abolish the IRS; He also said that he would strengthen border security and establish a more perfect immigration system.
On September 23, 2016, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, a strong opponent of the Republican presidential candidate Trump in the primary election, announced that he would vote for Trump, in order to prevent Hillary Clinton from entering the White House and fulfill his commitment to support the Republican candidate.
Cruz made the above statement by publishing a long article on his Facebook social page on the 23rd.
"This election is different from any other election in the history of our country," Cruz said. "After a few months of careful consideration, I decided to vote for the Republican presidential candidate on election day Donald Trump 。”
Cruz said he made the decision for two reasons. First, last year, I promised to support the Republican candidate, "I intend to fulfill my words". Second, although there were significant differences with the Republican candidates, he stressed that Hillary Clinton was totally unacceptable by whatever standards.
Cruz then listed six key policy differences between Trump and Hillary Clinton, including the Supreme Court, Obama's health care reform, energy, immigration, national security and Internet freedom, saying that these prompted them to make their own decisions. "The candidates' positions on these six important issues presented a clear choice for the American people.".
Cruz said that if Hillary wins, we are 100% sure that she will honor the left-wing commitment and bring catastrophic consequences to the country. He stressed that "the United States is in crisis, Hillary Clinton It is obviously not suitable to be president, and her policy will harm millions of Americans... I encourage you to vote for Trump. " [6]
Cruz was defeated by Trump in the primary election for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016. As an important member of the Republican Party and conservatives, Cruz has paid long-term attention to the situation in the Taiwan Strait and supported Taiwan. [7] After a series of shameful activities in support of "Taiwan independence" in Taiwan, US Senator Cruz visited Hong Kong on October 12, 2019, openly cheering up the radical demonstrations that gradually lost momentum. [8]
On March 22, 2021, Cruz attacked and said that the US government was very inhumane towards immigrants, separating children from their parents, which was to send them into the hands of traffickers. He also accused the government of not allowing the media to access the temporary detention center for interviews. [13]

Character events


Run for president

On May 23, 2015, Ted Cruz, a Republican senator from Texas, announced his participation in the 2016 US presidential election.
According to《 Washington Post 》The Republican presidential candidates will include Rand Paul Kentucky Senator), Ted Cruz( Texas Senator) Marco Rubio Florida Senator) Carly Fiorina Ben Carson Mike Huckabee Jeb Bush Chris Christie New Jersey Governor) Bobby Jindal Louisiana Governor) Rick Perry (former governor of Texas) Rick Santorum (Front Pennsylvania Senator) and Scott Walker( Wisconsin Governor).
Moreover, the election of these 12 potential presidents showed a trend of youth: four of them were under 50 years old, and the other two were in their early fifties. This may be related to Obama's success at the age of 47. Before he became president, Obama Only four years of experience as a senator tells ambitious politicians that they do not have to wait until their resumes are rich and beautiful enough to compete for the White House.

A long speech

On September 26, 2013, American Republican Party Senator Ted Cruz became famous in the United States in the First World War because of his 21 hour long speech against Obama's health care law. So Jenny Beth Martin, leader of the Tea Party Patriot Group, said: "By the end of the speech, most Americans will know who Cruz is." [9]

Run for parliament

Texas The result of the Senate election in 2018 is not surprising. As the stronghold of the Republican Party, Ted Cruz, the Republican, successfully saved his seat. But the election process was surprising. Ted Cruz only won the Democratic candidate Beto Orock (Beto O'Rourke) less than 3%. In 2012, when Ted Cruz last ran for office, he won 16 percent. [10]
In 2018, the Democrat Orok, who was called "Beto", competed with Cruz for the state senate seat. The dispute between Cruz and Orok is generally considered to be the US mid-term elections The most eye-catching battle in China. The two candidates raised more than $100 million, far more than the normal amount raised for state elections. Among them, Orock raised 70 million US dollars through small fundraising of less than 50 US dollars on average, about half of which came from Texas Outside the state. The close support rate of the two people is also surprising. Texas, which has always been regarded as a deep red state, has not elected Democratic senators since 1988. [11]

False statement

Cruz, a Republican politician from Texas in the United States, was blacklisted by the Chinese government in 2020 because he constantly fabricated rumors involving Hong Kong, Xinjiang and other places in China and interfered in China's internal affairs. At the same time, he also caused the disdain and disgust of many American netizens because he defended the former President Trump everywhere, especially helped Trump to protest the election results after last year's presidential election, spread false statements about the American election, and indirectly incited Trump supporters to violent impact on the U.S. Capitol at the beginning of this year. [12]

Abandon the public

In February 2021, power supply failure in Texas caused power outages everywhere, causing millions of people to freeze in the cold winter, and at least 20 people to die. However, Texas Senator Cruz was found at the airport with his wife and daughter, ready to board the plane to Cancun, Mexico's warm tourist city. Cruz initially claimed that his daughter's school was closed, but his wife Heidi leaked the truth that they actually decided to spend their holidays in Cancun because their home in Texas was "too cold", and there were luxury hotels available. Under the condemnation of the surging public opinion, Cruz had to end his holiday one day ahead of schedule. When interviewed by the media at the airport, Cruz said that he felt "sorry" for the behavior of going on holiday when the people in Texas were in disaster, and that his behavior was "wrong". At the same time, Cruz said that in view of the increasingly "intense" public opinion, he must also return. In addition, when Cruz and his wife and daughter went to Cancun for vacation because the Texas home was too cold, they left a little dog named "Snow Flower" at home in Texas. This not only immediately aroused the anger of many dog lovers, but also made the people of Texas feel humiliated, because Cruz's move is equivalent to saying that the people of Texas are as unimportant as his dogs. [12]

Pressure the court

In 2024, Cruz and other 12 US Republican senators sent a warning letter to the International Criminal Court, asking it not to issue wanted warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and others. These senators warned that if the International Criminal Court issued a wanted order, the United States would impose severe sanctions on the Court and Karim Khan. [14]

Character evaluation

Saint Ross College Scott Lemieux, professor of political science at《 Los Angeles Times 》The editorial commented on the page and pointed out that Cruz was totally enthusiastic without plan and organization. For left-wing people, he was just a clown and a punching bag, while right-wing comrades were afraid of suffering from Cruz's troubles.