Fuel cell vehicle

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Green new environment-friendly vehicle
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Fuel cell vehicles can also be counted as electric vehicles, but you can fill the battery with fuel in five minutes instead of waiting for hours to fully charge. Fuel cell vehicles are also electric vehicles, but the "battery" is a hydrogen oxygen hybrid fuel cell. Compared with ordinary chemical cells, fuel cells can supplement fuel, usually hydrogen. Some fuel cells can use methane and gasoline as fuel, but they are usually limited to power plants, forklifts and other industrial fields.
In July 2023, Shanghai recently issued the "Plan for the Promotion and Application of Hydrogen Energy in the Transportation Field in Shanghai (2023-2025)", proposing to focus on the development of heavy trucks, public transportation, cold chain, non road mobile machinery and other application scenarios, and strive to achieve a total of more than 10000 demonstration fuel cell vehicles by 2025. [2]
Chinese name
Fuel cell vehicle
Foreign name
Fuel cell vehicles (FCV)
Green new environment-friendly vehicle
Materials used
Methanol, natural gas, gasoline, etc
Technical advantages
Nearly zero emissions, reduced water pollution, etc
development direction
Ultra mini vehicles, pure electric vehicles, etc

brief introduction

fuel cell Vehicle (FCV) is a kind of vehicle powered by electricity generated by on-board fuel cell devices. The fuel used in the on-board fuel cell device is high-purity hydrogen or hydrogen containing reforming gas obtained from reforming hydrogen containing fuel. Compared with ordinary electric vehicles, the difference in power is that the power used by FCV comes from the on-board fuel cell device, and the power used by electric vehicles comes from the battery charged by the free grid. Therefore, the key of FCV is fuel cell.
Fuel cell is an efficient power generation device that does not burn fuel but directly converts the chemical energy of fuel into electrical energy by means of electrochemical reaction. The basic principle of power generation is as follows: the anode (fuel electrode) of the battery inputs hydrogen (fuel), the hydrogen molecule (H2) is dissociated into hydrogen ion (H+) and electron (e -) under the action of anode catalyst, H+moves towards the cathode (oxide electrode) through the electrolyte layer of the fuel cell, and e flows from an external circuit to the cathode because it cannot pass through the electrolyte layer; When oxygen (O2) is fed into the cathode of the battery, the oxygen dissociates into oxygen atoms (O) under the action of the cathode catalyst, combines with the e - flowing to the cathode through the external circuit and the H+passing through the electrolyte to generate water (H2O) with stable structure, and completes the electrochemical reaction to release heat. This electrochemical reaction is completely different from the violent combustion reaction of hydrogen in oxygen. As long as the anode continuously inputs hydrogen and the cathode continuously inputs oxygen, the electrochemical reaction will continue continuously, and e - will continuously flow through the external circuit to form current, thus continuously providing power to the car. It is also completely different from the traditional rotating mechanical power generation principle of cutting magnetic lines of force by conductors. This electrochemical reaction belongs to a static power generation mode in which power is obtained without movement of objects. Therefore, the fuel cell has the advantages of high efficiency, low noise, no pollutant emission, etc., which ensures that FCV becomes a truly efficient and clean vehicle.
In order to meet the use requirements of vehicles, vehicle fuel cells must also have the characteristics of high specific energy, low operating temperature, fast start, no leakage, etc. Among many types of fuel cells, proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) fully have these characteristics, so the fuel cells used by FCVs are all PEMFCs.

working principle

The working principle of fuel cell vehicles is that hydrogen In the fuel cell carried by the vehicle, it reacts with oxygen in the atmosphere to produce electric energy To drive the motor to work, the motor drives the mechanical transmission structure in the car, and then drives the front axle (or rear axle) and other walking mechanical structures of the car to work, so as to drive the electric vehicle forward.
7 Core component: fuel cell. The reaction result of fuel cell will produce very little carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides, and the by-product mainly produces water, so it is called green new type environmental protection Automobile. Fuel cell vehicles are electric vehicle One of the core components of fuel cell Through the chemical action of hydrogen and oxygen, rather than through combustion, it directly becomes electric power.
Figure 2
Hydrogen fuel for fuel cell vehicles can be obtained in several ways. Some vehicles carry pure hydrogen fuel directly, while others may be equipped with fuel reformers, which can convert hydrocarbon fuel into hydrogen rich gas. A single fuel cell must be combined into a fuel cell pack to obtain the necessary power and meet the requirements of vehicle use. Figure 2 is the schematic diagram of fuel cell body of fuel cell vehicle.


Compared with traditional vehicles, fuel cell vehicles are different from traditional internal combustion engine driven vehicles in structure and power transmission, which puts forward new requirements for the overall design of vehicles. The engine transmission powertrain of traditional internal combustion engine vehicles no longer exists in fuel cell vehicles. Instead, fuel cell reactors, batteries, hydrogen tanks, motors, DC/DC converters and other equipment are used. The braking system and suspension also change accordingly. Therefore, according to the characteristics of fuel cell vehicles, corresponding changes and improvements should be made in the design. Fuel Battery The automobile has the following advantages:
1. Zero or near zero emissions.
2. The water pollution caused by oil leakage is reduced.
3. It has reduced greenhouse gas emissions.
4. Improved fuel economy.
5. The combustion efficiency of the engine is improved.
6. Stable operation without noise.
The characteristics of fuel cell vehicles are as follows:

Chassis layout

The fuel cell power assembly includes: hydrogen tank assembly, battery assembly, fuel cell stack assembly, power take-off system assembly, etc. Among them, hydrogen storage tanks are generally placed in the middle of the chassis or the space below the rear seats (the fuel tank position of traditional diesel cars) to store hydrogen tanks in a decentralized manner. In addition to the fuel cell power assembly, the vehicle brake assembly, front and rear suspension assemblies and tires should also be adjusted and tested accordingly. Especially with the development of hub motor technology, fuel cell vehicles have a new choice in the placement of the motor, which increases the internal space of the vehicle. The driving force of each electric wheel can also be directly controlled to improve the driving performance of the vehicle under harsh road conditions. The chassis layout shall evenly distribute most of the loads at the front and rear ends of the chassis, reduce the overall center of gravity of the vehicle, make the car have good handling performance, and improve the overall safety of the vehicle.

management system

The power system of fuel cell vehicles generally consists of proton exchange membrane fuel cells, batteries, motors and system control equipment. The electric energy generated by the fuel cell is transformed by the DC/DC converter, DC/AC inverter, etc., which drives the operation of the motor, converts the electric energy into mechanical energy, and provides power for the vehicle. In some key components, such as proton exchange membrane fuel cells and batteries, their thermal characteristics and heat transfer properties are very different from those of traditional vehicles, which puts forward new goals and requirements for water and heat management of fuel cell vehicles.

electronic control

Like traditional vehicles, electronic control will also play an increasingly important role in the development of fuel cell vehicles. All kinds of automobile control systems will develop in the direction of electronization and electrification, realizing "line control", that is, replacing mechanical transmission mechanism with wires, such as "wire braking", "wire steering", etc; The existing 12V power supply can not meet the needs of all electrical systems on the vehicle. The implementation of the new standard of 42V automotive electrical system will make the automotive electrical appliances zero
Major changes have taken place in the design and structure of components, and mechanical relays and fuse protection circuits will also be eliminated. At the same time, the characteristics of fuel cells have their own characteristics:
a. Low voltage and high current;
b. The output current will increase with the increase of temperature, and the output voltage will decrease with the increase of output current;
c. From the beginning of output voltage and current to gradually entering a stable state, the dynamic response time staying in the transition zone is longer. Because of the above characteristics, most electrical appliances and motors are difficult to adapt to their voltage characteristics, so they must be used together with DC/DC converters and DC/AC inverters, and a large amount of power regulation is required for the fuel cell system to ensure voltage stability.
(1) When the output power of the fuel cell is greater than the demand of the vehicle, the excess power can charge the battery, and the battery can provide power for the auxiliary system when the power system starts;
(2) When the power of the fuel cell cannot meet the requirements of vehicle acceleration and climbing, the battery can provide additional power to be used together with the fuel cell.
Therefore, the vehicle can use 42V auxiliary power supply to independently provide power for various electronic and electrical equipment. Due to the essential difference in driving mode between fuel cell vehicles and traditional internal combustion engine vehicles, the design of fuel cell vehicles in chassis layout, hydrothermal management, electronic control and many other aspects is also very different.

key technology

Key energy and power technologies of electric vehicles include Battery technology Motor technology, controller technology Battery technology, motor technology and controller technology are unique to electric vehicles, and these three technologies have also been the key factors restricting the large-scale entry of electric vehicles into the market.

Battery technology

Battery is the power source of electric vehicle, and also the key factor restricting the development of electric vehicle. The main performance indicators of batteries for electric vehicles are specific energy (E), energy density (Ed), specific power (P), cycle life (L) and cost (C). To make electric vehicles compete with fuel vehicles, the key is to develop high-efficiency batteries with high specific energy, high specific power and long service life.
After three generations of development, batteries for electric vehicles have made breakthroughs.
The first generation is lead-acid battery. At present, it is mainly valve regulated lead-acid battery (VRLA). Because of its high specific energy, low price and high rate of discharge, it is the only battery for electric vehicles that can be produced in large quantities.
The second generation is alkaline battery, mainly including nickel cadmium, nickel hydrogen, sodium sulfur, lithium ion and lithium polymer batteries. Its specific energy and specific power are higher than those of lead-acid batteries, which greatly improves the power performance and driving range of electric vehicles, but its price is higher than that of lead-acid batteries.
The third generation is a fuel cell based battery. The fuel cell directly converts the chemical energy of the fuel into electrical energy. It has high energy conversion efficiency, high specific energy and specific power, and can control the reaction process. The energy conversion process can be continuous. Therefore, the ideal automotive battery is still in the development stage, and some key technologies need to be broken through.
The fuel cell widely used in electric vehicles is a kind of fuel cell called proton exchange membrane (PEMFC). It uses pure hydrogen as the fuel and air as the oxidant. It does not go through the thermal engine process and is not limited by the thermal cycle. Therefore, the energy conversion efficiency is high, which is 2-3 times the thermal efficiency of ordinary internal combustion engines. At the same time, it also has the characteristics of low noise, pollution-free, long life, fast start, high specific power and output power can be adjusted at any time, which makes PEMFC very suitable for use as a power source of vehicles.

Motor technology

The drive motor of electric vehicle is an essential key component of all electric vehicles. The most frequently used ones are DC brush Permanent magnet brushless AC induction and Switched Reluctance 4 types of motors.
DC brush The motor has simple structure, mature technology, and excellent electromagnetic torque control characteristics unmatched by AC motors. So until the mid-1980s, it was still the main research and development object of electric vehicle motors at home and abroad. However, due to the high price, large volume and quality of DC motor, its application in electric vehicles is limited.
Permanent magnet brushless Motors can be divided into square wave driven brushless DC motor system (BLD-CM) and sine wave driven brushless DC motor system (PMSM, It is currently a research and development hotspot of electric vehicle motors. This kind of motor has high energy density and efficiency, small size, low inertia and fast response, which is very suitable for the drive system of electric vehicles, and has excellent application prospects. However, the price is relatively expensive, and the permanent magnetic material is generally only heat-resistant below 12c=0I. At present, electric vehicles developed in Japan mainly use this motor.
AC induction The motor is also a kind of motor that was earlier used for driving electric vehicles. Its speed regulation control technology is relatively mature, and it has the advantages of simple structure, small volume, small mass, low cost, reliable operation, small torque ripple, low noise, high speed limit and no position sensor. However, due to the small speed control range and unsatisfactory torque characteristics, it is not suitable for frequent starting Electric vehicles with frequent acceleration and deceleration. Electric vehicles developed in the United States and Europe mostly use this motor.
Switched Reluctance The motor (SRM) has the advantages of simplicity and reliability, efficient operation in a wide speed and torque range, flexible control, 4-quadrant operation, fast response speed and low cost. However, in practical application, SRM has some disadvantages, such as large torque fluctuation, large noise, and the need for position detector, so its application is limited.
Each of the four motors has its advantages and disadvantages. However, for electric vehicles, because the electric energy is provided by various batteries, which is expensive and precious, it is more reasonable to use the permanent magnet brushless motor with the highest relative efficiency. It has been widely used in modern electric vehicles with power less than 100kW.
In foreign countries, more and more electric vehicles have adopted electric wheels (also known as hub motors) with advanced performance, which use motors (mostly permanent magnet brushless) to directly drive the wheels, so there is no complex mechanical transmission components such as transmission, transmission shaft, drive axle, etc. of traditional vehicles, and the vehicle structure is greatly simplified. However, it requires that the motor has a large torque at low speed, especially for military off-road vehicles, the base speed of the motor: maximum speed=1:10. In recent years, the United States, Britain, France, Germany and other countries have applied the electric wheel technology to military off-road vehicles and light tanks, and achieved significant results.

Controller technology

Controller technology The speed change and direction change of the motor is completed by the motor speed control device. Its principle is to control the driving torque and rotation direction of the motor by controlling the voltage and current of the motor. At present, thyristor chopping speed regulation is widely used in electric vehicles. It realizes stepless speed regulation of motors by uniformly changing the terminal voltage of motors and controlling the current of motors. With the continuous development of electronic power technology, it is also gradually replaced by other power transistors (such as GTO, MOSFET, BTR and IGBT) chopper speed regulating devices. From the perspective of technology development, with the application of new drive motors, it will become an inevitable trend for the speed control of electric vehicles to be transformed into the application of DC inverter technology.
In the rotation direction transformation control of the drive motor, the DC motor relies on the contactor to change the current direction of the armature or magnetic field to realize the rotation direction transformation of the motor, which makes the control circuit complex and reduces the reliability. When AC asynchronous motor is used for driving, the change of motor rotation direction only needs to change the phase sequence of the three-phase current of the magnetic field, which can simplify the control circuit. In addition, the use of AC motor and its frequency conversion speed regulation control technology makes the brake energy recovery control of electric vehicles more convenient and the control circuit more simple.
Since the 21st century, almost all electric vehicles driven by induction motors have adopted vector control and direct torque control. Vector control includes maximum efficiency control and speed sensorless vector control. The former is to make the excitation current change with the motor parameters and load conditions, so as to minimize the loss and maximize the efficiency of the motor; The latter uses motor voltage, current and motor parameters to estimate the speed without speed sensor, so as to simplify the system, reduce costs and improve reliability. Direct torque control overcomes the decoupling problem in vector control, transforms rotor flux orientation into stator flux orientation, and achieves the purpose of torque control by controlling the amplitude of stator flux linkage and the angle between this vector and rotor flux linkage. Direct torque control is very suitable for the control of electric vehicles because of its direct control means, simple structure, excellent control performance and rapid dynamic response.
With the development of motor and drive system, the control system tends to be intelligent and digital. Variable structure control, fuzzy control, neural network, adaptive control, expert system, genetic algorithm and other nonlinear intelligent control technologies will be applied to the motor control system of electric vehicles individually or in combination. Their application will make the system simple in structure, fast in response, strong in anti-interference ability, robust in parameter changes, and can greatly improve the overall performance of the whole system.

Research status at home and abroad

With the increasingly prominent environmental and energy problems, new energy vehicles have become the research focus of major automobile manufacturers and R&D institutions in the world. Among them, fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) are generally considered to have broad prospects for development because of their high efficiency and near zero emissions. The United States, the European Union, Japan and South Korea have all invested a lot of money and manpower in the research of fuel cell vehicles. Large companies such as General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, Toyota, Honda and Mercedes Benz have all developed fuel cell vehicles and have been running on roads, generally in good condition. In recent years, China has also increased its investment in fuel cells. During the Beijing Olympic Games and the Shanghai World Expo, fuel cell cars and buses were put into demonstration operation. It is an indisputable fact that fuel cell vehicles will play an important role in new energy vehicles.

North America

The United States and Canada are the main regions for fuel cell R&D and demonstration. With the support of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Transportation (DOT), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other government departments, fuel cell technology has made great progress. General Motors, Ford Motor, Toyota, Daimler Benz, Nissan Hyundai and other vehicle enterprises have participated in the technology demonstration operation of fuel cell vehicles in California, the United States, and cultivated the Project Driveway plan launched in the fall of 2007 by the internationally renowned fuel cell R&D and manufacturing enterprises, such as UTC (United Technologies Corporation) and Ballad (Canada), 100 Chevrolet Equinox fuel cell vehicles were put into the hands of consumers, and the total driving mileage in 2009 reached 1.6 million km. In the same year, General Motors announced the development of a new generation of hydrogen fuel cell system. Compared with the fuel cell system on the Chevrolet Equinox fuel cell vehicle, the new generation of hydrogen fuel cell has reduced its size by half, its mass by 100 kg and its platinum consumption by only 1/3 of the original. The platinum consumption of GM's new generation fuel cell vehicle has dropped to 30 g. According to the current international market price, the platinum consumption is 300~400 yuan/g, and the platinum cost of 100 kW fuel cell is about 10000 yuan. The cost of fuel cell has dropped significantly. It is predicted that by 2017, the platinum consumption of 100 kW fuel cell engine will drop to 10-15 g, reaching the platinum consumption level of traditional three-way catalytic converter of gasoline engine.
In 2006, the United States specially launched the National Fuel Cell City Bus Program (NFCBP) and carried out extensive vehicle research and development and demonstration work. In 2011, the actual road demonstration life of fuel cell hybrid buses in the United States exceeded 11000 hours. The United States has also conducted large-scale demonstration of fuel cell hybrid forklifts. As of 2011, there were about 3000 fuel cell forklifts in the United States, with a service life of 12500 hours. The fuel cell forklift has the advantages of low noise and zero emission when used in indoor space.


The European fuel cell bus demonstration program has completed the 6th Framework Program (2002-2006) and the 7th Framework Program (2007-2012), aiming to break through some key technical difficulties in the development of fuel cells and hydrogen energy. With the support of CUTE (Clean Urban Transport for Europe) and other relevant EU projects, Various cities have launched fuel cell bus demonstration operations. This year, the new plan CHIC (Clean Hydrogen in European Cities) has been implemented, including Amsterdam, Barcelona, Hamburg, London, Luxembourg, Madrid, Porto, Stockholm, Stuttgart, Iceland and Perth, Australia, That is, the Australian STEP Program (Sustainable Transport Energy Program), etc. Europe has made great progress in the reliability and cost control of fuel cell vehicles.
In Germany, in June 2012, major automobile and energy companies, together with the government, promised to establish a broad national hydrogen fuelling network and support the development of incentive plans, that is, by 2015, 50 hydrogen fuelling stations will be built nationwide to provide hydrogenation services for 5000 fuel cell vehicles nationwide [7]. Daimler Benz launched a global tour of fuel cell vehicles in 2011, which verified that the performance of fuel cell cars has reached the performance of traditional cars and has the ability to promote industrialization. Daimler Group participated in the "Hy FLEET: CUTE (2003-2009)" project. Thirty six Mercedes Benz Citaro fuel cell buses have been operated by 20 transport operators, with an operation time of more than 140000 hours and a mileage of more than 2.2 million km. However, the first generation of pure fuel cell buses have a service life of only 2000 hours, which is not economical. Daimler Group began to launch the second generation wheel motor driven fuel cell bus in 2009. Its main performance has reached the international advanced level, its economy has been greatly improved, and the fuel cell durability has reached 1 20000 h.
The fuel cell developed by Siemens has been successfully applied to the German 214 submarine (hydrogen oxygen type) [11]. In 2007, Daimler Benz of Germany, Ford of the United States and Ballard of Canada cooperated to establish AFCC (Automotive Fuel Cell Cooperation) to develop and promote automotive fuel cells. At the beginning of 2013, BMW decided to cooperate with Toyota Motor Corporation, the first enterprise in fuel cell technology, and Toyota will provide fuel cell technology to BMW.

Japan and South Korea

From a global perspective, Japan and South Korea lead the world in fuel cell research and development. In particular, Toyota, Nissan and Hyundai have gradually surpassed the United States and Europe in terms of durability, life and cost of fuel cell vehicles. In the actual test, Toyota's 2008 FCHV Adv successfully started at - 37 ℃, with a single hydrogenation mileage of 830 km, and hydrogen consumption per unit mileage of 0.7 kg/(100 km), equivalent to 3 L/(100 km) of gasoline, as shown in Figure 3 [12]. In November 2013, at the "43rd Tokyo Auto Show 2013", Toyota showed the fuel cell concept car that was planned to be put on the market in 2015. As the core technology, the fuel cell pack has now achieved the world's highest power density of 3 kW/L, which was announced at that time. The fuel cell pack removes the humidification module, which not only reduces the cost, vehicle mass and volume, but also reduces the heat capacity of the fuel cell, which is conducive to the rapid cold start of the fuel cell at low temperatures. Figure 5 shows the FCHV Adv of Toyota.
At present, while expanding hybrid vehicles, Toyota Motor Corporation focuses on the preparation for the industrialization of fuel cell vehicles, and plans to launch a new generation of fuel cell cars in 2015 for mass production; In 2016, it produced (in cooperation with Hino) a new generation of fuel cell buses. Similar to Toyota Motor Corporation, Nissan also invested heavily in the research and development of fuel cell stacks and cars. In 2011, Nissan's fuel cell stacks had a power of 90 kW and a mass of only 43 kg. In 2012, the power density of the stacks developed by Nissan Motor Corporation reached 2.5 kW/L, which was the highest level in the world at that time [14]. In addition, the newly developed FCX Clarity fuel cell vehicle of Honda can be successfully started at - 30 ℃, with a driving range of 620 km [15]. In 2014, Honda announced that the power density of the new generation fuel cell stack also reached 3 kW/L. Hyundai has been researching and developing fuel cell vehicles since 2002. In 2005, it assembled 32 sports utility vehicles (SUVs) using Ballard's stack. In 2006, it launched the first generation of self-developed stack, assembled 30 SUVs and 4 buses, and carried out demonstration operation; From 2009 to 2012, it developed the second generation stack, assembled 100 SUVs, started demonstration and testing in China, and improved the performance of the stack; In 2012, the 3rd generation fuel cell SUV and passenger cars were launched, starting the global demonstration; In 2013, Hyundai announced that it would start the production of fuel cell SUVs (Hyundai ix35) with 1000 vehicles two years ahead of schedule, taking the lead in entering the small-scale production stage of fuel cell SUVs with 1000 vehicles. The SUV uses 100 kW fuel cell, 24 kW lithium-ion battery, 100 kW motor, and a 70 MPa hydrogen cylinder that can store 5.6 kg of hydrogen. The driving range of the new European Drive Cycle (NEDC) cycle is 588 km, and the maximum speed is 160 km/h.


Under the support of China's national "863" high-tech project, the "Tenth Five Year Plan" major science and technology projects for electric vehicles and the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" major projects for energy saving and new energy vehicles, through the hard work of the joint research and development team of industry, university and research, China's fuel cell vehicle technology research and development has made significant progress, and has initially mastered the whole vehicle The core technology of power system and core components has basically established the power system technology platform of fuel cell cars and fuel cell city buses with independent intellectual property rights, and has also initially formed fuel cell engines, power cells The supporting R&D system of key components such as DC/DC converter, drive motor and hydrogen supply system has realized the production capacity of 100 vehicle level power system and whole vehicle. China's fuel cell vehicles are in the stage of commercial demonstration operation assessment and application, and have been demonstrated in Beijing Olympic fuel cell vehicle scale, Shanghai World Expo fuel cell vehicle scale, UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) fuel cell city bus demonstration, "Ten Cities, Thousand Vehicles", Guangzhou Asian Games
Picture 6
Good social benefits have been achieved in Shenzhen Universiade and other demonstration applications. China's fuel cell cars adopt the unique "electric electric hybrid" power system platform technology scheme, with the technical characteristics of "power system platform vehicle adaptation, electric electric hybrid energy power control, on-board high-pressure hydrogen storage system, and purification and utilization of industrial by-product hydrogen". On the basis of the research and development of the "Tenth Five Year Plan", the power system of the new generation fuel cell car in the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" adopts a flat power system layout in combination with the change of the vehicle platform. The hydrogen subsystem, air subsystem and cooling system of the fuel cell engine adopt a modular decentralized layout mode, which increases the flexibility of the power system and the vehicle adaptation, Significantly improve the ergonomic performance of the whole vehicle. At the same time, optimize the power system control unit integrating DC/DC converter, DC/AC controller, electric air conditioner, low-voltage converter and other power components, and facilitate centralized processing of electromagnetic compatibility, system cooling, electrical safety and other issues while promoting modularization, which reflects the direction of integrated design of electric steam vehicle power system. Compared with the power system of fuel cell cars in the "Tenth Five Year Plan", the performance of the new generation power system has been further optimized and improved. This is mainly reflected in: the power of fuel cell engine is increased from 40 kW to 55 kW; The capacity of traction battery is reduced from 48 kWh to 26 kWh; Motor power increased from 60 kW to 90 kW; The power of motor controller (DC/AC) is increased by 35%, and the volume specific power is increased by 12.5%. At the same time, the power system continues to maintain the technical advantage of fuel economy. Under the premise that the curb weight of the vehicle increases by nearly 250 kg, the power performance of the whole vehicle is significantly improved, and the fuel economy remains at the original level of 1.2 kg/(100 km). China's national "863" high-tech project continued to support the technology research and development of fuel cell vehicles. During the "12th Five Year Plan" period, China continued to maintain its support for fuel cell vehicles in order to maintain the technological commanding height of China's electric vehicles. From the perspective of industry, even during the global industrialization boom of fuel cell vehicles in the "Tenth Five Year Plan" and the "Eleventh Five Year Plan", the Chinese automotive industry did not have significant investment in fuel cell vehicles. After entering the "Twelfth Five Year Plan", SAIC Group formulated a five-year plan for the development of fuel cell vehicles against the background of the industrialization of fuel cell vehicles tending to be physical, With Xinyuan Power as the fuel cell stack supplier, it began to invest a lot of money in the research and development of fuel cell vehicles. At present, it is developing the third generation fuel cell car FCV. In the 2011 Beebiden competition, the FCV developed by SAIC ranked third in the fuel cell car category.
Tongji University has carried out research and development of multi wheel fuel cell cars, and the fuel cell cars developed have been put into large-scale demonstration operation in the Olympic Games and World Expo. During the "12th Five Year Plan" period, Tongji University will integrate fuel cell cars for China FAW Group Corporation, Dongfeng Motor Corporation, Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. and China Chang'an Automobile Group Co., Ltd. Under China's urban cycle conditions, the technical parameters of representative fuel cell hybrid cars are shown in Table 6. [1]

China policy

In July 2023, Shanghai printed and distributed the Plan for the Promotion and Application of Hydrogen Energy in the Transportation Field in Shanghai (2023-2025), proposing to focus on the development of heavy trucks, public transportation, cold chain, non road mobile machinery and other application scenarios, and strive to achieve a total of more than 10000 demonstration fuel cell vehicles by 2025.
In December 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation issued the Announcement on Adjusting the Technical Requirements for New Energy Vehicle Products with Vehicle Purchase Tax Exemption. [3]
In June 2024, the General Administration of Market Supervision (the National Standards Commission) approved the release of a number of important national standards, involving energy storage, electric vehicles, sports and leisure, children's products and other fields. In terms of electric vehicles, the post crash safety standards for fuel cell electric vehicles specify the hydrogen leakage volume of the whole vehicle, the hydrogen leakage rate of the passenger compartment, and the installation strength requirements and test methods of hydrogen storage cylinders that the fuel cell electric vehicles should meet after the crash, which can effectively improve the post crash safety of fuel cell electric vehicles and ensure the safety of passengers' lives and property. The electric vehicle charging and changing service information exchange standard can realize the data exchange between charging and changing facilities network service platforms, promote the data sharing and business connection of charging and changing and upstream and downstream industries, and realize the connection of "ten million piles" with "one network". The standard for the recycling of automotive power batteries gives the requirements of management and technical specifications for the recycling of waste power batteries of new energy vehicles, and pays more attention to the safety and environmental protection requirements at all stages of recycling, so as to help China's new energy vehicles develop healthily and sustainably. [4]