material goods

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Material materials include both material wealth directly provided by nature and those obtained through labor Labor products Including those that can directly meet the needs Means of subsistence (also known as consumer goods), including those that indirectly meet needs Means of production
Chinese name
material goods
Foreign name
material wealth
Population quantity
Conditions for existence and development


The production of material means and the production of human beings depend on each other for existence and development; The two permeate each other. There are human factors in the production of material goods, and there are material factors in the production of human beings themselves. They enter each other's fields; The two restrict each other. The production of material means restricts the development of human production, and human production promotes and delays the production of material means; The two should adapt to each other. The total number of population as consumers should adapt to the total amount of consumption materials owned by the society. The growth rate of population number should adapt to the growth rate of consumption materials. The number and composition of workers as producers should adapt to the means and objects of labor owned by the society at that time, The quality of workers should be commensurate with the level of production technology at that time. Therefore, it is wrong that material production plays a decisive role in human production

Development Basis

Market Analysis of Main Means of Agricultural Production in China
Human beings connected by a certain production relationship use production tools or their own physical characteristics to change Object of labor The process of creating material materials suitable for their own needs.
The material wealth created in the production process refers to the goods that can be directly consumed by the individual species and necessary for further development and production. The simple elements of material means production are: ① purposeful human activities, namely labor; ② Labor objects, namely various materials processed in the production process, including Natural materials And labor processed materials; ③ The main part of the means of labor that acts on the object of labor is the production tools or the physical characteristics of workers themselves. These elements cannot constitute production when they exist in isolation from each other. To produce, we must combine them in a certain way. To achieve this combination, there must be two relationships: ① the relationship between this species and the natural environment, which is manifested in the actual ability of human beings to conquer and transform nature, namely productivity; ② The social and economic relationship between individuals is the relationship of production. Only under a certain form of production relationship can this species natural environment Only when the production activities are carried out. Therefore, production includes productivity and production relations. The unity of a certain productive force and its corresponding production relations constitutes a specific mode of production.
Production activities are the basis of social existence and development, and the most basic practical activities of human beings. Human beings seek the material materials necessary for their survival and development through production activities. "If any nation stops working, it will perish even in a few weeks, not to mention a year"(《 Selected Works of Marx and Engels 》Vol. 4, p. 368). All other human social activities are based on material materials Production activities And changes with the development of production mode. The production of material means determines the appearance and development of the whole social life, as well as the situation and development of human beings themselves. Marx pointed out that in the production activities, "the producers are also changing, refining new quality, developing and transforming themselves through production, creating new forces and new ideas, creating new ways of communication, new needs and new languages"(《 Complete Works of Marx and Engels 》Vol. 46, Vol. 1, p. 494).
If human beings want to survive and develop for generations, they must produce repeatedly. Continuous production means reproduction. The reproduction process includes production, exchange, distribution and consumption. They are interrelated and mutually restricted, forming an organic whole. Among them, production occupies a dominant position and plays a decisive role. The nature of production determines the nature of distribution, exchange and consumption; The scale of production determines the types and quantities of products available for distribution, exchange and consumption. Exchange, distribution and consumption also react on production, accelerating or delaying the development of production.


material goods
1. The whole social organism is based on the material means of production. The production of material means is the primary condition for social existence and the birthplace of history. In addition, human beings engage in political, educational, scientific, artistic and other activities on the basis of productive activities. With the development of social production and social life, human concepts and thoughts have also changed, giving human spiritual impetus and guidance to social activities.
2. The productive forces and production relations that constitute the mode of production of material means are objective.
First, the development of productive forces is objective.
Second, the relationship of production can only be objectively determined by the actual situation of the productive forces, which is an objective economic relationship.
In short, the material means of production is objective, which fundamentally determines the existence and development of society is objective. The mode of production of material means is the decisive force of social development, which embodies the materiality of society.

Contact difference

Contact difference
History has repeatedly proved that productive forces determine the relations of production, which must promote the development of productive forces. Different from productivity, production relations reveal the social relations formed by human beings in the process of material production.
1. Production mode: a certain way for human beings to obtain material materials is the unity of productivity and production relations.
2 Productivity: the ability of human beings to use nature to transform nature to obtain material materials to meet their own needs, which reflects the ability of human beings to use and transform nature, and reflects the relationship between biology and the natural environment.
3. Production relations: the mutual social relations formed by human beings in production and labor, which are compatible with the development of social productivity, and human beings will form additional economic relations in production and labor.
1. 2, 2, 1 Two aspects of social production mode: productivity and production relations
In the process of material production, human beings must have two relationships: on the one hand, this species must have a certain relationship with the natural environment, that is, productivity; On the other hand, there must be a certain relationship between individuals of this species, that is, production relationship.
Production in any society includes both productive forces and production relations. Among them, productivity is the material content of social production in a society, and production relations are the social form of social production. productivity and Production relations The organic combination and unity of the two constitute the social mode of production.
1. 2.2 Productivity
Productivity: refers to the ability of human beings to conquer nature, transform nature and obtain material materials in the production process. It reflects the relationship between biology and the natural environment.
Productivity includes biological factors and abiotic factors: biological factors refer to workers with certain production experience, labor skills and scientific knowledge, as well as all organisms involved in the process of this work. Workers are the most fundamental force in productivity; Non biological factors are means of production, including means of labor and objects of labor. The tools of production play a special role in the development of productivity. The tools of production are the most important symbol of the development level of social productivity, and also the main symbol of dividing the period of economic development.
Science and technology are the primary productive forces. The development of science and technology has strengthened the ability of workers to conquer and transform nature and improved the efficiency of production.
material goods
1. 2, 2, 3 Production relations
Production relationship: refers to the relationship between individuals of this species that occurs during the production of material resources. It is also called economic relationship for humans. It includes the interrelationship formed by human beings in social production, distribution, exchange and consumption.
The general process of social production includes four interrelated links of production, distribution, exchange and consumption. Among them, production plays a decisive role, distribution, exchange and consumption are not completely passive, and they also have a reaction to production.
Ownership of means of production Is the basis for forming certain social production relations
1. 2. 3 Research on relations of production must be linked with productivity and superstructure
Political economy The research object of science is the relations of production, but the relations of production cannot be studied in isolation. The relations of production are not static, but developing and changing. The development and change of relations of production are based on the relationship between productivity and relations of production economic base And superstructure. Therefore, the study of relations of production must be linked with productivity and superstructure.
1. 2, 3, 1 The study of production relations must be related to productivity {the relationship between productivity and production relations}
Productive forces and production relations are two inseparable aspects of the production of material means. They interact with each other and are a unity of opposites.
Productivity determines the relations of production. The nature of productive forces determines the nature of production relations; {Explain this sentence with the original language of Capital}; The development and change of productive forces determine the development and change of production relations.
The relations of production have a huge reaction to productivity. When the relations of production meet the requirements of the development of productive forces and are suitable for the conditions of productive forces, they can promote the development of social productive forces; When the relations of production are not suitable for the conditions of productivity, it will hinder the development of productivity.
The relations of production must adapt to the nature of productive forces, which is a universal law of social development. To judge whether a kind of production relationship is advanced or not, we must judge it by the productivity standard. The study of production relationship in the final analysis is to serve the productivity. If we study production relationship without productivity, this study will lose its significance.
material goods
1. 2, 3, 2 The study of production relations must contact the superstructure
The economic basis is the sum of production relations; The superstructure refers to the political and legal system based on the economic foundation and the social ideology that is compatible with the economic foundation.
Economic foundation and superstructure It is a unity of contradictions. Among them, the economic base determines the superstructure, the nature of the economic base determines the nature of the superstructure, and the superstructure must adapt to the economic base. The superstructure also has a reaction to the economic foundation, and a strong superstructure corresponding to the economic foundation can further consolidate the economic system; On the contrary, it is not conducive to the consolidation of the economic foundation.