Extinction of species

Biological concepts
zero Useful+1
The non renewable disappearance or destruction of plant or animal species is called species extinction. When a plant withers and an animal dies, sometimes it doesn't just mean a single life Organism The disappearance of, perhaps coincidentally, the extinction of the entire species. In the world, biological species are disappearing at an unprecedented rate. Some of these species have become extinct. By 1681, Dodo (Dodo), then disappeared on the earth. From 1600 to 1800 birds and Mammals 25 species extinct; From 1800 to 1950, 78 bird and mammal species died out on the earth. Once lived on the earth Iceland Great auk passenger pigeon South Africa Zebra donkey Australia Wombat Zhili Macaque High nosed antelope Taiwan clouded leopard Chinese rhinoceros Warrah Such species no longer exist. Baiji The Sumatran tiger Sumatran rhinocerous Orinoco Crocodile Mouse Lemur And other animals are also endangered.
Chinese name
Extinction of species
Foreign name
species extinction
Botany or animal Non renewable species disappear.
For example
Iceland Great auk passenger pigeon


The idea that species no longer exist is contrary to theology, which makes it difficult for many people to accept. But before the end of the 18th century, naturalist We began to agree that Earth history The extinction of species has occurred many times. Extinctive beasts, especially those once wandering around the earth dinosaur And other huge beasts. The fossils left by them make people dumbfounded. Darwin South America The fossils of several "extinct monsters" were excavated. He is《 Origin of species 》I think no one is more surprised by the extinction of species than I am

Extinction process

Bone specimen
Some scientists believe that species extinction has always been a part of the process of life. University of Chicago paleontologist David M. Raup estimates. Ninety nine percent of previously surviving species have become extinct. In the 1980s, Loup and his colleague Jack Sepkoski made a detailed and in-depth study Fossil record Later, the research results on the "background" ratio of species extinction were published, namely Organism On Earth Life history The normal proportion of extinctions. The fossil record shows that the species has experienced at least five mass extinction or extinction; From the geological point of view, in a very short time. The rate of extinction has risen sharply. According to Laup's research, the largest extinction of species occurred about 225-245 million years ago, and the number of extinct species accounted for 96% of the surviving species. Three quarters of all species, including the last generation of dinosaurs, disappeared in the extinction 65 million years ago. For these mass extinctions, scientists have put forward many theories. Some scientists believe that the reason is that when Continental plate When drifting from the tropics to the poles, global climate Changes that have occurred. Some scientists claim that large-scale Asteroids perhaps Comet cluster Collision with the Earth, resulting in worldwide Dust cloud , blocking the sun, causing the temperature to drop, leading to the extinction of species. geologist Hegu Ornithologist Still looking for evidence for these and other theories. Extinction and Species evolution Close relationship. Darwin's discovery about species and Life forms The relationship between replacement stages and the fossils of extinct species is a wonderful explanation. Darwin also realized that the emergence of new species was closely related to the extinction of existing species. With regard to species extinction and its role in species form (formation of new species), theory of evolution Biologists continue to offer new ideas. One of the most influential ideas comes from Harvard University Stephen Jay Gould and American Museum of Natural History Niles Eldredge. Their discontinuous balance theory believes that in the process of species evolution, there will be short-term sharp changes every longer period of stability; At that time, some species became extinct and some new species appeared. That is to say, in about several million years, after a certain number of species become extinct, drastic changes will occur, and species extinction provides enough evolutionary space for new species.
The earth is in another great extinction of species, asteroid It is not the cause of this extinction. The contemporary mass extinction is the result of the activity of a very perfect species, Homo sapiens (the scientific name of modern man). because habitat Damage, environmental pollution modern industry As a result of the rapid population growth, dozens of animals and plants are extinct every day. Perhaps in the millions of years that followed, the mass extinction of species provided room for the development of new species. However, when a species dies, it will never reappear.

Extinction speed

britain ecology And a research team led by Jeremy Thomas of the Hydrology Research Center《 science 》Britain published in the magazine wild animal investigation report It said that in the past 40 years, the number of native bird species in Britain has decreased by 54% Wild plant The variety has decreased by 28%, while the local butterfly The number of species decreased by an astonishing 71%. It has always been considered that there are many kinds and quantities with strong resilience insect And began to face the fate of extinction.
Scientists infer that the earth is facing The sixth mass extinction Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Chief researcher, China species in imminent danger Executive Deputy Director of the Scientific Committee Jiang Zhigang Doctor also believes that from nature Conservation Biology From the perspective of industrial revolution Since the beginning, the earth has entered The sixth mass extinction Period.
According to statistics, 75 species are extinct every day in the world, and 3 species are extinct every hour.
Extrapolate the survey of butterflies in Britain to other insects in Britain and the whole earth invertebrate Then we are obviously experiencing a serious bio-diversity Crisis.
A species is one that can mate with each other to produce fertile offspring Natural group Extinct species refer to species that have not been found in the wild for sure in the past 50 years. "The extinction is not just the extinction of a species, but many species Geological history period That is to say, it became extinct in hundreds of thousands of years, or millions of years. " Dr. Jiang Zhigang said. Thomas said, "Insects Species quantity They account for more than 50% of the global species, so their large-scale extinction of the earth's biodiversity is a bad news. " Since the Industrial Revolution, there have been Iceland Great auk passenger pigeon South Africa Zebra donkey Indonesia Balinese tiger Australia Wombat Zhili Macaque High nosed antelope equus przewalskii And other species no longer exist. World Conservation Union The Red List of Threatened Species released shows that in 2009, there were still 1/4 mammal More than 1200 birds and more than 30000 plants are in danger of extinction.

Extinction causes


Natural causes

Since 600 million years ago multicellular organism Since its birth on the earth, the mass extinction of species has occurred five times.
earth The first mass extinction It happened 440 million years ago Ordovician At the end of the period, about 85% of the species became extinct.
About 365 million years ago devonian Later The second mass extinction marine organism Was badly hit.
Dinosaurs: the lost overlord of the earth
It happened about 250 million years ago permian The third mass extinction at the end of the period was Earth history It is estimated that 96% of the species on the earth are extinct, 90% of the marine life and 70% of the land vertebrate Extinction. the triassic period Triassic period began 250 million to 203 million years ago and lasted about 50 million years. It is the first period of the Mesozoic Era. It is located in the Permian and jurassic period (Jurassic), Hercynian movement Later, many Geosyncline Transformed into mountains, the land area expanded, Platform area Some Inland basin This new ancient geographical conditions cause sedimentary facies and Biosphere Changes. The Triassic is the paleozoic era Biota Modern biota began to form after extinction period of transition In the early Triassic, most plants were drought tolerant. As the climate changed from semi dry and hot to warm and humid, plants tended to flourish, Low hill gentle slope The distribution is similar to modern Evergreen tree , such as loose Cycas And the main Flora Almost completely extinct. During the Triassic, vertebrates were further developed. Among them, Grooved teeth Reptiles appeared and the earliest dinosaurs developed from them, Late Triassic Saurischia and Ornithiales There are many kinds of dinosaurs ecosystem Occupies an important position. Therefore, the Triassic is also known as "the dawn before the generation of dinosaurs". At the same time, from therapsids The earliest mammal has evolved among reptiles - Mammalian Reptiles , but then from jurassic period For more than 100 million years in the Cretaceous period, these untimely mammals had been living in the shadow of reptiles dominated by dinosaurs until the Cenozoic.
The fourth time happened 185 million years ago, 80% of reptiles became extinct.
The fifth time happened in the Cretaceous period 65 million years ago, which is also known to all. It ruled the earth for 160 million years Dinosaur extinction Has.
The first five mass extinction events were mainly caused by geological disasters and climate change. For example, the first mass extinction was caused by Global climate cooling As a result, the last time in the Cretaceous was due to the collapse of the global ecosystem caused by the asteroid hitting the earth.

People are the culprits

The sixth mass extinction in progress has made mankind the culprit. Experts believe that it is hard to say whether human beings will be included. Some people do not deny that from theory of evolution From the perspective of natural law , such as panda The population is in a state of decline. But since the emergence of human beings, especially industrial revolution Since then, the population of the earth has been increasing Means of subsistence More and more, human Scope of activities More and more disturbance to nature. In this way, a large number of forests, grasslands, and rivers have disappeared, and roads, farmland, and reservoirs have replaced them human activity The traces of the broken into pieces. "Every road is an insurmountable barrier for animals. Even butterfly populations on both sides of the road have been isolated, and they are no longer flying around like before Gene exchange 。” Dr. Jiang Zhigang said sadly, "Not to mention Tibetan antelope Sheep lion tiger Wait for such a big animal. " Some scientists estimated that in the past 200 million years, 90 vertebrates would be extinct every 100 years on average, and one vertebrate would be extinct every 27 years on average, if there were no human interference higher plant Extinction. But because of human interference, birds and Mammals The speed of extinction has increased by 100 to 1000 times. U.S.A Duke University Stuart Pimm, a famous biologist, believes that if species decrease at this rate, one quarter to half of the species will be extinct or endangered by 2050.
New species Difficult to produce. Existing species are declining, but new species are hard to produce. according to Fossil record Every time a species goes extinct, it is replaced by some new advanced groups. Dinosaur extinction The rapid reproduction of mammals is a typical example. Creatures are always evolving, and the creatures we see are evolved over a long period of time. Therefore, the generation of new species takes a long time and a lot of space, but it is under the management of people everywhere, natural environment As things get worse and worse, organisms lose the environment and conditions for natural evolution, and species continue to die naturally, but it is difficult for new species to emerge. Just like a tiger, if you give it enough living space If it is allowed to hunt freely, it may also evolve to produce a new species similar to a tiger, but the space for its activities is limited, so it is difficult for it to survive, let alone evolve. Surface of the earth It is composed of all living species such as animals, plants and microorganisms and their survival Environmental composition A huge biosphere Human beings are also one of them. A large number of creatures disappeared in the sixth mass extinction, but it is difficult to generate new species like the previous five. The Earth's ecosystem is far more fragile than imagined. When it is damaged to a certain extent, it will lead to the collapse of the system on which human beings rely for survival.

Extinction prediction


Amazing speed

From Europe Australia , Central South America and Africa After a two-year study on the six regions with the richest biological species in the world accounting for 20% of the earth's surface area, scientists from. They predict that 1 million species will become extinct in 2050. According to the research of scientists, since climate warming is a fait accompli, the extinction of one tenth of the species to be extinct will be irreversible. But since then, countries have controlled the world Harmful gas Emissions Our efforts will be able to save more species from the same fate.

Alpine organism

Extinction of species
Alpine creatures have a good chance of survival. According to the research results of scientists, those living in high mountain areas are more likely to survive than other areas, because the species in this area global warming It can move to higher and cooler areas. Those living in flat areas, such as Brazil Mexico And Australia, their future living environment will be very fragile. In order to adapt to the changed climate and environment, the creatures in these areas can only move thousands of miles away, which is almost impossible.

Bird species

Birds are most likely to survive. In theory, birds are one of the most promising species to survive by virtue of their strong migration ability. In order to find more suitable areas for survival, birds can fly long distances, but because of the forest and other natural condition They may not be able to find a natural environment that is truly suitable for survival. The result is that we can only face death. above scientific research One of the team members, from the UK Leeds University Professor Thomas, an expert in biological protection, said: "When scientists conduct scientific research, they all hope to come to a clear conclusion.

Butterfly insect

Australia's 12 butterfly species will disappear. Other amazing discoveries made by scientists are that half of the 24 butterfly species included in the study in Australia will disappear forever in the coming years.
In South Africa's main biological reserves, 60% of the protected biological species are in danger of extinction. In Midwest Brazil Savanna The research shows that more than 70% of the 163 trees in the region are extinct. Many of these plants are unique to the region.


Europe was the least affected. Europe's natural environment is affected by Global climate change The area with the least impact. The survival probability of animals and plants in this area is greater than that of animals and plants in large regions of the world. But even so, under the influence of climate warming, a quarter of birds and 11%~17% of plants in Europe will gradually become extinct in the future. Studies in Mexico show that animals and plants in plains and arid areas are most affected by climate warming. Once there is a slight change in the climate, these animals and plants need to move to far areas to find a new environment suitable for survival. In the region Accept research Of the 1870 species of animals and plants, one third will have a survival crisis in the future.

Climatic factors

"Gender imbalance theory" According to the popular view in the scientific community, the extinction of dinosaurs is foreign Celestial impact Caused by the earth. However, there are different opinions on what kind of consequences caused by the impact of foreign celestial bodies directly accelerated the extinction of dinosaurs. For example, a new view put forward by British and American researchers is that the climate cooling caused by the impact of foreign celestial bodies may result in more males and less females of dinosaur offspring, and dinosaurs will eventually become extinct due to "gender imbalance". britain Leeds University Professor David Miller and colleagues pointed out in the new issue of Fertility and Sterility magazine that mammals, birds, snakes lizard And some fish The sex of their offspring is determined by chromosomes or genes. Taking mammals as an example, the offspring who inherit two X chromosomes are female, and one X chromosome and one X chromosome are inherited Y chromosome It will be male. But some reptiles living on the earth, such as crocodile and tortoise Wait, the eggs they laid are ambient temperature Will affect the gender of offspring. The researchers said that the sex of the offspring of some extinct species such as dinosaurs may also be determined by the temperature at the time of incubation. Miller et al. believed that the impact of foreign celestial bodies on the Earth about 65 million years ago was likely to cause a large amount of dust to enter Earth's atmosphere As a result, the global climate became colder, which led to the male occupation of the descendants of dinosaurs leading role This imbalance in gender ratio may be caused by Dinosaur extinction Is an important factor. Researchers speculate that the Y chromosome in mammalian males may have evolved mainly to prevent the extinction of species related to climate change. This mechanism of determining gender through heredity can guarantee the balance of gender ratio in offspring. They believe that the warming trend that the world is experiencing may pose a threat to the survival of some existing species that depend on environmental temperature to determine the sex of their offspring.

Other information

Maintain biodiversity
"To keep the biodiversity of the earth Equilibrium state The task of adapting to human development is very arduous. Human beings themselves face a very important problem, which is to control the growth of their own population, and at the same time carry out effective, orderly and reasonable Production mode 。” Feng Weimin He said that if we want to control the rate of species extinction to a certain extent, we must fully realize that although the past mode of production can improve production efficiency However, it will cause serious consequences for the sustainable development of human beings.
"Our earth is full of birds singing and flowers fragrance, which is totally different from the past environment. Life is constantly transforming the earth's surface in the process of evolution, Earth environment The diversity presented is the result of continuous evolution after countless disasters. " In Feng Weimin's view, not only scientists, but also all people should understand the history of the earth's environmental evolution and the development process of biodiversity, from which we can get useful enlightenment.
Changing the mode of production may be the most important way to save the earth. Building a win-win mode of production for resource development and economic development is the top priority. In this historical process, will we find new ideas, production methods and economic operation concepts?

Extinct species



Aboriginal cattle
  • Blue-Buck Bluebuck 1799
  • Quagga zebra donkey was extinct in the wild in 1883 (1860) Amsterdam Extinction)
  • Burchell's Zebra 1910
  • Bubal Hartebeest, 1923
  • Cape Red Hartebeest
  • Red Gazelle Angora Red Antelope 1940
  • Cape Lion 1865
  • Barbary Lion 1922
  • Shamanu or Japanese Wolf Japanese Japanese coyote 1905
  • Indian Cheetah Asian cheetah 1948
  • Bali Tiger 1937
  • Caspian Tiger 1980
  • Javan Tiger 1988
  • Chinese Turkestan Tiger 1916
  • Chinese Douc Language Hainan white rumped langur 1893
  • Taiwan Cloud Leopard 1972
  • Chinese Rhino Chinese rhinoceros 1922
  • Przewalaski's Horse 1947
  • Saiga Antelope 1950
  • Pygmy Hog Japanese pig (extinction date unknown)
  • Schomburgk Deer
  • Syrian Wild Ass(Ongger) Equus hemionus hemippus 1930
  • Ramchaekan Bear 1920
  • Persian Fallow Deer Persian deer 1951
  • Gilbert’s Rat Kangaroo Gilbert Long nosed kangaroo 1900
  • Broad Faced Bandicoot Potorous platyops 1908
  • Pig - Footed Bandicoot
  • Eastern Barred Bandicoot 1940
  • Western Barred Bandicoot 1910
  • Southern Barred Bandicoot 1907
  • Toolach Wallaby
  • Greater Rabbit Bandicoot 1930
  • Tasmanian Wolf (Tiger) 1933


  • Elephant Bird 1700
  • Common Dodo 1680
  • Rodriguer Solitaire mauritius Yujiu 1780
  • Reunion Solitaire 1700
  • White Dodo, 1770
  • Madagascar Serpent Eagle Madagascar Snake Carving 1950
  • Vommerson's Scops owl 1850
  • Rodrigaer Little owl 1850
  • Mauritian Red Tail 1680
  • Leguat's Rail Mauritian frog 1700
  • Broad Billed Parrot 1650
  • Rodriguer Parrot
  • Rodriguer High - Needed Parakeet 1880
  • Mascarene Parrot
  • Seychelles Parakeet Seychelles Green Parrot 1881
  • Sao Thome Grosbeak Sao Tome Lark 1900
  • Reunion Crested Starling Reunion Starling 1868
  • White Mascaren Starling 1840
  • Delalande's Madagascar Concal
  • Columba Jouyi Silver Spotted Black Pigeon 1936
  • Arabian Ostrich Arabian ostrich 1941
  • Forest Spotted Owl 1914
  • Himalayan Mountain Quail 1870
  • Pink - Headed Duck 1924
  • Ryudyu King Fisher Streaming Kingfisher 1887
  • Jerdon's Double Banded Course
  • Crested Shell Duck 1964
  • Dicaeum Quadriwlor the Philippines Four color flower pecker 1906
  • Passenger Pigeon 1914
  • Eskimo Curlew 1970
  • Guadalupe Storm Petrel Guadalupe Haiyan 1911
  • Painted Vulture Florida colored eagle 1800
  • Burrowing Owl, 1900
  • Carolina Parakeet Carolina Parakeet 1914
  • Cuban Red Macaw
  • Yellow-Headed Macaw Yellow head 1765
  • Green&Yellow Macaw 1842
  • Dominican Macaw Dominican 1800
  • Labat's Conure
  • Puerto Rican Conure Puerto Rico Cone tailed Parrot 1892
  • Martinique Amazon Amazona martinicana 1750
  • Guadeloupe Amazon Green Parrot 1750
  • Culebra Island Amazon Culebra Green Parrot 1899
  • Kittlitis Rail
  • Jamal can wood Rail or Uniform Rail
  • Sanduth Rail
  • Laysan Rail or Spottess Crake Hawaiian Green Sparrow 1900
  • Kioea sideburns honey sucking bird 1850
  • Great Amakihi Hawaiian Green Sparrow 1900
  • Alauwahios Hawaiian tube tongued bird 1970
  • Oahu Akepa Scarlet Tongue Bird 1900
  • Akioloas Long billed Jaw Guide Bird 1890
  • Hemignathus Procerus Kangai Island Guide Jaw Bird 1969
  • Nukupuns Short billed Jaw Bird 1890
  • Hawaiian Finches 1894
  • Apapane White rumped Honeybird 1925
  • Laysan Millerbird 1920
  • Hawaiian Thrush Myadestes myadesitinus
  • Saint kitt's Puerto Rican Bullfinch 1900
  • Guada Lupe Rufous Sided Towhee, 1900
  • Guadalupe Wren
  • 1892 West Indian Wren West Indies Different wren 1971
  • Heath Hen Heath Hen 1932
  • Labrador Duck 1875
  • Aerican Ivory Billed Woodpecker 1951
  • Imperial Woodpecker 1950
  • Guadalupe Flicker
  • Jamaican Paulaque Small Parra Nighthawk 1859
  • Quiscalus Palustris Quiscalus palustris
Oceans and islands
  • Bonin Wood Pigeon
  • Choiseul Crested Pigeon Solomon's crowned dove 1910
  • Tanna Dove
  • Lord Howe Island Pigeon Lord Howe Island Pigeon 1853
  • Great Auk 1844
  • Steller’s Spectacled Cormorant bering Cormorant 1852
  • Bonin Night Keron 1879
  • Tahitian Sandpiper 1800
  • Comoro Scops 0wl
  • Mauritian Barn Owl 1700
  • New Caledonian Lorikeet New Island Honey Sucking Parrot (The extinction date is unknown)
  • Red Fronted Parakeet
  • Black - Fronted Parakeet
  • Nyctlcoax Megacephalus Night Heron 1730
  • White Gallinule White Crake 1830
  • Wake Island Rail Gallirallus wakensis 1945
  • Iwo Jima Rail
  • Fiji Barred Wing Rail
  • Samoan Wood Rail Western Samoa Waterfowl 1873
  • Tahiti Rail
  • Tristan Galllmmle or Island Hen Tristan Black Water Chicken 1890
  • Lord Howe Island Vinous Einted Black Bird
  • Lord Howe Island Fly Catcher 1920
  • Lord Howe Island White Eye 1923
  • Lord Howe Island Fantail 1924
  • Kitt Litz's Thrush 1828
  • Bonin Island Grosbeak
  • Bay Thrush Bay Thrush 1780
  • Tonga Tabu Tahiti Flycatcher Tonga Flycatcher 1800
  • Long Lowe Island Starling Green headed Starling 1925
  • Mysterious Starling Pacific Starling 1780
  • Coues' Gadwall red bladder duck, 1874
  • Fuica Newton Mascarene Webbed Chicken 1863
  • Ptilinopus Mercierii red bristle dove 1922
  • Alectroenas Nitidissima Ma Dao Blue Dove 1830
  • Alectroenas Rodericana Luodao Blue Turtle 1670
  • Columba Versicoler variegated forest pigeon 1889
  • Cyanoramphus Zealandicus Red fronted Parrot 1844
  • Cyanolamphus Ulietahus antipolar green parrot 1774
  • Lophospittscus Mauritianus Mauritius parrot (The extinction date is unknown)
  • Necropsittacus Rodericanus carrion parrot 1731
  • Aplonis Pelzelni Dark Starling 1935
  • Aplonis Corvina Aplonis corvina 1828
  • Fregilupus Varius Reunion Starling 1862

Chinese species

In the 20th century, China announced the extinction of ten kinds of animals, some of which will soon reach the deadline of 50 years
  • Xinjiang tiger (Extincted in 1916) Origin Lop Nur and Tarim River Downstream, seen by Si Wen in 1916 Lop Nur Korla Sven, a Swedish explorer, in his book The Exploration of Lop Nur, described the scene where the local people described the tiger's remains being swallowed by ants.
  • equus przewalskii (Extincted in the 1960s) Proctor's Mustang, also known as Equus przewalskii In 1881, Przewalski of Russia was discovered in Xinjiang and named it Przewalski Mustang. In 1890, a German captured 52 wild horses from China, and after long-distance trafficking to Hamburg, there were only 28, of which 8 bred. However, the last observation of the real wild horse was recorded in the 1960s, and there has been no trace since then.
  • High nosed antelope (Extinction in 1960s) Before 1960s, in Xinjiang Junggar Basin Beita Mountain And other regions have discontinuous distribution, and they have not been found since then.
  • Taiwan clouded leopard (Extincted in 1972) Taiwan clouded leopard, also known as tortoise leopard. In the 1960s, there were records of hunting. Due to deforestation, the demand for fur and leopard bones declined sharply. Since 1972, there has been no leopard in Baodao.
  • Zhili Macaque (Extincted in the 1980s) Zhili Macaca was once the northernmost primate in China, Hebei Wuling Mountain It was established as the northern limit of macaque distribution National Nature Reserve In the 20th century, people poured into Wuling Mountain area to cut down, and Zhili macaques became extinct in Wuling Mountain.
  • White headed stork (The extinction date is unknown) The white headed stork is a large wading bird, which lives in coastal and inland marshes and flood areas in clusters. There have been no wild reports since the 1950s, so it is concluded that China may become extinct.
  • Dolphin deer (Extincted in the 1970s) Dolphin deer was only found at the border of Gengma and Ximeng County in Yunnan Province in China. Scientists only found a few in the 1960s when they investigated, but they disappeared when they did the investigation again in the 1980s.
  • Small toothed civet (Extincted in the 1980s) Small toothed civet, only distributed in southern Yunnan in China Xishuangbanna Mengla Hemengyang. In addition to two specimens obtained in Mengla in the 1970s and three skins acquired in Jinghong and Mengyang, it has disappeared since the 1980s and is estimated to be extinct.
  • Sickle winged chicken (declared extinct in 2000) Sickle winged chicken is distributed in Xiaoxing'an Mountains And the lower reaches of Heilongjiang, which can be seen abroad Siberia In 1986 and 1987, there was no trace. In 2000, Xinhua News Agency announced that after five years of investigation by Heilongjiang Animal Institute, no sickle winged chicken was found, and the local people had not seen it for decades.
  • Crested duck (Extincted in the middle of the 20th century) Guanma Duck, also known as Fengtou Duck, is native to Northeast China, Japan, Korea and Russia. It was discovered in 1877, 1913 and 1916 respectively. Until May 16, 1964 Vladivostok One male, two females and three females appeared, but then disappeared mysteriously. It is estimated that the crested duck was extinct in the middle of the 20th century.

be on the verge of



  1. one
    It is also called Baiji and Baiji dolphin, belonging to the beak dolphin family, whose scientific name is Lipotesvexillifer Miller, and belongs to Cetacea and Baiji family. The identification feature is: the snout is long and narrow, about 300 mm long. The forehead is round and bulging. The dorsal fin is triangular, located at 3/5 of the body, and has a low skin ridge connected with the caudal fin. There is a breathing hole on the left side of the head that can be opened and closed freely. The caudal fin is horizontal and concave to the edge in crescent shape. The population of baiji is very small, and it is a rare aquatic animal unique to China, which needs to be protected urgently. Produced in Yangtze River The middle and lower reaches of the main stream of Hubei, Anhui and Jiangsu. They have lived in the Yangtze River for about 25 million years“ living fossil ”The laudatory name of. Due to the extremely small number, it is listed as a first-class protected wild animal in China.
  2. two
    The Sumatran tiger There are only 20 in the wild. With the 1940s Balinese tiger And the 1970s Li Haihu It is predicted that this species will also disappear from the earth in the near future.
  3. three
    The Garamba National Park in Congo has less than 25 Sumatran rhinocerous , the northern white rhinoceros will probably disappear completely on the earth. Northern white rhinoceros and Southern Africa The white rhinoceros of gene There are great differences between them Uganda Massive reproduction, but it gradually disappeared due to the lack of local protection. In the Guaramba National Park, the number of them reached 35 in the late 1980s and 30 in April 2003, after which 6 were killed, 4 were newly born, and last month, another 2 were killed. At the same time, nearly 1000 elephants were killed.
  4. four
    Orinoco Crocodile The largest carnivore in South America is also one of the 12 most endangered species on the earth.
  5. five
    Monk seal (monachus monachus ormonkseal) According to expert estimates, there are only 500 in the world, living in mediterranean sea , exposed to sea water and beaches ecological environment Due to the bad influence, they were killed by a large number of fishermen.
  6. six
    Mouse Lemur (Mouse lemur) The smallest monkey in the world lives in Madagascar
  7. seven
    Lan Campi Turtle (L. Kemp's Ridley Turtle) The number of the 12 most endangered animals in the world is increasing. It needs 11 to 35 years of growth.
  8. eight
    Orenac Crocodile (Orinoco Crocodile, scientific name is Crocodylus intermedius) Only 250~700 live in the wild. Mainly in Cuba and Venezuela Domestic.
  9. nine
  10. ten
  11. eleven
    Miniature pig (pigmyhog, scientific name Sussalvanius) The smallest pig in the world, a kind of wild boar, mainly lives in northeast India. 60 cm long, 25 cm high, less than 10 kg for adult pigs. Once in the himalayas There are a large number of them in the region. Only Manas National Park in Assan, India, has a few. Its gene is not very different from that of domestic pigs.
  12. twelve
    Spikes parrot : In the wild, although the Spikes parrot is not completely extinct, it is no less. In 1990, the ornithologists who searched for this bird only found one surviving male bird, living in the far northeast of Brazil. About 31 birds captured by people are the hope that this bird can survive.

China scope

mammalia (Outline)
Primates Primates
Lazuridae (Section)
  • Slow Loris (All species) Nycticebus spp. (English name) I (protection level)
  • Cuon alpinus Ⅱ
  • panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca Ⅰ
  • Prairie spotted cat Felis lybica (F. silvestris) Ⅱ
  • Felis bieti II, a desert cat
  • Felis chaus Ⅱ, a jungle cat
  • Felis lynx Ⅱ
  • Felis manul Ⅱ
  • Felis temmincki Ⅱ
  • Felis viverrinus Ⅱ
  • Neofelis nebulosa I
  • Panthera pardus I
  • Panthera tigris I
  • Panthera uncia I
Pinnipedia (All species) II
  • Dugong dugong I
  • Cetacea
  • Lipotes vexillifer I
  • Sousa chinensis I
  • Other cetaceans (Cetacea) II
  • Proboscidea
  • Elephantidae
  • Elephas maximus I
  • Perissodactyla
  • Camelus ferus (C. bactrianus) I
small mouse Deer Family
  • Tragulus javanicus I
  • Moschus spp. Ⅰ
Deer Family
  • River muntjac Hydrolotes inermis Ⅱ
  • Muntiacus crinifrons I
  • Cervus albirostris I
  • Cervus elaphus Ⅱ (including white rumped deer) (C. e. macneilli)
  • Cervus eldi I
  • Sika deer Cervus nippon I
  • Carvus porcinus I
  • Cervus unicolor II
  • Elphurus davidianus I
  • Moose Alces Alces II
  • Bison Bos gaurus I
  • Bos mutus (B. grunniens) I
  • Procapra gutturosa Ⅱ
  • Procapra przewalskii I
  • Procapra picticaudata Ⅱ
  • Gazella subgutturosa Ⅱ
  • Pantholops hodgsoni I
  • Saiga tatarica I
  • Budorcas taxicolor I
  • Capricornis sumatraensis Ⅱ
  • Capricornis crispus Capricornis crispus Ⅰ
  • Naemorhedus cranbrooki I
  • Naemorhedus goral II
  • Thar Sheep Hemitragus jemlahicus I
  • Capra ibex I
  • Blue Sheep Pseudois nayaur Ⅱ
  • Ovis ammon Ⅱ
  • Lepus peguensis hainanus Ⅱ
  • Snow hare Lepus timidus Ⅱ
  • Lepus yarkandensis II
  • Ratufa bicolor II
  • Grebe podiceps auratus II
  • Red necked grebe Podiceps grisegena Ⅱ
pelican section
  • Pelican (all species) Pelecanus spp. Ⅱ
  • Booby (all species) Sula spp. Ⅱ
  • Phalacrocorax pelagicus Ⅱ
  • Phalacrocorax niger Ⅱ
  • White bellied Warship Bird Fregata andrewsi I
  • Color Stork Ibis leucocephalus Ⅱ
  • Ciconia ciconia I
  • Ciconia nigra I
  • White Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus Ⅱ
  • Pseudobis papillosa Ⅱ
  • Nipponia nippon I
  • Plegadis falcinellus Ⅱ
  • White Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia Ⅱ
  • Platalea minor II
  • Golden Aquila chrysaetos I
  • Aquila heliaca I
  • Haliaeetus leucoryphus I
  • Haliaeetus albcilla I
  • Haliaeetus pelagicus I
  • Pseudogyps bengalensis I
  • Vulture Gypaetus barbatus I
  • Other hawks (Accipitridae) II
falconidae (All species) II
  • Tetrao parvirostris I
  • Lyrurus tetrix Ⅱ
  • Lagopus lagopus Ⅱ
  • Lagopus mutus Ⅱ
  • Falcipennis falcipennis Ⅱ
  • Tetrastes bonasia Ⅱ
  • Tetrastes sewerzowi I
  • Snow fowl (All species) Tetraogallus spp. Ⅱ
  • Tetraopha obscurus I
  • arborophila rufipectus Arborophila rufipectus Ⅰ
  • Arborophila ardens Arborophila ardens Ⅰ
  • Blood Pheasant Ithaginis cruentus Ⅱ
  • Tragopan melanocephalus I
  • Tragopan satyra I
  • Tragopan blythii I
  • Tragopan temminckii II
  • Tragopan caboti I
  • Lophophorus spp. Ⅰ
  • Crossoptilon crossoptilon Ⅱ
  • Crossoptilon aurtun Ⅱ
  • Crossoptilon mantchuricum I
  • Lophura leucomelana Ⅱ
  • Lophura nycthemera Ⅱ
  • Lophura swinhoii I
  • Gallus Gallus II
  • Pucrasia macropha Ⅱ
  • Syrmaticus humiae Ⅰ
  • Syrmaticus reevesii II
  • Syrmaticus ewllioti I
  • Syrmaticus mikado I
  • Chrysolophus spp. Ⅱ
  • Polypectron bicalcaratum I
  • Green Peacock Pavo muticus I
crane section
  • Grus grus II
  • Grus nigricollis I
  • Grus monacha I
  • Grus canadensis II
  • Grus japonensis I
  • Grus vipio Ⅱ
  • Grus leucogeranus I
  • Grus antigone I
  • Anthropoides virgo Ⅱ
  • Long legged Crake Crex crex Ⅱ
  • Porzana parva Ⅱ
  • Porzana bicolor II
  • Coturnicops noveboracensis Ⅱ
Charadriiformes Charadriiformes
  • Copper winged pheasant Metopidium indicus Ⅱ
  • Numenius borealis II
  • Tringa guttier II
  • Glareola lactea Ⅱ
  • Pterocles orientalis Ⅱ
  • Treron spp. Ⅱ
  • Ptilinopus leclancheri Ⅱ
  • Ducula spp. Ⅱ
  • Spottail Forest Pigeon Columba palumbus Ⅱ
  • Macropygia spp. Ⅱ
Psittatidae (All species) Psittacidae Ⅱ
  • Centropus spp. Ⅱ
Lepidoptera (all species) II
  • Hemiprocne longipennis II
  • Harpactes oreskios Ⅱ
  • Alcedo meninting Ⅱ
  • Pelargopsis capensis Ⅱ
  • Merops leschenaulti II
  • Merops orientalis Ⅱ
Hornbill (All species) II
Broadbill (All species) II
  • Eight color Thrush Family (all species) II
  • Testudo horsefieldi I
  • Manoria impressa Ⅱ
  • Ridley Turtle Caretta Caretta II
  • Chelonia mydas Ⅱ
  • Eretmochelys imbricata Ⅱ
  • Lepidochelys olivacea Ⅱ
  • Dermochelys coriacea Ⅱ
  • Pelochelys bibroni I
  • Trionyx steindachneri II
  • Gekko gecko Ⅱ
  • Shinisaurus crocodilurus Ⅰ
  • Varanus salvator I
snake order
  • Python molurus I
  • Andrias davidianus I
  • Rana tigrina Ⅱ
  • Bahaba flavolabiata Ⅱ
  • Trachidermus fasciatus Ⅱ
  • Hippocampus kelloggi Ⅱ
  • Myxocyprinus asiaticus Ⅱ
  • Anguilla marmorata Ⅱ
  • Acipenser sinensis I
  • Acipenser dabryanus I
  • Polyodontidae
  • Psephurus gladius I
Wenchang Fishes
  • Branchiotoma belcheri II
  • Corallium I
  • Cypraea tigris II
  • Cassis cornuta Ⅱ
  • Pinctada maxima Ⅱ
Tridacna section
  • Tridacna cookiana Ⅰ
  • Lamprotula mansuyi Ⅱ
  • Nautilus pompilius I
[[Clip<Insect 8>; Family]] Japygidae
[[ Great clip <; Bug 8>]] Atlasjapyx atlas II
  • Heliogomphus retroflexus II
  • Ophiogomphus spinicorne Ⅱ
  • Galloisiana sinensis I
  • Carabus (Coptolabrus) lafossei Ⅱ
  • Carabus (Apotopterus) davidi Ⅱ
  • Cheirotonus spp. Ⅱ
  • Allomyrina davidis II
  • Teinopalpus aureus I
  • Bhutanitis mansfieldi Ⅱ
  • Bhutanitis thaidina dongchuanensis Ⅱ
  • Luehdorfia chinensis huashanensis Ⅱ
  • Parnassus apollo Ⅱ


Maintain biodiversity
"It is a very difficult task to keep the biodiversity of the earth in a balanced state and adapt to human development. Humans themselves face a very important problem, that is, to control the growth of their own population, and at the same time to carry out an effective, orderly and reasonable production mode." Feng Weimin said that if we want to control the rate of species extinction to a certain extent, We must be fully aware that although the past mode of production can improve production efficiency, it will cause serious consequences for human sustainable development.
"Our earth is full of birds singing and flowers fragrance, which is totally different from the past environment. Life is constantly transforming the earth's surface in the process of evolution, Earth environment The diversity presented is the result of continuous evolution after countless disasters. " In Feng Weimin's view, not only scientists, but also all people should understand the history of the earth's environmental evolution and the development process of biodiversity, from which we can get useful enlightenment.
Changing the mode of production may be the most important way to save the earth. Building a win-win mode of production for resource development and economic development is the top priority. In this historical process, will we find new ideas, production methods and economic operation concepts?

National protection

The national first-class protected terrestrial wildlife includes giant pandas Golden Monkey Gibbon Red-crowned crane A total of more than 90; Terrestrial wildlife under national second-class protection lesser panda Pangolin black bear swan parrot There are more than 230 kinds of products.

Primary animals

(including all species and their subspecies)
Slow Loris Bear monkey Taiwan Monkey Pig tailed macaque Langur , golden monkeys, gibbons, musk deer (all species) sun bear , giant panda Sable a wolverine Bear civet clouded leopard , leopard, tiger Snow Leopard dugong Baiji dolphin Chinese White Dolphin Asian elephant Mongolian wild donkey , West Tibetan wild ass wild horse wild camel Murine deer Black muntjac White lipped deer Eld's deer Sika deer , dolphin deer Elk buffalo Wild yak Procapra przewalskii , Tibetan antelope High nosed antelope Takin Capricornis crispus Red spotted antelope Thar sheep Northern Goat Beaver Short-tailed Albatross Christmas Frigatebird stork Black Stork Crested Ibis Chinese Merganser Golden Eagle White shoulder carving Haliaeetus leucoryphus The white tailed Eagle Steller's Sea Eagle Vulture like lammergeier Tetrao parvirostris Chinese Grouse Pheasant quail arborophila rufipectus Arborophila ardens Tragopan melanocephalus Red breasted horned pheasant Tragopan blythii yellows bellied pheasant Rainbow pheasant Brown Eared Pheasant Blue pheasant Syrmaticus humiae White necked Long tailed Pheasant Black tailed Pheasant Peacock pheasant Green peafowl black necked Crane Hooded Crane , Red crowned Crane White crane Red necked crane , bustard Larus relictus Four claw tortoises , Turtle Crocodile lizard varanid , python Chinese alligator Aspiorhynchus laticeps , Chinese sturgeon Sturgeon davidii Acipenser sinensis red coral Tridacna gigas , Nautilus Periplaneta chinensis Teinopalpus aureus Glossobalanus polybranchioporus Huangdao Nostoc Giant salamander

Secondary animal

Grebe Red-necked Grebe pelican (all species), boobies (all species) Sea cormorant Rock heron Great Bittern in Hainan Great Bittern Color stork White Ibis White Spoonbill Platalea minor Red breasted Black Goose White fronted goose Swan (all species), falconidae (all species), hawkidae, other hawks Black grouse Willow Thunderbird Rock Thunderbird Snow fowl Blood pheasant tragopan temminckii Tibetan eared pheasant Blue eared pheasant , raw chicken Spoon chicken syrmaticus reevesii Caragana (all species) grey crane Coir feather crane Long legged Crake Ji Tianji Porzana bicolor Flowered pheasant Little Green Foot Sandpiper Gray Swallow Plover Little Gull Black Floating Gull , Huangzui Tern Black-bellied Sandgrouse Green dove (all species) Ptilinopus leclancheri Imperial dove (all species) Spottail Forest Pigeon Crow cuckoo (all species) strigiformes Hirundapus cochinchinensis Hemiprocne longipennis Harpactes oreskios Chestnut-headed Bee-eater Merops orientalis , Hornbill White-bellied Woodpecker broadbill Crane billed Kingfisher , Psittacidae (all species) Little curlew white-naped crane bonasa bonasia The Chinese Egret glossy ibis silver pheasant Little cormorant Octavian (all species) Black Ibis Alcedo meninting Cuckoo dove (all species) chinese crested tern Bronze-winged Jacana Grus canadensis Pheasant Sickle winged chicken Mandarin Duck

Find the trace

cheirotonus jansoni jordan
August 28, 2021, from Guizhou Yinjiang autonomy Publicity Department of County Party Committee It is learned that it was found for the first time in Yangxi Provincial Nature Reserve National second-class protected animals —— cheirotonus jansoni jordan This species was declared extinct in 1982, but its trace has been found in recent years. [1]