commercial broker

[yá shāng]
An ancient middleman who matched the sale of goods
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Dentist is an old time in China Business activities A middleman who deals with the buyers and sellers and draws commissions. In the Han Dynasty, the tooth traders who agreed with the livestock buyers and sellers were called "Zang Hui". Tang tooth merchants developed into various businesses. There are also many kinds of names: Ya Shang, New Tang Shu, New Biography of Zhang Youxin: "Try to buy maidservants to move around and search Ling Tu (that is, bully) for the Ya Shang." Ya Lang, Old Tang Shu, Biography of An Lushan: "If you can understand the six Tibetan languages, you can be called Ya Lang." Ya Ren, Old Tang Shu, History of Food and Goods : "Since now, if there are people who owe money for customs clearance, it is advisable to order the head of the line, the owner of the residence, and the tooth people to send the money to the prosecutor." Yazi, The Old Book of the Tang Dynasty · The Biography of Lu Qi: "The city owner and the tooth, each give their own printing paper." There is clearly a difference between the official tooth and the private tooth. Official teeth are designated by the government, and private teeth can only be opened after the government has approved and obtained the seal book. Tooth dealers shall receive tooth stickers, pay tooth tax on schedule, and be responsible for collecting taxes on behalf of the government. It was made in the Ming Dynasty. In modern times, dentists were also called "brokers". [1]
Chinese name
commercial broker
Old Tang Script
Refers to ancient matchmaking Sales of goods Intermediary of
commercial broker

brief introduction

Ancient Dental Marketplace
The "tooth dealer", that is, the dealer of the "tooth shop", is the middleman who matches the sales of goods. In ancient times, "tooth" was a common word for "mutual", and "tooth market" was also called "mutual market"“ sales agent ”That is, "mutual people", which means people who exchange goods.
It first appeared in the Tang Dynasty more than 1000 years ago. According to the Old Book of the Tang Dynasty, "Lushan is the tooth lang of the mutual market", which means that the man An Lushan used to be an intermediary in commodity trading.

Origin and development

The origin is very early. In the Han Dynasty, it was called "Zang Hui" (Zang Hui), a tooth dealer who bought and sold livestock. In the Tang Dynasty, there were various kinds of business, such as "Yalang", "Yapai", "Yaren", "Yazi", and so on. After the end of the Tang Dynasty, the business scope was expanded, and there were many dental traders. Only then did the guild organize "tooth shops", or "tooth shops", which were responsible for supervising the tax payment of merchants on behalf of the government. There were official teeth and private teeth in the Ming Dynasty. Official teeth are designated by the government, and private teeth can only be opened after the government has approved and obtained the seal book.
According to the Qing Huidian, in the Qing Dynasty, "those who are good at choosing people in cities, temples, towns, towns, towns, boats, goods, and goods, will be given posts as' tooth killers', so that they can distinguish between goods and goods at a fair price to facilitate trade." In the Qing Dynasty, states and counties were forbidden to distribute tooth stickers indiscriminately, and private tooth shops were prohibited. The certificate received by the dental firm is called "tooth paste". There are three grades and nine items of tooth paste, but the tax and silver are uneven if they are the same. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Tongguan County (today's Tongchuan City) received three tooth stickers, including one for the grocery store, one for the charcoal store, and one for the Chen Huang Hong Su store, all of which belonged to the third class. The subsidies and taxes paid by dental firms are collectively referred to as "dental silver".
At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Shaanxi Province rated 2265 taels of silver for tooth tax, including 20 taels for Tongguan County. In modern times, dentists are also called "brokers".
In its business activities, take Qianxian County's Mule and Horse Department as an example: brokers are always observing the market trends. When he found that someone was leading the animals into the market, he took the initiative to greet them and asked: "Alas, you are here. What price do you want for the animals you pulled today? I will help you find a suitable (buyer)." After the seller agreed, the broker carefully compared the animals. They all have rich experience in animal husbandry, and have mastered many proverbs about cattle and horses. For example: "Cattle have six teeth at the age of five, side teeth at the age of six, seven shakes and eight does not move, nine years old is like nails, ten years old is cracked, and twelve years old is raised". "The ears arrange flowers, and you will be blind if you are not deaf" (the animal's ears stagger back and forth, and there is something wrong with the ears and eyes), "the two eyes are red, and you will hit people if you do not bite." "The front peak is high, and the plowing field is as loud as water; the waist is long, and the ribs are thin, so you must be lazy". "Whip tail, chopping board backbone, black eyes and black feet, pull off the iron plow." and so on. In front of the seller, the broker pointed out the shortcomings of the animal and asked for a lower price. Since then, they have used the method of "pinching the code" to bargain. After finding the buyer, the broker praised the advantages of the animal and negotiated the price with "pinching the yard". When the transaction is concluded, the seller gives a commission to the broker.

Representative region

Fuzhou Before liberation, there were two largest centers of dentists, one was the "Yangya" in the water east of today's Wuyi Square. It is a big market for selling live sheep. Sheep farmers in Fuqing, Changle, Luoyuan and other places transport sheep to "Yangya" of Fuzhou Water Department and hand them over to the owner of a dentist for sale.
The other is "Fruit Teeth", which is located on the Dadao Road in today's Taijiang District, where seasonal fruits such as lychees, longans, pomelos and bananas transported from Changle and farmers in the suburbs of Fuzhou are sent to Yahang for sale. The small merchants and peddlers wholesale and retail from the dentists. The boss of the dental firm collects commission from the consignor, and only after all the goods are sold, can he give money to the consignor.
Those engaged in the dental industry, called "dental workers", must obtain "dental stickers" from the relevant government departments, which is equivalent to today's business license, and pay the silver tax on dental stickers every year, called "dental tax".

Other meanings

Ancient Yamen
In addition, "Ya" is also the correct name of "Ya". bright clear The official said“ Yamen ”In fact, it is the false name of "Yamen".
Old official gate
Because in the Han Dynasty, there was a beast's head painted on the gate of the official location, with huge teeth exposed to show its dignity. In particular, the big flags in front of the military camp are embroidered with tiger heads and teeth.
Those officials are often bribed by others. Therefore, the corrupt officials are called "Yamen Thousand Horses". As the folk song says, "Yamen (Yamen) is open in eight words, and you can't come in without money."( Liu Xiangru