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Explosive deafness

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Disease name
Jiang Zidong (Deputy Chief Physician) Department of Otolaryngology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital
Sun Chengcheng (Resident physician) Department of Otolaryngology, Beijing Electric Power Hospital
also called Intermittent pulse noise damage , which is caused by the damage of impulse noise to the auditory organs. It is often accompanied by pressure waves, which often causes acute damage to the auditory organs, such as tympanic membrane congestion, bleeding or perforation, middle ear ossicles fracture The damage of inner ear tissue, Corti organ and hair cell, the displacement of tectum and the tear of basement membrane lead to hearing loss of different degrees, even total deafness.
Foreign name
explosive deafness
Intermittent pulse noise damage
Visiting department
Common location
organ of hearing
Common causes
Caused by the damage of impulse noise (or pressure wave) to auditory organs
common symptom
Hearing loss, tinnitus, earache, dizziness, ear canal bleeding, otitis media, etc
Chinese name
Explosive deafness


Detonation hearing loss Explosive deafness It is caused by the damage of impulse noise (or pressure wave) to the hearing organ. High intensity impulse noise, often accompanied by pressure waves, often causes acute damage to the auditory organs, which may lead to tympanic membrane congestion, bleeding or perforation, middle ear ossicles fracture The damage of inner ear tissue, Corti organ and hair cell, the displacement of tectum and the tear of basement membrane lead to hearing loss of different degrees, even total deafness. The damage degree of middle ear and inner ear caused by detonation is not parallel, and is related to the peak sound pressure level, duration and repeated exposure times of pulse sound. Generally, when the peak sound pressure level is large, the middle ear is easy to be damaged. The peak sound pressure level is not large, but the duration is long, or the repeated exposure times are many, which is easy to damage the inner ear.

clinical manifestation

Explosive hearing loss, most of which are asymmetric acute injuries, often accompanied by hearing loss tinnitus Earache, dizziness and other symptoms. Those with torn eardrum may have ear canal bleeding, which is generally small and can be stopped naturally. If secondary infection occurs, it may lead to tympanitis


1. Otoscopy
Tympanic membrane congestion, bleeding, perforation or rupture can be seen.
2. Pure tone audiometry
Same as noise induced hearing loss.


1. Simplicity Perforation of tympanic membrane Prevent water from entering the ear canal. Do not drip or flush.
two Perforation of tympanic membrane For those complicated with infection and purulent discharge, use antibiotics or ear drops according to tympanitis treatment.
three Perforation of tympanic membrane Those who do not heal spontaneously for 3-6 months should be repaired.
4. If there is an acute sound loss injury, the noise exposure should be stopped as soon as possible, and a small amount of glucocorticoid and neurotrophic drugs should be given. If there is permanent hearing loss, drug treatment should be given for 1 to 3 months.


1. Evaluate the safety limit of impulse noise and shock wave to the operator's hearing organ.
2. Personal hearing protection The impulse noise and pressure wave generated by weapon launch or explosion cannot be controlled by engineering generally, so hearing protectors can be worn.
3. Check your hearing regularly.