zero Useful+1

entire categories of objects

[wù lèi]
open 2 entries with the same name
Headword : Category
Pinyin :wù lèi
Phonetic transcription :ㄨˋ ㄌㄟˋ
Chinese name
entire categories of objects
wù lè
Phonetic transcription
ㄨˋ ㄌㄟˋ
Meaning 1
Types of articles
Meaning 2
All kinds of things

Basic interpretation

1. Type of articles;
2. All things, all kinds of things;
3. Specially referring to people or animals;
4. Category of articles. [1]

Citation explanation

  1. one
    All kinds of things Xunzi · Quanxue: "When things start, there must be a beginning." Liezi · King Mu of Zhou: "One body Yingxu Message All are connected to the heaven and the earth, and should be related to objects. " Fu Xuan's Preface to Poems in the Past 30 Years of Changing the Elegant Building: "It is based on the understanding of things and the knowledge of things, To pay close attention to It seems to be secluded, but bypass the people's aspirations. "
  2. two
    The same kind of thing Chinese Dongfang Shuo "Seven Admonitions · False Admonishment": "The harmony between sound and sound, and the sense of things." Wang Yi Note: "Birds and animals call each other, and clouds and dragons feel each other. They should be coupled to each other according to their kind." Tang Feng Zhi "Miscellaneous Records of Cloud Immortals", Volume 10: "When playing the Rubin tune on the Jiaochang Pool, I suddenly heard that something jumped out of the bank between the two lotus seeds, which was just like a loud sound. Some people who know that it is a Rubin iron. The subtle pointing can make the music correspond to the Lv, and the objects can sense each other." Qing Dynasty Huang Jingren "Cry of Wu Ren": "Knowing that there is no benefit or pain Central nervous system , and things are similar. "
  3. three
    Type of things Tang Xuanzang's "A Tale of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty: Binding and Drinking the State": "The land produces many kinds of things." Song Dynasty Ouyang Xiu The poem "Answering Saint Yu Da's Fish": "I hear the vastness of the sea and the infinite variety of things."
  4. four
    Category Liang Qichao The Theory and Biography of Darwin, the founder of Celestial Evolution: "Before Darwin, although there were a few naturalists who saw the phenomenon of changes in objects... they did not know the reason for their changes and evolution."
  5. five
    Especially people or animals In the Book of Master Yu Yuan written by Zhang Ye of the Southern Song Dynasty, "Actions are not inferior to what you know, and words are not harmful to things." This refers to ordinary people, just like others. Jin Dongjieyuan, Volume 7 of The Western Chamber: "This kind of thing, teach me why not Negative phase ?” This derogatory term is just like saying something. "Ancient and Modern Novels: Emperor Wu of Liang's Endurance and Return to Blissful Bliss": "The elder said: 'Because you have a bad idea, you fall into the category of things. I specially wake you up and reincarnate again." This refers to animals.