Great Famine

Famine between 1845 and 1850
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The Irish famine, commonly known as the potato famine potato Crop is a famine that occurred between 1845 and 1850. During the five years Ireland The population has dropped by nearly a quarter; In addition to starving to death and dying of disease, this number also includes about one million Irish people who migrated overseas due to famine.
The main factor causing famine is a kind of late blight pathogen( Phytophthora infestans Bacteria)( Phytophthora infestans )Of Oomycetes (Oomcete) causes the potato to rot and then lose the harvest. Potatoes were the main food source for Irish people at that time. This disaster, together with many social and economic factors The widespread loss of income has severely hit the livelihood of poor farmers. The Great Famine had a profound impact on Irish society, culture and population historian hold History of Ireland It is divided into two parts before and after the famine. During the potato famine in Ireland Great Britain Still from America A large number of grain products were imported, some of which were even transshipped through Irish ports; However, the hungry Irish could not afford the food, and the British government provided very little assistance, which eventually led to a high proportion of Irish people dying of hunger.
Potatoes were the only crop on which Irish people depended for their livelihood in the 19th century, while the British, as landlords, only cared about grain and livestock Exit of. natural disaster And political oppression forced people to rise up, but ultimately failed. The tragedy that more than one million Irish died in famine has aroused Irish people's national consciousness Under its guidance, Irish Free State It was established in 1922.
Chinese name
Great Famine
Foreign name
Great Irish Famine
Time of occurrence
Place of occurrence
death toll
1 million people
Policy mistakes, Potato late blight Cereal law , Human Factors

historical background

At the beginning of the 19th century Ireland The tourists were shocked to find that it was so poor here. Rural residents Their living conditions are at the bottom of Europe. People sometimes attribute this backwardness to religion, and sometimes to the turbulent political situation, the population explosion or the lack of courage sympathy The majority of people believed that this was caused by the tyranny of the landlords and the poor management of the British government. [1]
By the end of the 18th century, Ireland Has been completely under British control. [1]
stay North American War of Independence and French Revolution Under the influence of, Irish launched a large-scale anti British uprising. The British authorities carried out a brutal suppression and passed the“ Anglo Irish merger Act, formally incorporating Ireland into the British Empire Ireland has completely lost its political and economic independence since then. After the merger, Protestantism was declared the State Church of Ireland, and catholic Is deprived of basic political and Civil rights Anglo Irish National contradiction More intense, the Irish struggle for national liberation continued to rise. "Catholic Liberation Movement", "Cancel Merger Movement", "Fenian Party" Armed uprising 、“ Young Ireland The "movement" has shaken the foundation of British rule again and again.

Event process



In some ways, Ireland It is one of the most interventionist European countries in Britain. Due to the lack of foresight Free Trade Theory The British government no longer intends to carry out the necessary modernization changes in this country. This conservatism is also inextricably linked with the opposition of their specific interests and prejudices.
In 1845, the key export areas were closely linked to a poorly developed crop, potato, which depended on the economy. When the fungus suddenly appeared, the country was at its mercy.
In 1845 Ireland depended on only one crop: potatoes. No more than 1.5 million agricultural workers Other income The source supports the family. Three million small farmers mainly rely on potatoes for their livelihood, and the productive class also consumes much more potatoes than Britain. When the harvest fails, of course, those poor people in rural areas bear the greatest risk.
In 1845, the harvest suffered from fungal disasters was from October to November. The wealthier areas in the eastern part of the country suffered the most serious damage. From there, the disease spread to the west. The whole seedlings rotted before harvest, and the annual reserves of every family were lost.


In Europe in the 1840s, people still believed in religion geology , botany, economics and other emerging sciences. Disasters like potato disease reflect《 Bible 》The concept of famine in Chinese can only lead to discriminatory remarks with religious color. Most British public opinion thinks about the problem with religious tinted glasses: the "disaster" attacking Ireland is a warning of luxury and carefree life. More extreme remarks link the disaster Irish are suffering with their religious "mistakes". For many people, the lesson is clear: in order to eat more nutritious grain based food, this "abnormal" dependence on potatoes should be ended.
In the summer of 1846, the shortage of potatoes exceeded the most pessimistic prediction. 3 million to 4 million people due to modern European history The unprecedented harvest was destroyed and threatened with death. Only Britain has enough resources to deal with disasters, but the correct use of these resources requires management wisdom and political sincerity.
In the summer of 1847, people harvested disease-free potatoes. Many observers concluded that the famine was over in Ireland You should rely on yourself The power of. However, due to plant Not much, the harvest is still poor. In fact, most of the island did not recover in a real sense in this season, and hunger and disease are still rampant.
In 1848, downy mildew The second attack of. More cruelly, downy mildew is concentrated in areas that have no ability to withstand the fourth famine. If we can say that the situation in the less poor areas has improved a little, the western and southern regions have experienced a disaster as severe as the "dark year" of 1847. In 1849 and 1850, the disease came again, making some areas dying.
In "The Black Force Seven", Ireland Cork Nicolas Cummins, a local official, said: "I walked into a farmhouse, and the scene made me dumbfounded. Six people, skinny and ghostly because of hunger, were lying on a pile of dirty straw in the corner of the hut. I thought they were dead, but when I approached them, a sound came from my ear Crooning These 'people' are still alive... " [2]
In economics, Demand theorem When other conditions are the same commodity price Rise, this commodity requirement Decrease. This is a truth that most people know, and it also conforms to the assumption that rational people act. However, during the Great Famine in Ireland in 1845, a strange thing happened. The price of potatoes was rising, but the demand was also increasing.
Giffen, a British economist, observed this phenomenon inconsistent with the demand theorem, which is also known as“ The Mystery of Giffin ”, and goods with this feature are called giffen goods
The famine in Ireland in 1845 caused a large number of families to fall into poverty. Potatoes, a low-grade product that can only sustain life, will undoubtedly be found in most poor families Consumption expenditure China accounts for a large proportion, and the rise of potato prices will lead to poor families real income The level dropped significantly. In this case, the poorer people have to increase the number of cheap goods And give up Normal commodity Compared with low-grade products like potatoes, there is nothing like this Cheaper Of succedaneum So the income effect on potato demand is greater than Substitutive effect Therefore, the demand for potatoes increases with the increase of potato prices. Only one kind of commodity has both "low-grade products" and“ Income effect greater than substitution effect ”These two conditions can be called Giffen goods.

Causes of famine

The main factor causing famine is Phytophthora infestans Phytophthora infestans )Of Oomycetes cause Potato late blight Potatoes were the main source of food for Irish people at that time economic factors The widespread poor harvest has severely hit the livelihood of poor farmers. The famine has a profound impact on Irish society, culture and population historian hold History of Ireland It is divided into two parts before and after the famine.

Predatory rule

The poverty caused by the British colonial policy of plundering Ireland in an all-round way is the underlying cause of the crisis.
British Empire Realize its own prosperity by expanding and plundering the colonies. Ireland, as the first overseas colony of the British Empire Political relations First of all, Irish land is almost completely occupied by British landlords, and most of the big landlords live in England , only concerned with grain and livestock Of exports, which makes most of Ireland Agricultural income Export abroad. Meanwhile, Ireland Land annexation As a result of the serious problems of the Irish farmers, most of them became tenants of the British land aristocracy. And thanks to the tenants Land area It is very small, so only growing potatoes can support the family.
In addition, since the merger, Ireland's prosperous industry and commerce have been hit by British industrial products manufactured under better economic conditions and freely imported. So the Irish people live almost entirely on land and have no way out in industry. In addition, the brutal colonial plunder made the farmers extremely poor - more than half of Irish people live on potatoes.
Overdependence on a single crop, the bottom farmers have been abandoned by the society for a long time. These two problems will be magnified infinitely in the future, and eventually lead to the full outbreak of the Great Famine in Ireland.

Poor rescue

The British government's rescue measures were weak and the response was slow. Britain was at its peak Victorian Period , and has been completed industrial revolution , is recognized World Factory Whether in the colonies political system , economic development and other aspects are leading the world trend. It is a huge colonial empire with nearly a quarter of the earth's land and nearly a quarter of the population. Britain was the symbol of prosperity, development and civilization at that time, and its national strength was among the best in the world. Even four years before the Great Famine, in order to open the door to China, Britain spared no effort and mobilized people to launch the Opium War from Indian warships. And at this time, Britain is fully preparing for the first the World Expo
However, in the face of the unprecedented famine in Ireland, they were indifferent, allowing the disaster to spread and the Irish people to dump their bodies everywhere. Even later, the disaster was very serious. When the first grain ship arrived in Ireland, the corn transported for disaster relief could not be eaten (source text: inedible )Even for inedible corn, the application requires extremely complicated procedures. Even the British government blocked spontaneous humanitarian relief.
according to turkey Today's Zaman reported in January 2012 that the Ottoman Empire at that time Sudan Sultan Abd ü lmecid I announced that he would donate 10000 pounds to hungry people in Ireland. however, Queen Victoria Ask Sudan to donate 1000 pounds, because the Queen herself can only donate 2000 pounds. So after donating 1000 pounds, Sudan "quietly" transported three ships of food to Ireland to help the hungry. In addition, in 1847, the United States Indian Choctaw also raised US $710 to donate to Irish hungry people. [2]

Selfish Act

Britain, out of its own interests, abolished it in 1846 during the Great Famine《 Cereal law 》, destroyed the right of Irish food to freely import into Britain, and made Irish wheat lose its UK market Which in turn undermines Ireland's agricultural economy The British landlords in Ireland, after the repeal of the Grain Act, ignored the Irish famine and mostly switched from wheat planting to business operation Animal Husbandry It greatly weakens the ability to resist famine, thus aggravating the development of famine to a considerable extent.

rob the owner while his house is on fire

In the worst years of famine, Ireland still exported food to Britain. And Ireland was food for the whole famine Net exports This act of looting and taking advantage of the fire, regardless of the Irish people's life and death, makes this natural disaster Rapid evolution into human disaster. And the famine from 1782 to 1783 Irish Government The port was closed, and the price of all grain fell sharply to save themselves. [1]


Immigration had begun long before the Great Famine. But since the end of 1846, immigrants have reached an unprecedented scale. In the next 10 years, 1.8 million people left Ireland More than 1 million of them migrated during the famine. This is the most important thing in the 19th century Population mobility one of. For these men, women and children, it is not so much voluntary immigration as flight, and their experience is unbearable.
The Great Famine had an important impact on the construction of modern Ireland. Many important social changes took place in 1845 Occurred before But the impact of famine has cultivated the existing historical forces and given them new significance. An unusual demographic curve, a profound Mental trauma , and people living in scattered places, but maintaining the same contact. Ireland after famine is different from any other European country.

Historical influence

In the Republic of Ireland, some Revisionism historian In order to rid Ireland of the shadow of the past, we tried to weaken the famine seriousness Or emphasizing famine Force majeure This view has been questioned by some more practical studies since 1980. Historical facts neither support the loud cry of "Michelism" nor agree with the clich é s that have replaced it.
The concept of famine has been deeply rooted in all Irish people the subconscious Medium. In 1994 Rosemount County The museum built in Strokestown is an outstanding example in this regard. The general public can see a series of exhibitions: explaining famine in the social background of the time through texts, materials and pictures.
Compared with other European countries, Ireland brings the third world The warning of is the most. some Non governmental organizations It lists the similarities between Ireland and the Third World in the 1840s. These organizations try to publicize the history of famine around the world and remind people of how ideology Would lead to such a disaster. [3]