Xiong Fei

national hero
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Xiong Fei (? - 1276), a native of Liuhua Village, Dongcheng, Dongguan, Guangdong (now Dongcheng Street, Dongguan) Xinwei Village ), Han nationality Guangfu people national hero [2] Famous Neo Confucianism in the late Song Dynasty Li Yong He is the son-in-law of (from Baima Village, Dongguan). He has martial arts and is good at riding and shooting. [1]
Full Name
Xiong Fei
Southern Song Dynasty
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Guangdong Dongguan
Date of death
Key achievements
To fight against Yuan

Character's Life

In the spring of the second year of Deyou in the Southern Song Dynasty (1276), the Yuan army captured the capital of Song Dynasty Lin'an The Southern Song Dynasty was on the verge of collapse. Xiong Fei is angry at the country's destruction and his father-in-law Li Yong With the support and encouragement of Dongguan Righteous people from all over the country resolutely led the Rebels to the north to join Wen Tianyang and fight against the Yuan army. When Xiong Fei was about to arrive in Jiangxi, he was blocked by Huang Shixiong of the Yuan Dynasty. He was cheated to become a vassal of the Yuan Dynasty Chaozhou The name of "leading troops along Xuzhou Huizhou return Dongguan
Xiong Fei lives in Dongguan Zhao Bi, the patriarchal clan of Song Dynasty, persuaded him to honor the Emperor of Song Dynasty, and then started the army. He also donated 3000 min (one min is 1000 wen) and 500 m stone as military supplies. He took Zhao's advice and started fighting Song Jun Flag, once again fight against the Yuan.
September, Huang Shixiong It is learned that the bear is flying Dongguan Once again, send the general Yao Wenhu Lead the army in Guancheng and force the army to Liuhua Village. Xiong Fei blocked in Tongling, the Yuan army was completely destroyed, and Yao Wenhu was killed. After the Tongling War, Xiong Chengsheng recovered Guancheng and attacked Guangzhou, Huang Shixiong He fled to the north and conquered Guangzhou.
At this time, General Lv Shikui of the Yuan Dynasty led his army from Jiangxi to Guangdong Meiling , Guangdong Control envoy Zhao Jin appointed Xiong Fei and Xia Zhengyan as generals to lead the army northward to resist the enemy. In October, with the Yuan Army Dayu Ridge Encounter, Song Jun After defeat, Xiongfei retreated to Shaozhou and was trapped by the enemy. On November 21, Liu Zili defected to the Yuan Dynasty and opened the south gate. The Yuan army swarmed into the city. Xiong Fei's headquarters fought with the Yuan army in the street and died because he was outnumbered.
After Xiongfei died, Dongguan People admire him National integrity , and buried his clothes with his dead wife, Li Shi, in Xiong's Cemetery at the foot of the hill behind Liuhua Xinwei. In the sixth year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty (1867), He Renshan, a member of Dongguan, advocated to rebuild Xiongfei's tomb. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, they were rebuilt in 1982 and 1999 respectively. [1]
Xu Zhijian is from the west of Guancheng. Xiongfei uprising, he gathered more than 1000 soldiers to follow Xiongfei to fight against Yuan. In the battle of Liuhua, he made the most contributions. After Xiongfei died, follow him known as a model of fidelity to the last Song sovereigns Yu Tingzhou, garrison Chaoyang The soldiers of the Yuan Dynasty suddenly arrived and fought against the Wupo Ridge.

Xiongfei Tomb

Xiongfei Tomb in Xinwei Village, located on the mountainside of Tongling, was built at the end of the Song Dynasty. It is a tomb of clothing where Xiongfei, a righteous man fighting against the Yuan Dynasty, was buried with his dead wife, Li Shi. In the sixth year of Tongzhi in the Qing Dynasty (1867), He Renshan, a famous scholar, advocated the reconstruction of the county and the gentry, and rebuilt it in 1982 and 1999. Sitting south to north, the tomb is 8 meters long and 4 meters wide, with brick lime sand structure and two halls. In 1999, General Xiongfei Memorial Pavilion was built next to Xiongfei Tomb, and the wall of the memorial pavilion contains the inscription of "Xiongfei Tomb". In 1989, the tomb was listed as a municipal cultural relics protection unit. [2]
Xiongfei Tomb