
[wù tǐ]
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The individual that occupies a certain space is composed of matter
zero Useful+1
Object nature objective Everything that exists body The substance of Gaseous liquid state and solid state
Chinese name
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wù tǐ
natural circles objective There are body Of material
Existing form
Generally Gaseous liquid state and solid state


The individual composed of matter and occupying a certain space is called object. The objective reality of its existence can be felt through human sensory organs.
Occupy certain space , composed of matter thing [1]
The object has a macro shape , macro volume or macroscopic Substance of mass. Size greater than 10 -10 The matter of meters can be called object. particle There is macroscopic mass, so it is also an object).

Quote allusions

1. The body of the object; Utensils The shape of.
Beiqi Yan Zhitui Yan Family Instructions ·Yin Ci ":" Man has his own fine and coarse threads, and fine and coarse threads are called likes and dislikes ".
2. Consisting of substances and possessing certain space The individual of.
Fangji Three Gorges Autumn ":" It seems that the Three Gorges is a luminescence Objects. " [1]

Example sentence usage

one Cube yes three-dimensional Objects.
A cube is a three-dimensional object.
2. Angular distance is measured from a certain point to two objects included angle
Angular distance is the distance between two objects measured as an angle from a given point.
3. This one Microscope Enlarge the object 100 times.
The microscope magnified the object 100 times.
four . Table There are various objects on it.
Various objects were on the table.
5. Clear Photo , focus on the object.
Bring the object into focus if you want a sharp photograph.
6. Stone is an inanimate object.
A rock is an inanimate object.
7. Physics studies the forces acting on objects.
Physics deals with the forces acting on concrete objects.