Albert Einstein

American and Swiss dual nationality physicists
open 15 homonymous entries
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synonym Einstein Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein (German/English: Albert Einstein; March 14, 1879 - April 18, 1955), born in Germany Baden Wuerttemberg Ulm, U.S.A and Switzerland Dual nationality judea Descendants physical scientist [1-4] [41]
Einstein graduated from Switzerland in 1900 Zurich Federal Institute of Technology , in Switzerland nationality [1-4] In 1905, Einstein won University of Zurich Doctor's degree in physics, and proposed photon Assumed, successfully explained photoelectric effect (Therefore, 1921 The nobel prize in physics [1-4] Founded in the same year Special relativity , founded in 1915 General relativity , immigrated to the United States in 1933 Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies Served, joined in 1940 American nationality Also retain Swiss nationality [1-4] On April 18, 1955, Einstein was in the United States New Jersey Princeton died at the age of 76 [1-4] In December 1999, Einstein was elected by the United States《 Time Weekly 》He was elected as the "Person of the Century" of the 20th century.
Einstein's theory laid a theoretical foundation for the development of nuclear energy and helped to fight nazi , he was Leo Sillard With the help of others, he wrote to the President of the United States Franklin Roosevelt , directly contributed to Manhattan Project And World War II Later, he actively advocated peace and opposed the use of nuclear weapon , and signed《 Russell Einstein Declaration [4-8] Einstein created Modern science and technology new era , recognized as the successor Galileo Newton The greatest after physical scientist , also the critical school Philosophy of science Ideological A master And carry forward. [9]
Chinese name
Albert Einstein
Foreign name
Albert Einstein
U.S.A [1-2] Switzerland [1-4]
Ethnic groups
one's native heath
Germany Baden Wuerttemberg Ulm city [2]
date of birth
March 14, 1879
Date of death
April 18, 1955
University one is graduated from
Zurich Federal Institute of Technology
Representative works
My World View Unified field theory
Key achievements
propose light quantum hypothesis , solved the problem of photoelectric effect
Founded Special relativity General relativity etc.
Won the Nobel Prize in Physics
Participate in the anti war peace movement
Selected as the "Great Man of the Century" by Time magazine
Place of death
U.S.A Princeton
The "Person of the Century" in the 20th century.

Character's Life


Early life

On March 14, 1879, Einstein was born in Ulm, Baden W ü rttemberg, Germany Banhoff Street 135 [5] , both parents Israel [10]
In 1880, Einstein moved with his parents Munich [11]
In 1888, Albert Einstein entered Louipord High School to study. He received religious education at school and received the rite of ordination. Friedman was the instructor. [1]
In 1889, under the guidance of medical college student Talme, he read popular science books and philosophical works. [12]
In 1891, Einstein taught himself Euclidean geometry , feel crazy about mathematics, and start self-study at the same time Advanced mathematics [36]
In 1892, Einstein began to read Immanuel Kant Works of. [37]
In 1894, the Einstein family moved to Milan, Italy [1]
In 1895, Einstein finished self-study Calculus In the same year, Einstein Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Enrolment of Failed the exam Einstein began to think about what would happen when a person moved at the speed of light. Confused by the internal contradiction of classical theory. [38]
In 1896, Einstein was awarded the graduation certificate of Arau State High School. On October 29, Einstein moved Zurich And on Swiss Federal Institute of Technology attend school. [5]
Einstein, October 19, 1899 Formal application Switzerland Citizenship [39]
In August 1900, Einstein graduated from Zurich Federal Institute of Technology [2] In December, the thesis "Inference from Capillary Phenomenon" was completed and published in Germany the next year Leipzig Physical yearbook 》Journal and Swiss citizenship.
On March 21, 1901, Einstein officially acquired Swiss nationality. To be completed from May to July of this year Potential difference The thermodynamic theory of the paper. [1] [5]
On June 16, 1902, Einstein was berne Employed by the Patent Office. In 1903, he and his college classmates Maleva Maric Marriage. They had a daughter before they got married.
In September 1904, Einstein was transferred from a probationary staff member in the Patent Office to a formal Level III technician.
In March 1905, Einstein published the "quantum theory" and proposed light quantum hypothesis , solving the problem of photoelectric effect. April University of Zurich He put forward the paper "New Determination of Molecular Size" and obtained a doctor's degree. Complete the thesis in May《 On Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies 》, independently and completely put forward the principle of special relativity, and created a new era of physics. This year is therefore called“ Annus Mirabilis Papers ”。 [5]
In April 1906, Einstein was promoted to the second level technician of the Patent Office. In November, the paper on specific heat of solids was completed, which is the first paper on quantum theory of solids. [39]
Einstein and his first wife Mileva
In 1907, he was promoted to the first level technician of the Patent Office. In October 1908, Einstein served concurrently University of Bern Non editorial lecturer. [39]
In October 1909, Einstein left berne Associate Professor of Theoretical Physics, Patent Office [3] In October 1910, Einstein completed Critical opalescence Thesis of. [39]
In 1911, Einstein moved from Switzerland to Czech Republic Bragg In 1912, Einstein proposed the "photochemical equivalent" law.
In 1913, Einstein returned to Germany as Berlin Emperor William, Director of the Institute of Physics and HU Berlin Professor, and was elected as an academician of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. [1]

Berlin years

Einstein and his wife and son
In April 1914, Einstein accepted the invitation of the German scientific community and moved to Berlin [3] In August, the First World War broke out. Although he lives in the cradle of war. Living under the siege of war advocates, he resolutely expressed his anti war attitude. In September, Einstein took part in launching the anti war group "New Motherland Alliance". When the organization was declared illegal and a large number of members were arrested and persecuted and went underground, Einstein still resolutely participated in the secret activities of the organization. In October, German scientific and cultural circles Militarism Under the manipulation and instigation of the elements, the "Declaration of the Civilized World" was issued, which was launched for Germany aggressive war Defend and advocate that Germany is above everything, and the world should accept the "true German spirit". Ninety three people signed the Declaration, all of whom were famous scientists, artists and priests in Germany at that time. Even Nernst Roentgen Ostwald , Planck and others signed on it. When asking for Einstein's signature, he flatly refused, while at the same time he resolutely signed his own name on the anti war "Message to Europeans". [1]
In November 1915, Einstein put forward the general theory of relativity Gravitational equation And successfully explained the perihelion motion of Mercury. [1]
In March 1916, Einstein completed his concluding paper "The Basis of General Relativity". In May, Einstein proposed Cosmic space The hypothesis of finite and unbounded. In August, the Quantum Theory of Radiation was completed and summarized Quantum theory The development of stimulated radiation theory.
At the beginning of 1917, Einstein suffered from many diseases (including hepatopathy and gastric ulcer )。 His cousin Elsa takes care of him. This will continue for several years until he fully recovers. He wrote a book on cosmology, whose cosmology language will guarantee a limited universe. He will later call this cosmic academic phrase his "biggest idiot". On October 1, he took over the management of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics. [1]
In 1919, Einstein divorced Mileva and married his cousin Elsa the same year. [1]

Master of Physics

Einstein visited New York in 1921 [3]
In 1921, Einstein obtained the The nobel prize in physics , his research has promoted quantum mechanics Development of [5] In January, he visited Prague and Vienna. On January 27 of the same year, he made a report on Geometry and Experience at the Prussian Academy of Sciences. February, go to Holland Amsterdam Attend the conference of the International Trade Union. From April 5 to May 30 Israel Jerusalemic Hebrew University To raise funds, the same as Weizmann First visit to the United States together. Obtained at Columbia University Barnard Medals. He was received by President Harding at the White House. During his visit to Chicago, Boston and Princeton, he gave four lectures on relativity. In June, I visited Britain and paid my respects Newton cemetery. [1]
In January 1922, he completed the first paper on unified field theory. Visited France from March to April, striving to normalize Franco German relations. Make a speech criticizing Mach's philosophy. In April, attend League of Nations Commission on Intellectual Cooperation. In July, he was threatened with murder and temporarily left Berlin. Visit Colombo, Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai along the way.
On November 9, 1922 Japan reach Shanghai On the way, Einstein learned by telegraph that he was awarded the award in 1921 The nobel prize in physics
On February 2, 1923, Einstein Japan On the way back, to Palestine Visit and stay for 12 days. [1]
On February 8, 1923 Israel The first honorary citizen of Tel Aviv. from Palestine On the way back to Germany, I visited Spain In March, Einstein League of Nations He was disappointed in his ability and submitted his resignation to the League of Nations. From June to July, we helped to establish the "New Russian Friends Association" and became its executive committee committee member. July, to Gothenburg Accept 1921 Nobel Prize And give a lecture on relativity Nobel Prize Thank you. In December, the first conjecture Quantum effect May come from over constrained General relativity Field equation [1]

Participate in anti war

In 1924, Einstein joined the Jewish organization in Berlin and became a member who paid the membership dues. In December, the last major discovery was made from Statistical fluctuation An independent demonstration of the association of wave and matter is obtained from the analysis of. At this time, we also found that Bose Einstein condensate [1]
In 1925, Einstein was employed as a director of the German Soviet cooperation group "Oriental Culture and Technology Association". From May to June, Einstein visited South America. Together with Gandhi and others, sign the declaration of refusal to perform military service. Accept the Science Popularization Medal. by Hebrew University The work of the board of directors. Published Non Euclidean Geometry and Physics.
In 1926, Einstein and Heisenberg Discusses philosophical questions about quantum mechanics. Accept“ Royal Astronomer ”Of Gold medal Accept as Soviet Academy of Sciences academician. [3]
In 1927, Einstein and others attended the Fifth Solvay Conference
In February 1927, Einstein Barbusse Signed on the draft anti fascist declaration. International participation Anti imperialist Alliance , was elected honorary chairman. Attended the fifth session in October Brussels Solvay Physics symposium , beginning with Copenhagen School There is a heated debate on the interpretation of quantum mechanics. Published Newtonian Mechanics and Its Influence on the Development of Theoretical Physics. [3]
In January 1928, he was elected as a member of the "German Human Rights Alliance" (formerly the "New Motherland Alliance" of Germany). In spring, due to overwork and poor health Switzerland Davos Recuperate and give lectures to young people. Published Basic Concepts of Physics to Recent Changes. In April, Helen Dukas began to serve as the private secretary of Einstein's family for life.
In February 1929, he published the Unified Field Theory. In March, Einstein spent his 50th birthday, hiding in the countryside to avoid birthday celebrations. First visit Belgium The Royal Family, and Queen Elizabeth Formed friendship and corresponded with the Queen of Belgium until her death Planck Medal In September, Einstein argued with French mathematician Adama about war and peace, and insisted on unconditionally opposing all wars. [3]
In 1930, Einstein was dissatisfied League of Nations Improving international relation And submitted his resignation. In May, he signed the World Disarmament Statement of the International Women's Alliance for Peace and Freedom. In July, he argued with Tagore about the truth objectivity Question. From December 11 to March 4 of the next year, Einstein paid his first visit to the United States, mainly in California Institute of Technology On December 13, Mayor Walker presented a gift to Einstein New York The golden key of the city. From December 19 to 20, Einstein visited Cuba Published articles such as My World View and Religion and Science. [1]
In March 1931, Einstein returned to Berlin from the United States. In May, Einstein visited Britain Oxford give lectures. In November, we called on all countries to Economic blockade To stop its military aggression against China. In December, Einstein went to California again to give lectures. To participate in 1932 International Disarmament Conference , specially published a series of articles and speeches. Published Maxwell's Influence on the Development of the Concept of Physical Reality. [1]

Immigration to the United States

In February 1932, Ositsky, a German pacifist, was identified as Treason Einstein protested in Pasadena. In March, Einstein returned to Berlin from the United States. In May, Einstein went to England University of Cambridge Lecture with Oxford University, then arrived Switzerland Geneva I was extremely disappointed to attend the Conference on Disarmament. In June, Einstein and Murphy made a talk about Causality Questions. In July, Einstein and psychologists Freud Communication, discussing war Psychological problems Call on the German people to defend Weimar Republic , fully opposed fascist On December 10, Einstein and his wife left Germany for the United States. Originally intended to visit the United States, however, they never set foot on German territory again. [5]
1933, Germany Nazi government Check his apartment in Berlin, burn his books, confiscate his property, and offer a reward of 100000 marks for his head. He was in the United States New Jersey Of Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies (and Princeton University He then decided not to return to Germany and joined in 1940 American nationality At the same time, Swiss nationality shall be retained. [2-5]
In 1934, Einstein Anthology My World View 》Edited and published by his stepson-in-law Rudolf Kaiser. From May 1935 to Bermuda Take a short trip. Official application for permanent residence in the United States in Bermuda. This is also the last time he left the United States, and he won Franklin Medal , in cooperation with Podolsky and Rosen, published a paper challenging the Copenhagen School, claiming that the description of reality by quantum mechanics is incomplete. To make The Nobel Peace Prize Gift locked in Nazi concentration camp Ositsky in the. [1]
In 1936 Einstein began to work with Infield Cooperate with Hoffman to study the motion problem of general relativity. On December 20, his wife Elsa died of illness. Published Physics and Reality and On Education. [2]
From March to September 1937, Einstein participated in the popular book written by Infield《 Evolution of physics 》The preparation of. In March, we expressed solidarity with China's "Seven Gentlemen". In June, I worked with Enfeld and Hoffman to complete the paper "Gravitational Equations and Motion Problems", which was derived from the field equation of general relativity Equation of motion , further revealing the unity of space and time, matter and motion. This is a major development of general relativity and Einstein's Scientific creation The last major achievement on the.
In 1938, Einstein and Bergman Co authored the paper "Promotion of Karucha's Electrical Theory". [1]

World renowned

On August 2, 1939, Einstein Leo Sillard With the help of others Franklin Roosevelt (Historically known as the "Einstein Sillard Letter"), it is suggested that the United States should pay close attention to atomic energy research and prevent Nazi Germany Preemptive mastery Atomic bomb , which directly contributed to the Manhattan Project Start of. [4-6] My sister Maya came to America from Europe and stayed in Einstein's parents' period.
Acquired American nationality in 1940
On May 15, 1940, Einstein published "Examination on the Basis of Theoretical Physics". On May 22, call Franklin Delano Roosevelt , anti American policy of neutrality On October 1, he acquired American nationality. In the same year, Einstein wrote a famous paper to defend his proposition that "I do not believe in a personal god". [1]
In 1941, Einstein published articles such as Science and Religion. In October 1942, Einstein warmly praised Soviet Union Achievements in all aspects. [2]
In May 1943, Einstein participated as a scientific adviser America Navy Department work.
In 1944 Anti-Fascist War Einstein auctioned the manuscript of his 1905 special theory of relativity paper for $6 million. Publish on Russell Epistemological comments. In December, we discussed with Stern and Bohr atomic weapon And post-war peace issues, listen to Bohr Keep silent for a while. [2]
In March 1945, Einstein and Leo Sillard Discussing the danger of atomic armament and writing a letter to introduce Silard to Roosevelt failed. In April, he retired from the Institute of Higher Academic Research (in fact, he continued to work as usual). In September, he issued a series of statements on atomic war and the world government.
In May 1946, Einstein initiated and organized the "Extraordinary Committee of Atomic Scientists" as the chairman. In May, accepted Lincoln University (Black School) Honorary Doctoral Degree Write a long "Self Narration" to review the path of scientific exploration in your life. In May, my sister Mayain apoplexy She was paralyzed and read to her every night. October, here United Nations General Assembly write open letter , urging the establishment of a world government.
Einstein and Oppenheimer in 1950
In 1947, Einstein continued to make a lot of remarks about the world government. In September, Einstein issued an open letter proposing to reorganize the United Nations into a world government. [2]
In April 1948, Einstein cooperated with astronomer Sharpley to oppose the United States' preparation for the Soviet Union“ Preventive war ”。 Protest against universal military training by the United States. In the same year, he published Quantum Mechanics and Reality Switzerland Zurich Death. In December, a laparotomy was performed on the abdomen aorta I found a big aneurysm [2]
On January 13, 1949, Einstein was discharged from hospital. In January, he wrote "Answers to Criticism" to counter criticize the criticism of the Copenhagen School in the anthology Albert Einstein: Philosophers Scientists. In November, the "extraordinary committee of atomic scientists" ceased its activities.
Einstein, who just finished his 72nd birthday party (talking at the same time)
On February 13, 1950, he made a televised speech against American manufacturing Hydrogen bomb On March 18, he signed and sealed the will. Dr. Nathan was named executor. The estate is co hosted by Dr. Nathan and Dukas. The final repository of letters and manuscripts is Hebrew University Among other terms: violin for grandson Bernhard Caesar Einstein [2] In April, published On General Gravitation. Later Years Collection was published.
In 1951, Einstein successively published articles and letters, pointing out that the US policy of expanding its military and preparing for war was a serious obstacle to world peace. In June, Einstein's sister Maya died after a long period of paralysis. In September, the "extraordinary committee of atomic scientists" was dissolved.
In 1952, Einstein published his Theory of Relativity and Space Problems and Introduction to Some Basic Generalities. In November, Israel First President Haim Weizmann After his death, the Israeli government asked him to serve as the second president, which was rejected. [3]
On April 3, 1953, Einstein wrote "Ode to the Academy of Sciences of Olympia" to his old friends in Bern's era to remember the life of his youth. On May 16, he wrote back to the persecuted teacher Fraunglass, calling on the United States intellectual Rise up and resolutely resist the persecution of fascism, causing great repercussions. To commemorate Bohn's retirement, he published quantum mechanics Explained the paper, which caused a heated debate between the two people. Published Preface to Space Concept. [1]

Sickness in old age

In March 1954, Einstein celebrated his 75th birthday Civil liberties Extraordinary Committee ", calling for American people Get up with fascist Forces struggle. In March, Einstein was elected by the US senator McCarthy Publicly denounced as "the enemy of the United States". In May, Einstein issued a statement protesting the political persecution of Oppenheimer. Autumn, because of trouble Hemolytic anemia Sick and bedridden for several days. On November 18, Einstein made a statement in the "Journalist" magazine that he would rather be a craftsman or peddler than a scientist in the United States and complete the "Theory of Asymmetric Relativity". [5]
In February 1955, Einstein and sociologist Bertrand Russell Communication to discuss the issue of the peace declaration and oppose its use nuclear weapon , and signed《 Russell Einstein Declaration [4-8] In March, Einstein wrote "Self Narrative Fragments", recalling the way of learning and scientific exploration in his youth. On April 3, Einstein talked with Cohen about History of Science And so on. On April 5, he refuted that American fascists had labeled him a "subversive". On April 11, he signed the declaration. On April 13, I was drafting a TV article speaking script When serious abdominal pain , the rear diagnosis is Arterial hemorrhage He entered Princeton Hospital on April 15.
On April 18, 1955, Einstein was diagnosed with aortic aneurysm , caused by ruptured aortic aneurysm in his sleep at midnight that day cerebral haemorrhage He died in Princeton at the age of 76. One named Thomas Stoltz Harvey By taking the opportunity of dissecting Einstein's body, his doctor "stealthily" took away Einstein's brain and eyeballs behind Einstein's family's back. This Pathologist Hope for the future neuroscience The world can study Einstein's brain to discover the reason why Einstein was clever. [1]
In order to comply with Einstein's will, after his death, no funeral ceremony was held, no tomb was built, and no monument was erected. His body was cremated according to his will. His ashes were scattered in a place that will never be kept secret, so that the place where he was buried would not become a holy place. [1]

Main impacts


Scientific achievements

Special relativity
At the age of 16, Einstein learned from books that light moves at a very fast speed electromagnetic wave , in connection with this, he Really want to Discussion on the so-called Ether related to light waves [13] The term "ether" originates from Greece and is used to represent the basic elements of the heavenly objects. Descartes in the 17th century and later Christian Huygens He pioneered and developed the theory of the ether, believing that the ether is Light wave propagation It fills all the space including vacuum and can penetrate into the material. And Ethereal Different, Newton Proposed Corpuscular theory of light Newton believed that, Illuminant The emission is based on Rectilinear motion The particle stream impinges on the retina and causes vision. eighteenth century Newton Of Corpuscular theory In the 19th century, only Fluctuation theory Occupied absolute advantage The theory of ether has also been greatly developed: wave propagation requires medium, and light propagates in vacuum medium It is the ether, also called Light ether At the same time, electromagnetism has developed vigorously, and through the efforts of Maxwell, Hertz and others, a mature Electromagnetic phenomenon And proved that light is certain in theory and practice frequency range The electromagnetic wave inside the, thus unifying the wave theory And Electromagnetic theory The ether is not only the carrier of light waves, but also electromagnetic field The carrier of. Until the end of the 19th century, people tried to find the ether, but never found it in experiments. On the contrary, Michelson Morey experiment But the ether is unlikely to exist. [14]
electromagnetics The development of Newtonian mechanics However, when explaining the electromagnetic process of moving objects, it is found that Principle of relativity atypism. according to Maxwell theory The speed of electromagnetic wave in vacuum, that is, the speed of light, is Constant However, according to Newtonian mechanics Speed of Principle of addition The speed of light is different in different inertial systems. For example, two cars, one approaching you and one leaving. You see the lights of the previous car approaching you, and the lights of the latter car away. According to Galileo's theory, the car coming to you will emit light with a speed greater than c (vacuum light speed 3.0x10 ^ 8m/s), that is, the speed of light emitted by the car in front=light speed+vehicle speed; And drive Departure The speed of light emitted is less than c, that is, the speed of light emitted by the rear vehicle=speed of light - vehicle speed. But according to Maxwell's theory, the speed of these two kinds of light is the same, because in Maxwell's theory, the speed of the car does not affect Propagation of light To make it clear that no matter what the car is like, the speed of light is equal to c. [14]
Einstein seems to be the man who will build a new building of physics. Einstein seriously studied Maxwell's electromagnetic theory, especially the electrodynamics developed and elaborated by Hertz and Lorenz. Einstein firmly believed that the electromagnetic theory was completely correct, but there was one problem that upset him, which was absolute Frame of reference The existence of the ether. He read many books and found that all attempts to prove the existence of the ether failed. After studying Einstein, it was found that the ether has no practical significance in Lorentz's theory except as an absolute reference frame and a load of electromagnetic field. [2]
Einstein likes to read philosophical works and absorb ideological nutrition from philosophy. He believes in the unity of the world and the consistency of logic. During the period of "Olympia Academy of Sciences" David Hume (David Hume) Yes Law of causality Universality of Effectiveness The resulting doubts had an impact on Einstein. The principle of relativity has been widely proved in mechanics, but it cannot be established in electrodynamics Theoretical system Einstein raised doubts about the logical inconsistency. He believed that the principle of relativity should be universally held, so the electromagnetic theory should have the same form for each inertial system, but here the problem of the speed of light arises. Whether the speed of light is a constant quantity or a variable quantity has become the primary question whether the principle of relativity is universally valid. Physicists at that time generally believed in the ether, that is, there was an absolute reference system, which was affected by Newton's concept of absolute space. At the end of the 19th century, Mach criticized Newton's Absolute space-time view This left a deep impression on Einstein. One day in May 1905, Einstein and a friend Besso discussed the problem that had been explored for ten years. Besso Machism The two discussed for a long time. All of a sudden, Einstein realized something. After thinking over and over again when he came home, he finally figured out the problem: time has no absolute definition, and there is an inseparable relationship between time and the speed of light signals. He found the key to the lock. After five weeks of hard work, Einstein presented the special theory of relativity to people. [14]
On June 30, 1905, the German Physics Yearbook accepted Einstein's paper《 On Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies 》, published in the journal in September of the same year. This paper is the first article on special relativity, which contains the basic ideas and contents of special relativity. Special relativity is based on two principles: relativity principle and Principle of invariance of light speed Einstein's starting point for solving problems was his conviction that Relativity Principle. Galileo first expounded the principle of relativity, but He did not have. Time and space are clearly defined. Newton established Mechanical system He also talked about the idea of relativity, but also defined Absolute space Absolute time and Absolute motion He is contradictory on this issue. Einstein greatly developed the principle of relativity. In his opinion, there is no absolutely static space, nor does there exist Absolute identity All time and space are connected with moving objects. For any reference system and Coordinate system , only those belonging to this reference system and coordinate system Space and time For all inertial frames, the form of the physical laws expressed by the space and time of the reference frame is the same, which is the principle of relativity. Strictly speaking, it is the principle of relativity in a narrow sense. In this article, Einstein did not discuss taking the invariance of the speed of light as the basis of the basic principle. He proposed that the invariance of the speed of light is a bold hypothesis, which was put forward from the requirements of the electromagnetic theory and the principle of relativity. This article is the result of Einstein's many years of thinking about ether and electrodynamics Simultaneous relativity This serves as Breakthrough , established a new theory of time and space, and gave the electrodynamics of moving bodies a complete form on the basis of the new space-time theory. Ether is no longer necessary, Ether Drift It does not exist. [14]
Generally speaking, the public will Pass signal To confirm the relativity. In order to learn about events in other places Simultaneity You must know the transmission speed of the signal, but you must measure the space distance between the two places and signal transmission Time required, Spatial distance The measurement of is very simple. The trouble is to measure the time. We must assume that there is a clock that has been aligned in both places. From the readings of the two clocks, we can know the time of signal transmission. But if you want to know whether the clock in another place is right, you need a signal. If it needs a new signal according to the previous thinking, it will retreat infinitely, and the synchronism of different places cannot be confirmed actually. However, it is clear that simultaneity must be linked with a signal, otherwise it is meaningless for us to say that these two things happen at the same time. [14]
Einstein's old age
optical signal It may be the most suitable signal for the clock, but the speed of light is not infinite, which leads to a novel conclusion Observer The two things at the same time are not the same for the observer of movement. Let's imagine a high-speed train, whose speed is close to the speed of light. Train passing When Party A is standing on the platform, there are two lightning flashes in front of Party A, one at the front end of the train and the other at the rear end, leaving traces at both ends of the train and corresponding parts of the platform. Through measurement, the distance between Party A and both ends of the train is equal, and it is concluded that Party A sees two lightning flashes at the same time. Therefore, for A, the two received optical signals are the same One time The two events must occur at the same time, they are simultaneous. But for B in the middle of the train, the situation is different, because B moves with the high-speed train, so he will first intercept the front-end signal transmitted to him, and then receive the optical signal from the rear. For B, these two events are different. That is to say, simultaneity is not absolute, but depends on the observer's motion state This conclusion negates Newtonian mechanics The absolute time and absolute space framework based on. [14]
relativity It is believed that the speed of light Inertial reference frame It is the maximum speed of the object movement. because Relativistic effect , the length of the moving object will become shorter Time dilation However, due to the problems encountered in daily life, Movement speed Both are very low (compared with the speed of light), and there is no relativistic effect. [15]
Einstein in Space-time view Based on the radical change of Relativistic mechanics It is pointed out that the mass increases with the increase of speed. When the speed approaches the speed of light, the mass tends to infinity. He also gave the famous Mass energy relation E=mc^2 , the mass energy relation has a significant influence on the atomic energy The cause played a guiding role.
General relativity
In 1905, after Einstein published his first article on special relativity (i.e《 On Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies 》), did not immediately cause a great response. But Germany physical scientist Plonk Having noticed his article, he thought that Einstein's work could be comparable to Copernicus. It was just because of Planck's promotion that relativity soon became the subject of research and discussion, and Einstein was also noticed by the academic community. [15]
The solar eclipse on May 29, 1919, photographed by Arthur Eddington
In 1907, Einstein followed his friend's advice and submitted the famous paper application federal As an extra lecturer in the University of Technology, I got the reply that I could not understand the thesis. Although Einstein is very famous in German physics Switzerland However, he could not get a teaching post in a university, and many famous people began to complain for him. In 1908, Einstein finally got the position of a non editorial lecturer, and became an associate professor the next year. In 1912, Einstein became a professor. In 1913, he was invited by Planck to serve as the newly established Emperor William Institute of Physics Director and University of Berlin Professor.
In 1907, Einstein wrote a long article on the special theory of relativity, "On the principle of relativity and the conclusions drawn therefrom", in which Einstein first mentioned Principle of equivalence After that, Einstein's thought on the principle of equivalence continued to develop. He used Inertial mass and Gravitational mass directly proportional natural law As the basis of the equivalence principle, it is proposed that the uniform gravitational field Completely replaceable Accelerated motion The reference system of. Einstein also proposed Closed box The statement that an observer in a closed box can not determine whether he is stationary in a gravitational field or in a space where there is no gravitational field but is accelerating, no matter what method he uses. This is the most commonly used statement to explain the principle of equivalence, and the equality of inertial mass and gravitational mass is a natural corollary of the principle of equivalence. [14]
In November 1915, Einstein submitted four papers to the Prussian Academy of Sciences, in which he put forward new ideas and proved that Mercury Perihelion Of Precession , and gives the correct Gravitational field equation So far, the basic problems of general relativity have been solved, and general relativity was born.
In 1916, Einstein completed a long paper, "The Foundation of General Relativity". In this article, Einstein first referred to the former theory of relativity applicable to the inertial system as the special theory of relativity, and called the principle that only the physical laws of the inertial system also hold true as Principle of special relativity And further describes General relativity principle The laws of physics must be valid for the reference system moving in any way. [14]
The significance of relativity: Special relativity and General relativity It has been a long time since its establishment. It has withstood the test of practice and history and is a truth universally recognized by people. Relativity for Modern Physics The development of modern human thought has a tremendous impact. Relativity is logically unified Classical physics To make classical physics a perfect scientific system. Special relativity Unified on the basis of the principle of special relativity Newtonian mechanics and Maxwell electrodynamics Two systems, point out that they are subject to Principle of special relativity , are covariant to Lorentz transformation, Newtonian mechanics It is just a good approximation of the law of the object moving at low speed. General relativity On the basis of the generalized covariant, the relationship between the local inertial length and the universal reference coefficient is established through the principle of equivalence, and the generalized covariant forms of all physical laws are obtained, and the generalized covariant Gravitational theory Newton's theory of gravity is only its First order approximation This has fundamentally solved the problem that physics was limited to inertial frames before, and logically got a reasonable arrangement. Relativity strictly examines the basic concepts of time, space, matter and motion, and gives a scientific and systematic view of time and space and matter, thus making physics a perfect scientific system in logic. [14]
Special relativity The motion law of the object at high speed is given, and the Mass and energy Correspondingly, the mass energy relationship is given. These two achievements have a great impact on the Macroscopic object Not obvious, but in the study Microparticle But it shows extreme importance. Because the motion speed of microscopic particles is generally fast, some close to or even reach the speed of light, the physics of particles cannot be separated from the theory of relativity. The mass energy relation not only creates necessary conditions for the establishment and development of quantum theory, but also Nuclear physics The development and application of. [14]
For these new concepts introduced by Einstein, most physicists on earth at that time, including relativity Founder of transformation relationship Lorentz , they all found it hard to accept. Some even said that "only two and a half people in the world knew relativity at that time". The obstacles of the old way of thinking made this new physical theory not known to physicists until a generation later Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences In 1922 The nobel prize in physics When awarded to Einstein, he simply said, "Because he had Theoretical physics Because he discovered photoelectric effect " Einstein's theory of relativity was not mentioned in his Nobel Prize for Physics. (Note: relativity No Nobel Prize , an important reason is that there is still a lack of a large number of facts.) [14]
photoelectric effect
Einstein's "Dadaism" photo
In 1905, Einstein put forward the photon hypothesis and successfully explained the photoelectric effect, so he was awarded 1921 The nobel prize in physics [2] [14] [16]
Light irradiation on metal causes changes in the electrical properties of the material. This kind of light to electricity phenomenon is collectively called photoelectric effect (Photoelectric effect)。 [2]
Photoelectric effect is divided into Photoelectron emission Photoconductive effect and Photovoltaic effect The former phenomenon occurs on the surface of objects, also known as External photoelectric effect The latter two phenomena occur inside the object, called Internal photoelectric effect [14]
Hertz discovered the photoelectric effect in 1887, and Einstein was the first to successfully explain the photoelectric effect (metal surface Irradiation Under the effect of emitting electrons, the emitted electrons are called photoelectrons). Light wavelength is less than a certain critical value The electrons can only be emitted when the wavelength is limited, and the corresponding light frequency is called Limiting frequency The critical value depends on Metallic materials And the energy of emitted electrons depends on the wavelength of light light intensity It doesn't matter. This can't be used up Volatility Explain. Another point contradicts the fluctuation of light, that is, the photoelectric effect Instantaneous , according to the volatility theory, if incident light Weak, the irradiation time should be longer, so that the electrons in the metal can accumulate enough energy and fly out of the metal surface. But the fact is that as long as the frequency of light is higher than the limit frequency of metal, the brightness of light, no matter how strong or weak, photon The generation of is almost instantaneous, no more than ten seconds to the negative ninth power. The correct explanation is that light must be composed of strictly specified energy units (i.e. photons or photons) related to wavelength. [2]
In the photoelectric effect, the emission direction of electrons is not completely directional, but most of them are emitted perpendicular to the metal surface, independent of the light direction. Light is electromagnetic wave, but light is High frequency oscillation Orthogonal electromagnetic field, amplitude Very small, it will not affect the direction of electron emission. [14]
Einstein wrote mass energy equation
E=mc², Law of indestructibility of matter It means that the quality of matter is immortal; conservation of energy It is the conservation of energy of matter. [16]
Although these two great laws have been discovered one after another, people think that they are two unrelated laws that explain different natural laws. Some people even think that the law of immortality of matter is a Chemical law The law of conservation of energy is Laws of physics They belong to different scientific categories. [17]
Einstein believed that the mass of matter is a measure of inertia, and energy is a measure of motion; Energy and mass are not isolated from each other, but interrelated and inseparable. The change of object mass will cause the corresponding change of energy; The change of object energy will also cause the corresponding change of mass. [17]
In special relativity, Einstein proposed the famous mass energy formula: E=mc ^ 2 (where E represents energy, m represents how much mass, and c represents the speed of light, Approximate value 3 × 10 ^ 8m/s, which means that energy can be created by reducing mass). [14]
Einstein's Mass energy relation The formula correctly explains various nuclear reactions: take helium 4 (He4), its nucleus is composed of two protons and two neutrons. Normally, the mass of helium 4 nucleus is equal to the sum of the mass of two protons and two neutrons. In fact, this arithmetic doesn't hold true mass ratio The sum of two protons and two neutrons is 0.0302 u less( Atomic mass unit )! Why is this? Because when two deuterium [d à o] nuclei (each Deuteron They all contain 1 proton and 1 neutron), which will release a lot of atomic energy when they are aggregated into a helium 4 nucleus. Generate 1 g helium4 Atomic time , about 2.7 × 10 ^ 12 will be released joule Of atomic energy. Because of this, the mass of helium 4 nucleus is reduced. [16]
This example vividly illustrates that when two deuterium nuclei converge to one helium 4 nucleus, it seems that the mass is not conserved, that is, the mass of helium 4 nucleus is not equal to the sum of the masses of the two deuterium nuclei. However, using the formula of mass energy relationship, the mass lost by the helium 4 atomic nucleus happens to be equal to that due to Reaction time Mass reduced by the release of atomic energy. [17]
From a new height, Einstein clarified the essence of the law of eternal matter and the law of conservation of energy, pointed out the close relationship between the two laws, and further deepened human understanding of nature. [14]
When Einstein put forward the theory of relativity, he once defined the cosmological constant (to explain that the density of matter is not zero Static universe He introduced an equation with Metric tensor The proportional item is represented by the symbol ∧. This Proportional constant Very small, in Galaxy The scale range is negligible. Only on the cosmic scale can Λ be meaningful, so it is called the cosmological constant. The so-called Antigravity ) into his equation. He believes that there is an anti gravity that can Gravitational equilibrium , making the universe finite and static. When Hubble will Expanding universe Of Astronomical observation When the result was shown to Einstein, Einstein said: "This is the biggest mistake I have made in my life." [14]
The universe is expanding. Hubble and others believed that antigravity does not exist, and the intergalactic gravitation makes the expansion speed slower and slower. There is a twisting force between galaxies, which promotes the expansion of the universe, namely dark energy. Seven billion years ago, they "defeated" dark matter and became masters of the universe. The latest research shows that according to the mass composition (only the actual mass, not the Virtual matter )It is calculated that dark matter and dark energy account for 96% of the universe. It seems that the universe will continue to accelerate its expansion until it disintegrates and dies. (There are also other arguments, which are controversial). Although the cosmological constant exists, the value of anti gravity far exceeds gravity. Linde said interestingly, "I finally understand why he (Einstein) likes this theory so much and still studies the cosmological constant many years later. The cosmological constant is still one of the biggest questions in modern physics." [14]
Einstein was the pioneer of the concept of quantum field. [42]

Ideological influence

In 1930, Einstein proposed Einstein's educational philosophy [3]
"Every child has an inborn curiosity, but it disappeared very early." Einstein expressed his own views on education as early as 1930 in a conversation. Einstein was not an educator, but he had extraordinary insight and foresight on education. He said, "I don't have any special talent, but I have a very strong curiosity."
"Knowledge is not power, but curiosity for knowledge is power", Einstein Educational concept , recognized and respected by German educational circles. "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Imagination summarizes everything in the world!" Knowledge is a child's curiosity through his own understanding of the outside world, further exerting his imagination, and finally getting the answer through his own understanding, which is also the cultivation of self-learning ability. Educators who advocate German Einstein's educational philosophy also believe that to cultivate children's curiosity, first of all, we should understand children's natural nature, and let children know their world in the form of play education. [1]
Einstein and a friend of his
Einstein's educational philosophy emphasizes that learning is a happy process. Cultivating children's interest in learning and focusing on the process of learning can constantly stimulate children's motivation to seek knowledge. Therefore, create loose, free and harmonious learning environment It can increase children's learning fun, thus stimulating their ability to think about problems. Too many complicated subjects and tasks will only increase children's burden, which will do great harm Independent thinking The development of their ability even makes them hate learning. Einstein once mentioned that education should be a precious gift for children, not a hard task. The duty of the school is to train people to be an individual who can think independently and develop independently, not an expert. Professional knowledge can only make people become a useful machine, but not a person who can develop harmoniously. [1]

Historical evaluation

General comment: Einstein is one of the most creative talents in human history. In his life, he created four fields of physics: Special relativity General relativity cosmology and Unified field theory He is one of the main creators of quantum theory Theory of molecular motion And quantum statistical theory. Einstein is the greatest scientist and thinker in the 20th century. His Scientific thinking , Philosophy( Philosophy of science Social philosophy Philosophy of life )Ideas are insightful and extraordinary. Einstein's contribution to modern physics is unmatched. In his scientific career, he has always been assiduously searching for universal and constant laws in the field of physics. His theory covers all the basic problems of nature, from the universe to the small Subatomic particle He revised the traditional concepts of time and space, energy and matter. His theory of relativity has not only impacted the theoretical system of classical physics since Newton, but also changed the traditional space Time concept Einstein created Modern science and technology new era , recognized as the successor Galileo And the greatest after Newton physical scientist [1-5]
Tagore Einstein is often called a lonely man. The field of mathematical imagination helps to free the spirit from the numerous worldly things. In this sense, I think he is really a lonely person. His philosophy can be called a transcendental materialism This philosophy has reached the forefront of metaphysics, where the entanglement of the self world can be completely cut off. For me, science and art are both expressions of our nature. They are higher than our biological needs Ultimate value [34]
 Einstein Einstein Einstein Einstein Einstein
Yang Zhenning Among the three major contributions of physics in the 20th century, two and a half were made by Einstein. [19]
Hawking In the past 100 years, the world has experienced unprecedented changes. The reason is not politics, nor economy, but science and technology - directly from advanced Basic scientific research Science and technology. No other scientist can represent the advancement of this science more than Einstein. [35]
Einstein's old age
Li Xingmin Einstein is another peak standing in front of us. His thoughts are like a symbiotic mine with a wide range of categories and high taste, which contains rich spiritual treasure. Although many people of insight have successively carried out valuable exploration and mining, as long as they change a new perspective of exploration, or dig deeper in the original place, they will often have unexpected discoveries and gains. It seems that Einstein's wealth of ideas is inexhaustible. [20]
Fang Zaiqing Albert Einstein is a person that almost everyone knows but does not know Big scientist As a scientist, Einstein was undoubtedly the most influential person in the 20th century. [30]
Isaacson: He is kind and detached, brilliant and a bit confused. With an absent-minded and cynical Sense of humor Einstein drifted everywhere and became a family. He is honest about his shortcomings and mistakes, and sometimes (but not always) he is really as naive as he seems. He is concerned not only about the fate of the whole human race, but also about specific people. His focus on the truth of the universe and world issues made him seem not to care much about the things in front of him. No one should give up for the sake of the country Personal freedom [40]

Anecdotes and allusions


academic record

On October 8, 2020, Nobel Prize The official released Einstein's transcript when he was studying at a high school in Arau, Switzerland in 1896. In the scoring standards at that time, 6 points were the highest score and 1 point was the lowest score. According to the transcript, Einstein's achievements in algebra, geometry Projective geometry 6 points for physics and history, German Language and Literature , Italian language and literature natural history 5 points for subjects such as chemistry, 4 points for geography, painting and industrial drawing, and the worst is French Language and Literature , only 3 points. In general, Einstein's achievements were outstanding in high school, and he was good in both literature and science. Later, he entered Switzerland with excellent results top-level University Zurich Federal Institute of Technology [28]

The secret of success

Einstein often tells people that learning time is a constant, but its efficiency is a variable. It is unwise to pursue learning time alone. The most important thing is to improve learning efficiency He believed that only through cultural and sports activities can we gain sufficient energy and keep a clear mind. Einstein also summarized a formula, A=X+Y+Z, according to his own experience. A means success, X means correct method, Y means hard work, Z means less nonsense. He summarized the content of this formula into two sentences: Work and rest are the steps to success. Cherishing time is an important condition for success. [21]

Great people

Einstein likes humorists very much Chaplin Works. He once praised Chaplin in his letter that he would become a great man. Chaplin replied, "I should praise you more. Few people in the world can understand your theory of relativity, and you have become a great man." [21]

Support for the restoration of the country

In the spring of 1921, Zionist Movement leader Weizmann Come to the United States, take the initiative to invite Einstein to go with him, and fully mobilize the Jewish big boss in the United States to pay for and support Jerusalem Of Hebrew University and Israel Of Zionist Movement In order to cooperate with his old friend's Zionist movement, two years later, Einstein came to the important place of the Zionist movement he longed for Tel Aviv City. stay Skops Mountain Einstein had a hard time using Hebrew He delivered an important speech to express his strong support for the Zionist movement. In Einstein's view, " arab The establishment of normal relations among the people is undoubtedly "the most important political goal of the Zionist movement" [29]

Refusal to elect President

On November 9, 1952, Einstein's old friend Weizman, the first president of Israel, died. The day before that, the Israeli ambassador to the United States conveyed to Einstein Prime Minister of Israel A letter from Ben Gurion formally proposed Einstein as the presidential candidate of the Republic of Israel.
Einstein was indeed moved by the kindness of his compatriots, but he thought more about how to politely refuse the ambassador and the Israeli government without disappointing them or embarrassing them. Soon after, Einstein made a statement in the newspaper and officially refused to take office President of Israel In Einstein's view, "It's not easy to be president." At the same time, he quoted his own words again: "Equations are more important to me, because politics is for the present, but equations are an eternal thing." [29]

religious belief

Before his death, Einstein left his house at 112 Mercherrain Street in Princeton to his secretary, Miss Ducas, who had worked with him for decades, and stressed that "this house should not be turned into a museum." He did not want to turn Mercherrain Street into a pilgrimage site. He did not worship the personified God all his life, nor did he hope that future people would worship him as a god. The God Delusion 》A book is a record of his belief in ridiculing the idea of a personified God. Here is the summary of the book.
Since Einstein's death, more and more religious defenders have tried to claim Einstein as one of them for understandable purposes. But the religious disciples of Einstein's time did not think so. In 1940, Einstein wrote a famous paper to defend his proposition that "I do not believe in a personal god". This and other similar statements provoked a storm of angry letters from orthodox and conservative religious figures, many of whom alluded to Einstein's Jewish origin.
The latter serves the world Christian Union American Roman Catholic lawyer wrote to Einstein:
We deeply regret your statement... You laughed at the idea of a personal god in your statement. In the past 10 years, it is surprising that Hitler had some reason to expel Jews from Germany; It is also surprising that you should make such a statement. Even though I admit that you have the right to freedom of expression, I still want to say that your statement has made you one of the most important fuse for creating conflicts in the United States.
U.S.A Kansas City "It is sad that a person from the race mentioned in the Old Testament and its teachings denies the great tradition of that race," said the Roman Catholic Bishop of the Catholic Church clergy They also agreed: "Except for a personal god, there is no other god... Einstein did not know what he was talking about. He was totally wrong. Some people think that because they have achieved high academic achievements in a certain field, they are qualified to express their views in all fields.
Albert Einstein: "I believe in Spinoza. He shows the order and harmony of the universe, not the God who will interfere with human destiny and behavior."
Einstein: "This belief suddenly stopped when I was 12 years old. After reading popular science books, I soon believed that many stories in the Bible could not be true. [18]

interpersonal relationship


Parents and sister

Einstein's interpersonal relationship
full name
Hermann Einstein
August 30, 1847
Pauline Koch
February 8, 1858
younger sister
November 18, 1881
Mileva Elsa/Mileva Malik
Reference source: [10-11] [22]

Wife and children

Einstein and His First Wife Maleva Maric There was an unmarried illegitimate daughter, Liselle Einstein (missing), but between 1903 and 1919 Einstein married Mileva, who later gave birth to two sons for Einstein Hans Einstein and Eduard Einstein [1] [22-24]
Einstein and his second wife, Elsa Einstein
Einstein's second son Edward suffered from schizophrenia due to the influence of Mileva's family heredity and never married. [22] [24] The eldest son, Hans Einstein, is Berkeley University of California He has four children, the eldest son Bernhard Caesar Einstein He was an engineer, his second son Klaus Martin Einstein (1932-1938), his third son David Einstein (died prematurely), and his adopted daughter Evelyn Einstein [23] [25] Bernhard Kaiser Einstein had five children, the youngest of whom, Thomas Einstein, became a doctor, and Paul Einstein was Violinist [26] Einstein's grandson Bernhard Kaiser Einstein's letter records that his grandfather Einstein's most treasured objects are violin and pipe.
Einstein's second wife, Elsa Einstein, was his cousin and also his elder female cousin Because their mother was Sister in law Their great grandfather was Rupert Einstein. [1] [27] This marriage lasted from 1919 to 1936 when Elsa Einstein died. [27]

Commemoration for future generations


Social aspects

From 1965 to 1978, the United States Post Office issued a set of "Famous Americans" series stamps, including Einstein, with a face value of 8 cents.
1990《 times 》The magazine named Einstein as the man of the 20th century.
The year 2005 marks the 100th anniversary of Einstein's miracle year. The German government engraved Einstein's political motto "The country is established for people, but people do not live for the country" on the government On the building [31] May 16, Germany Berlin The exhibition "Einstein, the Engineer of the Universe" was held. [32] The International Union of Pure and Applied Physics designated 2005 as the International Year of Physics. On July 16, China held the "Einstein: The Great Master of the Universe" photo exhibition. [32]
In 2008, Einstein entered the United States New Jersey Hall of Fame. [33]
On May 31, 2010, the world's largest Einstein exhibition was held for the first time in Beijing Hold?
Washington National Academy of Sciences There is a bronze statue of Einstein on the Constitutional Avenue in the southwest corner of the National Academy of Sciences. [31]

Scientific aspects

In August 1955, four months after Einstein's death, element 99 was named "Einstein" to commemorate Einstein's contribution.
Found on March 5, 1973 Asteroid 2001 Was named Einstein.
November 13, 1978 X-ray Observation satellite HEAO-2 launch; On March 14, 1979, HEAO-2 was named after Einstein to commemorate his 100th birthday. [31]